Turn off the lights
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Chapter 235 A visitor comes at dusk

 South of Qidao City Municipal District, Baishiyuan Official Residence.

Yu Qingxue was flattered and took a cup of warm black tea from Bellona's hand, and sat on the chair in the living room at her signal.

"Miss Yu, please take it easy for now. I'll go upstairs to see if my husband and Mr. Jin need anything to drink." Bellona smiled at her and said.

Yu Qingxue nodded. Although her original intention was to help Jin Jianshen bring her here and retire, Bellona insisted that she stay for a cup of tea.

Half an hour ago, she contacted Bellona by phone with the intention of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, Bellona agreed to help without hesitation and asked Jonard if he agreed to meet with Jin Jianshen.

Jonard quickly agreed to meet with Jin Jianshen for an in-depth discussion, and sent his secretary to drive them from the Municipal Center to the official residence.

Now, the two men are communicating face to face in the study room on the second floor.

Yu Qingxue already knows about Jin Jianshen's plan, but she can't imagine what kind of words he will use to persuade Jonard to accept this plan, because it is equivalent to letting Jonard declare war on his father.

A few minutes later, Bellona came down from upstairs,

Yu Qingxue observed her expression and saw that her color was calm.

I guessed that maybe Jin Jianshen and Jonard had a good conversation.

Bellona sat next to Yu Qingxue with a box of snacks,

He turned to her side and said sincerely: "Miss Yu is still willing to help us at this time. You are a true friend."

"Ah... no... I don't know if this counts as help." Yu Qingxue shook her head a little embarrassed.

How is the progress of the two people upstairs? If they have entered the topic, Jin Jianshen and Jonard should not let Bellona know the content of the conversation.

In other words, whether Jonard approves of Jin Jianshen or not, Bellona is unaware of it now, she thought hesitantly in her heart.

As the daughter-in-law of the Nadel family, if she knew that Jin Jianshen's trip was for the purpose of driving a wedge between Jonard and his son, would she still thank herself like this?

Yu Qingxue suddenly felt that she had done a stupid thing. Although Jin Jianshen promised before coming that she could claim that she had no knowledge of it regardless of success or failure, the Jonaders obviously would not believe this.

After all, it is no secret to the couple that she has the ability to read minds.

At Bellona's warm invitation, Yu Qingxue ate a piece of snacks in a daze. She heard Bellona say to herself from the side: "Although I have only been here for just two days, I already have a good impression of Qidao City.

I have some feelings, but I don’t know if I can continue to stay.”

Yu Qingxue didn't know what to answer, so she could only smile reluctantly as a response to her.

"To be honest, I still feel a little...unreal about what happened today." Bellona raised her left hand and dug her fingers deeply into her thick hair.

"My husband was hit hard. When I left the Civic Center, I felt that he was unsteady when walking, but even so, he still didn't want anyone to help him."

"Mr. Qiao is a man with a very strong heart, which can be seen from his powerful speech at the inauguration ceremony."

"No, no... I know that he is not as strong on the inside as he looks on the outside." Bellona smiled bitterly and shook her head, "But the fact that you can feel that he is a powerful person from his speech means that he has done a great job.

Not bad."

Yu Qingxue nodded slightly in agreement.

"Ms. Yu, I have caused you so much trouble in the past two days and caused you to encounter dangerous things one after another. I would like to express my apology to you on behalf of my husband."

"No, don't say that. I've always been engaged in this kind of work." Yu Qingxue waved her hands repeatedly. Working for the Management Bureau's Supernatural Power Investigation Section itself is accompanied by dangers, which she has already experienced.

In order to ease the atmosphere, she took a sip of black tea and said slowly: "On average, several people in our department are injured or die on duty every year. Although the casualty rate is not as high as that of the Security Bureau who are fighting on the front line, it is still considered a high risk.

Now I have a new position. Just kidding... I still don’t need to pay the single tax.”

Bellona was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "Did Miss Yu not participate in the blind date from the Marriage and Childbirth Bureau? Or did she say that she didn't find anyone she liked?"

"I participated in the Supernatural Abilities Investigation Section several times before, but I quit after I started working.

Although the work of the Investigation Section is hard, it is still very useful as a shield to refuse the blind date arranged by the Marriage and Childbirth Bureau." Yu Qingxue said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Then the previous blind date...couldn't the match based on the gene bank data of the Marriage and Childbearing Bureau also satisfy Miss Yu?"

"Well... how should I put it..." Yu Qingxue showed a slightly troubled expression, looked down at the tea cup in his hand and said: "At that time, I was not very restrained in the use of my powers. When I was face to face with those blind dates,

, I can’t help but peek into their true thoughts.”

Bellona opened her eyes wide, and the expression on her face changed several times, from surprise to sympathy, and from sympathy to understanding.

"I can't control myself, I can't resist the temptation to understand the other person's true thoughts, and every time I will completely lose my first impression of the other person, and I can't leave even a little bit of goodwill."

She said and sighed: "Although I also know that no one is perfect, and a person's character is tested regardless of his deeds or his heart, but once I know the other person's shortcomings, I can't turn a blind eye to them."

Bellona patted her shoulder lightly: "Since Miss Yu has analyzed it very thoroughly, I believe that you will not make the same mistakes again if you encounter such an opportunity in the future. There is no such thing as a perfect person at heart.

In other words, each of us is incomplete, and the process of finding a partner is itself a kind of completion of one's own imperfections."

"If the Marriage and Education Bureau continues to arrange blind dates for me, I may still be able to help myself get into the other person's mind to find out what's going on." Yu Qingxue said half-jokingly, "I know what my imperfections are, and sitting here

The person opposite me was forced upon me by an 'authoritative organization', so of course I would be skeptical to see if he was really suitable."

Bellona smiled: "You are making fun of the marriage and education bureau's blind date system and the single tax bill, right? I understand what you mean, what you yearn for is free love."

Yu Qingxue did not admit or deny, but scratched her head and said: "I'm sorry, is it not good to keep talking about me at this tense moment? It's getting late, maybe I should say goodbye, madam, you should

There are still important things to be busy with, right?"

"Don't you have to wait for Mr. Jin to leave together? But if they keep talking, I will almost have to ask someone to prepare enough dinner."

Bellona smiled.

"Miss Yu, are you coming with us? My husband should be very happy. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Anyone who is willing to stay and have dinner with him at this time is a friend. Just kidding, if you, Miss Yu, have other things to do, we won't


Yu Qingxue smiled politely and declined her offer to stay: "Thank you, that's too polite. I do have work matters to deal with... As for Mr. Jin, we don't know each other very well. I'm just helping him today because I owe him a


"Then I'll take you to the door."

It was already the alternating time of dusk and night outside. Yu Qingxue was walking on the path leaving the Baishiyuan official residence. She looked back and saw the lights on the east side of the second floor of the official bungalow.

Through the curtains, the figures of the two men were vaguely visible.

She stood there for a while, until she heard the sound of car horns coming from the road outside and finally came back to her senses.

When passing by the guardhouse, Yu Qingxue saw the electric gate opening, and a black McLaren car with an authority's license plate was slowly driving in from the outside.

The person driving in the driver's seat was wearing a black suit, the passenger seat was empty, and there was a person sitting faintly in the back seat.

When Yu Qingxue walked out of the door, the car had already entered the Baishiyuan official residence and accelerated slightly towards the parking lot.

In an instant, Yu Qingxue felt as if a weak electric current passed through his mind.

She turned around and looked back. The black McLaren car with the license plate of the Administration had already turned in the fountain park in front of the official residence. Most of the car body was blocked by neatly trimmed bushes, leaving only a part of the car's butt flashing in her eyes.


What was that just now? A tentative psychic attack, or was it just my own illusion?

Although Yu Qingxue has left the institution that provided her with professional training for many years, the feeling of "psychic attack" she experienced during the training is still unforgettable.

If the weak electric current that broke into her mind just now was not an illusion, then the person sitting in that car should be a telepathic person like her.

Is it Jonard's personal bodyguard? Or is he a temporary foreign aid?

Yu Qingxue felt a little uncomfortable at this time because of her peers. Although she had not officially surrendered to Jonad, she was still unhappy to learn that there were people with the same ability as herself around Jonad.<


Due to the special nature of their abilities, telepaths tend to stay away from each other.

Even when they first received training in the mysterious institution of the Authority, the students would keep a distance from each other except during confrontational training sessions.

There is a hierarchical relationship among those with telepathic abilities. The strong can usually easily suppress the weak, and even plunder all the secrets in the weak's mind without their knowledge.

There is no official classification of the strength of this ability. Yu Qingxue only knows that she is the first among the seven people who were trained at the same time.

Although she ranked second in the final assessment at the end of the training, this did not prevent her from knowing that she was truly number one.

Because even letting the number one winner defeat her in the final assessment was all planned by her.

When she recalled these past events, she felt a headache, and when she came to her senses, a bloodstain had already spread from the bottom of her nose to her lips.

She gently wiped away the blood with her fingers and murmured to herself: "Give me some courage... Can't you live without Flora for a day?"

This chapter has been completed!
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