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Chapter 80: Coming out of the cage

 The train that was slowly starting suddenly shook violently.

Amidst the loud noise, the carriage overturned and derailed, and the front part of the carriage turned directly into a burning fireball.

The security bureau commissioners in the carriage were staggering at this sudden turn of events. In order to avoid accidental injuries in the chaos, everyone was forced to remove their optical camouflage.

"Were those rockets just now? Or did the opponent have heavy weapons?" Meng Dongxia asked in disbelief.

"Everyone regrouped and prepared for battle!" An He got up and glanced upward - because the carriage had rolled over, the opened door was now above their heads.

Meng Dongxia and another B-level commissioner climbed out of the car door one after another. The explosion just now caused the reconnaissance drone to lose contact, and they could only go out to observe the situation in person.

"Team leader, the bionic robots are approaching us! About 20 of them!"

"Dong Xia, share the screen with me." An He put on the goggles. Even without the exoskeleton armor, she could maintain the command system of the entire team with the tactical goggles.

The moment he received Meng Dongxia's vision, An He activated the Split Domain, and invisible sharp blades swept through the air, cutting off all the bionic robots approaching the carriage.

"Is this the Split Domain..." Meng Dongxia murmured in amazement. This was the first time she had witnessed such a dangerous offensive power.

"Are there any other targets?" An He continued to ask, and now Meng Dongxia is her eyes.

Meng Dongxia opened the armor's detection function to the maximum range and helped An He locate the location of an armed jeep in the distance.

Split Domain showed its power again, cutting the armed jeep in two and turning it into an exploding fireball.

"It seems to be quiet for the time being, but there may be enemies lurking further away," Meng Dongxia said.

"No matter how far it is, we can't reach it." An He shook his head.

The rocket that blew up the front of the train also tore off a section of the railway track. Now that they were stranded, there was no point in continuing to guard the train.

After trying to contact Claire and the Alpha team to no avail, An He decided to abandon the carriage and lead the Beta team to move Fu Zhaohai to a safe area first.

She approached the sealed iron box-like electronic cage and used her bracelet to open the electronic lock.

The hydraulic door opened, and a gray-haired old man in sixties was imprisoned in the iron box.

He looks skinny and stooped, about less than 1.6 meters tall. His face is covered with wrinkles and age spots, but he is very strong and healthy.

This is Fu Zhaohai, the leader of the Guilin sect codenamed ‘Yin’.

Including An He, the security bureau commissioners in the carriage saw this person's true face for the first time, because Fu Zhaohai was restrained in this iron box when he left the detention center for supernatural criminals.

He didn't look as dangerous as the file described, but everyone present knew that it would be foolish to judge a criminal with a special ability based on his appearance alone.

"Fu Zhaohai, we are going to take you out of here next." An He negotiated with him, "Listen carefully, if you try to resist or escape, I have the right to kill you on the spot."

Fu Zhaohai raised his shackled hand and touched the metal collar around his neck - the superpower gene limiter.

The Authority wore a restraint with the highest security level on him. There was a nano-syringe inside the collar. Once it found signs that the collar had been violently damaged, neurotoxins would be injected into his arteries.

Faced with An He's threat, he neither responded that he was willing to cooperate nor showed any resistance. He showed no expression throughout the whole process, as if he was indifferent to everything.

A security bureau commissioner used a lightsaber to open a hole in the side of the carriage. An He sent Meng Dongxia and two others out first to set up a security guard, and then escorted Fu Zhaohai out of the carriage.

The blown-out locomotive was still burning, the bodies of the two drivers were charred and carbonized, and the remains of countless bionic robots lay beside the damaged rails.

When Fu Zhaohai saw this, he just blinked and said nothing more.

"Isn't your power a peacemaker? Is this the peace you and your men want?" Meng Dongxia couldn't help but asked Fu Zhaohai.

"Dongxia, don't get into unnecessary arguments." An He stopped her, "Try to activate the beacon. We must get in touch with the Alpha team and pay attention to fighting against electronic interference."

"I'm trying." Meng Dongxia replied.

Now is the time for her powers to come into play, the "beacon" belonging to the first group of "creations".

When the power is in effect, she herself is a radio station and a communication base station. As long as the "beacon" is set in advance, she can exchange information with any object with communication capabilities.

When formulating the plan, the Security Bureau had not considered the situation where conventional communication methods were blocked, so before departure, Claire asked Meng Dongxia to set a "beacon" in the Alpha team.

The "beacon" Meng Dongxia chose was Lin Jie. Now she actively activated her ability and sent a request to Lin Jie to establish communication.

"Winter and summer?"

A few seconds later, Meng Dongxia heard Lin Jie's voice coming from the earphones, feeling surprised and a little worried.

"Lin Jie, what's the situation over there now? Where's Commander Claire?"

"I just want to ask you, what happened to the Beta team? Why is your collective communication silent?" Lin Jie's tone sounded urgent.

Meng Dongxia glanced at An He, who nodded slightly to indicate for her to continue.

"After we received the message requesting to suspend our progress, we were attacked. The train was damaged and is still parked at the northwest entrance of the old city."

Lin Jie's answer made Meng Dongxia feel incredible - Team Alpha has arrived at the Hong Kong Island pier.

According to Lin Jie, they had cleared the obstacles on the road 15 minutes ago and repaired the damaged tracks, sending a signal to the Beta team that they could continue moving forward.

An He, who shared communications through the tactical eyepiece headset, pursed her lips. Things turned out to be as bad as she feared.

"Dongxia, this is Claire." Lin Jie's communication changed, and Claire's voice came over.

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"Commander Claire."

"Please tell An He to lead you and Fu Zhaohai along the railway through the old city section. A special operations team from the National Defense Force will meet you in front."

Meng Dongxia asked Claire according to An He's intention: "What about the mayor's secretary..."

"Secretary of the municipal official? Are you talking about Secretary Zhuo? What happened to him?"

"Commander, it was Secretary Zhuo who asked us to stay where we are and wait for reinforcements. He said that the National Defense Force and the Gamma Team would come to join us."

Claire's tone suddenly became serious: "From now on, you will no longer obey his orders and move immediately. I will investigate the situation with Secretary Zhuo."

"Yes, I understand." Meng Dongxia ended the beacon communication and noticed that An He put his hand on the shoulder armor of his exoskeleton.

"Winter and summer, be careful to conserve your physical strength. Your abilities may be needed later." An He said.

"Don't worry, I can still hold on." The microcomputer screen in front of Meng Dongxia showed her heart rate and pulse, which was slightly higher than usual, but still within the acceptable range.

At this time, everyone heard the loud rumble of fighter planes flying over in the sky.

"I haven't seen this model before. Isn't it the VXF-21 of the National Defense Forces...is it a terrorist aircraft?"

"Stop being so cynical. If it's really an Adventist plane, we'll be in serious trouble."

An He didn't pay attention to other people's comments. He raised his head and followed the white bird-like fighter with his eyes, feeling an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

"Team leader?"

An He was the only one among them who didn't wear an exoskeleton, and Meng Dongxia noticed her dazed look.

In Meng Dongxia's impression, this elite senior from Xingzhou City has never been so out of sorts.

She followed An He's gaze and stared at the white fighter jet in the distance, and gradually began to be shocked.

The elegant white fighter plane circled in the sky and then turned back. Its flight altitude gradually decreased and its flight speed also gradually slowed down.

Is this going to land? Meng Dongxia finds it unbelievable. There is no decent runway nearby, nor is there any flat land suitable for an emergency landing.

And that guy should have entered the area of ​​influence of the Split Domain... Meng Dongxia glanced at An He.

The low-flying white fighter plane suddenly deformed and landed in front of them in the new form of a humanoid machine, just like a plot in a science fiction movie.

The cockpit on the robot's chest opened, and a head poked out and waved to them: "Everyone, do you need help?"

"Yu Zhesen!" If it weren't for the exoskeleton armor blocking it, Meng Dongxia's expression at this time would have looked far more surprised than An He.

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