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Chapter 289 Third Party Intervention

 "Cheng Heyang!" Yu Zhesen raised his head and shouted.

Standing on the guardrail of the connecting bridge, Cheng Heyang looked down at Yu Zhesen. The expression on his face at this moment could not be said to be angry or frustrated. It was also completely different from the previous madness at the virtual card table gambling game.

"You win, but don't try to judge me."

Cheng Heyang had a self-deprecating smile in his eyes as he stepped on the air and fell from a height.

Yu Zhesen, who had already placed his right index finger on the left wrist bracelet, pressed the light particle transmission button.

The golden light spots floating in the air converged into two tornado-like spirals, rushing towards Yu Zhesen's body from the left and right sides.

The red-colored exoskeleton armor was assembled tightly on his body. Before the entire suit of armor could be fully assembled, Yu Zhesen jumped out from the platform.

As he took off, he fired a rope towards Cheng Heyang, trying to tie his legs, but the rope spikes bounced back with a crisp sound in mid-air, as if they hit an invisible wall of air.<


The rainbow-colored light of the humanoid outline flashed past, and the unknown exoskeleton armor wearing a Viking-style horn helmet appeared next to the falling Cheng Heyang, and wrapped its burly and thick mechanical arms around his waist and held him under his ribs.
"It's this guy again! Why is he here!" Yu Zhesen and Shi Xin exclaimed in unison in their minds.

As if capturing their thoughts, the unknown exoskeleton armor holding Cheng Heyang issued a low electronic synthesized sound: "We meet again, Mr. Yu Zhesen."

[This person knows my identity...]

Yu Zhesen felt horrified.

Both sides landed almost at the same time. Yu Zhesen's Dark Night Fire Armor was forced to kneel down to cushion under the control of the balance system, but the opponent's armor remained motionless.

"Look carefully, his appearance is slightly different from last time. Have some module parts been updated?" Shi Xin had a panoramic view of the opponent's armor external data through Yu Zhesen's field of vision.

"It must have been strengthened, Teacher Yu, stand behind me!" Yu Zhesen quickly adjusted his posture, assumed a fighting posture, and let the destruction ring nested on the wrist's magnetic fitting device enter the rotational acceleration state in advance.
Yu Qingxue's expression was slightly startled. She didn't understand the first half of Yu Zhesen's sentence. She hesitated and followed his instructions to stand in the area behind the Dark Night Flowing Fire Armor.

Shi Xin complained a little in Yu Zhesen's mind: "You mixed up what you said to me with what you said to her, idiot."

"Don't worry about these details at this time. I'm ready to go." Yu Zhesen glanced at the microcomputer control panel. The system showed that the destruction ring had reached the highest speed under normal conditions.

He took a step forward, but saw the armor wearing a Viking-style helmet on the opposite side raised his palm to stop him: "Wait a minute, Mr. Yu, I don't think we need to fight tonight."

Yu Zhesen stopped, he was a little confused about this guy's intentions.

"You are here to save people, and I am here to save people. We each achieve our goals, and we do not interfere with each other." The unidentified armor continued.

Yu Zhesen was stunned for a moment: "Are you here to save people too?"

The unidentified armor let out a dry laugh: "Mr. Cheng is a rare talent, it would be a pity to die like this."

Cheng Heyang, who was held hostage by his waist, showed an angry expression when he heard this, struggled and protested: "I don't need your mercy!"

"Mr. Cheng, please be a little more mature." The unidentified armor lowered his head and glanced at Cheng Heyang's thin body compared to his own. "Failure is not a shameful thing. It is shameful not to be able to face your own failure."

Cheng Heyang gritted his teeth and punched his armor with his fists while kicking his legs: "What did you say..."

"It is difficult to find a person with telepathy among a hundred thousand people. Since you were born and came into this world, you have been favored far beyond human beings." The unidentified armor spoke and cast his gaze behind Yu Zhesen.

Yu Qingxue, "The same goes for you, young lady."

Although she was separated by the thick visor of the horn helmet, Yu Qingxue could still feel the other party's sharp gaze, which gave her an inexplicable chill in her heart.

She involuntarily took two steps back, not daring to look at him, but instead stared at Yu Zhesen's back to make herself feel safe.

"Put the person down." Yu Zhesen raised his right wrist covered with a destruction ring and threatened, "Otherwise I will cut open your head like last time."

The unidentified armor raised his index finger and shook it slightly: "Violence may be able to cut open other people's heads, but it can never crush thoughts."

Yu Zhesen and Yu Qingxue were both surprised that the seemingly thick and bulky armored joints could actually make such flexible and delicate movements.

"How many years of history have we humans had since the birth? Wars between countries and battles between people have never stopped. But even if the other party can be temporarily forced to submit through violence, there is always a flame of resistance.

The ashes of death are rising again under the ruins." The unidentified armor let out a heavy sigh.

After sighing, he whispered deeply: "Because violence cannot eliminate thoughts, thoughts and beliefs can transcend life blood and spread like viruses."

"Could it be that you want to control other people's thoughts..." Yu Qingxue raised her hand to cover her mouth.

"Human nature is evil and needs to be enlightened." The unidentified armor nodded slightly, and then looked down at Cheng Heyang who was caught by him again: "I think Mr. Cheng will agree with this, right? After all, you are so keen on playing the knight, with your

One's own likes and dislikes execute judgment on the dark side of others' hearts."

Cheng Heyang's face turned blue. He wanted to know who the person hidden under the armor was, but before he could activate his mind-reading skills, a superpower gene limiter was put around his neck.

"After we leave here, we can have a lot of time to communicate, and you will definitely understand me." The unknown armor smiled, and the arm holding Cheng Heyang suddenly released a burst of electricity.

Cheng Heyang, who was suddenly shocked by the electric shock, let out a scream, his struggling movements stopped completely, and his arms hung down feebly.

Yu Qingxue took a breath of cold air and couldn't help but frown.

Although not long ago, she was full of thoughts of fighting to the death with Cheng Heyang, who kidnapped her, but at this moment when she saw him being brutally stunned by an unidentified armor, she couldn't help but feel a trace of compassion.

Although Cheng Heyang is a misguided criminal above Mo Zheng, the guy wearing mysterious armor in front of him is definitely more dangerous than Cheng Heyang!

Yu Qingxue was thinking this, when suddenly a tingling sensation like light and electricity flashed through her mind.

With her years of experience, she realized that this was a sign of passive reception of malicious intent from others.

Because she had been injected with a gene inhibitor by Cheng Heyang before, her abilities have not yet recovered, but her keenness in passively sensing thought fragments is still effective.

"Yu Zhesen, be careful! He is about to take action!" Yu Qingxue judged that the malice at this moment must come from the unidentified mysterious armor on the opposite side, and hurriedly shouted a warning to Yu Zhesen.

Yu Zhesen has never let down his guard. The last encounter with this armor in Wu Xiaoming's villa left a deep impression on him. He knew very well that this was a difficult opponent.

The blue spherical energy barrier expanded from the power core of the Night Fire Armor, completely wrapping Yu Zhesen and Yu Qingxue behind him.

The burly armored man five steps away saw this and chuckled. He maintained the action of holding Cheng Heyang hostage with one hand, and raised his other hand high and pointed his index finger at the top of his head.

There was a harsh buzzing sound in the air, and Yu Zhesen's eyes instantly reflected the warning red light on the armored microcomputer screen.

Accompanied by a tense and sharp system alarm, the armored microcomputer sounded an electronic female voice: "Warning, locked by multiple infrared guided missiles!"

Four small drones with their optical camouflage removed appeared high in the factory building. The pods hanging below each drone contained four missiles about thirty centimeters in length.

"Mr. Yu, you are a very interesting opponent. We will meet again later."

Before he finished speaking, the tails of the four missiles sprayed out tail flames at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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