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Chapter 645 Defective Products

Late at night, the sound of rain was falling as before, and Jane, still dripping wet, dragged her tired body into Yu Zhesen's home.

She found that the light in the living room was on, and it seemed that someone was already at home.

"Welcome home." The android maid who came out of Yu Zhesen's bedroom politely bowed to say hello to Jane.

"Oh...Hello..." Jane was still a little unaccustomed to An He's enthusiasm, and her answer seemed unnatural.

Then she heard the mysterious voice in her head.

【This bionic man makes me feel uncomfortable.】

Me too, Jane Yiran said to herself, the android maid in the senior's house is too lifelike, and her behavioral logic is also very close to human beings, which makes her feel inexplicably scary.

[This kind of terror comes from the fear of you humans being replaced by your own creations, right?]

Jane still took her spare clothes and got into the bathroom of the guest room, closed the door and started to put hot water in the bathtub. As she took off her soaked clothes, she said to herself: "Maybe, see you later."

After becoming an intelligent creature with self-awareness like you, I am even more worried about this."

"Besides, you also have the ability to reset cause and effect."

Still talking, Jane rolled up her coat and underwear into a roll and put them in a plastic basket, stretching her aching arms.

Her body still retains the fatigue left over from the fierce battle before the cause and effect was reset. This experience is a bit like waking up after a very complicated nightmare.

There was a mirror attached to the wall opposite the bathtub. The mirror reflected her swan-white skin, graceful neck and warm white jade shoulders. She raised her hand to the mirror and pinched the auricle of her left ear, and couldn't help but utter something in her mouth.

There was a gasping "hiss".

Her left ear was clearly intact, but she still felt a tearing phantom pain when she pinched it gently with her hands.

It's terrible. This is the pressure and despair of fighting Yu Zhesen...

[He is very special. Ordinary people should not retain the memory of the reset period.] The voice in his mind said softly.

"This is different from what you promised me."

【Accidents may happen at any time.】

"If he discovers the truth, I will be the lucky person to experience what it feels like to be killed by him twice." Jane still stepped into the bathtub and slowly sank down.

[Why are you so pessimistic? After combining with me, you will be considered half of his kind, and you can also move in super-accelerated time. 】

"Can I create super-accelerated time that seems to stand still like him?" Jane was still curious. After the reset, she was busy trying to get through with Yu Zhesen, and she hadn't fully understood her newly acquired abilities.

The strange creature that was born from Shan Jing's body, fled in the form of a parasitic monster and caused many casualties, and finally sneaked back into his consciousness with the help of Qingxue's mind-reading power when the body was destroyed, has now become her.

an integral part.

He calls himself "Shadow", but Jane still doesn't like this slightly middle-of-the-road name.

When communicating, she likes to call this new companion "Shadow".

Because after this guy entered her mind, the image he displayed was a black shadow based on her outline.

[My power is very weak now, and I cannot stably exert the special ability of time stasis like him. However, I can still achieve it with one or two key time stops. 】

"Is your power weakened because you activated the reset cause and effect?"

[No, because I am incomplete. As you can see, I am just a semi-finished product. The insect-shaped shell that you destroyed is the shackles imposed on me by the St. Newman City Administration. 】

"Shackles? You mean that senior and I helped you escape from the shackles?"

[That’s true, but Yu Qingxue is also very important. I just said that I am an incomplete defective product, so I cannot move out of my body or carrier for a long time. It was impossible for you and your seniors to accept me at that time.

, only Yu Qingxue, who boldly used her powers to establish a spiritual bridge with me, gave me a chance to survive. 】

"Haha, it seems that Miss Yu is still kind to you."

[Aren’t you the one who showed kindness to me and recreated me?] Shadow responded in a flattering tone.

"Don't use my native voice to speak in such a despicable tone, it's a bit annoying." Jane patted the water in the bathtub, stirring up a small splash.

Then she leaned against the wall of the bathtub, tilted her head back and murmured: "Let's make each other happy. I'm not willing to end like that. You gave me a chance to choose again. Moreover, at such a critical moment, you didn't take the opportunity to threaten to blackmail me."


[Threat and blackmail? Haha, the most valuable thing to me is you. Compared to Yu Qingxue’s complicated, chaotic and unstable spiritual world, I like your environment here better. 】

Jane still smiled: "Then what kind of environment is my spiritual world like?"

[The spiritual world is abstract and difficult to express accurately in words. In short, your spiritual world is relatively stable.] I don’t know whether Shadow’s answer is the truth or a perfunctory rhetoric.

Through some detailed exchanges and discussions, Jane further understood the origin of the "shadow" and made some guesses about its existence.

Shadow told her that Tang Suguang, the father of Iron Qiong, once created a brand new artificial life form. This new life form can exist relying on ubiquitous light particles, can freely transform between virtuality and reality, and be regarded as

Use AI that is ahead of its time. But for some reason, this amazing new technology failed to be promoted in the Iron Dome era. Even Tang Suguang himself disappeared, and all research materials related to it were hidden and erased.

It wasn't until twenty years ago that the St. Newman City Administration got a glimpse of the clues from top-secret first-hand information when assisting Starzhou City in revising the history of Iron Dome in the new era. Several ambitious politicians directed a group of St. Newman City researchers to search for the reappearance of the Iron Dome.

The possibility of this lost technology.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [The big guys discovered that the new artificial life created by Tang Suguang has a magical linkage with the world, such as manipulating and affecting time, and even like I do for you.

Reset the timeline and modify cause and effect. These are the "divine powers" they dream of.】

"Are you the experimental subject created for this?"

[Let’s talk about the result directly. They failed. Although they searched from all aspects to collect the precious technical fragments left by Tang Suguang, they failed to create such a perfect artificial life form. Moreover, this was carried out privately by the St. Newman City Administration.

Research is not allowed by the Supreme Council.】

"Then...what the senior possesses is the real creation of Tang Suguang, right?"

[As far as I know, St. Newman City destroyed all the experimental subjects except me, so your predecessor must have different origins from me. But whether it is Tang Suguang's creation or not is hard to say. 】

"Why is this? Since you are the only remaining experimental subject, the ones from senior should be the real ones."

[Too naive, do you think only St. Newman City would covet this kind of god-like power?] Shadow asked in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Jian was still shocked, thinking that this trick was too deep. Could it be that the Iron Dome Management Bureau erased Tang Suguang's traces and denied his achievements, and on the other hand secretly stole his ideas to create a replica of the super artificial intelligence?

Life form?

[At least for now, I don’t think what he holds is a “genuine product”. If what he holds is a “genuine product”, I won’t be able to help you reset time and change cause and effect so smoothly. As a defective product, I

The "real thing" is very insignificant and powerless.]

"Then can you restore your strength? What do you need me to do?"

[There is indeed a way that can not only restore my strength, but also transform me into the "real thing". Forgive me for reading part of your memory without your permission, because the key thing exists in your memory. ]

"My memory?" Jane was still confused.

[The Research Institute of the Other Realm, the central control core, should be in the hands of the bald man who briefly joined forces with you. As long as I have it, I can complete my own shortcomings. 】

This chapter has been completed!
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