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Chapter 333 Rebel Alliance

 In the Longpan Fjord Coast Villa, the screen of the laptop is projected on the LCD TV.

In order to save time, Yu Zhesen pressed the fast forward button to play at double speed.

Wu Xiaoming sat aside and turned to him and rolled her eyes. She could not understand anything at this playback speed.

She simply went to the refrigerator and brought a small plate of chocolate cake, occasionally glancing at the screen while cutting the cake with a fork.

Yu Zhesen was concentrating on watching the accelerated images. The optic nerve strengthened by the blood of God could keep up with the fast forward speed without missing any details of the frame.

As the timeline in the memory images progresses,

He saw the person who reached out to D in the darkest moment of her life.

Yu Zhesen pressed pause and let the scene freeze at the moment when the man's face was tilted 15 degrees.

He showed a surprised expression, took out his mobile phone and used a search engine to find a bunch of photos for comparison, and finally said in disbelief: "No way..."

Wu Xiaoming, who had just taken a bite of cake, turned to look at his mobile phone with a silver fork in his mouth, and asked the man in the row of photos with a vague pronunciation: "Who is this old handsome guy?"

"The lead singer of Soul Burning Band, Cheng Xinji, used the pseudonym Phoenix when he debuted, and everyone called him "Phoenix Aji"."

Yu Zhesen murmured: "I didn't expect that when D was in the most difficult situation, the person who helped her was Aji..."

Wu Xiaoming shook her head slightly. She was not a fan of Soul Burning, or her upbringing had destined her to have no connection with punk rock music.

Because she had a small fork for eating cakes in her mouth, when she shook her head, the handle of the fork directly hit Yu Zhesen's cheek.

When this accident happened, Wu Xiaoming was shocked and subconsciously felt embarrassed. But she quickly realized that the person she was dealing with at this time was Yu Zhesen, so she took her mistake a step further and deliberately poked him in the face with the handle of a fork.

"When I was young, I once held chopsticks in my mouth like this while eating." Yu Zhesen calmly recounted, "An Zhitian told me seriously that he could make those chopsticks penetrate my mouth in one second.

Brainstem, I haven't done that move since then."

Wu Xiaoming quickly spit out the fork, pointed at him in his hand and said: "Your adoptive father is such a pervert, he actually threatens children like this."

"You are quite perverted too." Yu Zhesen said, glancing down to signal her.

Wu Xiaoming followed his gaze and looked at the fork. Probably because she had held it in her mouth for too long, there was still glistening saliva on the fork...

She was immediately embarrassed to the point of embarrassment, and then a self-destructive smile appeared on her face.

Yu Zhesen recalled the past experience when she wiped nosebleeds on him in front of a convenience store. He moved some distance to the side in advance and changed the topic: "Aji funded D, and his existence should also be given during the growth period. The D has had a profound impact."

"You mean the band RANDOM that came later?"

"The band is just a facade, although it is undeniable that a large part of her musical talent should come from Aji's guidance,

But more importantly are the ideas she got from Aggie."

Wu Xiaoming shrugged: "I have never heard the songs of Cheng Xinji and his band."

"I'm their fan." Yu Zhesen said with a self-deprecating smile, and added: "I'm not even a die-hard fan, I haven't even achieved the achievement of listening to every one of their songs."

"I've always thought punk rock sounded too noisy... Personal opinion, don't mind it."

"This is normal. Punk music symbolizes the spirit of rebellion and rebellion against the mainstream. Since we are rebels and rebels, how can we not be angry, radical, and hysterical?"

"Just like Wei Lanxue and those terrorists?"

Yu Zhesen stared at her for a few seconds, and finally nodded: "Just like them."

He originally thought that Wu Xiaoming would argue with him about the justice of what D and others did, but he saw that she just lay back on the back of the sofa, and her body collapsed softly.

Wu Xiaoming, who collapsed, stared at the ceiling and whispered: "You are right, since we are rebels and resisters, how can we not be angry, radical, and hysterical? In a sense, Jin Jianshen and I are also rebels and resisters. ”

Yu Zhesen chose to remain silent. After listening to Wu Xiaoming's autobiography of his life, he believed that these were their own family affairs. No matter what reason Jin Jianshen had for wanting to bring down Jin Guozheng, it had nothing to do with him as an outsider.

As for the secrets he heard from Wu Xiaoming, he will bury them in his heart forever and never reveal them to others.

But Wu Xiaoming probably didn’t treat him wisely on a whim.

Although she often behaves like a little daughter in front of him, Yu Zhesen is not so naive that he really treats her as a weak girl who needs protection.

Yu Zhesen had a hunch that Wu Xiaoming wanted to drag him onto the pirate ship.

Originally, he was an employee of the Security Bureau,

It is already very dangerous to hook up with the "quasi-criminal level" Shenyin in private, and Claire has verbally warned him more than once.

Proportion is important, as is self-knowledge.

Jin Guozheng, who controls Asia Biotechnology Group, is not just a rich man.

How much energy is needed to bring him down? If Jin Jianshen fails, Jin Guozheng may give him a chance because of the relationship between father and son, but for outsiders involved... the means of eradicating the roots will only be better than those used to deal with Wu Xiaoming Mother and son are even colder.

"Want to eat cake?" Wu Xiaoming's voice made Yu Zhesen wake up from his trance.

He glanced at the half piece of cake left on the plate and shook his head: "No, thank you."

"There's still more in the refrigerator." Wu Xiaoming thought he was minding that the half piece was leftover by himself.

"No, no, it's getting late. It's almost time for me to say goodbye...my car is still in the park." Yu Zhesen turned off the video playback software and clicked on the safe button to eject the data chip.

Wu Xiaoming sighed with some disappointment, straightened his hair and said, "Okay, then I'll take you back."

Yu Zhesen had a noncommittal expression on his face. He remembered the way Wu Xiaoming fell asleep on the sofa without warning before, and he wanted to refuse her proposal to use her powers to send him back.

"What's wrong?" Seeing him in a daze, Wu Xiaoming couldn't help but ask.

"No...it's nothing. Just rest, I can go back by myself." Yu Zhesen waved his hand to indicate that she didn't have to be so polite.

He was quite surprised that Wu Xiaoming let him go so easily. Although the data chip left by D stored prosthetic memory, if he continued to look back, he should still be able to find some evidence against the Nadel family. Wu Xiaoming

Surprisingly, they did not continue to insist on the ownership of the chip.

In addition, she did not ask him for help in dealing with Jin Guozheng, as Yu Zhesen expected.

This made Yu Zhesen feel ashamed that he judged others with a villain's heart. It seemed that Wu Xiaoming told him the secret of his life experience just for the moment and not for any purpose.

"It's hard to get a taxi here." Wu Xiaoming stretched out his hand to him, showing the car key on his middle finger, "When I said I would drive you, I would drive you. It's really a bit overwhelming to move back and forth today."

Yu Zhesen hesitated for a moment, thinking of the damaged sports car last night, and couldn't help showing a guilty expression. He remembered that Wu Xiaoming vaguely mentioned "eight million cars" on the phone yesterday...

"It's a pity that the supercar yesterday is gone, so I can only drive a worse car for you." She smiled slightly, "Let's go, the garage is downstairs."


"Huh?" Wu Xiaoming was curious about the way he hesitated to speak.

"What happened to the sports car yesterday?"

Wu Xiaoming said "Oh" and said calmly: "Isn't that car in the name of Jin Guozheng? We reported it as lost very early, and then last night the Transportation Bureau contacted us and said that the car was found.

,Jin Jianshen directly asked it to be towed for overhaul."

Yu Zhesen nodded, thinking that it is so. Anyway, there is no evidence from Yuan Yinchuan, and it is difficult to trace Jin Jianshen just based on a car that was reported lost early.

Following Wu Xiaoming to the garage attached to the villa, Yu Zhesen was shocked to find that the "bad car" she said was also a famous brand sports car that ordinary people could not even imagine.

"Why did you want to save her when she was on top of the news building?" After Wu Xiaoming fastened his seat belt, he did not rush to start the engine, but asked this question to Yu Zhesen.

Why do you want to save D? Yu Zhesen was stunned for a moment, he had not thought about this question.

Extending a helping hand to people in distress is often done out of instinct. He feels that many righteous deeds in this world are based on the instinctive kindness of human nature, rather than weighing the pros and cons.

Reason is often cruel, but impulse is gentle.

However, considering that it was a bit disgusting to say that he extended a helping hand to D out of kindness and gentleness, Yu Zhesen thought about it and changed his explanation: "Because I think she caused such a big thing, and she shouldn't treat her with such disrespect.

Die responsibly."

"Do you think she should live and continue to fight against what she is fighting against?"


Wu Xiaoming turned the car key and started the engine: "However, in fact, dying in that place is the best outcome for everyone, including herself."

"What you said..."

"Don't rush to refute me. I'm not making sarcastic remarks." Wu Xiaoming interrupted him, "You can imagine what kind of situation Qidao City would be in now if Wei Lanxue had not fallen to pieces and been rescued by you.

The storm. To say the least, even if she can really defeat Ellen Nadel's power, she will not be able to escape the outcome of being sanctioned by the Inquisition."

Yu Zhesen's expression was complicated: "What you mean is that death is a kind of relief for her and a means of getting rid of guilt. Forgive me for not agreeing. I think you underestimate her."

"No, I don't mean to look down on her. She knows very well that if she survives, she may be exiled to the pioneer area or even the outside world. The best result may be to die in obscurity many years later in a place no one knows. But from that floor

The top jumped down, but it was the last bullet fired at Alan Nadel."

Wu Xiaoming continued: "Her death means that the last possibility of Alan Nader's influence to control the Tribunal's overturn has been blocked. Even if Alan's hands and eyes are all powerful, the Tribunal cannot judge a dead person. In today's crazy fermentation

With public opinion, it is almost impossible to slander her."

"Wait a moment, please wait a moment..."

Yu Zhesen felt that his mind was a little messed up. He always thought that Wu Xiaoming stood idly by on the rooftop in order to silence D with death. In addition, she had previously personally admitted that Jin Jianshen planned to protect Jonard. Yu Zhesen always regarded Shenyin's position as a

On the side of the Nadel family.

But now what Wu Xiaoming said made him feel weird - according to her, sitting back and watching D fall to his death would be detrimental to Ellen Nadel. This sounds ridiculous.

Because at the scene at that time, everyone including D himself believed that if he survived, Alan Nadel would have trouble sleeping and eating.

But Yu Zhesen admitted at this time that Wu Xiaoming's analysis was reasonable. If D was captured by the security bureau at that time, Alan Nadel might have more room for maneuver to make a comeback.

With Allen's background and strength and the technology of today's era, it is not easy to deal with a woman whose entire body has been transformed into a prosthetic body and whose original brain has almost lost its function.

"You are not trying to help the Nadel family..." Yu Zhesen felt as if he suddenly understood.

"Of course not." Wu Xiaoming raised the corner of his mouth, "But the boss really wants to keep Chouinard. Of course, there is a prerequisite for this - Chouinard must make up his mind to break up with Allen."

"Is this possible? That is my biological father. It is not an exaggeration to say that Jonard's achievements today are all due to Alan Nadel."

"Oh, then Jin Guozheng is also the biological father of Jin Jianshen and me." Wu Xiaoming responded lightly, "It is not an exaggeration to say that our achievements today are all due to Jin Guozheng."


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