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Chapter 562 Almost won

 The battle on the street intensified. Yu Zhesen, who was gradually showing his utmost seriousness, used his lightsaber to kill four Gargoyle drones, plus the one that had committed suicide by hitting the shackles chain in order to help Jian Yiran get out of trouble.

, the group of gargoyles that first entered the battle has only one lone one left.

Relying on the time bought by the sacrifice of these drones, Jian Yiran finally completed his layout, and countless invisible threads created by supernatural powers densely surrounded Yu Zhesen.

"High Priest, if you continue to delay, there is a risk of attracting reinforcements from the Security Bureau. Please hurry up! We are about to retreat!" Min Yuan's urging voice came from the earphones.

"I know, we are ready here." Jane replied calmly.

The lone gargoyle drone pounced on Yu Zhesen from the front, but its sharp wings spread out like blades were vulnerable to the lightsaber.

Yu Zhesen slashed with his sword and destroyed the last gargoyle in front of him. The armored reconnaissance radar immediately discovered the second group of drones swooping down from the sky.

The rest is more or less the same. As long as you have a lightsaber in hand, it is impossible for this kind of melee drone to hurt you.

"Get up!" Jane still turned her wrist with her palm facing up, her fingers suddenly tightened into a fist, and all the silver wires arranged in advance changed from soft to tight in an instant.

Yu Zhesen's movements stopped instantly. He felt that there were many powerful forces of unknown origin pulling on the Silver Flash Armor from all directions.

Soon, Yu Zhesen found that his hands and feet were unable to move according to his own will. At this moment, he felt like an insect stuck in a spider web.

The spiral torque of many joints of the Silver Flash Armor sparkled during the ultra-high-speed rotation, and the power core also entered the overclocking mode. Yu Zhesen ignored the illegal operation warning issued by the microcomputer and tried to use the limits of the Silver Flash Armor to fight against the force that interfered with him.


The sudden change in the situation made An He, who originally did not want to get involved in this kind of routine security battle, slowly wake up. She had been sleeping in Yu Zhesen's spiritual world for a long time today, and waking up at this time was the best state after recharging her energy.
"The negotiation with those thugs is over? Are you fighting with superpowers? Do you need help?"

Based on his own position and pride, An He was very averse to dealing with the Ship Fire Gang, because the rapid response department of the Starzhou City Security Bureau almost never negotiated deals with criminals. If they needed to obtain intelligence clues from criminals, they were better at

The person went directly back to the dark room to perform a set of "Great Memory Restoration Technique".

However, the situation in Qidao City cannot be compared with that of Starzhou City. As the core birthplace of Iron Dome Civilization, Starzhou City can be said to be at the forefront of revitalizing cities in all aspects and is far ahead. For example, in Qidao City and other latecomers,

Xingzhou City has long ago solved the old urban problems that have been a major problem in the eyes of revitalizing cities with vigorous and vigorous reform measures.

If she were not attached to Yu Zhesen in the form of a light spirit body, she would definitely interfere in this afternoon's investigation.

However, after merging with Shi Xin, An He also asked himself to gradually learn to adapt to the new way of getting along with Yu Zhesen.

After reflection, An He realized that after the initial honeymoon period, a lot of the boredom they felt toward each other to a certain extent was due to their failure to grasp the extent of their interference in Yu Zhesen's behavior.

After all, restraint is restraint, even if it is in the name of love, it will not change its essence of harming the freedom of others. This is the reason why many parents have conflicts with their growing children. This is not only the relationship between parents and children, but also between lovers.

An He, who realized this, decided to make some changes, so today, although she agreed with Jian Yiran's remarks of resolutely fighting criminals, she did not interfere in any way with Yu Zhesen's actions.

Even now, she only asks Yu Zhesen if he needs her help instead of helping on her own initiative.

"No need." Yu Zhesen's answer was straightforward.

He felt that An He was consciously learning to use time-conscious methods to assist him, but in his heart he still regarded An He as his relative and companion rather than as a combat assistant AI. Subconsciously, he still wanted to bear the risks of fighting alone.

"Okay." An He sighed silently after being rejected. In fact, the prediction of the law of cause and effect had already told her what would happen next, but she chose to respect Yu Zhesen's wishes.

As long as the direction of the incident does not endanger Yu Zhesen's life, she will not intervene. An He calls this code of action the "time heart model".

The power of the Silver Flash exoskeleton armor has increased to the maximum. In Jian Yiran's eyes, countless silver threads have been broken, but she continues to add new threads to strengthen the blockade.

These efforts can only trap Yu Zhesen for a few seconds. The silver thread can only be used as a material existence outside the body. Jane, who has watched many superhero movies, still commented on the use of her powers in this kind of way.

In form, it's not even as good as Spider-Man. Even the movement of the Silver Flash exoskeleton armor that is restricted for a few seconds is achieved by stacking the number of silver wires.

As a price, Jane still felt that her heart in her chest was about to be crushed.

She knew very well that the feeling of pressure coming from her heart was not an illusion. Long before she left the Ark and became a sect warrior who sneaked into the Renaissance City, she discovered during the ability test that her heart rate would decrease when she activated her powers.

The heart rate of a normal person is between sixty and one hundred beats per minute. Athletes will have a lower heart rate, but usually it will reach fifty beats per minute. Jian Yiran has been detected to have a low heart rate when activating supernatural powers.

to 25 times per minute.

Her heart, clenched by invisible pressure, beat hard to provide her with the blood oxygen necessary to maintain her life. Every beat was as hard as a bud breaking through the ground or a bird breaking out of its shell.

Listening to her tenacious and unyielding heartbeat, Jane still managed to maintain her powers until the last moment with a strong breath.

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Immediately afterwards, there were continuous collisions, and the second group of gargoyles swooping down from high altitudes attacked successfully.

The fragile energy module on the back of the Silver Flash exoskeleton armor was scratched and cut by the sharp steel wings of the gargoyle, and a gargoyle directly hit the light blue energy rod exposed from the damaged energy module.

The light strip on the front of the Silver Flash exoskeleton armor went out, the power core stopped operating, and the crazy rotating torque also lost power in an instant.

Jane still pressed her heart. The pain had not completely subsided, but her heartbeat had gradually returned to normal.

"This means I win..." She looked at the Silver Flash Armor that was stagnant and no longer moving with lingering fear, thinking that after the armor completely lost power, Yu Zhesen would be trapped inside, so that she would have plenty of time and

The companions reunited and retreated.

The broken blue energy rod fell to the ground with a clang, and the leaked concentrated energy liquid polluted the asphalt road like spilled oil paint.

Jane still laughed after seeing this scene: "If I'm not mistaken, this blue thing is NU2 concentrate, right? It can easily explode when exposed to high-temperature open flames."

She was reminding Yu Zhesen not to use steel to break free from the armor that had become a prison.

But these words sounded like a naked threatening declaration to the ears of Yu Zhesen and An He.

"This guy... is too arrogant, Xiaomori, I want to tell you something that is a bit counter-intuitive."

"Oh? I'm all ears."

"Light particles can be liberated reversely without energy power."

Just as An He finished speaking, the silver flash exoskeleton armor that was supposed to have turned off and turned into a pile of scrap steel suddenly began to decompose on its own, returning to specks of golden light dust floating in the air.

Yu Zhesen, who had regained his freedom from the cage, moved his arms symbolically, and said to the dumbfounded Jane: "I lost my armor, and you also lost a lot of drones. It seems more fair now, right?"

"Sir...is it fair? She is a girl." Jane still replied slyly, "Sir, you are a negative for being so clingy."

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