Turn off the lights
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Chapter 57: Action in advance

 At night, at 8:53, Yu Zhesen said goodbye to Chu Yuexi’s family.

"I'll take you out of the community."

"No need, you haven't recovered yet." Yu Zhesen smiled and rejected Chu Yuexi's kindness.

"Hmm... okay then." Chu Yuexi nodded.

Father Chu waved slightly from behind: "Xiao Sen, you are welcome to visit again next time. When Xixi recovers, you can go down to the community to play badminton."

"Then I guess I can't beat her."

"Of course I will let you." Chu Yuexi smiled slyly.

Chu's mother warmly expressed concern: "Be careful on your way home."

"I will. Auntie, the food you cook is delicious and your craftsmanship is great. Thank you for your hospitality today."

"No, no, I'm in such a hurry today... Next time Xiao Sen, come here on a day off, and mom will show you what you're really capable of."

Yu Zhesen politely agreed, waved to the family of three, turned and entered the elevator.

"Huh..." The moment the elevator door closed, he breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the elevator wall as if he was exhausted.

It's great, the intern really has a happy family.

Of course, Yu Zhesen is not saying that An Zhitian is not good to him, but his identity as the head of the Iron Dome Security Bureau and his deep hatred for the Guilin sect make it impossible for his adoptive father to create a simple and warm family like the Chu family's parents.

Family atmosphere.

Those who gaze into the abyss are also gazed into the abyss.

Those who fight with wild beasts should beware of becoming wild beasts themselves.

In fact, in terms of maintaining himself, Yu Zhesen feels that An Zhitian has done a good job over the years.

Except for that winter night when he accidentally saw him getting angry on the phone on the balcony, An Zhitian always maintained rational restraint at home. Perhaps the word "tough man's tenderness" can be used to describe it well.

During the summer vacation of middle school, An Zhitian once took the time to drive them to a mountainous area far away from Xingzhou City for mountain climbing and camping to look up at the stars. He talked with his daughter who was in the rebellious period about the popular punk rock, and with his adopted son who was entering puberty, he talked about the responsibilities and responsibilities of men.


An Zhitian said that he did not understand family education and might raise his daughter as a son and his son as a stray dog. Then he added that in fact, he had originally planned to be a lonely ghost and live in gloom until he finished demanding his life against the cult.

That day, but the existence of his children allowed him to maintain his humanity.

Yu Zhesen felt that in a sense, his encounter with An Zhitian was more like two stray dogs adopting each other.

But no matter what, a family without the role of "mother" is always somewhat deformed and incomplete.

So when we were saying goodbye at the door just now, when Chu Yuexi’s mother told him to come back next time on a day off, “Mom, I’ll show you what I’m really capable of”, his heart was really touched.

Maybe, Yu Zhesen thought, maybe his parents fought with their lives to protect the happiness of these ordinary people.

No matter how technology develops, no matter how consumerism changes, where money is paramount and entertainment leads to death, there will always be human beings who preserve their beautiful character and pure kindness, shining like stars and passing down the fire from generation to generation.

"Your heart is beating." Shi's heart can always jump out when he enjoys being alone with his soul.

"Is there any evidence?"

"The heartbeat is higher than usual, blood circulation is accelerated, brain nerves are excited, and dopamine secretion increases."

Yu Zhesen asked: "Why can't it be caused by my stomach digesting the delicious food?"

"Still talking hard. Still talking tough."

"It's so noisy, please shut up."

Yu Zhesen waved his hand in front of him, as if he was swatting away flies, or swiping away the virtual advertisement in front of him - if he had modified an electronic computer.

After he did this, his mind immediately became quiet.

It wasn't until Yu Zhesen walked out of the community gate that her voice appeared again:

"It seems like something big is going to happen tonight."

As if to confirm what she said, Yu Zhesen saw a brightly lit armored fighting vehicle driving on the road in the distance.

"'Gray Wolf' team-level assault infantry fighting vehicles, a total of twelve vehicles...that is, the strength of a company." Yu Zhesen is familiar with the equipment of the National Defense Force.

The National Defense Force suddenly entered the city. This was the first time he had seen such an abnormal thing in the two years he had been in Qidao.

Yu Zhesen had a premonition and took out his cell phone to dial An He's number.

"Sorry, the user you called has shut down..."

Two minutes later, Claire's phone also showed that it had been turned off.

The two of them cutting off external contact at the same time is enough to show that the Security Bureau is about to take a major operation. Locking private communication equipment before the operation is the most basic requirement for confidentiality.

Yu Zhesen tried to access the Yiguang virtual system on his mobile phone, but the program displayed "System routine maintenance, access denied."

Nonsense, how can the Security Bureau's system be maintained every three days?

It’s understandable that access was temporarily suspended after being attacked by hackers yesterday. The biggest reason why I can’t connect now is that he doesn’t have enough permissions.

To be precise, his phone does not have enough permissions.

Yu Zhesen put on the stg5701 tactical eyepiece. Sure enough, the electronic terminal of the eyepiece can also connect to the virtual network of the Security Bureau.

"Commissioner a0717, welcome to visit." Yi Guang's virtual image appeared in front of him.

"Where can I find Instructor Claire or An He?" Yu Zhesen asked her directly.

Yi Guang clasped his hands behind his back and replied euphemistically: "Access to the 'Special Tactics Conference Room' requires A1 level or above permission or authorization from the commander."

Yu Zhesen's consciousness had now entered the virtual space of the Security Bureau. Under Yi Guang's signal, he saw the "Special Tactics Conference Room" with the door closed at the far end.

He tried to get closer and touched the access control identification device, but as expected, he was told that he "does not have access permission".

"They are having a meeting inside now, probably to discuss the specific matters of the escort operation."

Shi Xin appeared next to Yu Zhesen in the form of a translucent shadow. Her toes floated off the ground and she could rotate around Yu Zhesen lightly, like a ghost.

Yu Zhesen looked at Yi Guang and found that she had no reaction to Shi Xin's sudden "invasion".

Yiguang, who is the personification of the virtual space system, seems to be unable to perceive the existence of the heart of time.

"The escort operation? Isn't that scheduled for eight days?" Yu Zhesen communicated with Shi Xin in his mind.

"No matter how much Instructor Claire trusted you, she wouldn't reveal the plan so early, right?" Shi Xin analyzed, "Of course, it's possible that she changed her mind temporarily...the plan couldn't keep up with the change."

Yu Zhesen lamented: "The plan really couldn't keep up with the changes. I originally thought I could think about it for a few more days."

"Now that you have been excluded from the instructor's plan, what are you going to do?" Shi Xin asked.

"Why do I feel that you are a little gloating?"

Shi Xin said matter-of-factly: "Of course I'm happy if I can save you from falling into a dangerous environment."

Yu Zhesen was speechless.

"But this is what I thought before." She smiled slightly, stretched out her translucent slender hand and pressed it on the access control identification device.

The indicator light of the access control recognition device changes from red to green: access is allowed.

Yu Zhesen, who was in a daze, pushed his back and sent him through the opened door: "Now I care more about your wish. As long as that is what you want, we will work together to realize it."<


Yu Zhesen turned around and found that Shi Xin opened his arms after pushing him and blended into him like a hug.

The moment he walked through the door, his body also became translucent.

At the same time, Yi Guang, who was still standing outside, waved in the other direction: "Goodbye, Commissioner A0717, Yi Guang looks forward to seeing you next time."

"You hacked into the security bureau's system?" Yu Zhesen was horrified.

"I just made her think you were offline." Shi Xin's voice sounded in her mind.

"Then what I look like now is..."

"Virtual optical camouflage, no one will notice your existence under my protection." Shi Xin chuckled, "Look, aren't they still concentrating on discussing action plans?"

Yu Zhesen came back to his senses and looked forward, and found that in this virtual space called the "Special Tactics Conference Room", nearly twenty security bureau commissioners headed by Claire were having a meeting at a round table.

An He is working as Claire's assistant, switching the virtual projection screen as she explains step by step.

"Is this...is this an act of stealing secrets?" Yu Zhesen was both excited and worried.

"As long as you don't get discovered, that's fine. But I suggest you return your consciousness to your real body first. Playing VR on the street is very dangerous!"

Yu Zhesen switched the screen of the eyepiece, and his vision returned to the real world - the gate of the community where Chu Yuexi's home is located.

A dazzling bright light shot straight at him. The heavily armed soldier held a tactical flashlight in one hand and a large-caliber pistol hanging on his chest in the other, slowly approaching him.

"Excuse me..." Yu Zhesen planned to ask the other party's purpose.

"Why don't you comply with the emergency curfew?" A serious question came from the speaker of the other party's military prosthetic body.

Emergency curfew order?

"Don't move, listen to my order. Open the five fingers of your left hand, stretch your left arm forward, and slow down."

Yu Zhesen stretched out his left hand and asked the other party to scan his electronic bracelet in cooperation.

"Citizen 141212433, the emergency curfew was issued 10 minutes ago. Don't you know?"

Yu Zhesen connected his mobile phone and electronic bracelet through the eyepiece, and found an emergency curfew temporarily issued by the Qidao City Administration Bureau in the mailboxes of both.

"Sorry, I'm just getting ready to go home."

"Didn't you just come out of the community? Where are you going so late?"

Yu Zhesen replied helplessly: "Sir, I just finished a visit and came out of my girlfriend's house. I live in Xiasu District, and it should be written on the electronic file."

Someone stuck his head out from the top of the chariot in the distance: "Squad leader! Gather the order!"

"Huh, you're lucky. Go home quickly, the curfew is no joke."

The defense force who questioned Yu Zhesen turned off the tactical flashlight, turned around and ran towards the tank that had started to start slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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