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Chapter 230: Memories from Years Ago

 Yu Zhesen clicked on the "OK" option on the left with the intention of giving it a try.

The AI ​​robot butler made a slight electronic sound, and the rhythm sounded cheerful and joyful.

New characters appeared on the virtual floating screen, and Yu Zhesen opened his eyes in disbelief.

"Next, please help me move the master to the bedroom."

Is this the plot of Galgame? Or is the setting of this robot just so nonsensical...

Yu Zhesen wanted to refuse, but a new line of characters appeared on the virtual screen.

"In this way, guests can use the equipment in the living room without disturbing the host's rest."

Yu Zhesen subconsciously glanced in the direction of the TV, thinking that this AI robot butler didn't think he wanted to play games, right?

Although it seems that Wu Xiaoming has a rich collection of games, how can he be in such a mood now? The first priority is of course to check the chip left by D.

If Wu Xiaoming hadn’t forcibly brought him here,

He should have read the chip data to see the content now.

Read the chip data? An idea flashed in Yu Zhesen's mind. He remembered that when he was observing the environment just now, he seemed to have seen a super laptop among the pile of game consoles.

"Now that we're here, let's get down to business while Wu Xiaoming is asleep." Shi Xin expressed his thoughts.

"Your statement is a bit misleading..."

"You are probably thinking wrongly. Think carefully about how others scolded you before. It's despicable and disgusting."

Yu Zhesen gently pushed the white ball away,

He walked to the couch where Wu Xiaoming was lying down, hesitated for a few seconds and then leaned over to hug her up.

The white ball flashed with blue light and guided him in the direction of the bedroom.

Yu Zhesen noticed that this little thing flew out of the bedroom at the beginning.

He carefully carried Wu Xiaoming to the bedroom and placed him gently on the bed, without any distracting thoughts during the whole process.

After closing the door and leaving the robot butler and its owner in the room, Yu Zhisen manually turned on the lights in the living room and placed the super laptop on the coffee table.

Before turning on the computer, he prepared the data cable and mobile phone, and prepared to rely on Yiguang to crack the computer password.

However, he soon discovered that Wu Xiaoming's laptop had no password set at all, and the administrator account was not even personalized. The account name displayed on the login interface was still the original "administrator".

"Isn't this a Taishin machine?" Yu Zhesen said to himself.

After booting, the desktop is quite clean, with only a few initial function icons and the hard disk space is almost completely empty.

Yu Zhesen skillfully installed the necessary plug-ins and environment for reading the data chip, and inserted the chip obtained from D into the slot on the side of the laptop.

A new storage disk appeared in the management interface, and the name seemed to be the product code of the civilian prosthetic body used by D.

Yu Zhesen probably understood what D left for him, and what he saw after clicking to enter immediately confirmed his suspicion.

It is a data backup for the prosthetic electronic brain. The main data is the memory stored by the user, just like the image data he obtained from Jahid before.

But this should not be the data chip directly used in the D prosthetic body. Judging from the modification date of the content file, the data in the chip was last updated yesterday.

"Before she was arrested by the security bureau at the Binhai Hotel yesterday, she exported her electronic brain data." Shi Xin analyzed,

"It should be to avoid exposing the companions who have not yet been arrested and the method of contacting them."

"Instructor Claire and the people responsible for the investigation and interrogation did not discover this..." Yu Zhesen murmured.

"Perhaps she left a large amount of irrelevant memory content in the replacement chip and deceived your preliminary investigation."

Yu Zhesen nodded: "And the cooperative attitude she showed at that time and the way she passed the blame on Night Owl made our people lose their vigilance to a certain extent and just regarded the RANDOM band as a group of young people who had gone astray.

He clicked on the memory folder, and the massive image files were dazzling.

"So many...Does it mean she never clears her electronic brain memory?" Yu Zhesen complained.

"Most people still retain most of their original brain functions after undergoing electronic brain modification, but D's situation may be different." Shi Xin reminded, "She said her transformation rate reached 85%, so her brain may have already

Lost its original memory function."

"So she needs to rely entirely on an electronic brain to store memories? Oh my god."

Yu Zhesen suddenly felt like his mouth was dry. Although the communication between him and Shi Xin could be completed in his mind without the need to speak, making sounds when a person was thinking alone could help him concentrate more.

Shi Xin suggested that he first check when the earliest memory data was left.

Dragging the cursor all the way down, Yu Zhesen reached the bottom of the folder, and the earliest memory file time was displayed as "47-5-16".

"May 16, Year 47 of the Iron Dome Calendar..."

It’s been 24 years now.

Wait? How old is D? Is he 24 years old?

Yu Zhesen leaned back on the sofa, looking a little dazed.

D is a cybernetic with 85% transformation, almost all of her body is made of artificial bodies, so her age cannot be judged by her appearance...

Although most prosthetic manufacturers generally have service terms for customers to replace age-appropriate prostheses in their product additional agreements, the law does not force people to use prosthetic appearances that match their age. Most prosthetic users do

More willing to pursue a younger appearance.

"Don't you think it's a bit ridiculous? D's real age may be similar to that of the veterans of the Pioneer Corps, which is the age where he can be your grandmother." Shi Xin snickered.

"If that's really the case, I think it's good not to tell Lao Shen.

So as not to make him sad."

"No matter what, he will be sad if he finds out... No matter which way it is, it's sad." Shi Xin sighed, "Some relationships are dead before they even start."

"This is normal." Yu Zhesen said calmly, "I think the possibility of falling in love with a rock musician at first sight in a bar and having a successful relationship is very low."

"In comparison, don't you think your luck with women is too good? As a good brother, you should give him a little more love."

"Is there any?" Yu Zhesen asked casually.

Before Shi Xin answered, he had already clicked on the first file in the D memory data, and the image played made Shi Xin shut his mouth and follow his eyes to watch the video content.

"The operation was successful. The patient experienced slight rejection, which is normal and within the controllable range." Under the dazzling light, the doctor wearing a light blue mask and a white coat took off his gloves and turned to face the doctor in the distance.

The figure said.

Light and slow footsteps approached slowly, and a figure in the distance appeared in the field of vision. She was a middle-aged woman with a sallow complexion and a haggard look.

She stretched out her hand toward the "camera" as if making a caressing gesture. The wrinkles on her brows relaxed slightly, revealing a loving and gentle expression: "Xiaoxue, how do you feel?"

The screen suddenly flashed several times, and a large blurry color block appeared.

"The data is damaged, or it may be that the electronic brain that has just been put into use has not adapted yet." Shi Xin explained, "It seems that this image is the memory of D's initial transformation surgery."

When the screen returned to normal, what appeared in front of Yu Zhesen was the long corridor outside the operating room, with some vague figures shaking in the distance.

The voices of the doctor and the middle-aged woman who just spoke came from the left side, which was not very clear. Yu Zhesen turned up the volume, and could barely hear that they were discussing the cost of the follow-up surgery.

"It's a lifelong prosthetic contract. It's not cheap." Shi Xin said in surprise, "Considering that this was a record 24 years ago, civilian prosthetics had just begun to be popularized at that time, right? As an emerging market in the field of technological services,

Prices will only be higher than they are now."

"The relevant laws were also introduced at that time, and this looks like a regular hospital." Yu Zhesen said.

Then there is only one conclusion: 85% of the modifications D received were medically necessary, otherwise she might die.

This chapter has been completed!
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