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Chapter 155 Wanderers

 In order to evade the pursuit of the special forces of the National Defense Force, Yu Zhesen bravely ran into the safe passage stairwell that he had just bombed with a destruction ring.

The smoke and dust had not completely dissipated, and without the armor's night vision assistance and terrain detection, he knew nothing about the situation in the stairwell.

In a hurry, Yu Zhesen missed his footing. Fortunately, he reacted in time and grabbed the edge of the floor with his hands as he fell.

Hanging in mid-air, he could only see clearly now that the stairs between the 12th and 11th floors had been completely blown up by the destruction ring, and bloody cement fragments fell on the floor of the next floor.

Has the beast-turned-superpower been killed?

In the mess, he couldn't look carefully for the other party's body. Even if there was a body, it was probably blown to pieces.

The top priority is to escape from Tianheng Department Store.

The muscles in his arms were slightly sore. Yu Zhesen used his waist to swing his body, and after looking at the landing point below, he let go and fell, rolling on the cracked floor of the eleventh floor to relieve the force of the impact.


The concrete floor made an overwhelming sound and collapsed again.

Yu Zhesen hurriedly grabbed the staircase handrail, flipped it outward, and slid down the handrail.

Amidst the rumbling sound, smoke and dust rose again, and the accumulation of rubble blocked the passage into the shopping mall on the 10th floor. He could only continue walking down the safe passage.


Yu Zhesen waved his hand to disperse the dust in front of him. The red aiming line shone down from above, and the special forces of the National Defense Force appeared at the door of the safe passage on the 12th floor.

Although the connecting stairs were blown up, the special operations team members wore exoskeleton armor and jumped down from above effortlessly.

Yu Zhesen said "fuck" in his heart and quickly turned around and ran away.

At this time, he inevitably had the thought of regret - it would have been better if he had undergone prosthetic transformation.

His flesh and blood are weak and weak. This is really not just for words. Now he is as embarrassed as a mouse hiding from evil under the pursuit of exoskeleton armor.

Without the Dark Night Fire Armor, he didn't know how to contact Jin Jianshen, otherwise he could have asked that dog secretary Wu Xiaoming to help him.

"The suspect ahead is stopping! Put down your weapon and surrender!"

The exoskeleton loudspeaker of the special forces team member issued a solemn warning.

Damn, don’t these people know how to be grateful? It’s obvious that they saved them by killing the beast-turned-human beings, and now they are forcing themselves into desperation.

Yu Zhesen cursed in his heart.

Be obedient to criminals with supernatural powers, but hit me hard, right?

"Hey, hey, this way, this way!"

A low-pitched call sounded from the stairwell.

Accompanied by two "呲呲" sounds that imitate the sound of a mouse.

Yu Zhesen saw "a door" suddenly opened on the wall in front of him, and stretched out a hand to wave to him.

Although this scene looked suspicious, he couldn't care less about it now and rushed through the door in one breath.

The door that suddenly appeared disappeared after Yu Zhesen entered, and the outside returned to a normal wall.

Yu Zhesen's eyes were dark as he rushed through the door. He was walking so fast that he felt he tripped over something without being able to see clearly. He leaned forward and fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" came a concerned inquiry from the side.

Yu Zhesen supported the dark ground with his hands and closed his eyes, trying to adapt to the dark environment as quickly as possible.

After a while, he opened his eyes again, but found that he still couldn't see anything.

"There's no light here, and you won't be able to see it no matter how you adapt." The guy next to him seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and he tried to dissuade him.

"Where is this? Who are you?"

"The inside of the reinforced concrete wall of the department store is a special space created by my ability. It is also my home." The man replied, "I am a wanderer."

The other party's voice did not sound older, it was soft and slightly hoarse. Yu Zhesen automatically made up the image of a young man about 20 years old based on this voice.

The other party introduced himself as a wanderer, and added an accent to these three words. Yu Zhesen vaguely guessed that he was a "wanderer" in a special sense.

"Wanderism?" Yu Zhesen tried to ask.

"Yes, wanderlust." The man's voice showed a hint of happiness, "I didn't expect you to know this."

Believers in wanderism believe that the administration's taxes are too heavy, so they refuse to engage in work and production for the Iron Dome society. Most of them live alone in the dark corners of the old city, making a living by picking up garbage.

Unlike ordinary tramps, tramps will never beg. They will only accept alms under extremely difficult circumstances and when they think it is necessary. They are prohibited from stealing and do not accumulate wealth.

They themselves summarize these tenets as "Don't beg, be careful about accepting favors, don't commit theft, don't amass money."

Wanderers who do not wear electronic bracelets issued by the administration are often regarded as unstable factors by the military and police, and are also identified as deportation targets by the AI ​​of the security assistance robot, so they need to hide most of the time to avoid attracting people.

Attention-grabbing activities.

Yu Zhesen did not expect that this wanderer would have the ability to "open doors" on solid objects to create a secret space. It was precisely with this ability that this guy could help him get rid of his pursuers.

"Thank you, but...why do you want to help me?"

Yu Zhesen sat cross-legged on the ground to recover his strength. Although he didn't know if the ground beneath him was the ground, in short, it felt like sitting on the ground.

He wanted to know the wanderer's reason for helping him.

"I saw your fight in the wall." The other party replied with some excitement, "You are a knight! Those defense forces don't understand anything. It is obviously you who are fighting desperately to save them."

Yu Zhesen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a feeling of touching warmth surged in his heart.

Although he never likes to publicize what he has done and saved, it feels good to be understood.

"Anyway, just stay here with peace of mind. They will never find you." The wanderer comforted, "You can stay here for a while to avoid the limelight."

"How big is this space?"

Because there is no light, Yu Zhesen cannot see the boundaries of this secret space.

"About ten square meters." The wanderer replied, "Although I can make it larger, it is not necessary and it is very laborious."

"Can you maintain the existence of this space forever? If your ability stops, we won't suffocate to death directly in the reinforced concrete, right?"

"Don't worry, I can always maintain its existence, and even move it slowly." The wanderer smiled, "For example, we are currently near the sixth floor of the commercial building, walking along the west

With the wall downward, you can reach the ground in about a few minutes."

"Awesome." Yu Zhesen couldn't help but admire, "What is your ability called?"

"Safe house." The wanderer replied, "According to the genetic testing of the Administration, it seems to be a superpower under what creative group. I'm not sure. Anyway, the people in the Administration call it a safe house."

"It's an appropriate name." Yu Zhesen agreed very much.

Although the secret space hidden within the wall is only ten square meters, it can also be a shelter for homeless people.

"By the way," the wanderer suddenly said in a deep tone, "there's something you may not know. The monster you fought with is not dead."

"What?" Yu Zhesen was shocked, and the relaxation and calmness in his heart suddenly disappeared.

"Although I didn't dare to peek during the explosion, I immediately observed the stairwell on the 12th floor after the explosion." The wanderer said, "There was a strong black shadow running down."<


"But when I was chased down by the defense forces, I didn't see any blood along the way." Yu Zhesen was a little unconvinced.

"That person has lost his ability. The monster he transformed into doesn't seem to have such a strong connection with the original body. The one who was seriously injured by you is a monster."

The wanderer's words made Yu Zhesen fall into deep thought.

From this point of view, "Beast Soul" is really a powerful combat-type ability. The damage received after the ability is released will not even be fed back to oneself, which means that the enemy is "one mind and two bodies".

It's not difficult for the guy who turned back into a human to hide in a commercial building. It would be easier if they stored equipment and supplies somewhere in the commercial building in advance.

Moreover, Zhong Yugu’s side did not know this information...

This chapter has been completed!
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