Turn off the lights
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Chapter 282 Telecom Fraud

 When he walked to the door of the Internet cafe, Yu Zhesen felt that his idea was a bit hasty.

Looking at Cheng Heyang's name on the contact page of his mobile phone, his finger didn't press it for a long time.

Shi Xin's suggestion is to let him try to talk to Cheng Heyang, but if Cheng Heyang is really related to Yu Qingxue's loss of contact, he will definitely make corresponding preparations.

That guy is not an ordinary person after all, Yu Zhesen thought to himself.

Although he had only had two interactions with Cheng Heyang, Yu Zhesen's impression of this person was that he was "very difficult to deal with."

Cheng Heyang is a telepathic person and has experience working in the St. Newman City Juvenile Superpower Management Center. It may not be realistic to rely on a sudden attack to tear apart his psychological defense.

Yu Zhesen has the habit of being strict with his enemies and does not usually doubt others casually. However, once he identifies someone as the target of suspicion, he will try his best to take into account the opponent's advantages in all aspects.

Even sometimes the strength of his imaginary enemies may be higher than reality.

"You haven't figured out how to trick Cheng Heyang into talking, right?" Shi Xin felt his anxiety.

"I haven't figured out what strategy to use yet."

It is already midnight. If you call Cheng Heyang at this time, even if he has a seemingly reasonable reason, he will easily be resented. If Cheng Heyang gets angry on the grounds that his rest is disturbed, he may be able to hide his true emotions well.

"Indeed, he can accuse you of disturbing him and then hang up the phone naturally." Shi Xin agreed with his idea.

"So you have to think about your words in advance, or how to get him to take the bait..."

Shi Xin asked: "Do you know where Cheng Heyang lives?"

Yu Zhesen was stunned for a moment. He didn't know where Cheng Heyang lived in Qidao City, but he guessed that it might be the civil service travel reception center affiliated to the administration.

The answer to this question is not difficult to verify. He now has high-level permissions to use Yiguang, and he can easily find Cheng Heyang's check-in information at the reception hotel in the system.

The security system of the hostel and hotel under the administration is directly connected to the system of the Security Bureau, and personnel need to swipe their bracelets to submit identification when entering or exiting.

Shi Xin suggested checking today’s entry and exit records.

"System records show that Cheng Heyang returned to the reception hotel at 11 o'clock tonight."

"But I think he shouldn't dare to kidnap Yu Qingxue to the hostel and hotel, as that would be too easy for others to notice." Yu Zhesen shook his head.

Shi Xin said: "At least it is certain that the other person is now in the hostel hotel. And... assuming he kidnapped Miss Yu, then the kidnapper and the hostage are now separated."

"But where can he hide Yu Qingxue?" Yu Zhesen felt strange.

Qidao City is not Cheng Heyang's home turf. He is just here on a business trip. It stands to reason that he is not familiar with the place. If he wants to kidnap and hide hostages in a different place, can he do it alone?

"Do you suspect he has an accomplice?"

"Because it would be a bit unreasonable if one person committed the crime..."

"Crimes of passion often occur without warning and are highly random." Shi Xin reminded, "If he attacks the lady on impulse, it is normal to have no accomplices."

Suddenly there was a biting coldness on his cheeks. Yu Zhesen subconsciously shook his shoulders and suddenly came back to his senses from a state of fugue.

An He, who came to him at some point, put a can of iced coffee on his cheek.

"You scared me to death...why did you give me this?"

Yu Zhesen took the can of iced coffee and unscrewed the ring and took a big sip.

Reasoning and thinking in his own mind made Yu Zhesen's throat feel parched, and the drink An He brought was just enough to relieve him.

"Didn't you tell me to call? It's been almost ten minutes. I just took a look if I wasn't worried." An He exhaled softly and wiped his forehead gently with the back of his hand, "It's really hot today."

Yu Zhesen looked at her pink and red cheeks, and with a hint of mischief, he put the coffee can against her face.

The sudden contact with the coldness made An He let out a exclamation, and her voice was a little out of shape, unlike her original self.

"That's enough! Stop messing around. I think you ran out to be lazy, right? It's time to go back." An He pushed the coffee can away with his palm.

As if to emphasize her seriousness, An He imitated Claire's tone when she said these words. To be precise, she imitated Claire's tone when she was an instructor at the Starzhou City training camp.

At that time, Claire's tone and voice were harsher and colder than now.

Yu Zhesen stared at An He blankly, and an idea flashed in his mind.

"An He, do me a favor." Yu Zhesen put the half-drunk coffee into An He's hand, and then held her hand.

He was excited about his idea and couldn't wait to implement the plan.

"What help can you do? Do you have any strange ideas?" An He's attention was attracted by the cold coffee can in his hand, and he failed to correctly judge Yu Zhesen's intention at the first time.

Yu Zhesen leaned close to her ear and said a lot of words.

An He gradually opened his eyes in surprise, but finally nodded affirmatively: "Okay, but I may need to prepare... practice..."

Yu Zhesen gave her a thumbs up: "Believe in yourself, you can do it."


Guesthouse Hotel, second floor, room 207.

In the dark room, only the laptop on the table by the window shines.

Cheng Heyang crossed his fingers and held his chin, sitting in front of the computer and staring at the screen.

The computer is playing a downloaded movie offline, "The Silence of the Lambs".

"Sure enough, this version is the best. The remakes made by future generations will never be as classic as the original version." Cheng Heyang said to himself.

Before he finished speaking, the mobile phone placed aside vibrated.

Cheng Heyang glanced at the contact on the caller ID, and his eyebrows twisted and then relaxed in a brief second.

He pressed the pause button, picked up the phone, and smiled.

The screen freezes on the scene where Clarice Starling, the female FBI agent played by Jodie Foster, goes to the prison where the ogre Hannibal is and shows her FBI ID.

"It's so beautiful... This is the beauty of justice and self-sacrifice."

Cheng Heyang held the mobile phone in his right hand and put it to his ear. At the same time, he stretched his left hand towards the beautiful agent on the screen, and his fingertips left circular patterns like rippling water on the LCD screen.

The incoming call notification on his mobile phone was still pulsing. He stared at the screen infatuatedly, until a few seconds before the call was about to time out, he slid his finger to answer the call.

"Hey! Teacher Cheng, you finally answered the phone. Didn't it disturb your rest?"

Yu Zhesen's voice came out from the receiver, with a relaxed and cheerful tone that he had not expected.

"Is something wrong?" Cheng Heyang responded lukewarmly.

There seemed to be some noise on the other end of the phone, as if I was at some night market stall, and there were a lot of noisy sounds around.

"Are you free now? Let's go out for barbecue together. My sister and Teacher Yu are both here. Come and we can make a big platter for four people."

Cheng Heyang's expression was a little stiff. After a few seconds of silence, he asked: "What did you just say? I'm sorry I didn't hear clearly."

"I said, if you have time, let's go out to have barbecue together. Teacher Yu is also here. It's more crowded..." Yu Zhesen suddenly paused in the middle of his words on the phone. His voice sounded softer, like

Turn around suddenly to talk to other people.

Cheng Heyang's mind went blank. He heard Yu Qingxue's voice coming from the other side of the phone.

Yu Qingxue first asked, "Do you want this?"

Then, Yu Zhesen answered somewhat vaguely, "Okay, whatever."

Yu Qingxue's voice came again: "An He said you like to eat."

As soon as this sentence was finished, another woman's surprised voice sounded: "Eh? Qingxue, have I told you?"

Yu Qingxue's answer "Yes..." and Yu Zhesen's answer "You figure it out" overlapped.

A drop of sweat slipped from the side of Cheng Heyang's face. He didn't wipe it. His throat twitched and he swallowed nervously.

"Hey, hey, what did Teacher Cheng say? Are you coming? We are..."

Cheng Heyang interrupted Yu Zhesen before he could tell him the address: "Sorry, I have important work tomorrow, so I won't be here. I wish you all a good time."

"Oh, that's it..." Yu Zhesen's voice sounded a little disappointed and depressed, "There's nothing we can do about it. After all, work is important. Let's make an appointment next time when we have a chance."

Cheng Heyang said "hmm" and did not hang up the phone. He raised his ears and tried hard to listen to the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Teacher Cheng said he can't come, so order less. It won't be finished in a while and it will be a waste."

"He Yang won't come? Alas..."

Yu Qingxue's sigh was cut off by a beep when she hung up the phone. Cheng Heyang sat blankly in front of the computer and put down the phone after a long time.

His eyes were staring blankly at Clarice Starling on the screen, and the veins on his forehead gradually bulged.

A minute later, Cheng Heyang rushed out of the room, hurried down to the first floor, swiped his personal electronic bracelet, passed through the reception and hotel's access control, and stepped into the vast night.


"He took the bait." Yu Zhesen flipped the phone so that An He could see the new entry and exit records that appeared on the screen.

An He narrowed his eyes coldly, stuck the bamboo skewer on the unfinished barbecue on the plate, stood up and shouted: "Boss, pay the bill."

Yu Zhesen also left his seat and put a Bluetooth headset on his left ear. After adjusting it, he said softly: "Intern, can you see him going out?"

"I saw it. Just when I went out, he had a car. The license plate was R4G5700. The vehicle was registered by the Municipal Logistics Department of the Administration Bureau." Chu Yuexi replied.

"Received, R4G5700, I will call Skynet to monitor and track this car."

"I'm going to follow, I got a shared scooter."

"No, you should go home now." Yu Zhesen's face suddenly darkened when he heard that she planned to follow Cheng Heyang.

"It's not my style to run away from the enemy."

"Cheng Heyang is a telepathic person with extremely strong anti-reconnaissance ability. You will be exposed if you are not careful!"

"I will keep a distance from him." Chu Yuexi said stubbornly, "Although you are the commander now, the commissioner also has the power to deal with the situation on the spot."

The roar of the motorcycle's accelerator sounded in the headphones.

This chapter has been completed!
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