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Chapter 618 The Ace Arrives

"Commissioner Liu!!" Jian Yiran, who was closest to Liu Boang, felt horrified.

The black parasite got into Liu Boyang's mouth just like it had parasitized Commissioner Yang Yi before. This move shocked everyone present.

"What to do? Should we fire? Can we fire?"

"We need to save people! Think of a way to save people!"

The commissioners at the scene were a bit leaderless. They looked at the parasitized Liu Boang and it was neither right nor wrong to shoot.

In just ten seconds, the black parasite had completely entered Liu Boang's body. Liu Boang's entire face was corroded by strong acid, and the corroded remains of the exoskeleton armor mask were applied like a mask.

On his face, his face showed a terrifying metallic color.

Jane still heard a "buzzing" sound coming from the parasitized Liu Boang's body.

What is this noise? Is it the sound made by that unnameable creature?

Just as she was stunned, the parasitized Liu Boang suddenly raised his gun.

Jian Yiran's armored microcomputer immediately issued an alarm that it was locked by the opponent's fire control system.

At the critical moment, Jane still deployed the energy shield. Fortunately, the Sword03 assault rifle in Liu Boang's hand was loaded with conventional bullets instead of high-power ammunition specially used to attack armored units.

A bunch of bullets were blocked by the energy shield, but Jane still calmly held the shield with her left wrist and advanced instead of retreating. This extremely heroic act made other commissioners present involuntarily deeply inspired.

They gradually put aside their previous prejudices against interns and spontaneously acted together to protect Jian Yiran.

At the same time, Yi Guang also conveyed instructions to everyone on site to allow firing.

Everyone understood what this order meant - Liu Boang, who had been parasitized by an unknown creature, had been judged as a victim.

Three commissioners wearing Torrent exoskeleton armor were scattered on the left and right wings of Jian Yiran, and their submachine guns formed a crossfire to suppress.

Liu Boang, who was hit hard, stopped changing the magazine and raised the energy shield like Jian Yiran.

It's just that his reaction was a little slow, and many bullets missed and hit his armor before the shield was formed.

Seeing the bullets leaving sparks flying on the front of Liu Boang's armor, everyone realized a problem - the Knife07 submachine guns they held were also equipped with conventional ammunition, because no one thought in advance that this mission would deal with armored targets.


The defenses on both sides were far beyond the firepower of firearms, and the exchange of fire became futile. The fierce gunfire and flying bullets made people in the city hall panic.

Yu Zhesen, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat of the flying car, was a little surprised why Claire didn't directly command the scene at this time. Even so far, there was no captain-level person on the scene who could stand up to coordinate the overall situation. The commissioners involved in the operation almost entirely relied on Yi Guang.

coordination in conducting operations.

He couldn't help but ask Claire this question.

"I have not officially announced my return to the Qidao City Security Bureau." Claire explained, "My administrative leave has not actually ended yet. I have to wait for the documents from the General Bureau to officially return to my post."

Yu Zhesen felt puzzled: "In emergencies, authority must be followed. Your participation in command is obviously helpful in controlling the situation at the scene. Is it necessary to be so rigid in procedures?"

Claire remained silent and did not answer.

"Is this also the instructor's procedural justice?" Yu Zhesen's tone clearly showed disapproval of this approach.

"Don't you suspect that there is an infiltration force from the Ship Fire Gang within the Security Bureau?" Claire realized that Yu Zhesen's misunderstanding of her was getting more and more serious, so she had to give him a little hint.

Out of the habit of keeping secrets, she originally didn't want to reveal this purpose, but Yu Zhesen asked her to make an exception.

After Claire's point, Yu Zhesen understood clearly that Claire was deliberately not making the news of her return public in order to have a decisive effect at the critical moment.

Recalling that he met Zhong Yugu in his office, Yu Zhesen thought to himself, does this mean that both Claire and Zhong Yugu have doubts about Director Jin Shounan?

Of course, it is also possible that the object of their suspicion is not Jin Shounan, but a middle-level cadre of the Qidao City Security Bureau, such as the director of a certain department or even the captain of a certain team...

The flying car finally arrived in the sky above the City Hall Square. Yu Zhesen couldn't bear it any longer. This time he didn't wait for Claire to land. He directly opened the door and activated the floating wing module for airborne operations.

The situation on the ground was still with the newcomer Jian Yiyi playing the leading role. After discovering that gun attacks were ineffective, she decisively chose to continue to use the horizontal knife transformed from the baton to engage in close combat.

Liu Boang also gave up his Sword03 assault rifle and instead used a baton to fight Jane.

Fortunately, Yiguang has blocked Liu Boang's commissioner authority. The baton in Liu Boang's hand is just the baton in its initial form and cannot be changed in any form.

The multi-functional baton in its initial form is only a security-level weapon. Its power and ease cannot be compared with the horizontal knife in Jian Yiran's hand. Therefore, Liu Boang suffered a big loss during the fight with Jian Yiran and was at a disadvantage.

Not surprising.

Jane still felt a little complicated at this time.

She has not completely escaped from her contradictory state of mind.

Even if he has the upper hand in terms of weapons, it is still very dangerous to fight against Liu Boang, because Liu Boang is using the only Silver Flash exoskeleton armor present, and its performance is arrogantly ahead of those commissioners who use Riptide exoskeleton armor.

, and it has an overwhelming advantage over Jian Yiran's training armor.

Moreover, the scene where the unknown parasitic creature suddenly appeared from the remains of Yang Yi and took Liu Boang's body and resurrected it was witnessed by everyone present. At the moment, no one can tell clearly what it is or how it invades other people's bodies.

, and I don’t know how to prevent it.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! There is a big question in everyone's mind - if the parasitized Liu Boyang is defeated now, who can guarantee that the unknown organism will not look like

What about transferring the parasitic target as before? No one wants to be the next victim.

It is precisely because of this idea that after discovering that gun attacks were ineffective, most people adopted a cautious wait-and-see attitude. Only Jian Yiran was the only one to decisively engage in close combat.

But soon the number of people increased to two. Yu Zhesen, who used the floating wing to airdrop and land, used the power of falling from high altitude to kick Liu Boang, who was wrestling with Jian Yishang, to the ground with a flying kick.

"Are you okay?" After landing, Yu Zhesen turned his baton into the form of a lightsaber. He kept a wary gaze on the fallen target and asked Jian Yiran with concern.

"Senior!" Jane was still overjoyed. Yu Zhesen's arrival meant that her lonely battle was over, and it also gave her a sense of relaxation that "it's stable now."

The "invincible person" in the words of Mr. Friedheim, the hidden ace of Qidao City Security Bureau, once again came to the battlefield that belonged to him...

Jane still felt her blood boiling all over, and she had high enthusiasm and expectations for fighting with Yu Zhesen.

The parasitized Liu Boang got up from the ground at this time. Most of his head armor had been shattered. Yu Zhesen's kick just now was aimed at hitting his head, but the defensive power of the silver flash exoskeleton armor was indeed

It's pretty good, but his kick without the martial arts chip's blessing is a little less powerful.

If Jiang Mingqiu had just used the S-level martial arts blasting kick, there might still be hope for success.

However, the kind of martial arts that injure the enemy by one thousand and damage himself by eight hundred has never been the first choice in Yu Zhesen's mind. Only the weaker side would consider taking risks to increase the chance of winning, and he did not think that he was at a disadvantage.

"Little Jane, why don't you retreat to the back and take a rest?" Yu Zhesen tactfully advised Jian Yiran to retreat. He planned to launch a serious offensive next, but he was a little worried that he would not be able to take care of Jian Yiran.

But Jane is still the kind of straight woman who doesn't know how to read the air during missions. She didn't understand Yu Zhesen's meaning at all and replied without hesitation: "No need, I can fight side by side with you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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