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Chapter 313: Delivered to your door

 With a "crash", the sliding door of the bathroom opened, and the silver-haired beauty wrapped in a white bath towel tilted her head, grabbing her wet long hair with her hands as she walked out.

Her cheeks were rosy from taking a long hot bath, and a layer of fine sweat beads quickly appeared on her skin that had just been wiped clean.

After taking a can of cold beer from the refrigerator, Claire stood directly in front of the vertical air conditioner in her living room. The cold wind blowing in her face made her want to sneeze while feeling comfortable.

"Huh - this damn weather... I can't bear to take a bath for a long time. Speaking of which, the summer in Qidao City seems to be extremely long. When will autumn come?"

After blowing a gust of cold air in front of the air conditioner, Claire picked up the mobile phone placed on the coffee table, raised her eyebrows and opened the message in the voicemail.

"Instructor, this is Yu Zhesen. If you see the message, please call me back. I have something important to report."

Yu Zhesen's voice sounded very urgent.

Claire frowned immediately after hearing this and immediately called Yu Zhesen back.

"Hey, kid, what's going on?"

Two minutes later, she received the report about "Siren" Alitanova from Yu Zhesen, and her expression suddenly became a little solemn.

"Have you reported this to Chief Zhong?"

Yu Zhesen was stunned for a moment and replied not yet.

"You should report it to Zhong Yugu first. After all, the Criminal Investigation Department is responsible for the manhunt in the old city." Claire's tone was slightly dissatisfied.

"Alitanova should have fled from the old city by now. According to the wanderer's news, she got help from a surgeon in the surgical clinic." Yu Zhesen said, "I am more worried about you, instructor..."<


"Can the personal identity information of the surgeon in the surgical clinic be determined?" Claire interrupted the second half of his sentence.

Yu Zhesen on the other end of the phone quickly realized that if Alitanova relied on the surgeon to help her travel between cities, then all she had to do was track the doctor's license plate information.

He remembered that Qi Xiaohei mentioned the name of the clinic, and immediately mobilized Yiguang's Skynet system to lock the other party's identity and traffic and driving information.

"Citizen ID109212303, Zhou Fuchuan, 38 years old. Owns a second-hand Deslis car, the license plate is..."

"Transmit the information directly to the intranet, and I will apply to the Transportation Bureau for assistance in the investigation." Claire ordered.


Claire thought for a while and asked: "Where are you now?"

"I'm on my way from Youbu District to Municipal District...to your home, and I'm about to cross the bridge."

"That means we'll arrive in about thirty minutes?" Claire calculated the time and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for you. Is it okay if you don't go home tonight? Remember to tell Director An and Xiao An."

"I'm an adult and I work in the Security Bureau again." Yu Zhesen smiled bitterly, "It's normal not to go home all night. Isn't An Zhitian always like this before?"

"That's what I say, but after all, you are still a clerk in Li Zaizhong's office. I feel a little embarrassed to always call you to the front line." Claire said half-jokingly, "I will officially transfer you to another position after this case is concluded.

After all, Yuan Yinchuan came to see me last time."

"Ah? Let's talk about this later..."

Yu Zhesen was not opposed to working with Yuan Yinchuan in the Criminal Investigation Department, but he still preferred to transfer to the Field Service Department under Claire's direct command.

"Okay, let's talk about it then. See you in half an hour. I'm hanging up."

After ending the call, Claire breathed a sigh of relief, took off the bath towel and went to the room to change.

This case caused by the remnants of the Adventist sect is the most urgent task at the moment, and everyone in the Security Bureau is working hard on it, so even though she is slightly reluctant to work extra overtime, Claire still finds it from the closet without any delay.

Complete clothing.

A white shirt, tie and slim trousers, plus a gray summer suit. She glanced at her wardrobe and sighed secretly. Due to professional needs, 90% of the clothes in her wardrobe were neutral or even masculine.
Several long skirts that can highlight the charm of women are hanging in the corner and have not been favored by their owners for a long time. A new set of bohemian style gauze skirts bought half a month ago have not even had a chance to unpack and try it on...

Qidao City is obviously a revitalized city characterized by coastal tourism, but since she took office, she has not been to the beach once in a sightseeing and leisure mood.

It was originally a good opportunity for An Zhitian to come to Qida for vacation, but unfortunately it was spoiled by the Siren. Thinking of this, Claire felt annoyed.

End this case as soon as possible and seize the tail of the director-general's vacation... She glanced at the cobalt sapphire bracelet on her wrist and secretly hoped in her heart.

Claire, who put on her shirt, put on her Bluetooth headset and stood in front of the floor-length mirror. While adjusting her clothes, she contacted Zhong Yugu and Lin Jie.

Zhong Yugu said that he had ordered Yuan Yinchuan to set up cards at several entrances and exits in the old city to check passing vehicles, but the Criminal Investigation Department was not sure whether Alitanova had left the old city with the help of Zhou Fuchuan.

At this time, Lin Jie, who had also returned home from get off work, received the order and rushed back to the Security Bureau immediately, leading a field team on standby to attack.

The Transportation Bureau will integrate the city's road monitoring information in order to locate Zhou Fuchuan's vehicle as soon as possible and provide intelligence to the field team.

After arranging everything, Claire opened the equipment box she brought back from the field department before leaving get off work in the living room.

Electronic tactical goggles, an armed belt, a multifunctional tactical baton, multiple magazines, and a folding anti-submachine gun Knife07 of the same series as the Sword03 assault rifle.

The range and power of this submachine gun are not as good as the Sword03, but the foldable design of the gun body makes it more portable, and its firepower in close combat is far better than that of a pistol, so it was also selected as the standard weapon of the Security Bureau Commissioner.

Claire didn't take Yu Zhesen's words about the Siren's plan to retaliate against them to heart, but at this time, she expected that the other party would take the initiative to come to her door.

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Fighting in Fuxing City, unless the Return sect comes out in force like they did when she rescued Fu Zhaohai last time, she really has no reason to be afraid of the opponent.

Rather than digging deep into the ground to track down the fugitive hiding in XZ, Claire would certainly be more willing to see the fugitive slap him in the face.

She loaded the magazine into the magazine of the Knife07 submachine gun, opened the safety and loaded the bullet.

Carrying the gun and entering the garage from the steps inside the villa, the armed belt released a large number of light particles that turned into a silver flash exoskeleton armor on Claire's body.

The night battle search mode was activated, the electrically controlled garage door slowly rose, Claire raised the Knife07 submachine gun, and with the assistance of the armored fire control system connected to the infrared sighting device, she quickly locked onto the "black spot" hovering in the air.<


The "black spot" appears red on the armor's enemy detection radar. The scanned outline is accurately displayed on the microcomputer's visual interface. It is the same model of mechanical bee captured by the Security Bureau at Gwanghae Theater.

of miniature remote-controlled drones.


You!" Claire pulled the trigger, and the bullet fired from the submachine gun shattered the mechanical bee five meters away from her.

She lowered the muzzle of her gun and prepared to move forward to inspect the wreckage, but the armor's enemy tracking system quickly discovered a new target.

There were a total of five targets that appeared on the enemy tracking radar this time, and they were located in different directions of the villa. After the firing just now, these five mechanical bees in different positions began to gather towards Claire as if they had received a signal.

The bullets fired by the mechanical bees carrying micro-assassination weapons made a clanking sound when they hit the surface of the Silver Flash exoskeleton armor, and were bounced away in the flash of sparks, leaving no obvious traces.

Claire stood calmly on the spot, using the fire control system to assist in naming the mechanical bees that were besieging her one by one. In order to reduce the possibility of stray bullets accidentally injuring surrounding residents as much as possible, she would adjust the angle before each shot so that the bullet could travel at a large angle.

The upward trajectory penetrated and destroyed the mechanical bee before flying into the night sky.

After five gunshots, there were no red dots on the enemy detection radar, and all the mechanical bees turned into shattered wrecks.

But the entire villa area was unusually quiet, and the residents with lights on all around didn't seem to show any human reaction to such an obvious exchange of fire.

The property security guard not far away made no movement, as if the whole world had fallen into a deep sleep.

Claire suspected that Alitanova was responsible for all this. Perhaps the entire community had been hypnotized by the Kraken's ability, so they had no reaction to the shooting that had just occurred.

After waiting for a while but no second wave of attacks came, Claire expanded the search range of the armor and activated the life source reaction detection function.

The microcomputer of the Silver Flash Armor showed that there were obvious life reactions in the nearby villas, which further confirmed Claire's guess that this area has been affected by the siren's power, and maybe she is the only one who is still awake.

At this time, the sound of a car engine came from the left, and an old Deslis car drove towards her with its high beams on. A man in a white coat was vaguely visible in the driver's seat.

Claire aimed her gun at the approaching vehicle and issued a stern verbal warning through the armored loudspeaker: "Stop immediately! Otherwise I will shoot!"

The man driving the vehicle looked pale. It was not that he didn't want to step on the brakes, but at this moment a mechanical bee was parked behind his neck.

The woman's snake-like whisper echoed in his mind: "If you don't do as I say, this gadget will blow your head into a bloody flower."

"Ahhhh!" Compared to the threat of the armored specialist with a gun in front of him, the man was more afraid of the mechanical bee on the back of his neck. He chose to yell loudly to force himself to restrain his fear, and he stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward.


Claire pulled the trigger of the submachine gun, and the bullets fired instantly blew out the two front wheels of the car, but this still could not stop the man from driving towards her.

"Class B martial arts hammer activated", a prompt sounded from the armor's microcomputer. Claire mounted the submachine gun on the weapon module of the left arm armor, freed up her right hand to slam the hood of the car with her expanded iron fist.

The old Deslis car stopped running with sparks flying from the engine. Claire stepped on the battered hood and climbed onto the front of the car, smashing the windshield with a punch.

She reached out and grabbed the collar of the man in the driver's seat and tried to drag him out of the car, but the man was sweating profusely and crying while trying to resist, and kept begging for "help".

"Come out!" Claire didn't understand the man's fear and pleading, and used the force of the armor on her right arm to pull him out of the broken windshield.

The moment the man left the carriage, his entire head was blown away by a sudden explosion.

The red and white liquid was smeared on the front of Claire's armor, and the sudden dirt in her field of vision made her slightly stunned.

The man's hanging arm landed in front of the armored scanner, and the microcomputer issued an AI prompt: "Scanning citizen identity information through the bracelet..."

The result of scanning the identity made Claire shocked and angry. She originally thought that the man who was killed by a headshot was Zhou Fuchuan, the surgeon who assisted Alitanova, but the armor scanned the citizen electronic bracelet and found that it was another person.

Identity information - an ordinary person living in this community.

Then Claire took a closer look and saw that the man's surgical white coat was worn over a pair of home clothes. It was obviously forced on him.

Then the answer is obvious. He was coerced by Alitanova and Zhou Fuchuan to drive towards the armored commissioner of the Security Bureau.

After thinking about it, Claire put down the headless body and cursed in anger.

At this time, she heard the crisp sound of high heels hitting the ground behind her.

Turning around, Claire saw Alitanova standing ten steps away.

Alitanova was alone and did not carry a weapon. She just stood in front of her carelessly and covered her mouth and laughed: "Did you realize it? That person was coerced. What a pity. I originally wanted you to shoot with your own hands."

Shoot him, but performing a brain-blooming sideshow is a good sideshow, right?"

The next second, the red aiming line was locked between her eyebrows, and Claire's finger pressed tightly on the trigger.

As long as she pressed her finger, the bullet would penetrate Alitanova's head. The reason why Claire didn't do this was because she wanted to know the plan of this madwoman and where Zhou Fuchuan was.

This chapter has been completed!
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