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Chapter 48: How to get out of trouble

 It took Zhang Qiaolong about 10 minutes to successfully cut open the woman's head.

The anesthetized woman was filled with despair. She could feel the laser scalpel moving and touching her Tianling Cap.

Her arms were fixed to both sides of her body by restraints, leaving only her movable fingers for scratching on the operating table.

Lying on another operating table next door, Yu Zhesen was thinking wildly.

Is this woman's current situation a retribution for her unreasonable behavior a moment ago?

She really deserves it, he thought. He was clearly not even considered an employee of the Security Bureau, but he risked his life to go into the devil's cave at night to lend a helping hand to her. This stinky woman didn't even know how to appreciate it.

In fact, he should have been able to successfully rescue her if the helmet had not been disassembled.

Zhang Qiaolong's prosthetic arm actually contains a prohibited weapon such as a light particle decomposition gun. Even the well-informed Claire may not have thought of it.

This means that the enemies faced by the instructors and the Qidao City Security Bureau have become unprecedentedly powerful. The optical particle decomposition gun is obviously used to target the exoskeleton armor of the Security Bureau commissioners.

Zhang Qiaolong's phrase "flesh and blood is fragile" turns out to be this! Yu Zhesen finally understood.

In the eyes of the Adventist sect, the Security Bureau commissioners who have lost their exoskeleton armor are just ordinary people with better skills and pose no threat to them who possess military-grade cybernetic bodies.

Fortunately, it seems that the light particle decomposition gun in the opponent's hand is not invincible. The volume it can decompose is very limited, and it is still unable to remove the entire exoskeleton armor with one shot.

Therefore, as long as they are careful in the subsequent confrontations and avoid being hit by the disintegrating gun on key parts of the armor, they will still be able to fight.

"Next, I will remove part of your brain, leaving only the key parts. The other parts will be replaced with electronic brain parts."

Zhang Qiaolong seemed to be very keen on explaining his operation process. He had already put aside the cybernetic central organ that he was going to use to replace the woman's brain tissue.

These words sounded like the words of the devil to the woman's ears.

"Don't worry, I guarantee you will fall in love with this feeling, transcend the limits of the physical body, and embark on the path of human evolution in the new era."

Knowing that the woman was about to be brutally murdered, Yu Zhesen tried to twist his body. But the straitjacket completely restricted him. Even if he tried his best, he could only make a very small sound.

The tape on his mouth was tightly sealed, and he couldn't move his mouth at all. He could only make a dull sound from the bottom of his throat and nasal cavity.

"What do you want to say?" Zhang Qiaolong heard the noise, turned around and came to Yu Zhesen's side, and asked with a nervous expression on his face.

Yu Zhesen winked at him and moved his head slightly under the restrictions of his straitjacket.

Zhang Qiaolong suddenly reached out and quickly removed the tape on his mouth: "Go ahead."

Burning pain hit his face, but Yu Zhesen endured it.

He actually didn't have anything to say, he just wanted to delay it for a while.

Even if the woman next to him was unreasonable in every possible way before, at least they are both victims now, and the lunatic in the white coat in front of them is the enemy.

He wanted to do his best to help the woman buy some time. Although the surgery was unavoidable, it could save her from Zhang Qiaolong doing some strange things.

"I want to drink water." Yu Zhesen requested sincerely.

Zhang Qiaolong's expression did not change at all, and he pretended to put the tape back on his face.

"Wait! Wait!" Yu Zhesen shouted urgently, "Do you want to know what my superpower is? By the way, you should have superpowers too, right?"

Zhang Qiaolong replied coldly: "I have no powers."

"No? At least every Adventist I've met so far has supernatural powers. If you don't have supernatural powers, how can they want you?"

"Are you questioning my skills?"

"No, no."

"I'll know what your super power is soon. Everything in your mind won't be a secret to me after a while."

Yu Zhesen laughed: "Aren't you afraid that I will use my supernatural powers to get out of trouble and push you to the ground and beat you up?"

"When you were unconscious, I had already injected you with a superpower gene inhibitor, which will have an effect for at least two hours."

This guy is really well prepared! Yu Zhesen wanted to curse, but Zhang Qiaolong was the first to re-seal his mouth with tape.

After learning that he had been injected with a superpower gene inhibitor, Yu Zhesen began to panic a little.

This means that he can neither predict his own death nor predict the future for one minute within two hours, and the sense of security that has accompanied him since he was a child has suddenly disappeared.

He realized that even if Zhang Qiaolong suddenly changed his mind and wanted to kill him first, there was nothing he could do.

How long will it take for reinforcements from the Security Bureau to arrive?

Isn’t that intern girl not understanding what she meant?

If she hung up the phone and went to sleep, then she would have to explain herself here today!

From the moment he was told by Zhang Qiaolong that the superpower gene had failed, Yu Zhesen's inner calm balance was broken.

Before, he had been optimistic that as long as he could not see the death prediction screen, it meant that he could be rescued.

Now it seems that is not the case at all...

No, that's not right. In fact, his original "security" also came from a logically incorrect speculation.

Not seeing the death prediction screen does not mean that his personal safety is guaranteed. Zhang Qiaolong never said he wanted to kill him from the beginning to the end!

Dr. Pheasant, who taught himself craniotomy surgery, is more like a lunatic than Bi Yuansheng and Bingchuan. He wants to transform his brain wholeheartedly.

Tick ​​tock, Yu Zhesen heard a strange voice in his mind.

It was like the sound of water droplets dripping into the liquid surface. For some reason, he thought of some flashy old-era artwork - a water leak timer.

"Calm down and concentrate." Shi Xin's voice sounded in his mind.

"Shi Xin? Have you recovered your strength?" Yu Zhesen was surprised and happy.

This blond girl who only exists in his mind can now give him a sense of security that far exceeds his ability to predict.

As long as you have your heart in it, you can create miracles. Yu Zhesen has no doubt about this.

She can even stop time and reverse time. Is there anything in this world that she can't achieve?

It must be easy to help him break free from the shackles of the straitjacket and press the hateful Dr. Pheasant to the ground and rub him!

"I understand your thoughts, and I can also feel your anger." Shi Xin said, "But no matter whether I stop time or go back in a small area, I can't make you break free from the straitjacket."

Yu Zhesen was stunned for a moment and felt that what she said made sense.

Even if he still used time stasis a few times today, he would not be able to break free during the time stasis by his own strength.

The condition for using the retroactive ability is that he is on the verge of death. It may be possible to make his hair grow back, but it will also not allow him to escape from the straitjacket and operating table.

"But there is another way." Shi Xin changed the topic before he fell into despair.

"What can I do?"

"I'm going to rewrite and reorganize your superpower genes, which will reactivate the suppressed superpower genes in your body."

Yu Zhesen thought about her words: "But even if you restore my predictive ability, it seems to have no effect on changing the status quo, right?"

"No, I will change your superpower gene into 'Steel Burning'." Shi Xin said calmly.

Steel is burning! There was a buzz in Yu Zhesen's mind, as if something exploded.

Can Shi Xin change the type of his superpower genes? Give him abilities like Qian Zhimo?

It’s true that there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, but there is another village with dark flowers and bright flowers.

If his power changes to Steel Burn and gets rid of the inhibitor effect, then what does this mere predicament mean?

"Hurry up and rewrite my superpower gene into steel burning! I can't wait to give Zhang Qiaolong a surprise!" Yu Zhesen urged.

"Don't you ask the price?" Shi Xin was a little surprised.

"I can trust you."

"Okay, but I can't predict what will happen next. Rewriting will take time and I need your help." Shi Xin said.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Concentrate on recalling things related to Qian Zhimo!"

Yu Zhesen sighed in his heart. In the past few days, he had tried his best to avoid thinking about money and Su.

But in order for Shi Xin to successfully rewrite the power gene, he can only force himself to think about it now.

Zhang Qiaolong was unaware that the person behind him was undergoing a miraculous transformation. He prided himself on being a professional doctor and was more focused when performing operations - unless he was disturbed by the outside world.

No, what a coincidence, his cell phone rang for no apparent reason.

Zhang Qiaolong didn't want to answer the call at first, but after seeing the number on the caller ID, a look of awe suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hello? I am Zhang Qiaolong, what are the instructions from the dean?"

"Doctor, please put that woman aside for now and give priority to the young man from the security bureau next to you for surgery." The person on the phone gave Zhang Qiaolong an order in an unquestionable tone.

"Yes...I understand."

"Extract his memory and dig out the secrets of the Security Bureau as much as possible. This is very important for our next actions."


"Go ahead, my comrades and I have high hopes for you."

Zhang Qiaolong was frightened: "A scholar will die for his confidant! I will definitely live up to the expectations of the dean!"

After hanging up the phone, he set the data and asked the automatic suturing machine on the operating table to close the woman's head again. He picked up the scalpel and turned towards Yu Zhesen.

"If the situation changes, the operation will start with you."

This chapter has been completed!
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