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Chapter 247 Two-way advice

 Cheng Heyang looked at Yu Zhesen's astonished expression, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I am very surprised. The job you are responsible for in the Security Bureau is only a very marginal propaganda clerk. Why are you so close to those people?"

Yu Zhesen was still immersed in the surprise that Cheng Heyang revealed that he had a relationship with Jin Jianshen. He did not listen carefully to his words and naturally did not answer.

"In other words, your position in the Security Bureau should be of no value to Jin Jianshen to win over." Cheng Heyang held his chin and muttered to himself,

"Then he should be interested in your ability?"

Yu Zhesen looked at him quietly: "Teacher Cheng came to me specially to tell me this?"

"No, the next step is the main topic." Cheng Heyang put his hands in his pockets, put on a serious expression and looked at Yu Zhesen.

Yu Zhesen was not afraid of his gaze at all. Even though Cheng Heyang had telepathy, it was of no use to him.

He just wants to know what Cheng Heyang is going to say.

"Since you like hanging out with criminals and potential criminals so much, then stay away from Qingxue." Cheng Heyang said in a warning tone.

Yu Zhesen stood expressionlessly in front of Cheng Heyang,

I feel angry and funny at the same time.

After waiting for a long time, he thought Cheng Heyang had something big to threaten him with.

In the end, all this guy wanted was to stay away from Yu Qingxue?

What is this? Just out of a sense of justice, do you want to drive away Yu Qingxue, a person who walks on the edge of the dividing line between black and white? Or is it some kind of wishful thinking and jealousy?

Yu Zhesen shook his head. He was not in the mood to explore Cheng Heyang's motives, nor did he intend to give a firm promise or answer.

Because in his opinion, this is not something worth taking seriously.

"Don't put on a nonchalant expression. Even if I can't read your mind, it's still easy to investigate the evidence against you." Cheng Heyang was very dissatisfied with Yu Zhesen's indifference.

"Then why don't you work hard to see if you can collect enough evidence to bring me to trial?" Yu Zhesen shrugged, "If you are exiled to the pioneering area, wouldn't you be far away from Qingxue in every sense?"
Cheng Heyang frowned and said in a lower voice: "I don't like to do things right away. I came to you today to tell you this. I hope you can take care of yourself."

"It sounds like a teacher intimidating primary school students." Yu Zhesen scratched his ear, "Do you usually deal with problem children like this when you work? Aren't you afraid of putting too much pressure on them and leaving a psychological shadow?"

Cheng Heyang responded coldly: "It is easy to correct children who make mistakes, but it is much more troublesome to correct adults."

"Yes, it is very troublesome to deal with adult criminals, especially adult criminals with special powers, but the Security Bureau will never be deterred by difficulties." Yu Zhesen followed his words and said, "I will give you a piece of advice as a courtesy.

, if you continue to abuse your abilities so unscrupulously, you will be in trouble sooner or later."

Cheng Heyang's eyes darkened.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Yu Zhesen would dare to threaten him in turn.

The Iron Dome Park Management Act has strict restrictions on telepathic abilities.

People with telepathic abilities like him and Yu Qingxue who work for the Bureau must also abide by relevant regulations and use their abilities in a restrained manner. Violators will be severely punished once confirmed.

But the key is that it is very difficult to "verify" crimes involving telepathy, and Cheng Heyang knows this very well.

At present, the only more effective method is through an auxiliary instrument, a device similar to a power limiter, which can detect the user's activation and utilization frequency of powers around the clock and upload the records to the database of the administration.

This device is currently still in the research and development trial stage and is mainly worn by people with criminal records. Considering the issues involving human rights and privacy, it has not yet been widely promoted and applied.

Cheng Heyang curled up his lips with a disdainful smile. He didn't think Yu Zhesen had the ability to catch the evidence that he abused his powers.

But what Yu Zhesen just said was not entirely a warning to Cheng Heyang that it is illegal to abuse mind-reading skills. More importantly, he knew through Yu Qingxue's past experience that unrestrained use of mind-reading skills is likely to have irreparable bad effects on the user himself.


Abusing superpowers will bring retribution to the user. This was the second half of what he did not say to Cheng Heyang.

The two ended their conversation in an unpleasant atmosphere, and each turned around and left with a cold expression.


The public cafeteria on the 8th floor of the Security Bureau Headquarters Building.

Chu Yuexi had already ordered the assorted rice bowl for Yu Zhesen, and waved to him from afar on the seat she had occupied.

"What did Mr. Cheng want from you just now?" She asked impatiently after Yu Zhesen sat down.

"It's nothing," Yu Zhesen smiled and shook his head, "He just came here to take a look when he was bored."

"Eh? Is that so?" Chu Yuexi opened her mouth doubtfully.

Yu Zhesen took out his mobile phone and put it on the table, then changed the subject and said: "I actually want to discuss with you the return questionnaire sent by the Marriage and Childbirth Bureau..."

"Oh! I received it too." Chu Yuexi also opened her mobile phone,

Found the questionnaire.

Questions such as whether you are satisfied with the arrangement of the blind date event, the suitability of the time and place, etc. are not important.

The most critical thing is whether both parties have the intention to enter the "marriage preparatory registration" stage.

Although they had already established an alliance to jointly deal with blind date arrangements before, and also agreed to try to develop a relationship as a couple, they would inevitably have some concerns when they actually faced fake registration.

Yu Zhesen feels that the biggest problem is that he cannot deceive his heart. Until now, the number one woman in his heart is still An He. Chu Yuexi is very kind and sincere to him, but the relationship between them is more of a close friend.
Moreover, due to each other's busy schedules during this period, they have never had a decent date, and their plan to "try to develop as a couple" has been stalled.

"Just fill in the consent here?" Chu Yuexi looked at him inquiringly, her finger already hovering on the check button of "Preparatory Marriage Registration".

Yu Zhesen came back to his senses and didn't expect that she would make this decision without any burden. He couldn't help but ask: "Don't you need to think about it? If you make a hasty decision like this..."

"It's just a lie anyway, right?" She avoided Yu Zhesen's gaze, with an obscure curve at the corner of her mouth.

Before Yu Zhesen could answer, she had already checked "agree" on the questionnaire.

Correspondingly, a pink heart-shaped mark appeared behind this column on Yu Zhesen's questionnaire, and when clicked on it, there was a text prompt "The other party has confirmed their consent."

"Yu Zhesen, are you worried?" Chu Yuexi asked, looking at Yu Zhesen's hesitant expression.

"Sorry, maybe I'm overthinking it." He laughed self-deprecatingly, "To be honest, I have almost developed a habit of checking your messages every night before going to bed. If I don't do it, I will feel that something is missing, but I don't

Determine if this counts as..."

"Of course not." Chu Yuexi denied it before he said the words "falling in love".

She said seriously: "Because basically I am sending you messages unilaterally, and at most it can only be regarded as a kind of confiding. If you feel disgusted or troubled, even confiding is not considered harassment, it is harassment."

Yu Zhesen was amused by her, and then said with certainty: "I'm not disgusted... I think it's pretty good so far."

"Have you ever been like this with your sister before?" Chu Yuexi suddenly put her chin in her hands, showing a dark expression of "I'm very curious".

"Ah?" Yu Zhesen was caught off guard by her.

"When you are at school, will you send her messages?"


Chu Yuexi's smile became more teasing, and she pretended to be coquettish: "Don't be shy, I want to know."

"An Zhitian didn't let me bring my cell phone to school...before college." He explained helplessly, "When I was at home, my room was on the first floor, and An He was on the second floor. For convenience, sometimes I would use text messages instead.

Talk face to face."

Chu Yuexi nodded repeatedly.

Yu Zhesen suddenly covered his face with his hands: "Don't force me to think about these things... It's embarrassing."

"Why? Why is it embarrassing?" Chu Yuexi was puzzled, "Shouldn't these be very good memories? I am an only child. I have always envied the kind of growth with brothers and sisters accompanying me since I was a child. Besides, my sister is very good to you, right?


"But I still feel embarrassed, because I think most men are hopeless fools when they were young. Of course, maybe I am too now..."

"Well, can I agree with this point of view? It's quite pertinent." Chu Yuexi crossed her arms in front of her chest and nodded seriously.

"Okay, okay, so even so, you still think it's okay for us to continue like this?" Yu Zhesen raised his head and looked at her seriously, "If I click the agree button, you won't have any blind dates for the next year.


"Isn't this what we all hope for?"

"But at the same time, it will eliminate some possibilities, and you may miss some potentially outstanding candidates."

"The endless pursuit of higher returns is an undesirable gambler's mentality," Chu Yuexi said with a smile, "Just like playing some krypton gold games with probability of drawing cards, I prefer the guarantee mechanism."

This metaphor is a bit weird... Yu Zhesen didn't think about it carefully. After confirming that Chu Yuexi was serious, he finally made up his mind and checked the consent option on his questionnaire.

Two messages were sent to their mobile phones almost simultaneously, inviting them to go to the Qidao City Marriage and Childbirth Bureau Service Center for registration confirmation in the near future.

This chapter has been completed!
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