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Chapter 796 Satellite Area

In the satellite area "Tianmen" 80 kilometers away from the main urban area of ​​Xingzhou City, the streets in the afternoon still look a bit bleak, with few pedestrians.

Yu Zhesen drove on the main road in the satellite area at a slow speed, observing the surrounding environment through the car window. This was his first time in the satellite area.

The "Tianmen" satellite area was developed and transformed from the old development area close to Xingzhou City in the past. It has assumed the responsibility of absorbing some of the light and heavy industries and low-income civilians who have gradually moved away during the urbanization process of Xingzhou City. It can be regarded as another

This is a form of "ghetto". There are no high-rise buildings like those in Xingzhou City, and there are no colorful LED light signs. On the road, you can see bundles of messy cables hanging in mid-air.

A blue and white square building that serves as the security duty room of the Security Bureau comes into view. It is not as solemn and sacred as the security duty rooms that Yu Zhesen saw in Fuxing City in the past. From the outside, this building shows signs of disrepair.

The coating on the plaque at the door peeled off, and an unknown person spray-painted obscene swear words on the side wall.

Jane still sat up straight, lowered the window and leaned on the car door to look out, with a look of excitement in her eyes: "Wow, this is so free!"

"Did the leader of the 'Black Dragon' escape to a place like this?" Yu Zhesen heard the sound of wheels running over a can, and saw the plastic bags of garbage in front of him that were blown by the wind and dancing in the middle of the road. He couldn't help but sigh that this place is really awesome.

Everywhere is dirty and messy.

Jane still did not answer, but asked Yu Zhesen with interest how he felt about this place: "Is this your first time, senior, in a place like this? Isn't it surprising? Starzhou City, as the beacon of the entire Iron Dome civilization, has satellites under its jurisdiction

The district is so chaotic.”

"Have you not been to the old town of Qidao City before? The two are roughly the same."

"It's much worse. According to your policies, there is at least hope for the transformation of the old city. No one really cares about life or death in this kind of place." Jane still pointed to the person who just passed by who had been spray-painted and insulted on the outer wall.

The security duty room: "I don't know which unlucky people are on duty in such a place with 'simple folk customs'. I guess they won't be able to sleep well at night."

"Are you so gloating about misfortune?" Yu Zhesen glanced at her with a slight dissatisfaction, "Isn't it the lower class citizens living here who are suffering from the poor security environment? Doesn't this mean that you don't admit that there is something wrong with your thinking?"

Jane still spoke tit-for-tat: "You talk about cults but shut up about terrorism, how do you expect our ideas to be so good? Anyway, I am happy to see you die. Senior, it's time for you to wake up. What I said to you before is nothing."

It’s a fact. The renaissance city under the Iron Dome Order sucks blood and marrow. There are no less than twenty satellite areas that have been sucked dry like this around Starzhou City alone!”

"Okay, okay, you don't need to give me lessons, just give me directions quickly." Yu Zhesen was a little impatient. The current situation of the "Tianmen" satellite area shocked him. In order to alleviate the anxiety caused by this psychological gap, he now only

I want to find the leader of the "Black Dragon" as soon as possible.

Jane was still staring at the map on the navigation: "Just turn left at the intersection ahead."

A few minutes later, Yu Zhesen followed her instructions and drove the car to a back-shaped office building with a patio.

"Wait in the car." Yu Zhesen told her and got out of the car, preparing to enter the office building alone to search for the target.

Jane still didn't listen to his arrangement this time, and got out of the car, moving her hands and feet while walking forward: "It's not that good for such an expensive car, it makes my back hurt..."

"It's because you have a bad posture while riding in the car. Can you avoid back pain by lying down and curling up?"

"Can't you tell I have a stomachache?" Jane still walked up to Yu Zhesen, turned around and rolled her eyes at him.

"Are you full?"

Jane still didn't answer, and pointed upward: "I'll go up first to confirm whether Min Yuan and the others have completed the transaction. You can come back later."

Yu Zhesen shrugged and signaled her permission. Anyway, he was only a few minutes away. If Jian Yiran and his party could get benefits from the "Black Dragon", at least they would not be forced to commit robberies and thefts in Fuxing City.

"Senior, won't you express your gratitude?" Jane still asked.

"What does it mean?"

"After I go up to join Min Yuan and the others, I might not come back to say goodbye to you." Jane still blinked, "How many times do you think a person will experience encounters and partings in this life? After parting, there will be more

How many opportunities do we have to cross mountains and seas to find that smiling face that we can’t let go of in our minds?”

Yu Zhesen was stunned for a moment, carefully looked at her expression, and found that she didn't seem to be joking specifically to amuse himself.

Jane was still serious. She blinked quickly because there were tears in her eyes.

"How should I put it... I have no feelings for little Jane between men and women." Yu Zhesen scratched his head, "Although saying this seems to be a bit of a scumbag for flirting with you intentionally or unintentionally, but that's the truth. The first impression is often very profound.

So whenever I think of Xiao Jane, the figure in a white skirt and riding a bicycle hurriedly downhill will appear in my mind. That image is too...pure and flawless."

"I see, senior doesn't like pure people." Jane still smiled, "Then my nature may be unexpectedly suitable for you, but I have to return that sentence to you. I have no feelings for seniors between men and women."

Yu Zhesen nodded: "I know."

You know what a fool! Jane still stuck out her tongue at him and made a face.

"What should I do with the unfinished food in the car? Don't you want it anymore?" Yu Zhesen saw that she seemed to be about to turn around and leave, so he took two steps forward and asked.

"I originally wanted to take it back to share with everyone, but I forgot about it." Jane still laughed at herself, "I can't tell them that I was invited by senior, and I won't let them know that I was captured by senior today. Can you understand me?


"Understand, as a leader you also need to establish your own authority."

"Don't you want to stop me?" Jane asked still curiously, "Don't you want to worry about what action we should take next?"

"Some hard work and one try is enough." Yu Zhesen replied calmly, "I still say what I said, as long as you dare to cause destruction within the limits of Fuxing City, I will fight with you just like in the past."

"Good words can't persuade a damn ghost, can they?" Jane still smoothed her bangs, "I think so too. Senior continues to have illusions about the Iron Dome order, and one day he will taste the bitter consequences. But you and I are not the same

Same, I am not that heartless, if I am still alive that day when you are in trouble, I will try my best to help you."

Yu Zhesen waved his hand: "Don't fantasize. There are a lot of people here who are willing to help me. Xiao Jian, you probably won't be able to get in line."

"Hehehe, is this the confidence of Mr. General?"

"It's the confidence of the Iron Dome hero." Yu Zhesen pretended to flick the dust on his clothes.

Jane still raised the corners of her mouth slightly and waved to him: "Goodbye then, we'll see, Hero of the Iron Dome."

This chapter has been completed!
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