Turn off the lights
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Chapter 343 Shadow Whispers

 Turning off the lights in the living room, Wu Xiaoming, wearing only a bath towel, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the villa, opened the curtains and looked at the dark sea under the cliff and the reflected bright moon.

Removing her makeup made her look far different from the refined and elegant white-collar elite she usually maintained. The corners of her eyes were naturally hanging down, and without false eyelashes, she looked unexpectedly weak.

"The bright moon rises over the sea, and we share this moment even when we are at the end of the world."

The man's deep voice sounded in the darkness behind her, with a different kind of desolation.

Wu Xiaoming did not look back, looking at the sea view outside the window unmoved, and scratched his hair that was not yet dry.

Jin Jianshen walked up to her with a goblet half full of red wine and helped her lift the curtains to the side.

"Lovers complain about the distant night, but they miss each other at night."

When he read these two sentences, he looked sideways at his half-sister meaningfully.

Wu Xiaoming sighed: "The words 'lover' and 'lovesickness' here do not refer to the love between men and women, but to the longing for relatives and friends far away. Boss, your understanding of Chinese culture is too shallow. If you show off forcefully, you will make a joke."<


"I haven't said anything yet. It's just a couple of poems that evoke feelings from the scene." Jin Jianshen shrugged.

"I understand what you mean." Wu Xiaoming laughed at himself, "Don't worry, I will do what I should do."

Jin Jianshen's handsome eyebrows were slightly raised, and he asked in pretending to be surprised: "What is what you should do? Why don't I know?"

Wu Xiaoming was not in the mood to joke with him, and asked seriously: "When I go to the airport to pick up the old man's plane tomorrow, do you want me to go or do you arrange for someone else to go?"

Jin Jianshen shook the red wine glass slowly and asked, "Do you want to go? We haven't seen each other for so many years. If you want to go, just go."

"What does this mean?"

"It's life and death on the ship. What I mean is that if you want to observe and contact your father up close without any regrets, these two days may be your last chance."

Wu Xiaoming gritted his teeth and turned to glare at Jin Jianshen.

The latter smiled "haha", sipped the red wine and praised: "Very good, I like your expression of self-awareness. After all, according to our original agreement, you will no longer be my vassal after this matter is over."
Jin Jianshen observed Wu Xiaoming's expression and continued: "Accordingly, I will also take back everything I gave you, so that you can adapt to independence early. It may be a bit late for girls of the same age as you, but I think it's just right.


"That kind of verbal agreement doesn't even have a contract, and besides, it's an agreement between children. Boss, don't you feel unlucky if you mention it seriously now?"

As Wu Xiaoming spoke, he touched the smooth skin on his shoulders and looked like he was getting goosebumps from embarrassment.

"Aren't you dissatisfied with this arrangement?" Jin Jian said with a deep smile, "Some caged birds who come from wealthy families yearn for freedom."

Wu Xiaoming just snorted disdainfully.

"What about Shenyin?" she asked.

"After killing Jin Guozheng, Shenyin means nothing to me. It is just a retreat I found for myself." Jin Jianshen said openly.

Wu Xiaoming said softly "Oh" without hiding his disappointment.

"Now that Jin Guozheng is dead, someone has to continue to maintain his company, right?" Jin Jianshen said in a matter-of-fact tone, "Could someone leave the business oligarch alone and become a thankless vigilante?"
"It makes sense." Wu Xiaoming responded perfunctorily, and then yawned.

"I'm tired today. I'm going to bed." She went straight to her bedroom without looking back, leaving Jin Jianshen alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Hearing the sound of the door being locked from the direction of the bedroom, Jin Jian turned around halfway and raised the wine glass in his hand towards the curtain on the other side.

The curtains moved without any wind, and through the moonlight you could faintly see a shadow holding a cup behind the curtains.


Haiya Reception Center, H1 Special Guard Area.

Warden No. 5700 stood motionless in front of Alitanova and Minyuan, like a sculpture.

The cell door was open, and the green-lit corridor was empty.

"Hey, is it true...this oil-proof android is malfunctioning?" Alitanova poked the bionic silicone on No. 5700's face with her hand. It felt as real as touching a living person.

flesh and blood.

Min Yuan sat on the bed with a vigilant look. No. 5700 would come to their cell for inspection every night. The whole process usually only took a few minutes, but this time No. 5700 felt like he was being taken away after entering the cell.

I started to feel dazed like clockwork.

This situation has been going on for a full 10 minutes.

During this period, no personnel from the holding center came to inspect, because according to the rules, the H1 special guard area is completely managed by guards composed of bionic robots.

The prisoners in this area are felons who are classified as having the ability to "corrode and bewitch thoughts." The rebuilt Haiya Holding Center has implemented fully automated management of this area.

Daily supply delivery tasks and prisoner management are all completed by bionic guards, and there are almost no surveillance blind spots in the entire area.

Although the person responsible for observing the surveillance in this area is also a bionic human caretaker, the surveillance situation will be reported routinely at the morning meeting of the next day at the containment center, and then the person in charge of the containment center will make detailed corrections to the behavioral logic of the android based on the actual situation.


At first, both Min Yuan and Alitanova believed that the guard system was impeccable, and it seemed that only a long imprisonment was waiting for them. Unless Chief Friedheim could one day lead his comrades back from the deep sea, there would be no possibility of escape.
But today they once again realized that nothing is impossible in this world.

"Go out and take a look?" Alitanova suggested to Minyuan, pointing to the open door.

Min Yuan was still hesitating, but No. 5700, who had been paralyzed, made a voice at this time: "If you two really want to take a few steps outside, I don't mind. But even if this area is completely under my control, on the other hand,

Is it better to go for a walk or to a safer place?"

Alitanova and Minyuan looked at each other. Although the voice of No. 5700 was indeed the voice they were familiar with, the tone was obviously that of a different person.

"Who is talking?" Min Yuan asked, staring at the artificial pupils of No. 5700.

Alitanova is more straightforward: "You said that this area has been brought under your control. Have you invaded the central network of the shelter? Are you sent by Father Friedheim to rescue us?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know Father Friedheim, but this is not the first time we have met." No. 5700 made a gesture of spreading his hands, "Miss Alitanova, if it weren't for me, you would

If you can’t even hold on to Jason Yu’s entrance, you will be defeated by Claire Hathaway.”

Alitanova instantly recalled the memory of that night and blurted out: "You are the exoskeleton armor wearing the horn helmet!"

"Shouldn't you be decapitated by Yu Zhesen's knife?" Min Yuan asked, "Did you say that your armor was remotely controlled at that time?"

No. 5700 let out a stiff laugh, turned around and said in a proud tone: "I am everywhere. I am invisible and impermanent, so how can I be eliminated?"

That stinking look was really annoying, but even the irritable and straightforward Alitanova did not attack No. 5700 at this time.

Since this guy has the ability to invade a heavily guarded holding center, it means that he is a person who has the capital to show off in front of them.

For Min Yuan and Alitanova, this person is the only hope they can rely on now. They are only one step away from escaping the detention center and regaining freedom - removing the ability limiter collar on Min Yuan's neck.
"No matter who you are, as long as you can help us get out." Alitanova said to No. 5700, "If you can control the guards here, then you must also have a way to remove our power limiter, right?"<


"Of course, it's easy, if I want." No. 5700 replied without hesitation.

"Then..." Alitanova clasped her hands and fingers expectantly, looking at No. 5700 with sparkling eyes.

No. 5700 turned back to face her and extended his hand to her, but it was not a friendly handshake.

Under Alitanova's gaze, he turned his palm and pointed his index finger to the ground at his feet: "Miss Alitanova, please kneel down to show your surrender to me and swear allegiance to me."

"What did you say?" Alitanova frowned angrily.

"Didn't I make it clear enough? Kneel down, surrender, and swear allegiance." No. 5700 repeated coldly, "I am not a philanthropist, nor am I full of hostility and hatred for this beautiful city like you."

Like a poet, although he used the emotionless voice of an android, he still read out affectionate and full words: "I love her deeply. The neon lights of the night are her makeup, and the steel and cement are her skin."

.Her flesh and bones are piled up with countless gold and power, nourishing mortals like ants, and in turn devouring them to become the nutrients for her eternal youth and vitality."

Even Alitanova, who calls herself a staunch fighter against the Iron Dome order in the sect, shuddered at No. 5700’s description.

"But you want to destroy her." No. 5700 let out a sigh of regret and murmured with self-pity: "I shouldn't have saved you, but I am a person who cherishes talents. If you are willing to show loyalty to me...


"I will never abandon my sect and beliefs!" Alitanova roared, "I am not loyal to you at all..."

Her roar stopped abruptly, and her face was full of shock and disbelief.

Because she caught a glimpse of Min Yuan walking down from the bed and kneeling on the ground almost without hesitation.

This chapter has been completed!
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