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Chapter 355 Under the mask

 Wu Xiaoming, who drove Jin Guozheng from the northern airport to Jin Jianshen Company, did not have to take this road.

Originally, her best route choice was to go directly from the elevated road in the municipal area to the economic development zone where the company is located, but on the way she learned that the Transportation Bureau had temporarily blocked the elevated road and there was a traffic jam below, so she had no choice but to follow the smart navigation and take an unusual route.

The route to take.

Whether it was fate or bad luck, she met Yu Zhesen and the gunman who was driving a high-tech sports car to escape.

Wu Xiaoming didn't have as good eyesight as Yu Zhesen. She only saw the strange and eye-catching sports car hit the green belt and took off as it swerved and turned around. There seemed to be a figure pulling on the roof.

With her rich experience in danger, she predicted that the sports car would hit her head the moment it took off.

Wu Xiaoming, who usually had countless options to protect himself or escape, was now stunned because Jin Guozheng was still sitting in the back seat.

Although she had wavered before, Wu Xiaoming believed that everything she had done from picking up the plane to now was faultless. In Jin Guozheng's eyes, she was just a female secretary whose appearance might match Jin Jianshen's aesthetics.

But if she showed off her Dark Night Fire exoskeleton armor at this time, Jin Guozheng would definitely realize that there was something wrong with her identity.

So is it possible to leave Jin Guozheng and escape alone?

No, no, no, this won’t work either. Wu Xiaoming himself rejected the idea.

If she wanted to escape in time, she could only rely on her superpower to transfer space, but she couldn't guarantee that Jin Guozheng would definitely die in this accident.

The consequences of revealing to Jin Guozheng that she is a space transfer ability user are more serious than exposing the Night Fire Armor.

In an instant, the consequences of many choices flashed through Wu Xiaoming's mind. In the end, she still chose to be loyal to her agreement with Jin Jianshen, sitting in the driver's seat and doing nothing.

The training she received over the years allowed her to restrain the human survival instinct when facing danger and put her "mission and responsibility" at a higher priority.

Seeing the black sports car rolling in the air coming towards him, Wu Xiaoming did not close his eyes to escape, but tried to open his eyes wide.

Memories of the car accident that changed her life as a child came flooding back.

Strictly speaking, it cannot be said to be a memory, because she was too young at the time and did not form any clear picture in her mind, leaving only the cold and desperate feeling after the car accident.

This incident has always been a shadow deep in her heart. She did not tell Jin Jianshen that because of this reason, she failed the driver's license exam many times and had to receive counseling from a psychological counselor during the day while practicing driving at night.

What supported her to overcome this mountain-like shadow was the ideological imprint that Jin Jianshen instilled in her - strive to become a person useful to him.

Suddenly a hand was put on her shoulder from behind, and she heard Jin Guozheng say to herself, "Don't be nervous."

The picture flashed before her eyes, and she had already left the cab.

Suddenly losing the support of the seat under him, Wu Xiaoming suddenly sat on the sidewalk tiles without having time to change his sitting position.

The crowded traffic was on her right, and a golden light rain seemed to fall from the sky.

The strange black sports car that was supposed to hit the business car she was in disintegrated into light particles in the air at the last moment. An exoskeleton armor with a horned helmet fell in front of the car, and another figure flew towards the front of the car.

It made a muffled sound and rolled to the ground.

Wu Xiaoming opened his mouth in surprise, and finally, under the influence of reason, he desperately held the words "Yu Zhesen" in his throat.

With a "pop" sound, she heard the sound of a pulley lighter igniting next to her.

Jin Guozheng, who was standing next to her, lit a cigarette gracefully and watched the two people entangled on the road with interest.

"Are you okay?" He asked Wu Xiaoming quietly, holding a cigarette between his fingers.

"I...I'm fine..." Wu Xiaoming quickly stood up and asked Jin Guozheng in a surprised and grateful tone: "Did you just rescue me from the car?"

"It seems that my son has never told you." Jin Guozheng smiled slightly, "Our family has been space power users for generations."

Wu Xiaoming felt her heart beating fiercely in her chest, and she was recalling the feeling of the moment when Jin Guozheng took her away from the car.

Jin Guozheng's superpower is very similar to hers, but not exactly the same.

Although the results are instantaneous movement in space, the processes are completely different.

Wu Xiaoming's superpower is more similar to Min Yuan's. They both open space cracks connected to each other at the starting point and destination, and transfer through the cracks.

This time-traveling process only takes place in the blink of an eye. Ordinary people will not notice it at all when being led through the time-travel. At most, they will have side effects such as dizziness due to the instability of the cracks after the time-travel.

But as the creators of the space transfer rift, Wu Xiaoming and Min Yuan are both very sensitive to the shuttle through the transfer gate. They know that they first entered the rift from point A and then left the rift at point B.

Just now, when Jin Guozheng took her from the car to the sidewalk, she was sure that she did not feel the unique touch of entering and exiting the crack.

More importantly, this is different from Jin Guozheng's superpower that Jin Jianshen described to her!

Jin Jianshen discussed with her more than once the actual combat against Jin Guozheng. In his description, Jin Guozheng's superpower is to distort local space and form a hole that swallows and annihilates objects. It is as dangerous as a "split field"

's destructive ability.

Did Jin Jianshen make a mistake? Or did he deceive himself?

Wu Xiaoming suddenly felt very confused. It seemed that the more she worked towards her set goal, the more things she found were inconsistent with her original understanding.

Like Jin Guozheng, she cast her gaze on the road, staring at Yu Zhesen, who was fighting an enemy wearing exoskeleton armor with his bare hands.

"Is that young man from the Security Bureau? What an amazing power."

Wu Xiaoming was startled. She felt that Jin Guozheng was asking herself, or talking to himself.

Yu Zhesen put his hands through the armpits of the horn helmet exoskeleton armor from behind, and bent his arms upward to lock the opponent's shoulders.

The horned helmet exoskeleton armor that had just gotten up from the ground struggled to get rid of Yu Zhesen's restraints, but Yu Zhesen refused to let go, and even jumped up and hooked his legs to ride on his back.

The unbalanced armor fell to the ground again, and the two people hugged each other and rolled.

Without any protection, Yu Zhesen's forehead already had injuries from the previous fall and impact on the front of the commercial vehicle. After several rounds of rolling, he suddenly received a few more scratches.

Wu Xiaoming wondered why he didn't use exoskeleton armor. Whether it was Silver Flash or Dark Night Fire, he wouldn't suffer such a disadvantage in close combat.

She resisted the idea of ​​stepping forward to help and did not dare to show any strange expression. She stood respectfully next to Jin Guozheng and waited for his instructions.

"Secretary Xiao Wu." Jin Guozheng suddenly called her.


"I wanted to ask you when we were in the car, how old are you this year?" Jin Guozheng said with a smile and took a puff of his cigarette.

"25 years old." Wu Xiaoming deliberately falsely reported that she was one year old. In fact, she was only 24 years old.

When Jin Jianshen took her out of the orphanage, he gave her a whole new identity. The person "Wu Yuxi" was completely fictitious from her name and date of birth to her family background and childhood history.

"25..." Jin Guozheng seemed to sigh at her age, and then said nothing.

Wu Xiaoming had no intention of exploring the meaning behind his emotion. Her attention was attracted by the battle on the road.

No matter how much she wanted to maintain a calm and indifferent expression, she couldn't remain calm when she saw this scene.

Different from the previous night when he rushed to Claire's rescue with her help, Yu Zhesen did not roughly cut off the exoskeleton armored head this time. Wu Xiaoming didn't know how he removed the opponent's face armor, maybe he used steel to burn part of it.

Melted the metal structure, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Because this time there is no longer nothing under the mask, but Shen Yunqiu's helpless and angry face.

Is Shen Yunqiu the person under that exoskeleton armor? Not only Yu Zhesen, who personally removed the exoskeleton armor to reveal the other person's true face, was stunned, but also Wu Xiaoming, who was watching all this.

In an instant, an excessive amount of information poured into her mind. She suddenly understood many things, and overflowing fear appeared on her already pale face.

This chapter has been completed!
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