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Chapter 377 Restrictions set

Sang Ning was on her way to the source of the signal when she suddenly stumbled and one foot sank into a piece of soft mud.

She pulled her legs out, and at the same time, her nose felt as if someone had gently tickled it with a feather. The unstoppable itch made her sneeze wildly.

Damn it, could it be Lian Qi who was saying bad things about her behind her back?

The program team gave only half an hour to fight for supplies, and the drone following in the sky was also broadcasting the remaining time in real time.

Sang Ning arrived at the source of the signal ten minutes later. Everyone except Lian Qi and Wei Lejun arrived.

This is an open area in the jungle. In front of Sang Ning's eyes is a huge suspended wooden plank in the shape of a standard five-pointed star. The entire plank is about one meter above the ground.

At the five intersections of the five-pointed star, there is a square wooden box half as tall as a person.

The five endpoints of the five-pointed star are the entrances to the plank road. Starting from any entrance, there are two optional paths.

The five entrances to the plank road are just enough for two people to move forward side by side, which means that there will be at least two contenders for the wooden box at each intersection.

The program team is also very good at playing!

Sang Ning quickly scanned the wooden boxes on the plank road. From the appearance, she couldn't see any difference at all. Now she was sure that the shipbuilding materials and survival backpacks were all mixed together.

The next moment, the crew's broadcast confirmed Sang Ning's suspicion.

"Welcome all students to the location where the first batch of supplies is being fought for. As you can see, the first batch of shipbuilding supplies and four survival backpacks are hidden in five wooden boxes on the plank road."

"It should be noted that everyone has only one chance to go up the plank road, and once you go up, you cannot go back. Please choose your import carefully. The supplies are limited, first come first served. I wish all students good luck."

After the crew announced the rules of the game, Tan Qianzhi reacted quickly and was the first to step onto the plank road.

As a result, as soon as he stepped on with one foot, he felt as if he was electrocuted. His whole body twitched and convulsed for three seconds, scaring away those who were about to step up behind him.

"I forgot to remind all students, there is a current restriction at the entrance of the plank road. Although it is harmless to the human body, it is enough to make you feel the beauty of an electric shock."

"During the time when the ban is activated, students are advised not to get close and wait until the ban is lifted before going on the plank road."

The students all wanted to curse.

"Damn! My family members don't understand. If Tan Hanhan hadn't sacrificed his life, I would have been shocked just now!"

"We are here for training, not to play a variety show survival game. The crew is so good at playing, are we going to die?"

With Tan Qianzhi suffering from electric convulsions in front of him, no one dared to act rashly, and they all mourned Tan Hanhan in their hearts for a few seconds.

As an alliance of the girls' group, Sun Bangyu and Huang Chengzi also immediately gathered around Sang Ning when they saw her, wanting to form an alliance with her and discuss countermeasures together.

Afraid that the boys would hear what they were discussing, Huang Chengzi took one person by the other and dragged Sang Ning and Sun Bangyu away from the crowd.

Seeing the female group sneaking around and discussing some strategy, the male students also started to think of forming an alliance.

After all, there is the strongest fighting king Sang Ning in the girls group. If they don't form an alliance, they may not be able to gain anything from the girls.

"Sang Ning, you are our support now. We two weak women will definitely not be able to defeat those stinky boys. You will have to think of a way to help us soon, otherwise how can we survive in this gloomy jungle?

!" Huang Chengzi's nose twitched as she spoke, giving people the feeling of bursting into tears, but there was not a single tear squeezed out of her bright big eyes.

Sang Ning glanced up and down at Huang Chengzi, and the meaning in her eyes was obvious: With your style, who can't rob whom?

From a selfish point of view, Sang Ning certainly hopes that all five supplies will belong to the girls team.

There are only four survival backpacks. There are four girls, so there is exactly one for each of them.

As for the only shipbuilding supplies, I don’t know what they are now, but what if they are enough to make a man-made boat for four people?

The other two girls thought the same way. Although Wei Lejun hadn't shown up yet, the considerate Huang Chengzi had already arranged her share.

"Sang Ning, in my opinion, these five supplies should all belong to our girls' group." Huang Chengzi chuckled, and his thoughts coincided with Sang Ning's.

"But Lejun hasn't come yet, can the three of us do it alone?" Although Sun Bangyu lowered her head, you could see that her eyebrows were almost knitted together.

"It's okay, we can do it." Sang Ning encouraged the two of them, then picked up a branch and drew a five-pointed star on the ground, while marking five circles at the intersection.

Sang Ning pointed at the five-pointed star on the ground with a branch and explained to the two of them: "I guess this competition is not that simple. Didn't the crew just broadcast the rules? No one can go back, so after getting the supplies, either

Exit from the other side of the plank road, or go around in a circle along the inner border of the five-pointed star."

"But there is a problem when going out from the other side of the plank road. We will bump into someone coming to snatch supplies from that direction. He will definitely not let us go easily. So the best way is for us to walk along the five-pointed star after grabbing supplies.

Walk around the inner border, collect all the supplies, and after forming a closed circuit, jump off the plank road."

Sang Ning drew the diagram and used branches to trace the route. Huang Chengzi and Sun Bangyu understood.

"But the problem now is that even if we don't go out from the other side of the plank road and just walk inside, we will encounter other people coming to fight for the supplies, and they will not let us take away the supplies so easily." Huang Chengzi was very confused.

, Sang Ning’s idea is good, but it is difficult to implement it.

Sang Ning did not answer Huang Chengzi immediately, but looked around the surroundings. After seeing a wooden stick two arms thick lying on the ground in front of her left, she walked forward and picked it up and handed it to Huang Chengzi: "With such great strength as you,

Cute girl, are you still worried about others stopping you? If one comes, you will poke away one, and if two come, you will poke away a pair."

Huang Chengzi took the heavy wooden stick, his mouth twitched slightly, and he looked embarrassed: "In that case, why not let us get the supplies and go out from the other side of the plank road!"

Sang Ning raised her eyebrows: "You can't go back when you go out. What about the few supplies left? Don't you want them anymore?"

Huang Chengzi almost said "Hey guys," she almost forgot. Their goal was to capture all the supplies. Under the premise that they could not turn back, they could only get everything by going around the inner edge and meeting the prerequisites.


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