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Chapter 410 The Place of God (3)

 In front of the ninth security room of the institute.

Yu Zhesen put his hand on the operating table, and after verifying his identity, the metal automatic door of the security room opened.

An He followed him and asked curiously: "Why can you use your palm print to open the door here?"

"That doesn't seem to be palm print recognition." Yu Zhesen shook his head, "I don't know what the principle is. I have been doing it since I first found it useful."

"Could it be Professor Tang Suguang who is helping us?" An He put his index finger on his chin and thought, "He is the control center of this research institute, so he should also know our actions well, right?"

"It's possible."

Yu Zhesen came to the control desk in the guard room and pressed his palm on the control panel as usual.

The words "Identity verification successful, weapon unlocked" popped up on the operation panel.

The hidden slots behind the nearby walls opened one after another, and a variety of weapons were displayed in front of Yu Zhesen and An He.

"These are all antiques..." An He reached out and stroked a black assault rifle and said in surprise.

"After all, the Iron Dome era has been going on for seventy years. These are all products before the birth of the Iron Dome world."

An He's eyes left the individual combat weapons rack filled with a row of assault rifles and grenade launchers, and landed on the light self-defense weapons rack not far away.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise and shouted to Yu Zhesen: "Look, these are the prototypes of the pistols we use now!"

Yu Zhesen glanced over and saw ancient models of Glock, Colt, Beretta and Desert Eagle pistols on the weapons rack.

He said: "These pistols have not been upgraded and cannot fire high-power special anti-armor ammunition. They only have primitive anti-personnel combat functions."

"After all, the miniaturization and civilian use of exoskeleton armor have only happened in the past twenty or thirty years." An He smiled, "In Professor Tang Suguang's time, there was no need for individual soldiers to fight against exoskeleton armor."

As she spoke, she turned and pointed to the exoskeleton display rack behind her. There were five very ancient sets of exoskeleton armor preserved in the Ninth Guard Room.

These exoskeleton armors are all painted in military green camouflage, with the defense force's logo on the armor.

The armor is more than two meters high, the cockpit is on the back of the main body of the armor, and the two robotic arms are equipped with six-unit cannons.

Unlike the exoskeleton armor in the Iron Dome era, which was tightly integrated with the user's body, the exoskeleton armor here looks more like an individual vehicle, and the overall structure is also very bulky.

Yu Zhesen stepped forward to check the information on these exoskeleton armors: "Individual combat armor type C0129, codenamed 'Chongxi'."

"So cool." An He couldn't wait to step forward and tried to activate the armor.

Yu Zhesen thoughtfully analyzed: "It is somewhat similar to the Walker Marine mecha currently used by the National Defense Forces. It is estimated that the exoskeleton technology has branched out during the development process."

"One path points to the land combat mechas that are specialized for military use and can exert powerful firepower, and the other path points to the lightweight exoskeletons that we use that are specialized for urban security."

An He turned around and smiled at him: "You are so interested in equipment, why don't you study science and engineering to engage in research and development?"

"Armor is a man's romance, but science and engineering are not." Yu Zhesen shrugged.

An He said: "I still prefer the light armor used by the Security Bureau. This big guy looks very bulky, but it doesn't give me as much sense of security as the black blade armor."

Yu Zhesen chuckled: "Light armor is more in line with modern people's aesthetics. A famous military expert in the old days said that the better the appearance, the higher the performance and the stronger the combat effectiveness, the better."

An He glanced at him dubiously: "Really? Isn't that expert here to deceive people?"

She finally figured out how to activate the "Heavy Rhino" exoskeleton armor. The air-tight lock was unlocked with a squeaking sound, and the cockpit on the back of the armor opened in response.

An He climbed up easily. The cockpit was not very spacious, but it was enough to hold the black knife she came with.

"Be careful." Yu Zhesen stepped back to give her room to perform.

The "Chongxi" cockpit is a straddle-type operating console, and the crew's posture when driving is like riding a motorcycle.

An He straightened his back and leaned forward slightly, holding the joystick with both hands and pushing it slowly.

"Chongxi" walked with heavy steps in the ninth guard room.

"Yu Zhesen! The weapon system requires additional certification to unlock, come up and give me a fingerprint!"

An He stopped the armor in front of Yu Zhesen, half-crouched and half-kneeled, and stretched out a mechanical arm to him.

Yu Zhesen stepped on the robotic arm and climbed onto the back of the "Chongxi" and jumped into the open cockpit.

"Well...it's so crowded." An He was pushed to the side by him.

"Have you gained weight recently?" Yu Zhesen teased.

"Nonsense, you just gained weight." An He retorted with a red face.

"Okay, unlocked successfully." Yu Zhesen took his palm away from the console and pinched her cute red face playfully before leaving the armored cockpit.

"Hold it steady, be careful to throw you off." An He pouted.

Yu Zhesen stood on Chongxi's back while holding on to the shell of the cockpit, and let An He operate the armor to take him out of the ninth guard room.

They no longer returned to the central elevator platform, but took another road that could allow heavy rhinoceros armor to pass to Gangyuan Prison where Jin Guozheng was located.

On the way to the prison, the two men unexpectedly encountered an automatic guard force composed of bionic robots and drones.

It seems that due to their age, the AI ​​of these automatic weapons is relatively backward, and they were crushed by the Chongxi operated by An He without any suspense.

The six-unit machine cannons on the two mechanical arms of the Heavy Rhino Armor were so fierce that they could kill the gods and Buddhas, and quickly shot down the automatic guard troops blocking them into a pile of scrap metal.

Most of the bullets that the automatic guard troops occasionally fired back at them did not pose a threat to the solid frontal armor of the heavy rhinoceros. The few bullets that hit the fragile visual sensors on the armor's head were easily split by An He's split zone.

Chongxi attacked all the way and finally arrived at the gate of Gangyuan Prison after crushing four patrolling automatic defense forces.

Before Yu Zhesen could step forward to use the console to verify his identity, the prison door was blasted open by An He with a machine gun.

"How about saving you a trip?" An He took a big step with his armor, and at one go he opened the prison door that was riddled with holes by machine gunfire.

Yu Zhesen grabbed the steel pipe on the back of the armor and hung it behind to avoid the impact. He waited for the armor to stand firm before returning to the top to observe the situation.

At the entrance to Gangyuan Prison, a heroic warrior exoskeleton armor holding a metal spear blocked their way.

"Yu Zhesen, you shouldn't be here." Shen Yunqiu's voice came from the exoskeleton armor of the heroic warrior.

Yu Zhesen jumped down from above Chongxi and reached out to stop An He who was about to attack.

"Old Shen, you are the one who shouldn't be here." Yu Zhesen walked towards Shen Yunqiu, "You should have some restraint when helping Han Jinghu, right? You got yourself involved in a place like this, do you still want to remember your original intention?

"You are wrong. I had to come because you came here." Shen Yunqiu replied in a cold tone, "The boss's order is to catch you. I have already completed the task."

Yu Zhesen stopped and looked around Shen Yunqiu's figure: "Cheng Heyang! Stop playing your boring puppet tricks! Get out!"

Shen Yunqiu suddenly laughed out of his armor: "You react so quickly, but I won't be stupid enough to stand in front of you."

"Time-time-stop-stagnant, right?"

Under Cheng Heyang's control, Shen Yunqiu told Yu Zhesen's secret word for word.

"That's an incredible ability. If I appeared in front of you, I wouldn't even know how I died."

"Come on Yu Zhesen, let's have another bet. If you want to move forward, you have to blow your friend's head first!"

Yu Zhesen clenched his fists with a cold face: "Cheng Heyang, I will blow your head off."

This chapter has been completed!
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