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Chapter 448: Beheading Plan

 At dawn, Wu Xiaoming’s cell phone rang the wake-up alarm.

The owner of the phone who was sleeping suddenly woke up, quickly swiped the screen to cancel the ringtone, and then looked to his side uneasily.

"Yu..." She was shocked to find that the place where Yu Zhesen was supposed to be sleeping was empty, and there were still folds on the sheets where someone had slept.

Just when she was in a daze, a head suddenly popped out from the side of the bed, scaring her so much that she almost rolled out of the bed from the other side with a whimper.

"You...what are you doing there? Did you go to sleep on the floor while I was asleep last night?" Wu Xiaoming asked confused and angrily after seeing clearly that it was Yu Zhesen.

Before Yu Zhesen could answer, she crawled to his side of the bed and looked down, and sure enough she saw the quilt on the floor.

"Did you hear any strange noises last night?" Yu Zhesen asked seriously while sitting on the quilt.

Wu Xiaoming showed a thoughtful expression, and after a while he asked suspiciously: "What's that strange sound? The movement at the port stopped later."


"Do you mean your friend named Fan and the two policewomen from St. Newman City in the next room?" Wu Xiaoming subconsciously bit the middle of his index finger. "I remember that your five senses are sharper than ordinary people. Is it possible that Shuo Mi Xie is the best?

Did Broom hear something I couldn’t hear?"

Yu Zhesen was confused: "What? Fan Minkai and those two women live next door? Could it be that there was thunder and fire last night..."

"To be honest, I didn't hear anything. The soundproofing of the guest rooms in this hotel is pretty good."

"Then how do you know they live next door?"

"I saw it when I came up to look for you," Wu Xiaoming recalled and described, "I came up to look for you after looking for Miss Qihai, and I happened to see the three of them entering the same room. What were you thinking at the time?

Are you worried? You didn’t notice it.”

"Wait a minute," Yu Zhesen caught the doubt in her words, "Did you go to see Nanami Saki before you came up last night? What are you looking for her for?"

Wu Xiaoming was stunned for two seconds, covering his mouth with his hand, blinking his eyes but still unable to hide his smile.

Her voice came out from between her fingers, with a hint of mischievous teasing: "Did you sleep well last night?"

"No, I'm very tired." Yu Zhesen's eyebrows drooped, "You have too many things to do."

"How could this happen..." Wu Xiaoming shook his head incomprehensibly, "Miss Qihai is such a powerful dream power user, I thought she could help you..."

Yu Zhesen gave her a helpless look.

After a few seconds, he patted his cheek to wake himself up a little, and turned the topic back to business: "How did you rest last night? I may ask you to take me directly to the port to reconnoiter the situation later.

"Sneak directly into the port? Just the two of us?" Wu Xiaoming was a little surprised. She didn't know that the Returned Sect had sent combat forces to clean up the port last night, thinking that it was still the base camp of Zhuo Yifeng's remnants.

"Just the two of us." Yu Zhesen nodded.

Wu Xiaoming could see his seriousness and quickly agreed: "Okay, no problem, I can leave at any time."


In the front lobby of the hotel, An Zhitian and Claire summoned all the personnel from the Security Bureau.

The mayor's wife Bellona, ​​who had been closely protected by He Zhiyuan, was also present. Her complexion looked slightly haggard, but her eyes were firm.

"We just had a contact with the defense force. Reinforcements have arrived from both the sea and the air, but we still need to be prepared for the worst." Claire said to the people gathered around her with a serious expression.

Yuan Yinchuan answered: "The worst plan is to move everyone here to the port?"

"It has been 10 hours since the last attack, and the other party has not taken any action. Maybe they are brewing a big conspiracy." Claire expressed her worries.

According to what Yu Zhesen and others who escaped from Zhuo Yifeng's secret base saw, there was a large amount of weapons and equipment stored in the secret base, and all of them should have fallen into the hands of armed gang members.

"Will there be a larger-scale attack?" Wu Xuan and Tian Wenyu asked uneasily.

The location of Paradise Island is almost at the limit of the radiation of light particle chain transmission in Qidao City. They have found in actual combat that there is a higher delay time in summoning exoskeleton armor and weapons here.

The Riptide exoskeleton armor used by the team can last for 3 hours in combat after being charged once. After that, it must be broken down into light particles and transmitted back to the Security Bureau's logistics office for energy storage and maintenance. The recharging time will be nearly

Half an hour of vacuum period.

In order to ensure that someone could wear exoskeleton armor at any time to withstand the offensive, Wu Xuan and Tian Wenyu divided the entire team into two shifts, but this also made their own insufficient combat power even weaker.

If the gangs on the island launch a large-scale attack, they may not be able to defend the hotel.

"The city official has applied to the Iron Dome Council to coordinate with the St. Newman City officials to put pressure on the D.D. Brotherhood, but the latest situation is that the D.D. Brotherhood in St. Newman City also has difficulty controlling the gang armed personnel on the island." Claire said, holding her forehead.

, "This group of people originally planned to follow Zhuo Yifeng to make money and fight in court with the St. Newman City Department. They have fired their bows and there is no turning back. Their demand is to inherit Zhuo Yifeng's legacy on the island and control the continued development of Fengmang Entertainment Group.

Maintain the island's industry."

"Isn't this a foolish dream? Although Paradise Island is far away from Fuxing City, it is under the jurisdiction of Qidao City. Do you want to dominate here and become the king? Are you really thinking that the defense army will not come?" Yuan Yinchuan asked the opponent's brain

The circuit feels incomprehensible.

At this time, Grace, wearing a camouflage combat uniform and wrapping her hair with a blue scarf, came over: "There are factions within the D.D Brotherhood. The person in charge of cooperating with Zhuo Yifeng on the Paradise Island is

The second-in-command of the Brotherhood, 'Black-hearted Berryman'. This guy is an illiterate who was not educated in prenatal education. He only got to where he is today thanks to his ruthlessness and the help of his subordinates. Originally, Zhuo Yifeng could still rely on his business acumen when he was here.

The leader led them, and now Berryman and his men have completely let themselves go."

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Yuan Yinchuan showed a headache: "That is to say, these people are completely unaware that they are committing suicide, but this kind of suicide really threatens the safety here."

Grace scanned the crowd: "Zhuo Yifeng is dead. The most direct way to disrupt the gang's offensive is to behead Berryman. As long as Berryman dies, his men will be leaderless and will definitely retreat to the secret base.

Close the door and wait to die."

"Beheading? Do you want us to raid Berryman's command post?" Yuan Yinchuan is from the Defense Force and has a higher understanding of military than others present. After hearing Grace's suggestion, he immediately began to think about this

The feasibility of doing it.

"We have too few manpower, and even the hotel guards are stretched thin. Can we really take the initiative to attack Berryman?" Tian Wenyu, the deputy captain of the team, said in embarrassment.

Yuan Yinchuan held his chin and thought: "The small number of people is not the most critical issue. We have exoskeletons and our combat effectiveness is stronger than Berryman's men. The problem lies in the lack of intelligence. We know nothing about the situation outside the hotel. We must

To behead Berryman, you first need to know where he is, right?"

Grace looked determined: "No matter what you think, I must take action."

Claire couldn't help but frown after hearing this: "Miss Mueller, do you want to act alone?"

"I regret not being able to personally avenge Zhuo Yifeng, but Berryman is still alive." She said in a cold tone, "I want to kill him, even if it's just me."

"How did you find him?" Yuan Yinchuan asked.

Grace wrapped a piece of black cloth around her face several times, covering everything below her eyes, so that she looked no different from the armed gang members who attacked the hotel.

"I can blend back into their people and try to gather information." Grace's voice came through the masked cloth, "Berryman is a person who likes to point fingers at his subordinates. He will frequently talk to

I will contact my subordinates to confirm the progress of the operation. I believe it will not be too difficult to find him."

"This is too dangerous." He Bizhi and Xun Jianchen both said.

Grace glanced at the two immature newcomers to the Security Bureau and said in a very decisive tone: "How can revenge be dangerous? Anyway, either I will die or Berryman will die! As long as I can see him die in front, it will be worth it.

All the security bureau personnel present felt the madness and danger of this woman. If placed in Fuxing City, such a person would be suspected of committing a major crime, but at this moment they have a common enemy.

"You and I are not the same people. Since you are not willing to help me behead Berryman, let's part here."

After speaking, Grace turned her eyes to Claire and bowed slightly: "Miss Hathaway, thank you for the cigarette last night."

Under the gaze of everyone, she walked out of the hotel door carrying an automatic rifle and a backpack full of supplies, and left without looking back.

"General Director, Commander, in fact, in my opinion, the beheading plan she mentioned is executable." Yuan Yinchuan put forward his own opinions to An Zhitian and Claire, "Don't we still have a Xingtian Heavy Industry R&D aircraft here?

An advanced fighter jet? But there’s a problem...that Miss Luo doesn’t look like a combat pilot.”

"Use the Nuwa to attack to execute the plan to behead Berryman? This is a good suggestion." Claire nodded repeatedly, showing a thoughtful smile: "The pilot is not a problem, we have an ace here."

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