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Chapter 20 Sniper

 Shi Xin’s last sentence was not a joke.

She really let him board the high-speed time train again, and Yu Zhesen could feel that his body was aging rapidly under the armor.

But this time the feeling is different from that in the underground garage of the shopping mall. He can continue to move during the almost stationary time.

Qian Zhimo's back is turned to him, this is an excellent opportunity.

"Shi Xin...you are really amazing!"

Yu Zhesen expressed heartfelt admiration in his heart.

"Come on! This is a world that only we can ride in!" Shi Xin responded.

The exoskeleton armor is fully powered. Even though Yu Zhesen's physical functions have deteriorated due to aging, he can still maintain fast and windy movements with the help of the armor.

In a world where time stands still, the flames on Qian Zhimo's body can no longer melt tempered iron. After approaching within the range of the injection gun, Yu Zhesen raised his right arm and aimed at the back of his neck.

The white injection was shot from the injection gun, and the needle was inserted into the back of Qian Zhimo's neck, injecting the drug that could inhibit the superpower gene into his body.

Yu Zhesen lowered his arms, he had reached his limit.

A crisp sound of glass breaking sounded in my ears, the still time ended, and all the surrounding scenery returned to color.

The flames on Qian Zhimo's body suddenly bloomed, burning up the needle stuck in the back of his neck.

After a few seconds, the flames began to weaken, and it was obvious that the suppressor had taken effect.

Qian Zhimo slowly knelt on his knees, folded his arms and curled up, looking very painful.

But his superpower gene, berserk disorder, was obviously suppressed, and the steel-burning fire was finally completely extinguished.

In the tactical command center, Claire stared at the satellite image with a look of surprise and shock.

"Am I broken?" She crushed the empty beer can in her hand.

She was clearly staring at the LCD screen from beginning to end.

In just the blink of an eye, Yu Zhesen, who had just rushed out of the rooftop gate, "teleported" to within five steps behind Qian Zhimo, and had already completed firing the injection gun.

This is simply a speed that exceeds the speed of light, and even relying on the "Silver Flash" armor that the Security Bureau is proud of cannot achieve it.

Claire quickly pressed the replay button and rewind the screen to one minute ago.

This time she held her breath and watched the whole process of Yu Zhesen rushing out of the rooftop gate and subduing Qian Zhimo without blinking.

The whole process takes about 3 seconds. There is no so-called teleportation, and there is no speed beyond light.

Claire's heart is full of doubts.

Not only was she confused about her failure to see Yu Zhesen's actions clearly the previous time, she was also confused about Qian Zhimo's reaction.

Why didn't he activate his special ability to burn out the syringe and medicine when he was attacked by the injection gun?

Although judging from the results, her students did a great job and she should be proud and happy, but her rich experience still made her aware of the unreasonable and weird details here.

Claire wants to watch it again with 0.25x slow playback.

But the new situation that appeared on the real-time screen displayed on the split screen in the lower left corner forced her to give up the idea temporarily.

The 22-story inpatient building of Qidao City Third Hospital, on the rooftop.

Yu Zhesen, who was about to restrain Qian Zhimo with a restraint belt to restrict his movement, suddenly fell backwards and fell to the ground.

"Xiao Yu! What happened!" Claire happened to see this scene when she switched back to the real-time screen, and immediately used the communicator to call Yu Zhesen to inquire about the situation.

The satellite lens zoomed in, and she soon saw a groove mark left by a bullet on the top of Yu Zhesen's helmet lying on his back.

"Instructor, I was sniped." Yu Zhesen remained lying on the ground motionless, "The sniper may be to the left at 12 o'clock."

There are two business buildings taller than the inpatient building 800 meters away in that direction, which are excellent sniper points.

"The other party is targeting you first. They may be terrorists from the Adventist sect. You stay where you are and don't move. I will mobilize the satellite to lock the opponent's position."

Yu Zhesen lay still on the ground, making it look like he was killed by a single blow.

Ordinary sniper rifles cannot penetrate the protection of the exoskeleton armor, but the opponent seemed to be using a large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle. The first shot grazed the top of his helmet and punched a big hole in the reinforced concrete ground behind him.
He didn't foresee his own death, so the shot must have been a mistake by the other party.

Su Qiang, who was standing on the edge of the rooftop, also heard the gunshot. When she saw Yu Zhesen fall to the ground, she turned pale with shock and stayed there at a loss.

"Su Qiang, take Qian Zhimo inside the building first." Yu Zhesen ordered her.

"You...are you still alive?" Su Qiang saw that he was motionless after being shot and fell to the ground, and thought he was dead.

"Hurry up and do what I say." Yu Zhesen urged, "I will help you attract the shooter's attention."

"I...I'm scared." Su Qiang's legs trembled.

Yu Zhesen showed an expression of hatred for steel, but unfortunately Su Qiang could not see it because of the mask.

"Qian Zhimo! Can you still move?" Yu Zhesen shouted to Qian Zhimo, who was kneeling on the ground and curled up.

Qian Zhimo was trembling all over and hugging his arms tightly, as if he was a victim suffering from the cold in the ice and snow.

It seems that the tube of white inhibitor is very effective... Seeing this scene, Yu Zhesen didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

"You...don't worry about me...take...take Su...Su Qiang goes first..." Qian Zhimo made a trembling sound.

He seems to be more conscious than before.

But when he woke up, he was still a licker. Yu Zhesen sighed helplessly.


The second gunshot exploded in the ears of the three people.

But this time the target of the opponent's sniper attack was not any of them.

The exit of the cement room in the stairwell on the east side of the rooftop collapsed and flew away large pieces of cement.


The third shot.

The iron door of the cement house on the east side was detached with one shot and flew several meters away.

Yu Zhesen saw two figures in black armor flashing in the exit of the cement room on the east side.

Jin Jianshen and the two unreliable bartenders finally arrived.

However, it was obvious that the snipers on the business building had already figured out their location and suppressed them in the cement room with two consecutive shots.

"It's an anti-material sniper rifle that uses the nu2 kinetic energy system. Our armor is probably only the front breastplate that can barely withstand the power of one shot." Jin Jian squatted on the ground and said to the bartender beside him.

"This is a weapon of the National Defense Forces. I know that the inside of the administration is rotten. There are moles everywhere. This kind of military weapon can be leaked out!" The bartender cursed angrily.

"Can't your Xingtian Heavy Industry also produce?" Jin Jianshen teased.

"The boss said that there are two different things between a gentleman who carries a sword and doesn't use it, and a gentleman who doesn't have a sword."

Jin Jianshen didn't have the leisure to argue with him about his moral quality. He had been observing the situation outside.

"Yu Zhesen actually succeeded alone, and Qian Zhimo's rampage with supernatural powers was temporarily suppressed." His tone revealed his amazement and admiration for Yu Zhesen.

"Is he still alive?" The bartender looked outside and saw Yu Zhesen lying motionless on the ground. Like Su Qiang, he thought he was dead.

"Then the boy is very lucky, he won't die." Jin Jianshen was convinced of this.

"Master Jin, what do you think we should do now?" the bartender asked.

"This gun is so powerful that the automatic mechanism must be sacrificed. Judging from the two shots just now, the shooting interval is about 3.5 seconds."

The bartender immediately volunteered: "Then I will go out first to attract him to shoot. Master Jin, what do you do?"

"Wait a minute, even if you draw the first shot, we don't know the exact location of the opponent, and we don't have an effective way to fight back." Jin Jianshen stopped his reckless action.

"What should we do? The three people outside are now living targets, especially the little nurse and the naked man. If they are hit by a bullet of this caliber, they will probably be broken into pieces, right?"

"Calm down and think about what the other party's purpose is." Jin Jianshen said, "If the sniper wanted to kill everyone, he could have done it long ago. But he only sniped Yu Zhesen and suppressed us. Why?"

"Why?" The bartender didn't want to use his brain.

Jin Jianshen explained patiently: "I can only guess that their purpose is the same as the purpose of our trip."

The bartender suddenly realized: "They are also attracted by Qian Zhimo's ability and want to take him away?"

"There can't be only snipers, there must be someone approaching the rooftop to come into contact with Qian Zhimo." Jin Jianshen judged, "Let's wait a little longer."

This chapter has been completed!
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