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Chapter 8 The most beautiful woman

 The corners of the bald man's mouth raised slightly: "If you feel thirsty, you can drink a little before answering. I have enough patience to wait for you."

Yu Zhesen picked up the glass of Bernice he chose, put it to his mouth and took a sip.

He is not thirsty, but he just thinks that doing so may give the other party more face.

Putting down his glass, he replied: "I'm not."

The bald man leaned back and leaned lazily on the sofa.

The bartender walked to the coffee table, dipped his index finger in the glass of Bernice, then put it in his mouth and sucked it.

"He lied."

The bartender then pulled out the pistol from his waist.

"Hey, wait." The bald man stopped the bartender.

"There is an old saying among gamblers, cheating as long as you don't get caught is all you can do." He said, "Actually, I don't care whether you cheat or not. What I'm interested in is the way you cheat."

"You have no evidence to prove that I cheated." Yu Zhesen said.

"Yes, so I plan to invite you to play another game. If you win, you can leave safely." The bald head smiled.

"What if I lose?"

"I'm not an unreasonable person. If you lose, I will give you two choices."

Yu Zhesen looked at him quietly, feeling that every word he said next was like the whisper of a devil who eats people without spitting out their bones.

"Either spit out the points you won before, or keep your life."

"This is unfair." Yu Zhesen protested.

"That's fair. There is a saying among gamblers, never think that you can beat the dealer." The bald man spread his hands, "I could have just let you turn into a corpse silently, but now I give

You have a chance."

Yu Zhesen's face darkened: "What are you playing for?"

"Just do what you're best at, just like before." The bald man said, snapping his fingers, "Serve the wine."

Three trays covered by silver metal covers were quickly placed in front of Yu Zhesen.

The bald head made an invitation gesture to Yu Zhesen: "There is a kind of cocktail in each tray. You guess the type and open one. If you get all three correct, you can leave."

There was a click behind him, and the bartender opened the safety of the pistol.

Yu Zhesen's Adam's apple twitched: "Can I say three at a time?"

"Of course."

Yu Zhesen's eyes scanned the three trays in turn.

The bald man watched his expression with interest.

Time passes minute by minute...

The bartender standing behind Yu Zhesen, holding a pistol, seemed a little impatient. He asked his boss for instructions with his eyes, and after receiving tacit approval, he urged: "You'd better not delay time on purpose."

"I...I want to make a request..." Yu Zhesen looked embarrassed, "Can you give me a garbage bag? Or any bag."

The bartender put the gun to the back of his head.

The bald man laughed and ordered the bartender: "Satisfy him."

A dirty sack was quickly placed in front of Yu Zhesen.

"Although I don't know what you want this for, I can give you a spoiler. If you lose the wine guessing game, this bag will be your destination." The bartender said coldly.

Yu Zhesen didn't seem to hear the bartender's threat, and his attention refocused on the three trays covered by silver covers.

He took a deep breath and said quickly: "Alexander, Tequila, Blood and Sand."

After saying that, he opened the three covers in turn, and the types of cocktails inside were exactly as he said.

Alexander, Tequila, Blood and Sand.

"Wonderful." Baldhead slowly applauded Yu Zhesen.

Yu Zhesen, who won this life-threatening bet, could not see any joy on his face, and his twisted expression showed that he was in great pain at the moment.


Under the gaze of the bald man and the bartender, Yu Zhesen bent down and vomited into the sack.

A strong feeling of dizziness dominated his mind.

The air behind the bar was filled with a sour smell, and Yu Zhesen felt like he was about to vomit his stomach.

There was only one thought left in his mind at the moment - never use this ability again...

The bald man stood up from the sofa, walked behind Yu Zhesen and patted him on the shoulder: "It seems that your superpower genes have not been fully developed, and continuous use of your superpowers in a short period of time will bring excessive load to the body."<


"I have a special method that can train you to gradually master this ability. If you are interested, you can contact me."

A business card slipped on the coffee table - "Han Jinghu, Xingtian Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd."

The bartender followed Han Jinghu and sent him away through the secret door behind the employee passage.

"Boss, that guy is just a clairvoyant. Is it worthy of your personal invitation?" The bartender asked what he was doubting.

The bald man in front suddenly stopped. Han Jinghu turned around and asked meaningfully: "Do you think his ability is clairvoyance?"

The bartender was stunned and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Han Jinghu pointed to his head, and then disappeared in front of the secret door.

The locked door has never been opened.

Behind the bar counter, Yu Zhesen, who had finally stopped vomiting and recovered, looked pale, stood up and left the sofa while holding on to the coffee table.

"Brother, come and have a drink with me?"

A woman waved to him in front of the bar.

Yu Zhesen didn't even look at her, waved his hand and walked away.

He knew that excessive use of his active prediction ability would cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting as side effects, but this was the first time that the side effects were so severe. It was probably because the interval between two activations of the prediction ability was too short.

Now he just wants to finish the work as soon as possible and then go home and have a good sleep.

Several men passed by him and gathered at the bar to chat with the woman. Yu Zhesen heard laughter and laughter soon coming from behind him.

He struggled to find the "most beautiful woman" in the crowd, feeling increasingly irritated. Several times he wanted to find a decent-looking woman to hand over the package to, but thinking about his friendship with Wu Dazhi, he finally decided

Still don’t want to just let things go hastily.

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At this moment, he heard a quarrel coming from the side. A young girl dressed very rock and roll was getting angry at her male partner, complaining that his male partner stared at other women for a long time.

The girl's voice gradually sounded like crying, and Yu Zhesen couldn't help but glance at them.

So next he saw a very strange scene. The rock girl's male companion ignored her dissatisfaction and sadness, got up and left the table like a demon, and walked towards the direction where his eyes were looking.

He also wants to go to the bar.

Yu Zhesen was startled, and suddenly noticed that many people had gathered around the bar at some point.

All kinds of men surrounded the woman in the middle, highlighting her like the queen bee in the hive.

Through the figures of the men, Yu Zhesen could vaguely see that the woman in the middle had burgundy hair.

She sat calmly on the stool in front of the bar, treating all the men around her equally and not being particularly close to any one of them.

She clinked glasses with them, laughed, and acted with ease.

An idea flashed in Yu Zhesen's mind, and he suddenly realized that this woman might be the target of his delivery tonight.

Even though she was heavily surrounded at this time, the men nearby were still gathering in that direction. Regardless of whether the situation was normal or not, it was certain that her attractiveness had completely surpassed the other women in this bar.<


Is it a superpower? Yu Zhesen guessed.

But if it’s some kind of special ability that attracts the opposite sex, why isn’t it affecting me?

Yu Zhesen hesitated for a moment, doubting his gender for 0.00001 seconds.

"It's the smell." A cold female voice came into his ears.

Who? Who is speaking?

Yu Zhesen looked around warily.

"This way."

Following the second voice, Yu Zhesen's eyes fell on the booth nearby.

The rock girl was crying on the table, and there was a half-empty cocktail on the table.

The liquid surface in the cup turned into a "flat mirror" at this moment, and the blond girl who called herself Shi Xin appeared in it.

Yu Zhesen was so surprised that his hand slipped and he almost dropped the package to the ground.

"This is our second meeting, so don't be so panicked, right?"

"You, you, you..."

"I just want to remind you that that woman's superpower is to emit a sweet smell that makes the opposite sex obsessed. The smell should be some kind of pheromones that have been genetically modified by superpowers."

"Then why did I..." Yu Zhesen stopped mid-question. He had already figured it out.

The reason why he was not affected was because of the side effects of using the superpower continuously.

Severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting temporarily disrupted his sense of smell.

"You already understand, right?" Shi Xin said, "But now your senses are recovering. If you take the initiative to get close to her, you will probably be tricked."

After weighing it, Yu Zhesen decided to wait outside the bar.

Maybe this woman didn't have any malicious intentions in using her powers in the bar. Yu Zhesen planned to wait until she had enough fun and left, and then hand over the goods to her at the door.

But he soon discovered that when he noticed the stairs leading to the exit of the bar, the burgundy-haired woman immediately stood up.

The men around her uniformly made way for her, and then stood there, like puppets that had lost control after the show ended.

Seeing this scene, Yu Zhesen was instinctively frightened and walked up the stairs faster. Leaving turned into an escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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