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Chapter 324 Important Decision

 In the headquarters building of Xingtian Heavy Industry Group, the female receptionist of the bionic robot in the lobby on the first floor bowed to Luo Meiwu who entered through the gate.

"Good morning, Miss Luo, you seem to have brought a new visitor."

The soft gaze of the female bionic robot receptionist fell on the young man behind Luo Meewu.

Shen Yunqiu had rarely been stared at by the opposite sex like this. At this time, she couldn't help but blush slightly and lowered her head shyly.

Luo Meiwu negotiated with the receptionist: "From today on, Mr. Shen will be an employee of our company. I will take him to go through the entry procedures later. Please log in your personal information first and open the passage and elevator for him." permissions."

"Understood, welcome to join Xingtian Heavy Industry Group, please bring the citizen electronic bracelet close to the scanner here."

Shen Yunqiu held his left wrist wearing an electronic bracelet with his right hand and stood there without stepping forward, with a slight hesitation on his face.

Luo Meimei looked at him sideways and smiled slightly: "Do you still have any concerns? Or is there something I didn't explain to you before?"

She gently put her hand on Shen Yunqiu's shoulder, leaned close to him and whispered: "If there is anything you don't understand, just ask it and I will explain it to you carefully."

"Miss Luo..." Shen Yunqiu was a little out of breath due to the strong smell of perfume on her body, "I'm sure I understand what you told me before...the benefits of joining Xingtian Heavy Industry Group. But you recruited me What’s the reason?”

He sighed deeply: "My professional skills and work experience will not play a big role in your company, but even so you are still willing to give me a high salary. I admit that this attracts me, even if I I just got promoted in my original company..."

"Are you worried that you won't be qualified for your future job?" Luo Meewu asked, "Don't worry about this, the company will provide you with absolutely adequate training."

Shen Yunqiu met Luo Meiwu's gaze and needed a lot of restraint to prevent his attention from being sucked into her eyes that were as shining and moving as the stars in the universe.

He said: "Then why me? Everything you said, Miss Luo, is very good, so good that I don't think it is true."

"So you're worried about this? The treatment level of our company's employees is higher than the social average. You will know it when you come in."

"But you are an HR." Shen Yunqiu smiled bitterly, "My work experience has taught me that what HR says before officially joining the company is often not trustworthy or not entirely trustworthy."

Luo Meimei nodded approvingly: "Yes, it's not surprising that you have this idea. Staying vigilant in an adult society based on interest relationships is a good habit to avoid losses."

After she finished her compliment, she changed the subject: "But it's a pity that you didn't use this vigilance to prevent your parents from falling into the trap of the bad guys, right? In other words, you learn from every experience, and you only recently understood this truth?"< /p>

Shen Yunqiu was startled for a moment. Luo Meewu's slightly harsh words touched the pain in his heart and made him feel embarrassed again in front of her.

"I will not convince you of the long-term benefits that the company can bring to you. I will only tell you the most practical benefits at hand."

Luo Meiwu pressed his shoulders and pushed him towards the front desk.

She said to Shen Yunqiu: "If you want to solve the predicament at hand, there is no way from heaven to earth. The company can provide you with a way to solve it, that's all."

Shen Yunqiu closed his eyes slightly, and the faces of his parents and sister flashed in his mind, followed by the details of when his family was sent to the development zone to serve their sentences and worked hard to find a living in Qidao City alone... and finally... , the encounter with that person.

That person... When he thought of Yu Zhesen, he felt mixed emotions in his heart.

He remembered the day he met Yu Zhesen for the first time very clearly in his mind - the boy posted a message online looking for a shared apartment, and he happened to also need to move, so he got in touch.

When they met, the first impression Yu Zhesen left on him was that he was very unreliable.

I'm not a local, I don't have a stable job, I have no contact with my family, and all the money I have is not enough to pay the deposit for renting a house.

Shen Yunqiu didn't know what he was thinking at the time, but he actually agreed to go to the landlord to sign a shared tenancy contract with such a person, and paid the rent and deposit in advance for him.

But he still remembers the look in Yu Zhesen's eyes when he said "I will pay off what I owe you as soon as possible" on the day he signed the contract and moved in.

He was down and out, but he did not lose his energy to move forward. There was light in his eyes.

At that time, when Shen Yunqiu faced Yu Zhesen, he still had a sense of superiority in his heart. He felt that he had a serious job and a goal to strive for, while Yu Zhesen was just messing around.

Even when Yu Zhesen quietly paid him a huge sum of money to redeem his family in the development zone, Shen Yunqiu only thought that it was because Yu Zhesen was lucky.

However, before he knew it, the brother he once thought he needed to "take care of" had suddenly become a public servant.

When the Advent sect turned the entire Qidao City upside down, Shen Yunqiu discovered for the first time that the "bastard" brother in his eyes actually had such a handsome side. His leap on the high-speed train even deceived Shen Yunqiu. I have persisted for many years as "a man never sheds tears easily".

After that, Shen Yunqiu felt more and more that he and Yu Zhesen were not the same person. The hardships his brother had suffered in the past were just training given to him by God. After that, he would skyrocket to a great heights.

And he is just an unimportant passer-by arranged by God in the process of painstaking efforts, Shen Yunqiu thought.

He has had this idea for a long time, because after meeting An He, he realized that Yu Zhesen was not really a "lonely person".

In fact, Yu Zhesen has a family who cares about him extremely and has an enviable family.

Shen Yunqiu thought that he would never be able to catch up with his brother again, or that he had never been ahead at all.

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He also admits that he has no lofty ideals and ambitions. He just wants to work hard to repay the money that Yu Zhesen lent him and live a good life with his family.

But that contract with a trap completely destroyed his beautiful plans for the future.

Shen Yunqiu does not blame his parents for being burdened with debts. They are just too eager to help their son repay the favor of his good friends. However, their long years of living in the development zone have made them more interested in revitalizing the city. His understanding is out of touch with the generations, and he has not seen through the sinister human heart hidden under the honey.

Shen Yunqiu just felt that he had no face to face Yu Zhesen and could not tell him the truth.

He still couldn't let himself get out of the role of "leader" and "caregiver" of the shared house, even though Yu Zhesen had actually helped him a lot.

Maybe it’s because of the difficulty in transferring the state of mind, or maybe it’s because of the man’s pride.

"Wipe it." Luo Meiwu's voice reached his ears, and she handed Shen Yunqiu a pack of tissues.

Shen Yunqiu came to his senses and realized that he had lost his temper and shed tears.

The days when I shared a house with Yu Zhesen were obviously a happy time like "a middle-schooler with no worries". Why can't I cry when I recall these things?

Shen Yunqiu accepted the pack of tissues numbly, but did not open it for a long time.

"How about we forget it for today?" Luo Meimei sighed sympathetically, "It seems like we are forcing you."

"No, it has nothing to do with Miss Luo. It's my own problem." Shen Yunqiu shook his head and choked: "Actually, I don't know... I don't know what I should do."

Luo Meimei reassured: "You can think about it again, or should I take you to visit the company today?"

After hearing what she said, Shen Yunqiu was shaken again, and his subconscious defense against Luo Meewu weakened a bit.

Gentle, considerate, mature and charming... the image of "Miss Luo" in his heart seemed to have become more perfect, with a goddess-like shine.

He vaguely felt something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out. He just felt that his eyes seemed to be easily attracted to her.

"When you are in doubt, it is better to ask the people who really care about you. There is no need to shoulder all the troubles yourself." A clear voice came from behind, and the tone was like that of an arrogant and domineering supporting actress in some idol romance drama. A sharp and mean characteristic.

Shen Yunqiu turned around and saw a girl with short pink hair in a professional suit approaching, followed by a boy with a somewhat indifferent expression.

There was a little surprise in Luo Meiwu's eyes: "Ah, Yuxi, you came really early today..."

"Good morning, Sister Luo, you are so beautiful today, even I am almost smitten by your charm." Wu Xiaoming held his face in his hands and made an exaggerated nymphomaniac expression towards Luo Meiwu, and then laughed.

"No, no, your fair and tender face is what makes my sister envious. Come over and pinch it for me." Luo Meiwu replied with a smile.

Shen Yunqiu was a little embarrassed on the side, but he suddenly found that his head seemed to be clearer than before...

Is this new girl distracting his attention? He thought secretly, feeling that the presence of Luo Meewu in his mind seemed to have weakened a lot.

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