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Chapter 635: Torture of Conscience

The red laser beam passed through the rain curtain, and Yi Guang, who was unable to dodge, instantly lost a mechanical armored arm.

In order to regain her body's center of gravity, she then voluntarily removed the other robotic arm and part of the exoskeleton armor, so that her figure suddenly became only one-half the size of Yu Zhesen.

The young man with electrodes inserted into the back of his neck was holding the front of the overturned commercial vehicle with one hand, and covering his bloody mouth with the other hand, breathing heavily.

As Yi Guang had judged before, the degree of his prosthetic transformation was not enough to support the use of the laser weapon in his left eye. Even if he obtained energy from the car through the cable, he was just using his own life as firewood.

This guy is nothing to be afraid of. As for his accomplices... Yi Guang remembered that the first person to get out of the car was a curly-haired man with a Middle Eastern face. She looked in the direction where Yu Zhesen intercepted the man before, and saw that the curly-haired man was still lying down.

He stood motionless on the water-filled road.

It seemed that there was no need to call for reinforcements, so Yi Guang made a judgment on the situation in front of him.

The key to solving the problem lies in how Yu Zhesen wants to deal with Yu Qingxue.

Yi Guang glanced in Yu Zhesen's direction, and the two were still confronting each other.

Yu Qingxue held the energy supply rod pulled out from the Silver Flash exoskeleton armor in her hand and threatened Yu Zhesen in self-destruction mode.

Although the energy supply rod of the exoskeleton armor contains NU2 mineral refining concentrate, it is not designed to make explosives, so even if it self-destructs, the actual power is only enough to blow up a nearby area of ​​several dozen square meters.

Yi Guang is not sure whether this is good news, because there is a residential area nearby, and if the explosion occurs, it will definitely affect civilians.

If she feels lucky just because "an explosion of this magnitude will not harm the city hall and the security bureau", this does not seem to be consistent with the emotional logic of her personality code as an AI representing justice for the Iron Dome order.

However, under the influence of Sun Minghang day after day, Yi Guang put the safety of nearby residents at a lower priority. Before that, she was more concerned about Yu Zhesen's safety.

Although she wanted to help, she also knew that interfering with her own abilities would only cause trouble for Yu Zhesen.

"Commissioner Yu, it's up to you..." Yi Guang prayed silently in his own logic program, then pulled out his pistol and walked towards the enemy beside the overturned vehicle.

The pair of giant robotic arms that she had just removed were equivalent to an "exoskeleton of exoskeletons" for her. What was now carrying her was a short robot less than 1.5 meters tall. Its attack power and defense power were far inferior to those of the previous ones.

, the only advantage is that it is flexible in movement, has a small target, and has a chance to avoid the laser fired by the opponent's prosthetic eye.

The young man next to the commercial vehicle was almost out of gas. He used his body as a conductor to transmit energy, causing the entire back of his neck to be burned, and most of the area below the cervical spine to be paralyzed.

His consciousness was chaotic and fuzzy, leaving only one strong belief that drove him to fight until the last moment - in order to repay Cheng Taiyi's kindness.

The last laser shot was fired from his left eye, and at the same time, his entire left prosthetic eye burst due to being unable to withstand the pressure.

Relying on the sophisticated calculations of the microcomputer, Yiguang made a dodge action at the moment she predicted that the opponent's prosthetic eye would be fired. The laser flew past her side and shattered a piece of the road behind her.

Splashing gravel and mud fell from the sky like a volcanic eruption. Yi Guang stood five meters away from the opponent and remained motionless, holding the pistol in both hands and aiming.

The armor's fire control auxiliary system helped her lock the opponent's head, but there was no need to shoot. The explosion of the prosthetic eye took away half of the guy's head.

At the same time, Yu Zhesen broke away from the exoskeleton armor that lost power.

Yu Qingxue took a step back to keep her distance from him, still holding the energy supply rod tightly, and pressed her finger on the self-destruct button.

However, while showing a strong confrontational attitude, she was the first to offer relief to Yu Zhesen: "How about the conditions? It's raining so hard, and we look like two fools standing here staring at each other."

Yu Zhesen raised his left wrist and rubbed the bracelet with his right hand: "I am An Zhitian's adopted son. I have learned a lot from him, the most important of which is - don't negotiate terms with criminals."

"Oh? You can't stop time, but you are still so stubborn? Then if I press this button, how will you respond?"

"You don't dare." Yu Zhesen showed his confidence in his tone without hesitation, "Self-destruction will 100% kill Yu Qingxue, and you will lose your support. This is a sure loss for you."

"Is it really okay to judge something you know nothing about?" Yu Qingxue sneered, "How can you be sure that I will cease to exist after she dies."

Before Yu Zhesen could answer, she asked further: "To say the least, even if she and I die together, can you accept such an ending?"

Yu Zhesen obviously couldn't accept this ending.

His face remained calm, and he was nervously thinking about ways to remedy the bad ending.

According to his limited experience in the past, he himself is not afraid of explosions. He believes in the power of time and mind, and believes that looking back in time can create miracles.

So... is there any chance of going back in time to rescue Yu Qingxue as well?

This ability can be applied to things outside of oneself. Yu Zhesen once used this ability to rescue Claire in the military base shelter in the other world. At that time, the future vision revealed that Claire was penetrated by a black knife and was fatally injured.

The ending had already occurred, but it was abruptly reversed by his ability to look back.

Yu Qingxue suddenly laughed "hahaha" again.

"Are you thinking of saving people by 'bringing them back to life'? The explosion won't just kill her, how many people can you save? Or do you think it's enough to save just one, and as for the other deaths, as long as you haven't witnessed them with your own eyes,

It's just a number." Yu Qingxue tortured his conscience with words.

"I will do my best," Yu Zhesen said.

"Do you believe it yourself? Don't deceive yourself. Looking back is very painful. Crossing the boundary between life and death is not as easy as just talking." Yu Qingxue said in a weird voice, "The pain of saving a person is barely bearable. Saving more people is more painful."

How are you going to bear the pain of so many people? Or should you let the woman you truly love bear it for you?"

Yu Zhesen was stimulated by her last words.

At the same time, he also realized that Yu Qingxue was exerting her mind-reading ability, and his thoughts could not escape her eyes.

Shi Xin once said that there is a price to pay for going back in time, but she never explicitly stated what the price was. And Yu Zhesen basically came up with an inseparable conclusion through observing the light spirit body An He and communicating with her.

The conclusion - the price of time regress is the energy that constitutes the life of the light spirit body. Although this energy can be restored and replenished, excessive consumption will still cause the light spirit body to be weak or even destroyed.

The life energy of the light spirit body can be compared to a drop of water that can infinitely regenerate itself. As long as there is one drop of water left, it can gradually return to the vast ocean. But if the last drop of water is consumed, what is left will only dry up.

and desolation.

"Then how many people do you estimate will be saved before this drop of water is finally used up?" Yu Qingxue asked sinisterly, "Five? Ten? Thirty?"

"I would rather...not save anyone." Yu Zhesen's rain-stained face was as cold as an iceberg at the moment.

"Then let's talk." Yu Qingxue completely understood his thoughts. She already knew that Yu Zhesen's thoughts were not as tough as he appeared on the surface.

He was unwilling to let An He bear the cost of backtracking, nor was he willing to let Yu Qingxue die. He wanted to prevent the explosion from happening.

Compared with these wishes, the so-called insistence on "not negotiating terms with criminals" is no longer important.

This chapter has been completed!
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