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Chapter 674: The Yellow Bird Appears

"Mike...it turns out to be your boy..." Ding Si's anger reached its peak the moment he heard Mike's voice.

Flames erupted from the muzzle of Mike's gun, and the bullet that spiraled out of the barrel was melted before it hit Ding Si who turned into lava, failing to cause any harm to him.

Ding Si, whose whole body turned into lava, turned around, stared at Mike with his charred eyes, and let out a fiery roar: "You want to kill me? You haven't finished your shift yet!"

"Damn it." Mike backed away and emptied the magazine, but all the bullets were ineffective against Ding Si in the lava state.

He regretted what he said before shooting and gave Ding Si time to react. If he could take advantage of it before he activated his superpower...

"Are you regretting that you didn't sneak up on me like you attacked Charlie?" Ding Si's tone was full of contempt, "Do you think that will work?"

As if to laugh at Mike's naivety, he actually released his powers and returned his body to its normal form.

Mike, who had put in a new magazine, fired continuously at Ding Si who had returned to his ordinary form without hesitation. The bullet hit Ding Si's face, but what flowed out from the wound was not blood but red hair.

Bright magma.

"Extremely stupid." Ding Si mocked mercilessly, waving his hand and knocking away Mike's pistol.

Mike, who lost his weapon, was forced to the shore of the dock. With no way to escape, he decisively jumped into the water.

Mike's idea is very simple. Since Ding Si's superpower is to turn into lava, he should not dare to go into the water, otherwise the lava will turn into stones and sink to the bottom of the water after it is cooled.

Sure enough, Ding Si stopped on the shore. He looked at the water and thought for a moment, and became an ordinary person again.

Then, Ding Si picked up a gun from the ground and fired wildly at the water where Mike was.

Mike held his breath and dived into the water. Transparent line-like bullet trajectories kept passing by him. He swam hard underwater, hoping that he could avoid being shot with the help of luck.

But at this time, the results of the fire in the shipyard had not yet been determined. Although the members of the Ship Fire Gang were caught off guard by the cadres of the D.D. Brotherhood at first, they still had the last laugh as they were more numerous.

At this time, more than ten surviving members of the Boat Fire Gang also came to the shore with firearms, and shot underwater with Ding Si.

The water in the dock was only so big, and Mike couldn't hold his breath underwater forever. When he had to surface for air, a bullet pierced his left shoulder.

"Kill him." Ding Si handed the gun to one of his men and walked towards the submarine.

Time is running out. He has a premonition that a super tsunami is about to destroy the city, and now he must seize the last opportunity to evacuate.

In an instant, there was a loud bang, and a large hole was opened in the wall on the side of the dock. A group of armed men, all masked and wearing black combat uniforms, broke in through the hole in the wall. Intense firepower swept towards the people lined up on the shore.

Ship Fire Gang personnel.

Many flying stray bullets hit the hull of the submarine, causing sparks to fly.

Ding Si was shocked and angry, thinking that it was the Security Bureau or the National Defense Force, but what the hell was this group of people?

Only then did he remember that Charlie had previously said that the flank had reported an attack by a small group of unidentified persons, but at that time their attention was on the National Defense Forces, the commandos of the Security Bureau and the Nuwa in the sky, and no one was there.

Take the flanker's report seriously.

"Boss Taiyi, it seems that all the beasts in the D.D. Brotherhood are dead! We are a step too late!" Zuo Yin, who was at the forefront, was shooting randomly with his gun, and the members of the boat fire gang on the shore were twitching.

Fell into water.

"Don't care which side they are from, kill them all, leaving no one behind." Cheng Taiyi commanded majestically.

Kasim, who was carrying a rocket launcher, hid behind him and quietly aimed at the submarine parked in the dock. The rocket fired with a "whoosh" sound, denting the shell of the submarine.

"Who the hell are you!" Ding Si was furious.

Zuo Yin heard the sound and turned his gun: "Oh, there's another one alive here!"

Ding Si dodged and hid behind the submarine, but Zuo Yin's round of shots missed.

Without hesitation, he chased after him with his gun in hand, and Cheng Taiyi's warning came from behind: "Be careful!"

Ding Si, whose whole body turned into lava, was stuck in a blind spot and jumped out from behind the submarine. He opened his arms and hugged Zuo Yin. The hot lava dripped from his body and fell to the ground, hissing and emitting white steam.

Zuo Yin couldn't dodge and could only close his eyes and wait for death, but before Ding Si touched him, he was sucked in by the black cross crack that suddenly opened behind him.

Zuo Yin, who reappeared next to Cheng Taiyi, was still frightened, his back was soaked with sweat from fear, and he forgot to thank his savior.

"Don't rush in casually." Min Yuan Yun lightly patted Zuo Yin's shoulder.

"What is this ugly thing?" Alitanova looked at Ding Si with disgust.

"It's probably a superpower similar to that of Steel Burning." Min Yuan shrugged.

At this time, Ding Si also realized that the strength of this group of uninvited guests should not be underestimated, especially Min Yuan, who could use the power of space transfer, which made him extremely troublesome. Although he was not afraid of swords and guns after turning into lava, he would still be able to use it if Min Yuan used it.

The superpower will fade away if you throw it into the water...

And more importantly, these people don't look like agents of the Security Bureau. They all cover their faces tightly and look like thieves...

"Who are you...?" Ding Si's tone was not as intense as at the beginning. He was thinking about whether this group of people could be converted into associates by money.

"We are justice!" A clear voice came from the side, causing Ding Si to turn his head and look.

He was just about to say that his lines were really fucking stupid, but he was stunned when he saw the armed girl lowered from the ceiling window with a rope and stepped on the medical cabin.

He had the impression that this girl wearing the uniform of a special service team member was one of the three stupid green commissioners who came to him when that stupid pig in Shanjing was under investigation.

Jane still gave her appearance a passing score of sixty points - at least she caught up with everyone at the last moment, otherwise she, a high-ranking priest, would have been extremely embarrassed.

Cheng Taiyi and others on the other end were all embarrassed by her awe-inspiring "We are justice". Alitanova even hugged her arms as if exposed to the biting cold wind.

"Are you with them?" Ding Si looked at Jian Yiran and then at Cheng Taiyi and his party, his head full of questions.

Jane still ignored him, put her pistol against the medical cabin and fired several shots, breaking the glass cover of the medical cabin.

"Min Yuan, throw this guy into the water. Cheng Tae Yi, lead everyone to seize the submarine. Qasim, put down the rocket launcher you loser, the submarine belongs to us now!"

Seeing Jane still shooting at the medical cabin, Ding Si was shocked and angry, and shouted as if he lost control: "No! You can't..."

However, before he could finish speaking, a space transfer crack opened by Min Yuan appeared under his feet.

Jane still put the pistol into the broken glass cover: "Is this the disaster level?"

This chapter has been completed!
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