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Chapter 627 Faceless Man Live Room

"I bought the food! Hey, what are you looking at?" Jane, whose hair and clothes were stained by a lot of rainwater, still carried the fast food lunch box into the ward. When she saw Yu Zhesen and Sun Minghang looking at their mobile phones together with serious expressions, she couldn't help but be curious.


Yu Zhesen and Sun Minghang remained silent, which further aggravated Jane's thirst for knowledge. She put the fast food on the table and went straight behind them to take a look.

The picture displayed on the screen was a dark secret room with a depressing and heavy atmosphere. A weirdo wearing a cloak of an old-time religious monk and a milky-white mask of nothingness was talking to the camera.

"Awaken, everyone who is watching the live broadcast, you should realize that instead of being sucked into the bottomless abyss of a huge money-making machine, it is better to risk your life and give it a try." The weirdo spoke in a magnetic voice full of emotion and motivation.


"What is he talking about? What kind of performance is this?" Jane asked still puzzled.

Sun Minghang held his mobile phone in one hand and his chin in the other and said seriously: "I always thought this guy was using this topic as a gimmick to attract attention..."

"What?" Jane still listened confusedly, feeling even more confused.

"This is an anonymous anchor on the dark web who claims to be the CEO of the Star Dome Consortium. He has been broadcasting on the dark web for a long time to promote the anti-Iron Dome order and the terrorist ideas of the Authority. He also claims that he can fund various resistance organizations around the world.

All the rewards from his live broadcast room are used to fund various resistance organizations." Sun Minghang explained.

Jane was still excited, and thought to herself, if this is really the case, wouldn't this person be a good comrade on the same front as our sect? He is funding resistance organizations in various places. Is he really so powerful? Can he provide us with resources for our subsequent expedition to the pioneering area?

What about some funds?

"Then how to contact him?" Jane, who was troubled by money, still had eyes shining and subconsciously spoke out her heart.

From Jian Yiran's perspective, the motive for asking this question was very impure, but Yu Zhesen and Sun Minghang only thought she was curious and did not think in the direction of suspicion at all.

"His live broadcast room has a registration method," Yu Zhesen said, "This guy has inspection requirements for funding targets. If you want to get funds from him, you must first achieve some 'achievements' based on your own abilities and then put the evidence in his designated place."

on the dark web forum.”

"Is it so...exciting?" Jane still bit her finger.

In the live broadcast at this time, the faceless man was holding a form and happily telling the audience about the funding arrangements for next month, just like a CEO of a large company introducing a new company development plan to shareholders.


He carefully summarized and commented on the activities and performance of various large and small groups that he funded last month, saying that he would decide the increase or decrease of the amount of aid funds next month based on their performance fairly and impartially. Those who performed well would be rewarded, and those who performed poorly would be rewarded.

There is punishment.

"The organization code-named 'Z3' from Volshabak received good news last month. They successfully attacked an energy mine in the western part of the Dasha Realm, and successfully ambushed the defense force troops who came for reinforcements, and captured the

34 kills. Beautiful tactics and beautiful results! Let us applaud them!" Even though he was wearing a mask, everyone watching the live broadcast could still feel the madness from his dancing body language and excited and crazy tone.


The live broadcast room was flooded with likes, cheers, and various barrages mixed with swear words and abuses against the National Defense Forces. Yu Zhesen gritted his teeth and felt that there was a bad breath in his chest with nowhere to vent.

There are too many, too many rebels.

Regardless of whether the people posting comments of support in the live broadcast room are just having fun or they sincerely agree with the terrorist attacks, Yu Zhesen feels very uncomfortable.

"Another report is a bit disappointing. The organization code-named 'V6' in Qidao City has suffered a big blow recently. They have been targeted by the Security Bureau. Not only the Qidao City Security Bureau, but also St. Newman

The city's security bureau is also involved." The faceless man threw the manuscript on the table with an angry look, then straightened his posture and asked the camera: "Do you think we should continue to support the comrades of 'V6'?

?The situation is very bad, and maybe the money invested today will be completely wasted tomorrow, but I think they should still be given a chance to struggle."

Yu Zhesen turned his head and glanced at Sun Minghang: "This 'V6' refers to the Chuanhuo Gang, right?"

"I think so." Sun Minghang's face was gloomy. "This guy is very well-informed. Not only does he know that we are planning to take action, but he also knows that the St. Newman City Security Bureau is also involved."

Jane still interjected and asked: "Then why don't you shut down that Star Dome Consortium? This guy has blatantly disclosed his identity on the dark web live broadcast."

"That's fake, it's just a live broadcast personality." Sun Minghang shook his head and took the trouble to explain to a novice like Jian Yiran who knew nothing about online live broadcasts, "In order to create a sense of immersion for the audience and make it easy to leave an impression, the live broadcast operation

Broadcasters usually set up a distinctive personality packaging for themselves, and viewers who become fans of the live broadcast will also consciously accept this personality setting. For example, a girl sets herself up as an 'alien visitor' during a live broadcast.

, her fans will consciously regard her as an alien, cater to her on barrage topics, and cooperate with her live broadcast performance."

"Isn't this just like playing house?" Jane still found it incredible and difficult to understand.

"Many live broadcasts are just playing house. After all, most people watch live broadcasts just to find leisure time and spiritual entertainment. Few people will be more realistic in the personality of the anchor. The audience only believes in one truth - your live broadcast

If you can bring me happiness and enjoyment, I will support you and even pay and reward you."

At this time, the screen of the Faceless Man live broadcast room was once again crowded with barrages, and many large reward notifications floated from above.

Anonymous fans enthusiastically requested the "President" to increase investment in the organization code-named "V6" so that they would have the strength to "fight to the death with the Security Bureau."

"Who are these people..." Jane still sighed deeply, "What good will it do to them to defeat the Security Bureau and plunge Fuxing City into a chaotic situation where law and order collapses?"

Yu Zhesen said nothing with a dark face. Like Jane Yiran, he had great doubts about this.

Sun Minghang responded calmly: "This is normal. Jane doesn't usually go online, right? Anonymity on the Internet gives many people courage that they don't have in real life, allowing them to hide behind masks and vent unscrupulously.

Dissatisfied and angry, they even forget their own position and attack something crazily."

"Can Yi Guang try to trace the IP address of this live broadcast?" Yu Zhesen was already a little unable to sit still. He was wondering why there is no power in the world that can pass through the live broadcast screen and hit people.

"The encryption method of the dark web is very complicated, and it is too difficult to trace without the permission of the backend administrator." Yi Guang, who was resting in the corner of the mobile phone screen, responded.

"Then if the website is paralyzed through an attack, will it give you an opportunity?" Yu Zhesen asked again.

"Well, Yi Guang thinks this idea is worth trying..."

Sun Minghang glanced at Yu Zhesen nervously: "What do you want to do? Launch a hacker attack on the dark web? Do we have the conditions and technical capabilities?"

"I have to go out." Yu Zhesen stood up.

"Eat two bites before you leave, senior?" Jane still pointed to the fast food on the table.

"Eat when you come back."

This chapter has been completed!
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