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Chapter 451 Fusion of mutant beasts

 In the mountains in the south-central part of Paradise Island, inside Zhuo Yifeng’s secret base.

Wearing a camouflage jacket, Berryman, surrounded by his men, passed through the opened automatic door and came to a room decorated like a conference hall.

This was once called the "Director's Room", where Zhuo Yifeng held meetings to discuss plans and direct battle royale performances.

At this moment, a handsome young man with brown natural curly hair was leaning on the high-end leather swivel seat that was originally reserved for Zhuo Yifeng. He crossed his hands and fingers on his chest, crossed his legs, and looked playful.

His expression glanced at the menacing Berryman and his entourage.

"Who are you! Who asked you to break in here!" A gang member on Berryman's left pointed at the other party and asked loudly.

Jin Guozheng, who had the appearance of Jin Jianshen, snapped his fingers, and a small void storm was generated between the two parties. The next second, there was only a muffled sound, and an almost unrecognizable corpse was thrown on the conference table.

Berryman's men were shocked. This ability to teleport objects is undoubtedly a supernatural power, so it is not surprising that the opponent can invade the depths of the base.

"Is this the body of Boss Zhuo?" Berryman looked at the body on the table with a calm expression.

As the second-in-command and top ruthless man of the D.D. Brotherhood, Berryman had long been used to seeing bloody and exotic things. He didn't feel anything when he saw Zhuo Yifeng's body covered in flesh and ulcers. He was just a little curious about how the suave Boss Zhuo could do this.

It became like this.

"To put it straight to the point, you are almost doomed."

Jin Guozheng didn't mind at all whether this would anger the other party, and showed a mocking smile as much as he wanted.

"The air and sea strike groups of the National Defense Force will arrive soon. You who are trapped on this island will only end up in ashes."

After hearing these words, Berryman was not anxious or nervous, but asked confidently: "Don't they care about the hostages on the island? I heard that the cruise ship brought seven or eight thousand people, many of whom

They are rich and powerful."

"The problem is that those hostages are not in your hands." Jin Guozheng couldn't help laughing. "They are being well protected. You and your men can't even cross the hotel directly. You have to take a long way to meet another group of people huddled at the port.

Rush fight, am I right?"

"If you hadn't suddenly appeared to cause trouble, we should have taken over that damn hotel by now." Berryman finally showed his dissatisfaction, "Are you here just to deliver Boss Zhuo's body? Although

Boss Zhuo and I were happy business partners during his lifetime, but I have no interest in collecting his body."

"Are you eager to kill Zhuo Yifeng's men so that you can dominate this island?" Jin Guozheng clapped his hands gently, "But the reality is that you can't hold those hostages in your hands. They will be yours as soon as the defense forces arrive.


"It's too early to say this. We haven't reached the end yet." Berryman did not admit defeat.

Jin Guozheng did not answer, but put his hand into his pocket to fumble. Seeing this, the men around Berryman immediately pointed their guns at him with vigilance.

A few seconds later, Jin Guozheng took out a potion in a silver alloy test tube from his pocket.

"This is your last chance." Jin Guozheng placed the silver alloy test tube on the table.

Berryman asked suspiciously: "What is this?"

"It is the latest research and development of fusion superpower genes. It can create the most powerful biological weapon in history." Jin Guozheng explained, "Of course, to be honest, this thing has not been tested yet, so what are the consequences of using it?

I can’t guarantee that either.”

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Berryman sneered at this argument, "What about the fusion of superpower genes? Can this thing be more effective than guns?"

Jin Guozheng squinted his eyes slightly, seeming confused by Berryman's speech.

The leader of this gang seems to know nothing about the upper limit of superpowers. I really don’t know how he got to the position he is in today.

Are the gangsters in St. Newman City all upright idiots who don't know how to use superpowers to fight?

"If you don't believe it, you can just find someone to test it." Jin Guozheng pressed lightly on the bottom of the test tube, and an automatic injection needle popped out.

Berryman's eyes were full of disdain, but he still accepted Jin Guozheng's proposal, casually picked up a subordinate from behind and ordered him to come forward for the test.

The needle pierced the gang member's arm, and the medicine was completely injected in an instant.

Everyone is watching this unlucky little white mouse, including Jin Guozheng himself, who is also very curious and wants to know what the fusion superpower gene that Han Jinghu entrusted him to bring to the island gang is.

"Uh..." The gang member who had been injected with the medicine stared down at his arm and let out a painful groan.

The next second, his figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and then everyone heard a "pop" coming from above their heads.

Jin Guozheng looked up with interest and saw the experimental subject clinging to the ceiling like a gecko, his head turning 180 degrees strangely to peer down.

"Is that all? Kill him." Berryman ordered the men on the ceiling.

The man didn't make a sound, he just broke away from the ceiling in an instant, and his whole body blasted towards Jin Guozheng like a missile.

The leather seat that was once exclusive to Zhuo Yifeng had a big hole punched through it, and the bracket made an overwhelming sound of breaking.

The gang member who used his head to break through the chair was lying on the floor, while Jin Guozheng, who had teleported to avoid the impact, stood on the conference table with a model-like pose.

"Isn't it good to eat black and white? I haven't even finished delivering the goods here." Jin Guozheng said, opening his coat and shaking out the remaining four silver metal test tubes.

The test tube fell on the table, and Zhuo Yifeng's body rolled messily in all directions.

Suddenly, I saw a black shadow flashing like a gust of wind, and in the blink of an eye, I collected all four scattered test tubes in my hand.

The gang member who was the experimental subject knelt in front of Berryman as if in a flash, holding the four collected test tubes in his hands and offering them to him.

"It seems like this thing is not useless." Berryman was surprised at the changes in his men, and then grabbed all four test tubes in his hands.

Jin Guozheng smiled slightly: "I think you should have already judged whether it is useless or not. The potential of these five potions is far more than that. If you want to take over the hotel and hold the hostages in your hands, please make good use of these things."
"There is no such thing as a free lunch, what kind of reward do you want?" Berryman asked.

However, in fact, Jin Guozheng didn't care about the reward at all. The reason why he was willing to help Han Jinghu do this was just to mess up the situation on the island.

Because chaos is an opportunity for him.

But Jin Guozheng, who has a deep understanding of human nature, knows that if he directly says that he does not want payment at this time, Berryman's character will definitely make him suspicious, so it is better to make up a similar condition as an excuse...

"The reward I want is..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a huge crisis coming, a deafening explosion sounded, and the entire mountain surrounding the secret base shook violently.

The lights in the conference room went out instantly, the ceiling collapsed in large areas, mud poured down, and there was thick smoke and fire everywhere.

In the sky, the Nuwa skimmed the clouds at a 45-degree angle and turned around in a beautiful maneuver. The magazine hidden under the belly of the aircraft was opened again, and the two ground-attack missiles continued to fire through the gap opened by the previous attack.
At the critical moment, Jin Guozheng used the void to teleport himself out of the conference room and escaped Yu Zhesen's second round of aerial attacks, but Berryman and his subordinates were not so lucky.

The two rounds of attacks by the Nuwa destroyed the internal support structure of the secret base, causing a chain reaction of collapse of the entire secret base built in the heart of the mountain. Those who remained inside had only one fate, and that was to be buried alive.

There was endless wailing in the conference room, and Berryman's men were dead and injured, but he himself was protected by the experimental subject with his body, avoiding the fate of being directly crushed by the falling ceiling fragments.

However, the experimental subject was seriously injured as a result, and a section of steel bar penetrated directly through his chest.

In order to prevent the steel bar from penetrating into Berryman's body again, the gangster used his newly acquired strange strength to bend the front end of the steel bar with amazing willpower.

Berryman had no choice. If he wanted to survive, he could only place his hope in the four test tubes left by Jin Guozheng.

He opened the needles of all four test tubes in one breath and inserted them into his arms and thighs in sequence.

In Berryman's understanding, since one potion can make his men so brave, then four potions acting on his body at the same time will definitely bring invincible power.

Ignorance, greed and survival instinct led him to make irreparable mistakes, but Berryman himself had no chance to regret.

The overdose of genetically modified drugs instantly destroyed Berryman's brain's thinking ability. Cells that grew uncontrollably like cancer squeezed through his skin and formed countless protruding tumors, instantly turning him into a person even worse than Zhuo Yifeng.

Ugly and terrifying monster.

What's worse is that this mass of mutated flesh continues to grow in size, swallowing up all the organic matter it comes into contact with.

The first person to be devoured by Berryman and assimilated was the experimental subject who loyally protected him. The fusion power gene in his body also entered Berryman's body, further accelerating the growth of the meat ball monster.<


At this moment, Yu Zhesen, who was observing the results of the air raid from high altitude, suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He saw the smoky mountaintop below constantly breaking rocks and earth in all directions, like a volcano in the eruption stage.

In the thick smoke, a giant shadow that seemed to be looming and crawling made Yu Zhesen almost think he was dazzled. It wasn't until he saw the outline scanned by the fighter radar that he realized that it was real.

No matter what it is, it's definitely not a good thing.

Yu Zhesen suddenly remembered some giant monsters he had seen in movies, and decisively used all the attack weapons on the Nuwa to launch a set of combo punches into the smoke.

This chapter has been completed!
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