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Chapter 388 Please follow the rules

Next, Sang Ning announced the combat strategy.

After the current restriction was lifted, the three girls entered the bridge from the same entrance. After reaching the first internal intersection, they split into two teams.

Sang Ning is in the first team, Huang Chengzi and Sun Bangyu are in the first team.

After arriving at the first internal intersection, Sun Bangyu was responsible for getting the supplies in the first wooden box, and Huang Chengzi was responsible for clearing obstacles ahead for Sun Bangyu.

The two teams split up at the first internal intersection, searched for supplies along the interior of the five-pointed star in opposite directions, met at the last intersection, and jumped off the bridge together.

If the entire operation is to be completed successfully, it must focus on being fast and accurate, and be faster than other students in the boys' group. Huang Chengzi has a heavier task. She must clear all obstacles before Sun Bangyu.

Another difficulty is that the survival backpack is easy to get, but the shipbuilding materials are not easy to get. It will probably take three people to work together to get it.

Sang Ning decided to take advantage of the loopholes in the show's rules. Doesn't that mean she can't go back?

Then they ran around the inside of the glass plank road to get all the survival backpacks first, and then went to get the shipbuilding supplies together.

After formulating the combat strategy, Huang Chengzi was still a little worried about Sang Ning: "Sang Ning, is it okay for you to act alone?"

Sang Ning gave Huang Chengzi a reassuring look: "Don't worry, this problem should be the concern of the boys group, but no matter how fast I am, I can't collect all the supplies by myself, so I need you and Xiaoyu to cooperate. You

You must not be meek, you only have one mission, just use a wooden stick to push away the male students who want to grab supplies!"

Huang Chengzi stood upright with the wooden stick by his side and saluted Sang Ning: "Don't worry, Sir Sang, I promise to complete the task."

Didi didi——

Didi didi——

The drone suspended in the sky sounded a rapid and piercing siren, and the students subconsciously covered their ears to block out the sharp noise.

The siren also cheered up the students instantly. Could it be that the ban was about to be lifted?

As a result, the students who were scattered to various corners to discuss alliance matters immediately gathered around, preparing to pick the right time to get on the plank road.

Sang Ning was the fastest and took the lead to seize one of the five entrances. Hu Yirun originally wanted to compete with Sang Ning for this entrance, but Huang Chengzi was driven away from the scene with wooden sticks.

"Xiao Run, please leave quickly. The stick is ruthless. If you continue to fight against us, I can't guarantee that you will not do anything to harm you."

After seeing Sun Bangyu also blocking the entrance, Hu Yirun curled his lips helplessly and was speechless: "Okay, you guys, you are like a gangster, right?"

He didn't dare to go head-to-head with these three female bullies. Ever since he had dealt with Sang Ning and Huang Chengzi, he felt more and more that his perfect muscles were useless except for being handsome. They were only for viewing purposes, not for fighting.

Hu Yirun raised his elbow and poked it to the side, wanting to call on his allies to join him in fighting the female bully, but this bump touched Loneliness.

After realizing that all he poked was air, Hu Yirun turned his head suspiciously and saw that his good ally had run away and disappeared.

You weaklings, you really embarrass their boys group!

"If a good man doesn't fight with a woman, this entrance will be given to you!" Hu Yirun had no other means of resistance except harsh words.

In the end, he could only obediently give up the entrance.

Others were also interested in this entrance, but seeing Sang Ning's menacing appearance and the powerful girl Huang Chengzi holding a thick wooden stick as a guard, everyone did not dare to act rashly and gave up this entrance to them in a tacit understanding.

It seems that the girls group thought the same as they did. It is too difficult for one person to grab a piece of supplies. It is best for two people to form an alliance and grab a piece of supplies together. This is the safest way.

Although the supplies snatched in this way have to be shared equally with others, at least they are guaranteed to have supplies.

"Please note that all students, the countdown to the lifting of the ban is ten seconds. After ten seconds, everyone can walk on the plank road by themselves. Once again, we remind you that you cannot go back after entering the plank road. Please use your smart little brains to escape from the plank road with supplies!"

As a final reminder, except for what Sang Ning just said specifically, Huang Chengzi and Sun Bangyu took it to heart, the boys' group didn't take it seriously at all.

It's not the crew who have the final say whether they are allowed to turn around or not, but they have the final say.

Ten, nine, eight, seven...

Amidst the countdown, all the students had already locked the entrance they were about to step onto.

After the countdown ended and the ban was lifted, everyone rushed towards the entrance crazily.

The girls group was the easiest. Sang Ning walked at the front to clear the way and was very fast.

Huang Chengzi and Sun Bangyu also made no concessions, and they felt no pressure to keep up with Sang Ning's pace.

In the boys' group, because there were too many competitors, fierce physical confrontations broke out when they stepped into the entrance.

Blocking her waist, pulling her clothes, hugging her thighs... all kinds of tricks were used, including despicable tricks like pulling her hair out.

While the boys' group was still fighting for the entrance to the plank road, the girls' group had already reached the first material drop-off point first and got the first survival backpack.

Someone screamed loudly: "Despicable! Despicable! Brothers, stop fighting, the girls group wants to monopolize all the supplies!"

Someone shouted this, which instantly distracted the students' attention. Some took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and climbed up to the entrance of the plank road.

Sun Bangyu was seen carrying a survival backpack behind her, while Huang Chengzi was holding a wooden stick to clear obstacles in front of her.

Sang Ning headed in the opposite direction of the two of them and continued to the next supply location.

Damn it, it was a miscalculation! They thought of forming an alliance with two people sharing the same supplies, but they didn't expect that the girls' group had such a big appetite. It was simply intolerable!

Taking advantage of the time gap caused by the internal fighting among the male students, the female group has obtained three survival items in a row, all of which are survival backpacks.

Next, there are only two material points left. As long as these two points are taken, the boys will be fine.

Sang Ning was carrying a survival backpack. When she arrived at the next supply location, two male students who moved quickly had already opened the wooden box before her.

When I looked down, I saw that this item was also a survival backpack.

Very good, the difficulty of snatching has been reduced.

Sang Ning didn't intend to reason with the two of them, so she strode forward.

It was estimated that Sang Ning's charging posture was full of murderous intent, and one of the boys, who was not very mentally well, was so frightened that he took several steps back.

As a result, the beeping alarm sounded again. Sang Ning and the boy's allies looked at him at the same time, and saw that he, like Tan Qianzhi just now, was slightly twitched by the electric shock.

"Warning, students please abide by the rules of the game and don't go back!"

This chapter has been completed!
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