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Chapter 180 Soda Bomb

 Yu Zhesen and Yu Qingxue returned to the red parasol stall that rented surfboards.

"Disappeared so soon?" Yu Qingxue looked around and searched.

It had only been two minutes since they left until they decided to turn back, but D had already disappeared from sight.

"How about...forget it?" Yu Zhesen saw that there were so many people on the beach, and it would be too reluctant to find D in the vast sea of ​​people and then verify her thoughts.

"You go back to Councilor Qiao first, and I'll wander around again..." Yu Qingxue suddenly stopped mid-sentence, and suddenly turned her head to look to the left.

"What's wrong?" Yu Zhesen followed her gaze in that direction and saw nothing unusual.

"A bad thought fragment..." She gritted her teeth, "Yu Zhesen, you have a gun."

Yu Zhesen nodded and quietly took out a "bayonet" mini-silenced pistol from his pocket.

The gun body is foldable, and when closed, it is a rectangular parallelepiped that is only half the size of an adult's hand.

He placed the weapon on Yu Qingxue's outstretched palm.

"Six rounds of specially made small-caliber bullets, without ammunition, are not very lethal." He reminded.


"What bad thinking fragments did you catch?"

"Two words: soda, bomb." She said, "Someone wants to harm the congressman. I will track down the source of the thought fragment. You go to the congressman to protect him. If there is a bomb attack, you can give early warning."

Yu Zhesen nodded, he completely believed in Yu Qingxue's judgment.

"Did you bring your cell phone?"

"I accidentally missed a call from a nightmare before, so I'm keeping it with me just in case." Yu Zhesen patted his pants pocket.

"Share your location, and I will notify you immediately if I find anything new."

The two connected their respective citizen bracelet positioning information to each other's mobile phones, and then acted separately.

"Dongxia, can you hear me? What's going on over there, Mr. Qiao?"

"The waves have decreased and surfing is no longer possible. They are preparing to go ashore." Meng Dongxia replied.

"Are you already on shore?"

"Of course, I was at the place where they expected to land. What did you and Miss Yu find out?"

"There may be a bomb attack. Miss Yu has gone to track the suspect. I am approaching you."

Meng Dongxia scanned the nearby crowd: "Where is the bomb? There are so many people on the beach, is the prisoner crazy?"

"It may be a miniature bomb used for assassination. It won't be very powerful, but it is enough to kill unarmored targets at close range."

"Then should I force Mr. Qiao to wear an armed belt and equip him with an exoskeleton armor now?" Meng Dongxia looked suspiciously at the people nearby who looked lonely and had nothing to do.

"Another piece of information related to the bomb is soda. Do you have any clues?"

"Soda? Oh... aren't there several stalls selling soda nearby?" Meng Dongxia's eyes were fixed on the nearest stall.

Yu Zhesen started running. From his current position, he could already see Meng Dongxia's figure. There was a stall selling soda drinks about 20 meters away from her.

"You keep an eye on Mr. Qiao, and I'll go take a look at that stall." He ordered.

"Hey! You..."

She wanted to say that it was too dangerous. Yu Zhesen didn't even have an armed belt, so he should leave the task of investigating the stall to himself.

But Yu Zhesen waved to her from a distance, turned around and ran towards the soda stall.

I hope it's okay... Meng Dongxia hugged the lifebuoy tightly and clasped it with her hand near the hidden groove of the armed belt.

Not far behind her, Jonard and his wife were walking ashore hand in hand. They both seemed to have exhausted a lot of energy and sat on the shore where the sea water washed back and forth to take a rest.

Meng Dongxia was hesitant about whether she should go over and inform the couple of the situation. She wanted Jonard and Bellona to be more vigilant, but she was afraid that doing so would make the killer realize her identity prematurely.

At this time, Yu Zhesen had already arrived at the stall selling soda. He glanced at the real-time positioning on his mobile phone and saw that Yu Qingxue was moving several hundred meters away.

"Boss, let me have a bottle of orange-flavored soda."

"The orange flavor is sold out. Can you check out the other flavors?" The owner of the soda stand is a slovenly middle-aged man with an uneven beard that stretches across his chin and seems to have not been groomed for a long time.

Yu Zhesen rummaged in the freezer casually: "It seems business is good?"

"It's okay."

"I saw that several people came to buy soda from you just now." Yu Zhesen finally picked a bottle of pineapple flavor and swiped his bracelet to pay SP points.

Taking the opportunity to choose a flavor, he had already looked through the few sodas left in the freezer, and there was nothing suspicious about them.

But there should be no problem with Yu Qingxue’s information. What is the connection between soda and bombs? Did you find the wrong stall?

Just as he was wondering, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

"Yu Zhesen, I found the source of the thought fragment." Yu Qingxue said in a suppressed voice on the phone, "Listen, the marble mini-bomb was hidden in an orange-flavored soda bottle. The attacker was a young man.

"Do you have more detailed information about the attacker?" Yu Zhesen walked away from the boss and looked around for the person holding the orange soda.

"No, the attackers are not their accomplices, they are just carriers used. They call them 'puppets'."

"What do you mean? Puppet? Thought control?" Yu Zhesen instantly thought of the uninvited guest in the dream.

"Maybe, you ensure Jonard's safety first, and I will continue to follow the prisoner and wait for an opportunity to subdue him when there are not many people around."

"You have to be careful. If 'puppet' refers to mind control, then the strange gunman who appeared in the dream..."

"I will, Jonard will leave it to you and Commissioner Meng."

Yu Qingxue cut off communication.

She noticed that the target she was following was gradually moving faster, and it was too difficult for her to continue to follow while maintaining contact with Yu Zhesen.

It was a curly-haired man with a Middle Eastern face, about 30 years old, shirtless and wearing a pair of plain brown pants.

Through mind reading, she knew that this person's name was "Jahed Abdullah" and that a few minutes ago he sent a puppet carrying a soda bomb to assassinate Joffrey Nader.

He clearly knew Jonard's identity, which shocked Yu Qingxue. Jonard's whereabouts were supposed to be confidential.

She wants to dig deeper into the other party's memory to obtain more information, but this is difficult to do in a crowded and noisy environment like the beach and when the other party keeps moving and does not cooperate.

Now we can only keep tracking and wait for the opportunity to take action, Yu Qingxue thought.

As for Jonard, she believed that Yu Zhesen would be fine, and she had already provided the key information about the soda bomb.

Ahead, Jahid Abdullah suddenly stopped.

Yu Qingxue was startled, but she still kept moving at her own pace calmly. The distance between her and her goal was getting closer and closer.

Next to where Jahid Abdullah stopped, a group of children were playing a game of building sandcastles, and a mature woman who seemed to be the children's guardian was sitting on the ground with her legs in her arms, basking in the sun.

She quickly noticed Jahid Abdullah standing in front of her, the man's shadow blocking the sunlight.

"Sir, is something wrong?"

The man grinned, leaned over and took out a small box with a red bow from his pocket and handed it to her.

The box is very small and can only hold a ring.

"What is this?" The woman had doubts in her eyes.

"This is a gift for you, madam."

The woman smiled and showed him the ring on her left ring finger: "Thank you sir, but I can't accept it. As you can see, I'm already married..."

Jahid Abdullah helped her open the lid.

What's in the box is not a ring, but a round marble.

There was a puzzled expression on the woman's face.

Jahid Abdullah said: "This is a bomb, madam. Although it is not powerful, it is enough to kill you and your children."

"Sir, are you kidding..." The woman's face turned pale.

Jahid Abdullah smiled and flicked the marbles toward the sandcastle built by the children.

"I don't know how long it will take for the bead to explode. If you want to survive, please ask that woman for help." Jahid Abdullah held the woman's shoulders and stretched out his hand to point her in the direction of Qingxue.<


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