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Chapter 738 Source of Power

At 10:14 at night, Fushide Commercial Plaza in the core area of ​​Xingzhou City.

Yu Zhesen and An He, who were supposed to drive home, returned here again - they had a dinner date with Wu Xiaoming at a restaurant here four hours ago.

"The cordon is up ahead, and people from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Department are working." An He's electronic eyes have excellent night vision and saw the situation clearly before Yu Zhesen.

A badly burned car was parked in a parking space on the roadside, and personnel from the fire department were still saving nearby affected shops.

The motorcycles and cavalry of the Security Bureau were parked outside the cordon, and several commissioners were maintaining order to prevent onlookers from affecting the work of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Division.

"Isn't that Wu Xiaoming's car?" Yu Zhesen rubbed his eyes, not believing what he saw in front of him.

"Well, it's her car." An He nodded affirmatively.

The high-end flying car that Wu Xiaoming drove to meet them was the source of the explosion. Judging from the wreckage and traces on the ground, it seemed that a serious fire broke out after the explosion.

"Could it be an accident?"

Yu Zhesen spoke in a very unconfident tone. Even if An He didn't answer, he already had a basic judgment in his heart.

An explosion of this magnitude is not like an accident, but a man-made crime. Someone wants Wu Xiaoming's life!

"Let's go." An He patted his shoulder.


"Neither you nor I are technicians, and we won't see much success if we stay here. Let's wait for the investigation by the Security Bureau." An He said.

Yu Zhesen thought about it and felt that this statement made sense.

The two of them knew nothing about the investigation methods of explosion cases, and they couldn't use causal prediction to launch an investigation without a clue and direction. There was no use staying here.

What's more, according to the regulations of the Security Bureau, a commissioner who is on vacation cannot intervene in a case that is already in charge of an on-duty commissioner without an order.

Before leaving the scene, Yu Zhesen took photos of the wreckage of the vehicle after the explosion and sent it to Wu Xiaoming on his mobile phone, telling her to be more careful.

Wu Xiaoming reacted calmly after receiving the news and sent a brief message to Yu Zhesen to express that she was aware of the matter.

On the way home, Yu Zhesen remained very silent.

An He fully understood his thoughts and asked abruptly when he parked the car in the garage: "Do you regret not paying attention to Miss Wu's request?"

"A little bit, mainly... worried... a bit." Yu Zhesen's answer became incoherent as he was restless.

"With the bond between you and Miss Wu, if something bad is going to happen to her, there should be a fragmented prediction screen to warn you, right? Just like when you saw the instructor in danger."

"After you combine with the time mind, do you understand the triggering principle of this early warning of future vision?"

"No, to be honest, after I merged with Shi Xin, I still can't fully understand the power she possesses." An He held his forehead and explained in distress, "But this shouldn't be the reason why she has reservations about me. I doubt it.

Tokishin cannot fully understand the power she possesses."


"Aren't you surprised when I say that?" An He was curious about his reaction. "You seem to have known for a long time that Shixin cannot fully control his own abilities."

"She mentioned to me very early on that she seemed to have a locked database that she didn't even have access to."

Although Shi Xin's original words were not expressed in this way, Yu Zhesen had already gained his own understanding of the mystery surrounding Shi Xin after experiencing many events, especially his trip to the Other World Research Institute.

Looking back at what Shi Xin said back then, he already understood that the memory Shi Xin lost should be the core database created by Tang Suguang, which seemed to contain secrets that even the administration did not know about.

Shi Xin once said that she was recovering her memory bit by bit, which meant that Tang Suguang had not completely locked the database permissions. He must have left the key, or Shi Xin himself was the key.

An He locked the car door and turned around and said to Yu Zhesen: "I think that is Tang Suguang's power. Shi Xin is his creation, so everything Shi Xin has is naturally given by Tang Suguang."

"I agree with this, but it means that we have to believe that... Tang Suguang knows how to control time." Yu Zhesen reminded her, "What Shi Xin can do, Tang Suguang should also be able to do."

"Time stagnation, and small-scale retrieval of time." An He corrected him strictly, "Strictly speaking, this does not count as controlling time. The principle of time stagnation is to accelerate at the cost of losing one's own cell life, because we are fast.

, so the world has slowed down relatively speaking. It is also because of this price that every time the time stagnation is activated, it cannot last too long and cannot exceed the limit of accelerated aging that your body can withstand."

Yu Zhesen asked: "What about the principle of going back in time? Can you explain it?"

"I was about to say this. Time stagnation and time retrieval are inseparable, because the nature of stagnation will accelerate your aging, so what makes you return to normal after each time stagnation ends is actually retracement." An He said and did it.

An action of holding up your glasses.

Although she did not wear glasses, this action combined with her serious tone and demeanor made her look more like a scholar engaged in academic exchanges.

"What? Every time the time stagnation ends, a traceback will be added to restore my body?" Yu Zhesen was very shocked by this.

He was shocked because he had always thought that activating retrospect would cause a great burden and pain on the time mind, but the time stasis limited to twice a day would not.

An He stared straight at him and instantly saw through his thoughts: "You think activating time stasis won't cause her pain, do you?"

"So the truth is..."

"The truth is that the pain caused by time stagnation is much lighter than directly initiating backtracking, so generally speaking, you are right." An He smiled, "The principle of backtracking is to reorganize and restore the molecules of matter to restore them to a certain period of time.

The previous state actually has nothing to do with manipulating time."

Yu Zhesen was stunned for a moment and murmured: "Then...how did Xiao Jian do it in the first place?"

"I don't know. Shi Xin didn't leave me any relevant knowledge. But if I were to guess... I think it was a very large-scale, very long-term look back."

"You mean, Jane, she used some special ability to restore and reorganize the whole world? Is this possible?"

"When discussing unknown things, temporarily putting aside our inherent knowledge, sometimes it may be easier to get closer to the truth." An He said something very philosophical.

Yu Zhesen stared into her eyes, carefully savoring the meaning of this sentence.

"We still can't understand the essence of the replacement of old and new eras." An He leaned on the front of the car, looking up through the garage door at the night sky outside.

"Are you referring to the history of Starzhou City?"

"The information obtained from the Other Realm Research Institute is also incomplete. It is difficult to explain how the Iron Dome World came about..." An He's eyes reflected the cold starlight, "If Tang Suguang created this world, then

He is indeed a 'god'. Correspondingly, he should control the laws that control this world - such as the method of restoring the state of the entire world."

Yu Zhesen took a breath. An He's conjecture overturned their previous belief that "Tang Suguang disappeared after being persecuted by the Administration" and directly placed Tang Suguang in the position of the ultimate manager of the world.

Just like the GM with the highest authority in the game world, he controls all game information, resources, NPCs and even player account data.

This chapter has been completed!
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