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Chapter 489: Fate is inevitable

 The central control room temporarily became Android 1001's maintenance workshop, and bionic robots with the same appearance were busy around it, replacing various barely usable parts on it.

Yu Qingxue bowed slightly to the leader to express her gratitude. She said: "It may be complicated to explain, but Android 1001 is my friend now, and I will take her away with me."

"Please leave immediately after the repairs are completed." Although the leader's attitude was not as cold as before, it was still not very gentle.

Yu Qingxue nodded, but then stated his conditions: "We can leave, but I need the base to provide support for our return trip."

"Support? What do you mean? Provide support for you to return to the Iron Dome world?" The leader shook his head, "This is impossible."

Seeing Yu Qingxue glance at the main computer behind him, the leader let out a contemptuous laugh: "You think you can find a way to help you go back on the main computer? This idea is so naive."

Yu Qingxue frowned in displeasure. She was considering whether she should use mind control on the leader again to force him to cooperate with her side.

The leader seemed to see through her thoughts and said: "Even if you control me, nothing will change. Because there is no condition in the base to support your return to the Iron Dome World."

He lowered his face and asked in a deep voice: "If there is really a way to get to the Iron Dome world, why do we people here stay underground all the time?"

Yu Qingxue opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something more.

But the leader raised his remaining arm to stop her, and motioned to the main computer behind him: "The search you conducted previously has been completed. You can see for yourself what the result is."

"Sure enough, there is still no way to go back?" Android 1001, who was lying on the ground undergoing repairs, made a voice.

"There must be a way, An'an, there must be a way..." Yu Qingxue stubbornly repeated the words she muttered, and walked to the main computer as if she didn't believe in evil.

As the leader said, the search has been completed, and the entire base's disposable resources and mechanical equipment information are clearly listed on the screen. Yu Qingxue looked through the information above, and indeed did not find anything related to opening the Void Storm Gate.


"Do you believe it now?" The leader's voice came faintly from behind.

Yu Qingxue rested her hands on the console of the main computer, with an expression of reluctance on her face.

She couldn't accept this result. She had obviously defeated Cheng Heyang and Zhang Wenchuan, the two instigators behind the scenes, but she couldn't return to her original world. What a big deal...

Is there any point in staying in this desolate world? Depend on Claire and An He, who has become a machine, and find a way to survive in the dilapidated old world?

Are you kidding me...wouldn't all the previous efforts be in vain?

Thinking of this, Yu Qingxue became increasingly unwilling and had nowhere to vent. She punched the operating table with her fist and let out a roar of incompetence and fury.

"Qingxue." Claire came over from behind, "There's no point in rushing now. Let's find a solution together after the repairs over there are completed."

"Then there's only one way left." Yu Qingxue's tone revealed a hint of despair.

If they can't find a way to return to the Iron Dome world in this base, then they can only try to go to the ruins of the research institute under the abyss to see if they can find a glimmer of hope.

However, the danger of doing so can be imagined, and the hope of the three of them surviving safely is infinitely slim.

"What is the method?" Claire didn't know about the institute, so she was very curious about Qingxue's method of returning it.

The leader answered on behalf of Yu Qingxue: "We should go to the Iron Dome Project Research Institute under the abyss dozens of kilometers away. That is the starting point of the Iron Dome world."

"But it was destroyed not long ago." Android 1001 lying on the ground said, "Although the self-destruction of the research institute may not be complete, the remaining things may not help us return to the Iron Dome World."

Claire murmured: "So...we can't go back at all?"

Both Yu Qingxue and Android 1001 fell silent.

The leader let out a helpless sigh, and after thinking twice, he made a slight concession: "If you can abide by the rules here, I can reluctantly agree to let you stay for a while - until you find a way to go back."

Yu Qingxue didn't know whether the leader's concession was out of kindness or because he was worried that he would do something extreme in desperation. Although this concession released goodwill, she was not happy at all.

Even if this base can serve as their shelter indefinitely, it is not something to be happy about.

"We don't belong here." Yu Qingxue said, "I will never give up looking for a way to go back."

Before she finished speaking, there was a strange vibration in the air.

A voice that made Yu Qingxue's hair stand on end appeared like a ghost: "What a touching ambition, Miss Yu, if you really want to go back, why don't you try to pray to the God of this world?"

A black cyclonic storm appeared out of thin air on the floor, and Jin Guozheng, wearing a fine suit, walked out of it with Jin Jianshen's handsome face.

His hands were stuck in his suit pockets, and his eyes were wild, as if he were a god looking down at the world.

Countless void storms bloomed around the central control room, swallowing up most of the bionic robots.

Even the lighting above the head was distorted by the void, and the light and shadow in the entire room became very weird.

Yu Qingxue's face turned pale, and she felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy. She faced Jin Guozheng's sharp eyes, gritted her teeth and activated her telepathic power on him.

The wedge of thought invasion pierced Jin Guozheng's conscious world, and Yu Qingxue's forehead was covered with sweat. She encountered huge resistance at a very shallow level. Jin Guozheng's thought defense was like an unshakable iron wall and copper city.<


What appeared in front of Yu Qingxue was a protective lock in the shape of a 17-level Rubik's Cube. The dazzling color blocks were constantly changing as the Rubik's Cube rotated, accompanied by mosaic fragments like electronic bugs.

This is the embodiment of Jin Guozheng's mental defense wall. It is more complex than any defense wall she has come into contact with before. It is undoubtedly a masterpiece from the hands of a senior psychic protector.

Just trying to find the rules for the rotation of this 17-level Rubik's Cube made Yu Qingxue feel as if her brain was being burned by fire, and she was sweating profusely before she knew it.

"You want to break through my mental defenses?" Jin Guozheng looked at her persistent and stubborn expression, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised to show appreciation.

Yu Qingxue had no energy left to answer him. In order to break through the 17th-level Rubik's Cube spiritual barrier, she was completely immersed in the spiritual world.

"Qingxue..." Cheng Heyang, who was lying on the ground on the verge of death, called out softer than the buzz of mosquitoes. His palm was already stuck to the black knife body with dried and coagulated blood.

Yu Qingxue couldn't hear Cheng Heyang's voice, but Jin Guozheng noticed him.

"Why are you two in such a mess?" Jin Guozheng looked at Cheng Heyang and asked in a nonchalant tone.

He stretched out his hand towards Cheng Heyang and held the black knife in the distance.

A small void established a connection between the black knife and Jin Guozheng's palm, and he easily took the knife into his hand in an instant.

The black knife was roughly pulled out from Cheng Heyang's body, bringing out a shower of blood.

The heartbreaking pain tortured Cheng Heyang, who was on the verge of death. He opened his mouth, but had no strength to shout.

Jin Guozheng held the knife in his hand, and his cold eyes swept over Yu Qingxue, who was concentrating on him.

"Go." He groaned, summoned the void and sent the black knife forward in his hand, stabbing the unsuspecting Yu Qingxue.

"Clear the snow!" Android 1001, which has not yet been fully repaired, rises from the ground.

But there is a figure faster than it.

Claire used the last energy of her silver flash exoskeleton armor to activate the instant acceleration martial arts and stood in front of Yu Qingxue.

"Instructor!" Android 1001 shouted more panicked than before.

At this moment, Claire also remembered the warning she had heard from Yu Zhesen. When she heard the cry of "instructor" coming from Android 1001, her heart suddenly felt relieved.

The black knife penetrated the armor, but Claire smiled to herself.

This chapter has been completed!
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