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Chapter 12 Three Minutes of Despair

 Yu Zhesen suddenly stopped while running.

He had just crossed a crossroads, and the death deduction in his mind came to an abrupt end.

Could it be that this is the limit of explosion impact?

Yu Zhesen turned around and walked back, quickly triggering the death deduction again.

Sure enough, this intersection is the boundary line of the bombing attack.

Chu Yuexi also rushed over at this time. She saw Yu Zhesen's thoughtful expression and did not dare to disturb him for fear of affecting his judgment.

Yu Zhesen was observing the surrounding scenery and comparing it with the explosion scene in his mind.

I don’t know whether I should call him lucky or unfortunate, but in the predicted death scene, he was knocked into the sky by the impact of the explosion, but he got a good high-altitude vision.

By observing the direction in which the damaged building collapsed, he was able to determine the approximate location of the bomb.

At this time, all the smart electronic display screens in the Dream Journey Theme Park flashed into emergency evacuation notices from the Security Bureau.

"Emergency notice: Dream Journey Theme Park is under threat of terrorist attacks. Citizens are requested to evacuate immediately."

"Repeat, urgent notice..."

The sudden change immediately caused panic in the surrounding area. Chu Yuexi saw that people who were talking, laughing and sightseeing with their companions a moment ago began to run around, and snacks and drinks were scattered on the floor.

She suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness. She was obviously a commissioner of the Security Bureau, but she could do nothing at this time.

"Come here." Yu Zhesen patted her on the shoulder and motioned for her to follow him.

They shuttled through the chaotic crowd, struggled to enter a large shopping mall, and entered the underground parking lot directly from the fire escape.

"The bomb is right here." Yu Zhesen said firmly.

Chu Yuexi glanced forward. There were 300 parking spaces in this underground parking lot, and it was conservatively estimated to cover an area of ​​10,000 square meters.

The information on the electronic display board in the parking lot told them that there are currently 147 cars parked here.

Where is the bomb hidden?

Cold sweat broke out on Yu Zhesen's forehead. Although he was sure that the bomb exploded here, the ability to predict death could not help him accurately locate the bomb's location.

There are 147 vehicles, and there are two minutes left. There is no way to check them one by one.

Perhaps he could only try his luck, so he ran towards the nearest black car.

As he passed the front of the car, Yu Zhesen vaguely heard someone calling him.

"Yu Zhesen!"

He was sure it wasn't the intern's voice, but it sounded familiar.

Yu Zhesen, who was supposed to get under the car to check whether the bomb was planted, stopped unexpectedly, looked in the direction of the sound, and his eyes fell on the rearview mirror of the car.

The blond An He, or to be more precise, the girl Shi Xin, was waving to him in the rearview mirror.

"Hell, I don't have time to get sick now."

Yu Zhesen subconsciously looked at his bracelet, and as soon as he predicted the explosion, he called up the stopwatch.

Now 3 minutes and 21 seconds have passed, but the seconds are no longer increasing.

Yu Zhesen thought his bracelet was broken, but soon he noticed something strange - everything in his eyes turned into a static gray-white, except for Shi Xin and his body in the rearview mirror.

Now he and Shi Xin are the only two people who still retain their original colors.

"Don't worry, time is almost standing still while we are talking." Shi Xin's voice spoke directly to his thoughts.


"Because time does not really stop, speed and slowness are also subjective feelings when compared with reference objects." Shi Xin explained, "When you are walking, do you feel that the car is driving very fast? But if you are

On a high-speed train, if you look at the cars traveling in the same direction, you will feel that they are crawling."

After comprehending the profound meaning of her words, Yu Zhesen's eyes showed panic.

He immediately discovered that various signs of aging had appeared on his body, the most obvious of which was that his skin became dry and full of wrinkles.

Shi Xin was right, he was now on a high-speed train called time, and the price of the speeding train was burning his life.

"We're about to arrive at the station, to make a long story short." The blond girl who looked like An He in the mirror flipped her hair, "The bomb you are looking for is under the camouflage jeep parked in the parking space 20 meters away on the right."

To the right, twenty meters away, is a camouflage jeep.

Yu Zhesen remembered the key information.

"If you had listened to my advice this morning, you wouldn't have had so much trouble..."

Shi Xin sighed.

"Okay, it's useless to talk about it now. You have seen the future, now just rely on your own strength to hold it in your hands!"

"Don't...don't die!"

Her words sounded like thunder in Yu Zhesen's mind. With this thunder, time flowed again, and the surrounding scenery became colorful again.

Yu Zhesen came back to his senses and found that his body showed no signs of aging, as if everything he had just seen was an illusion.

The stopwatch number on the bracelet continues to beat, 3 minutes and 24 seconds.

They still have one and a half minutes.

Yu Zhesen had no choice but to go straight to the camouflage jeep in the parking space 20 meters ahead on the right, and drilled a shovel directly into the bottom of the car on the smooth ground.

The red light of the timer was reflected in his pupils. Sure enough, a time bomb was installed on the chassis of the jeep.

At this time, Chu Yuexi, who was lying on her stomach and climbed into the bottom of the car, let out a gasp after seeing the bomb.

"NU2 refined antimatter mineral bomb." Chu Yuexi's voice trembled slightly, "Even such a small one can level a hundred meters in radius."

"There is a way to dismantle it." Yu Zhesen had already taken the bomb off the chassis of the car and carefully placed it on the ground.

Then he changed from lying on his back to lying on his stomach. There was enough space under the jeep to carry out bomb disposal operations on the spot.

Chu Yuexi was surprised and delighted: "Really? Do you have a way to dismantle it?"

"If there are tools." Yu Zhesen added a premise.

This nu2 refined antimatter mineral bomb seems to be imprecise due to rush production, but it cannot be dismantled with bare hands.

Yu Zhesen regretted a little. If only he had brought the knife and other things with him when he left the Western restaurant, he wouldn't be defenseless now.

The countdown has changed to 60 seconds.

59 seconds...

"Tools! Sorry! I've come this far and I don't even have tools!"

Yu Zhesen punched the steel axle of the car chassis.

Chu Yuexi was not affected by his sudden irritability. She had already spread out her sketchbook, lying under the car and concentrating on drawing on the paper with a ballpoint pen.

The tip of the ballpoint pen rubbed against the sketch paper and made a rustling sound, which made Yu Zhesen look sideways in surprise.

What Chu Yuexi drew on the paper was an open toolbox, with various types of screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers and electrician's scissors neatly stacked inside.

She's drawing the Security Agency's toolbox module.

Yu Zhesen had actually noticed that she had a sketchbook and pen in her hand when she came out of the western restaurant to catch up with him, but the situation was so urgent that there was no time to ask in detail.

"Intern, you..."

Chu Yuexi would not do such boring things at this time. Yu Zhesen guessed that her power might be able to turn the things drawn in the sketchbook into real tools.

Although this sounds like a fantasy.

"I don't know if this can help you... I don't know about bomb disposal, and I haven't received professional training in this area..."

Chu Yuexi's sweat dripped on the sketchbook, and her writing speed became faster and faster, and her strokes became more and more sloppy.

They are racing against time, they are competing against the God of Death.

"You should have guessed that my power can make the things I draw real in a short time. But my skills are very bad... I can only draw very simple things..."

"That's enough." Yu Zhesen saw that the toolbox she wrote already contained what he wanted.

Chu Yuexi stopped writing, bit her finger and smeared the blood on the drawing paper.

She laughed at herself: "Does it look like the witches described in old books?"

The plasma set off a raging storm on the drawing paper, and an open toolbox floated up from the scarlet vortex.

Seeing this scene, Yu Zhesen's eyes lit up.

Even if the manifestation of this witchcraft is ten thousand times more evil, at this moment he is convinced in his heart that this girl is definitely the angel of salvation.

This chapter has been completed!
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