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Chapter 59 Simulated War (Part 1)

 After ensuring that everyone had a deep understanding of the dangers of Fu Zhaohai’s powers, Claire announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Everything that should be explained before taking action has been explained. All they have to do now is to recharge their batteries and wait for tomorrow.

The participating commissioners went offline from the virtual space one after another, and soon only a few people were left in the special tactics conference room.

"Why don't you leave yet? Do you have anything else to ask?"

Claire's eyes swept around the few people who stayed.

She was not surprised that An He stayed here, but it was a bit unexpected for Claire that Lin Jie, Meng Dongxia and the other two commissioners stayed here.

"Commander, we would like to make a small adjustment to the grouping for tomorrow's operation..." Lin Jie spoke on behalf of the other three.

"Why?" Claire asked with a serious expression.

An He, who originally lowered his head to fiddle with data, also raised his head to look at them.

In addition to Lin Jie and Meng Dongxia, the other two commissioners are also a man and a woman.

They and their partners have been assigned to different action teams, so now they want to make internal swap adjustments.

Yu Zhesen watched silently from the side, always feeling that this scene seemed a bit familiar - when he was in school, the lovers in the class were separated when they were changing positions, and then they tried every means to show their magic and try to reunite without telling the teacher.<


Of course, as adults, teachers are naturally aware of the little thoughts of adolescent kids, but most of the time they see through it without telling them.

"I know you want to work together, but this operation is very important, and I don't want you to get involved with your personal emotions in the mission."

Claire's implication was that she disagreed with their request to change the team.

An He looked at Claire and showed a helpless expression towards the four people who looked at him for help.

"If you feel energetic, you can go and play two rounds of simulation training on train anti-hijacking." Claire waved them away.

Lin Jie and others looked at each other and reluctantly obeyed Claire's order.

An He handed over the compiled meeting record data to Claire, and then said goodbye to her: "Instructor, I am also going to play two rounds of simulation training."

"For you, is that level of training still necessary?"

"Just think of it as a warm-up." An He said and turned to leave.

Yu Zhesen felt a little nervous when he saw her walking straight towards him. He didn't react until An He passed directly through his body - he was completely imperceptible in this virtual space.

He bowed to show respect to Claire who was left alone in the conference room, then turned around and followed An He to the training room.

"Good evening Commissioner s3202, welcome to the simulated combat training system."

Yi Guang's figure appeared next to An He, showing her a list of training subjects.

"Subject selection, train anti-hijacking simulation battle series."

"Difficulty setting: Expert."

"The system is initializing, please wait..."

"The mission team has been created. The number of people allowed in this simulated battle is limited to 4 people."

An He did not hesitate to choose AI teammates provided by the system.

"Creating ai team members..."

Team member No. 2·Yi Guang has been generated.

Team member No. 3, rookie, has been generated.

Team Member No. 4...

The fourth data humanoid was being generated, and Yu Zhesen boldly stepped forward and stood in the position of the fourth simulated combat training team member.

Team member No. 4, Husky, has been generated.

"The simulation battle mission team is ready to be completed."

Before Yu Zhesen could complain about why his codename was "Husky", An He decisively gave the order: "Attack!"

The light and shadow around them changed in turns, and they fell into the sea of ​​data as if they were drawn into a whirlpool.

A few seconds later, Yu Zhesen found that the surrounding environment had turned into a train carriage, and the training subject "train anti-hijacking simulation battle" officially began.

"Mission goal: eliminate the terrorists who hijacked the train."

"Task time limit: 15 minutes."

"Mission failure conditions: Hostages accidentally injured, train destroyed."

The weapons in the simulated battle are unified. The four people are wearing standard silver flash exoskeleton armor and holding sword03 anti-prosthetic assault rifles.

"Commissioner s3202, Yiguang is honored to fight with you."

An He didn't seem to accept Yi Guang's tactics at all. As the captain, he ordered: "All members activate optical camouflage and start advancing."

A burst of rainbow light flashed, and the four people disappeared out of thin air as if they were wearing invisibility cloaks.

Relying on the recognition signal of the exoskeleton armor, they can see each other's outlines.

In fact, in expert-level simulated battles, optical camouflage is almost useless. AI-controlled enemies have effective detection methods for optical camouflage by default. This is just a process.

Everything was normal in the first carriage that passed by.

"The assault team reported that the 08 vehicle has been cleared and is safe."

Yu Zhesen discovered that An He fully complied with the instructions in the action manual. Even though this was a simulated war and there was no on-site command unit, she still meticulously implemented the progress reporting procedures.

"Getting ready to enter the 07 car, rookie, Husky will cover me, Yiguang, watch your butt."

"Rookie received."

"Yi Guang received it."

The two AI-controlled teammates, Rookie and Yi Guang, responded immediately.

"Husky got it." Yu Zhesen hurriedly followed suit to avoid revealing his secret.

The moment he entered Car 07, a gun-wielding target wearing a black hood appeared from behind the seat 10 meters away.

"B-level martial arts energy shield activated!"

The rookie holds a gun in one hand and a hexagonal blue shield in the other, ready to step forward.



An He's gun had already fired. He fired before the opponent, and after hitting the target, he fired two more shots.

The target was killed without any suspense.

Yu Zhesen, who was following behind, was slightly amazed. Although the fire control system of the Silver Flash exoskeleton armor was directly connected to the sword03 anti-prosthetic assault rifle in their hands, An He's reaction speed was by no means something ordinary people could achieve.

"The 07 car has been cleaned and is safe."

"The strike team moves on."

In the next carriage, three terrorists appeared at the same time. An He quickly clicked on the two far and near targets on the left. The AI ​​rookie blocked the bullets fired from the mid-range target on the right with his shield. Yu Zhesen and An He misplaced their shots and fired.

He was killed.

The intensity of this round of firefight was relatively high, and the panicked shouts of passengers rang out in the carriage.

"All passengers please stay where they are and stay low!"

After An He shouted, he started to jog and led the assault team to the next car quickly.

Car 05, an unarmed terrorist stood directly in the center aisle.

Yu Zhesen subconsciously raised his gun and took aim, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the rookies and Yi Guang beside him were indifferent.

An He sternly stopped him: "Don't attack the hostage by mistake!"

His finger on the trigger stopped at the last moment.

I almost had a gameover...

That was a hostage who was specially dressed as a terrorist. The real enemies were hidden on both sides and suddenly appeared when Yu Zhesen aimed his gun at the hostage.

Two submachine guns opened fire on the assault team.

An He activated the energy-forming shield to block the front, but as the opponent's firepower poured in, the cracks on the shield quickly spread.

It is a powerful anti-armor special ammunition.

"The rookie fills in! Husky, Yi Guang, be careful on both sides!"

Before An He's energy-gathering shield was shattered, the rookie held up the shield and took her place at the front of the team.

At the same time, terrorists hanging by ropes suddenly appeared outside the windows on both sides of the carriage.

Yu Zhesen and Yi Guang received An He's order in advance. Although they had paid attention to the window position, something went wrong when they counterattacked - they both chose to deal with the target in the right window.

The two men shot and broke the right window glass, killing the terrorist hanging outside.

But at the same time, the enemy outside the left window also opened fire.

Several female passengers with their heads buried under the window screamed, broken window glass was scattered on them, and powerful modified special bullets whizzed past their heads.

An He, who had just killed two terrorists in the distance, suddenly took a step back and knocked Yu Zhesen away from him.

She used the front of the armor to block most of the bullets that came from the left window, and shot the terrorist's head that was hanging outside the left window with one shot.

The microcomputer issued a warning: "The armor damage rate is 21%, and the flexibility of the joints of the left arm has decreased."

"Commissioner s3202, are you okay? Are you injured?" Yi Guang asked with concern.

An He made a "tsk" sound, and while replacing the new magazine, he reported to the non-existent command unit: "The 05 vehicle has been cleaned up, the No. 1 armor has been slightly damaged, and the mission continues."

"The strike team moves on."

However, before she went to the next carriage, she looked back at Yu Zhesen.

This chapter has been completed!
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