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Chapter 197: Diverged paths of grudges

 Ye Xiao took a step back, and Yu Zhesen took a step forward.

Soon, the incapacitated Night Owl was forced to the edge of the sports field.

He leaned against the barbed wire guardrail and stretched out his hand in front of him desperately, as if doing so could prevent Yu Zhesen from approaching him.

From the moment the unseen exoskeleton armor appeared on Yu Zhesen, all of Night Owl's powers became ineffective, turning him completely into an ordinary person.

Along with the ability, more than just self-confidence is lost,

There is also the sense of security of being invincible.

As if the beast had been stripped of its claws, the Night Owl's essential cowardice was exposed at this moment.

When Yu Zhesen walked up to Ye Xiao, he was so scared that his legs were weak and he sat down. He raised his hands to hold his head and couldn't stop shaking.


The door leading to the interior of the cafeteria building was pushed open, and Nanami Saki rushed out and shouted to Yu Zhesen who raised his fist.

"Save...save me! Let this dream end soon!" Ye Xiao saw Qihai Shaji appear,

It's like seeing a savior,

Found a glimmer of hope from despair.

Nanami Saki said to Yu Zhesen who turned around: "Dream Weaver's ability cannot affect the area around you. If you kill him now, he will escape from the dream safely."

Yu Zhesen understood what she meant and temporarily resisted the idea of ​​beating Ye Xiao. He loosened his clenched fists and snatched Ye Xiao, lifting Ye Xiao from the ground and pressing him against the barbed wire fence.

"Your guard warriors failed to convince Teacher Yu?" he asked with his back to Nanami Saki.

"I'm here." Yu Qingxue's voice came over at this time, "It took a while to complete the sublimation of the ability."

Ye Xiao's eyes suddenly widened. He saw Yu Qingxue walking out of the door behind Qihai Shaji. Combined with the conversation he just heard, he finally understood that he had been plotted.

"Nama...you actually..." He glared at Nanami Saki angrily, "you actually conspired with them!"

"Now you know what it feels like to be betrayed?" Nanami Saki jokingly admired his incompetence and rage, "Look back at your own process from weak to strong, is it also full of deception of others?

And betrayal?"

Ye Xiao gritted his teeth: "What do you want to prove by saying these words? Are you doing justice for heaven? Stop being funny, what qualifications do you have to condemn me... uh..."

Yu Zhesen suddenly tightened his throat, making him stop his noisy complaints.

"Take it easy, if you accidentally strangle to death, we will be the ones who fall short." Yu Qingxue couldn't help but frown and reminded.

"Don't worry, I am sensible. What should I do next? Teacher Yu, can you give him a spiritual purification according to the plan?"

"I'm not a clergyman." Yu Qingxue was amused by his choice of words, "I can only put mental shackles on him."

"No matter what, it's best to finish it as soon as possible. I'm afraid Sun Minghang won't be able to withstand the pressure.

You can’t really let Sakura fight with people from the Security Bureau, right?”

Nanami Saki and Yu Qingxue looked at each other, with hesitation on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Yu Zhesen was slightly dissatisfied with the two of them.

Yu Qingxue explained awkwardly: "I don't know if it's because of the exoskeleton armor on your body. Miss Qihai's Dream Weaver can't affect you, and I can't invade his mind."

She stepped forward quickly, wanting to see if it would improve at close range, but the closer she got to Yu Zhesen and Ye Xiao, the weaker the reaction of the supernatural powers became.

"Sure enough..." Yu Qingxue sighed, "This exoskeleton armor has the function of shielding supernatural powers. Where did you get it? The Security Bureau does not have such equipment."

"It's hard to explain in words, let's just think of it as a miracle that only happens in dreams." Yu Zhesen said, "If it weren't for it, I might have been killed by the night owl before you guys came."

Yu Qingxue concentrated on trying again. After a moment, she shook her head: "No, I can't use telepathy at all. Can you remove the armor first?"

"In that case, he will be out of control immediately." Yu Zhesen thinks this method is not feasible.

The original plan was for Yu Qingxue to use mind invasion and control on Ye Xiao by surprise while the two were fighting, but now she and Qihai Saki have appeared in front of Ye Xiao, making this tactic lose its original suddenness.


Ye Xiao heard from their words that he seemed to have a chance, and quickly calmed down from his fear.

Take the time to think about survival strategies.

He said to Yu Zhesen and Yu Qingxue in a consultative tone: "This time I am convinced that I have lost.

You two, please let me go. In exchange, I can surrender all the remaining members of the pioneering group."

"Your conditions are not attractive enough." Yu Zhesen refused.

"But isn't this stalemate also wasting your time?" Ye Xiao smiled, "I was too arrogant before to try to take advantage of you. Obviously you are someone I can't afford to offend, and I won't do it again in the future.

Appeared in front of you, let's keep our distance..."

"Hey, Teacher Yu, what do you think of his proposal?"

"Ah? Don't forget that you and I are public officials. How can we consider the criminal's proposal?" Yu Qingxue replied in a non-negotiable tone.

Ye Xiao did not give up and continued to try to play the emotional card: "Miss Yu, don't be so heartless. To be fair, we didn't make it too difficult for you when you fell into our hands, right? Besides, we are still alumni, and I also graduated from this school.


"Your school is rich in telepathic people?" Yu Zhesen shrugged.

Nanami Saki's voice intervened at this time, and his attitude was extremely tough: "He is not the only person you have messed with that you shouldn't mess with. It's not that easy to escape."

"I can understand both of them, but you... I can't understand." Ye Xiao shook his head in frustration and said to Nanami Saki: "We have known each other for a long time, right? A year? For others, to me

We are all tools, but you and I are treated as friends."

"I think our meeting is due to some kind of fate. We are both telepathic dreamers, and we are attracted to each other. After getting the ability to control the mind from Yu Qingxue, I have not had the slightest peek into your heart.


"Because I respect you very much. You are special to me. But why? Are you going to help outsiders deal with me?"

Nanami Saki looked at him expressionlessly, indifferent to this confession that sounded sincere.

"The truth of things is often cruel. What you think is fate is actually just the deliberate planning of thoughtful people." Yu Qingxue commented.

"What do you mean?"

"She has never really been in the same camp as you. What you think is just wishful thinking."

A look of struggle appeared on Night Owl's face, and he shouted in disbelief: "Impossible! Nightmare! Come here! Come here and tell me!"

"Is it possible that she didn't even tell you her real name?" Yu Qingxue said ruthlessly, "Your reaction now is like an idiot who is addicted to online dating and being teased."

This was not the first time that Yu Zhesen had experienced her harsh side, but at this moment he couldn't help but cheer for her in his heart.

Nanami Saki walked over with a sharp light in her eyes. Ye Xiao's words obviously aroused her long-repressed anger.

"Listen carefully, I'm here specifically to take revenge on you." She pointed at the Night Owl's nose and said.

"What grudges are there between us?" Ye Xiao asked with a confused look on his face.

Nanami Saki was about to speak, but suddenly her expression suddenly changed.

The space they were in began to tremble violently inexplicably, the rain falling from the sky began to fly randomly in violation of the rules of powerlessness, and the objects on the ground lost gravity and floated...

Landslides and tsunamis thundered in the distance, as if the end of the world was coming.

The confusion on Night Owl's face was wiped away, and he laughed triumphantly: "Look! You can't trap me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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