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Chapter 704 Road Roundup

Above the winding mountain roads that circle the Longpan Fjord, two official helicopters from the city hall were circling, but what was revealed in the open cabin door was a commissioner fully armed with an exoskeleton.

Yuan Yinchuan looked down with a precision optical telescope and directed the actions below via radio communication.

"Attention Group 1, the target has been driven towards your defense area by Group 2. Clear out irrelevant personnel in advance and prepare for fire attacks!"

Leaning half out of another helicopter was Yu Qingxue, who had a safety buckle tied around her waist. Her hair was flying wildly in the airflow generated by the helicopter's flight. He Zhiyuan, who was wearing an exoskeleton armor, was holding a

The gun was squatting behind Qingxue, and the energy port on the back of his left hand holding the front end of the gun barrel was shining. It was an energy shield that could be opened at any time after charging.

"Miss Yu, don't push yourself too hard. The storm has dissipated and the security bureau will be able to suppress the turmoil soon after they calm down." He Zhiyuan said to Qingxue.

"Yu Zhesen risked his life, and we must try our best to hold on to be worthy of his sacrifice." Yu Qingxue's tone was firm and calm.

The helicopter flew her over the winding mountain road in Longpan Fjord. The telepathic field covered from the heights scanned the ground like a radar. Yu Qingxue quickly filtered through the massive fragments of thoughts in her mind.

Find hidden riot criminals.

The commissioners of the special service team were divided into three groups on the ground. Team 1 was responsible for surrounding and arresting the targets targeted by Qingxue. Team 2 set aside a special area near Team 1 to clear the area to deal with the targets targeted by Team 1.

The armed criminals driven over by the siege network, Team 3 are two pairs of snipers and observers, responsible for using high-power sniper rifles to support Teams 1 and 2.

There was a muffled "dong-dong" sound on the winding mountain road that was crowded with vehicles of all kinds. Commissioners wearing exoskeleton armor jumped on the roofs of the cars and drove several criminals armed with firearms towards the fire coverage area of ​​Team 2.

"Xiao Xun Xiao He, don't fall behind!" Yuan Yinchuan's stern order came from the communication channel.

The last two members of Team 1 were none other than Xun Jianchen and He Bizhi, the youngest members of the special team besides Jian Yiran. Their movements were slightly stiffer than those of other members of the same group, as if they were not able to master the jump well.

The force always caused serious damage to the top of the vehicle, causing a lot of curses along the road.

"No...why are you making such a noise!" Xun Jianchen used an armored loudspeaker to reply to the complaining and shouting crowd, "Didn't you see that the Security Bureau is chasing criminals?"

He Bizhi is not as strong-willed as Xunjian Chen. In order to reduce the property losses of civilians, he gave up the method of jumping on the roof of the car and instead chose to move through the gaps between the vehicles. Xunjian Chen also imitated him.

In doing so, the speed of the two of them fell far behind the other team members, and they were left far behind.

Seeing their appearance, Yuan Yinchuan in the sky was too lazy to urge them any more, and refocused his attention on directing the actions ahead.

Seeing that the three armed criminals were about to be rushed by Team 1 to the safe firing area after Team 2 had cleared the area, Yuan Yinchuan was about to order an attack, but something suddenly happened below.

A red sports car squeezed in the middle of the road suddenly swerved and crashed to the outside like crazy, pushing a private car off the guardrail of the winding mountain road and rolling down the mountain.

One of the three fleeing criminals was dragged down by the rolling private car. The other two gave up escaping and even jumped out of the highway guardrail and slid down the steep slope.

In this way, the safe firing area preset by Team 2 was meaningless, because under the steep slope was another section of winding mountain road crowded with vehicles and ordinary citizens, and the special service team did not dare to use intensive firepower in that area.

"Team 3, can you snipe those two targets from your position?"

"Report to the team leader, our shooting angle is blocked by the bulge on the slope!"

"Damn it, lower the altitude and chase those two guys!" Yuan Yinchuan directly ordered the helicopter to fly low and chase down the steep slope.

However, his order was not implemented well. The helicopter pilot at the city hall said that he was not a soldier and did not dare to perform such a difficult maneuver as diving and flying low.

"Leader Yuan, I have sent over the new target location information. Let your people handle this batch first." Yu Qingxue's voice came from the earphones, and Yuan Yinchuan's armored microcomputer immediately received the new coordinates.


He immediately adjusted his deployment: "Group 1 pursues down the steep slope, while groups 2 and 3 clear the new target! Fly down!"

The two helicopters flew down following the traces left by the rolling and falling private car on the steep slope. Yu Qingxue leaned out and looked back at the red sports car that suddenly went crazy on the winding mountain road.

She saw that the front windshield of the red convertible was completely broken, and a man wearing wide sunglasses was standing on the car seat and looking out.

For some reason, Yu Qingxue intuitively believed that this person was dangerous, so she tried to invade his mind without thinking.

With one touch, Yu Qingxue took back her consciousness because she found that the other person was a completely bionic robot and had no consciousness in the biological sense.

In surprise, Yu Qingxue noticed that the man had noticed him, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and raised an arm.

In a flash of dazzling white light, a missile the size of a pen jumped out of the launch slot opened in the palm of the man in sunglasses, trailing a trail of white smoke towards the helicopter where Yuan Yinchuan was.

"Team Leader Yuan! Be careful behind you!" Yu Qingxue shouted anxiously, "The man in sunglasses on the red sports car is a bionic criminal!"

Yuan Yinchuan also noticed the small missile chasing the tail of the helicopter. He decisively turned half of his body sideways to find a shooting angle, and when the missile approached about 20 meters, he exploded it with a three-shot burst.

The impact of the explosion's air waves caused the helicopter to tremble violently. The inexperienced pilot made a momentary mistake and caused the lower part of the helicopter to hit a protruding rock on the steep slope, causing the helicopter to completely lose its balance.

This chapter is not over yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "It's broken!" In the pilot's exclamation, everyone including Yuan Yinchuan felt that their bodies were out of balance, and the helicopter began to roll.


If this continues, even if it doesn't crash and destroy it on a steep slope, it will follow in the footsteps of that unlucky private car and hit the road below, causing immeasurable casualties!

Yuan Yinchuan prepared for the worst and ordered everyone to unfasten their safety belts and prepare to escape. However, with a crisp "dang" sound, the helicopter stopped rolling and even started to rise again.

Yu Qingxue on the other helicopter saw it clearly. At the critical moment, two figures emerged from below, and the light particles instantly shone and turned into exoskeleton armor.

"Caught up!" Lin Jie, wearing a silver exoskeleton armor with a red A1441 number logo painted on the left chest, held up one of the helicopter's landing gear with amazing arm strength.

On the other side, the blond android maid held up another landing gear with one arm.

In order to withstand the huge pressure of the helicopter falling, the arm armor and prosthetic machinery they used to lift it were cracked and broken, but they successfully saved the helicopter from rolling out of control.

"Commissioner Lin, are you okay? You can leave." Although the skin and tendons made of bionic material on An He's prosthetic arm were ruptured, her core mechanical skeleton can still output power.

Lin Jie did not answer, but used his actions to prove that he did not need to worry. His arm muscles were no weaker than machines due to the enhanced powers.

With the combined efforts of the two, the helicopter's fuselage finally returned to its normal position and resumed its flying attitude.

"OK, you're done." An He didn't care about his severely damaged arm, clapped his hands and said to Lin Jie: "You can leave this to me. Commissioner Lin is worried about Commissioner Meng, so go up first."

"I believe Dongxia and Zhesen's cooperation is fine. This is not the first time they have partnered." Lin Jie looked at the road below, "We will follow the original plan and get rid of the fish that slipped through the net first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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