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Chapter 611: Foresight

It’s approaching midnight, at the Dengwick Motel on Huancheng South Road, Xiasu District.

Amidst the noisy squeaking of the ceiling fan, Jane was still negotiating with the manager at the hotel desk.

She wanted to go through the temporary check-in procedures for Min Yuan and Alitanova, but they did not have the identity certificates of Iron Dome citizens. For this reason, she could only try to use her identity as a security bureau commissioner to persuade them to go through the formalities.

Provide accommodation.

After seeing that Jane still showed the commissioner's electronic voucher, the motel manager reluctantly agreed to let Minyuan and Alitanova check in without registering their citizen IDs.

"In the revitalized city, it is difficult to move forward without a legal identity." Alitanova sighed as she collapsed on the motel bed.

"It's impossible for us to obtain legal status, so we should keep a low profile." Min Yuan then entered the room dragging his suitcase.

Jane still leaned against the door frame with her arms folded, looking around as if she was carefully observing the structure of the room.

"The detection equipment in the box has no warning. There should be no hidden cameras here." Min Yuan said to Jian Yiran.

"I think this motel looks ordinary from the outside, but it's pretty well decorated inside." Jane still smiled, "It's just a bit expensive, it costs 100 SP points a day, but fortunately it includes two meals, so you don't need to.

Ordering takeout."

Min Yuan nodded: "It's safer this way."

"Mainly to save money." Jane still stuck out her tongue, "I still owe Yu Zhesen a huge sum of money."

Alitanova suddenly sat up on the bed and said instructingly: "You don't really plan to pay that guy back, do you? You'll be done with it until the day we leave."

"That's not good...it doesn't fit in with my personality outside." Jane still scratched her head in embarrassment.

"What, are you still planning to come back here?" Alitanova jumped out of bed, walked over to Jian Yiran, and dragged her into the room. Then she motioned with her eyes to Min Yuan to close the door.

Then, she lowered her voice and asked Jian Yiran: "You said you were going to help us go to the development zone to rescue Master Lu Hong, weren't you lying to us? Do you think you can return to the Qidao City Security Bureau and continue to work after that?

Your little commissioner?”

Jane still avoided Alitanova's gaze: "What if there is this opportunity... For the future of the sect, it makes sense for me to stay in Fuxing City."

"Rescuing Master Lu Hong is a journey of nine deaths. Each of us must have the belief that we will die in order to fight for that slim chance of survival!" Alitanova sternly rebuked Jane Yiran's lucky idea, "Go through fire and water, or die."

Not turning back, having no intention of looking back, this is the style of a sectarian warrior."

"Rita, you are so excited." Min Yuan put his hand on his companion's shoulder, "At least for now we are still relying on the support of high-level priests to survive, and we have no position to criticize her too harshly."

Alitanova's face turned red with embarrassment when Min Yuan spoke.

The authorities are obsessed with it, and only after Min Yuan reminded her did she realize that the two of them were currently unable to even revive the city's economic independence. No matter how powerful they were subjectively, they could not change the material poverty objectively.

Expedition to the pioneering area to rescue Master Lu Hong is by no means an empty-handed adventure. They must make sufficient material preparations before actually setting off. Although in Jian Yiran's plan, Ark will assist them in reaching the pioneering area, in order to ensure that Ark's

Safe, the Ark will only deliver them to land at the extreme distance from the coast.

The individual mechas developed by the sect that can perform catapult airdrops have a limited load and cannot carry too much supplies, so the personnel and baggage of this expedition must be transported separately.

Cheng Taiyi provided a very imaginative plan for this. He proposed to find a company with logistics business between Fuxing City and the Development Zone, and use their legal transportation capacity to transport the materials needed by the expedition to the landing point in advance.


From a practical point of view, Cheng Taiyi's proposal does a good job in solving the problem of Ark's insufficient capacity to deliver baggage. The only difficulty is that the sect's capital chain in Fuxing City has basically been broken, and this plan requires a

A considerable amount of capital investment is needed to prepare materials and sign contracts with logistics companies in the development zone. It may even be necessary to provide some benefits to relevant personnel to get the green light.

"Having no money and having no legal identity will make it difficult for us to move forward." Jane still said to the two of them, "So it is necessary to save funds at the moment."

Alitanova shrugged: "If that's the case, then don't look for another place to live. Why don't you just squeeze in with us here?"

"I have free accommodation." Jane still smiled proudly.

"Is there such a good thing?" Alitanova said doubtfully, "Are you planning to live in the security bureau?"

"That's also an option if you have to, but then it won't be convenient to take my cat with you." Jane still smiled helplessly and shook her head, "Fortunately, Yu Zhesen is willing to take me in. Look Rita, I have worked so hard to maintain it.

Personality is still very useful.”

Min Yuan chuckled softly: "It has nothing to do with your personality. It is expected that Yu Zhesen will help you."

"Oh? Are you familiar with him?" Jane asked, still holding her chin.

"I think he's an old enemy. He's not a difficult person to understand. You can probably figure it out after having fought against him a few times."

Alitanova curled her lips in dissatisfaction and retorted: "Yeah, he's just a kid with a better fate than ordinary people. If it weren't for his unpredictable powers, we would have dealt with him long ago."

"It's a pity that he is destined to have no connection with the sect and cannot be won over by us." Min Yuan sighed regretfully, "I heard that his parents died fighting against the sect during the riots in Xingzhou City, and his adoptive father was the one who was related to the sect.

An Zhitian is at odds with each other, and such a rift of hatred cannot be bridged no matter what."

Jane was still listening silently, with a thoughtful expression on her face, wondering what she was thinking.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "So I say that Friedheim's attitude towards him is too ambiguous. Such people are ultimately a stumbling block to the sect." Alitanova said

He said reluctantly, "In the past, when the sect still had multiple sects discussing major issues, I believe that the vast majority of sects would support getting rid of him at any cost."

"Rita, this idea is too extreme." Jane still shook her head and advised, "Yu Zhisen is not necessarily our enemy. Getting rid of him at all costs will only make the sect weaker through consumption, even if it succeeds.

Our enemy is the hypocritical Iron Dome Order and Authority."

"Haha, how do you want to get over this obstacle? In the future, no matter what the sect wants to do, the sect will have to avoid him?" Alitanova asked, spreading her hands.

There is no answer to this question yet, and Jane still can't tell the answer. Maybe what Alitanova said to temporarily avoid Yu Zhesen's edge is the best thing to do at the moment.

Teacher Friedheim's change of direction is to circumvent this temporarily unsolvable problem. The warriors of the sect may not be afraid of sacrifice, but as the dean and the current leader of the sect, he must think about the future.

"The situation is still unclear, let's take it one step at a time." Min Yuan broke the awkward silence, "According to the speed of the Iron Dome Administration's decline, a group of people may be disappointed with it within a few years. Moreover,

The core idea of ​​Friedheim's policy is to avoid direct confrontation, but that doesn't mean we can't push the Iron Dome Authority in the dark to make it fall into the abyss faster."

Alitanova raised her eyebrows with an interested expression: "You mean, we can actively promote the corruption of the Iron Dome order?"

"But the key is to have funds." Jane still poured cold water on their idea, but immediately gave hope: "Rebuilding our capital chain in revitalizing the city is a prerequisite, and this task must be carried out by people who are familiar with the revitalizing urban environment.

Someone will take the lead. Cheng Taiyi’s credibility in Ark is insufficient, so the best candidate is Reverend Lu Hong.”

This chapter has been completed!
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