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Chapter 83 Advantages of One-way Transparency

 The gunshots outside temporarily stopped. The children got the new toys made by Chu Yuexi, and their expressions calmed down one after another.

Yu Zhesen moved to the other door of this warehouse with ventilation at both ends and looked out. This was closer to the fourth floor where the Gamma team was trapped.

"What are you going to do?" Chu Yuexi asked from behind him.

"Find the location of the sniper point, go there and kill them."

"Then what should I do to help you?"

Yu Zhesen looked back at the group of children: "Just stay here and be the king of children. Take good care of them."

"I feel like you're teasing me." Chu Yuexi showed a hint of displeasure.

"You have used all your powers to draw toys for them. Can you still support your mental state?"

"Mental state?" Chu Yuexi was in a daze for a moment, then realized that he was asking about side effects, and smiled: "I just feel hungry if I use too many powers."

Yu Zhesen was stunned and couldn't help but whispered "envy".

It would be nice if the side effect of his superpower was also "making me hungry". No matter how bad it was, it would be okay to be "emotional" like An He. He thought, this would be better than feeling dizzy, nauseous and vomiting!

"Can you contact Sun Minghang?" Yu Zhesen asked while observing outside.

"Senior Sun asked us to switch all armors to stand-alone offline mode. After the crash of Haifeng 2..."

Yu Zhesen was a little surprised when he heard the news - Sun Minghang was more capable than he thought, and he had already realized that Yiguang's system was not safe.

"He's right."

"But in this case, our exoskeleton armor is just an exoskeleton armor..." Chu Yuexi whispered.

Without Yi Guang's system support, the tactical coordination and linkage between the Security Bureau's armors was completely ineffective. Chu Yuexi also broke away from the Gamma Team group and could only wait in this canopy-roofed steel-frame warehouse.

She didn't expect to meet Yu Zhesen here, and she suddenly felt that she was quite lucky.

"Since you can't contact Sun Minghang, then I have nothing to ask you for." Yu Zhesen said and activated the optical camouflage preparation of his armor.

The children in the warehouse saw the black exoskeleton armor suddenly disappearing into the air like magic, and they all showed surprised expressions. Someone asked innocently: "Did my sister draw that too?"

The things created by Chu Yuexi using "sketch" can only last for a period of time, so when they saw Yu Zhesen disappear, they mistakenly thought that it was also the creation of Chu Yuexi's ability.

"I can't draw something that complicated..." she murmured.

The air in front of him trembled vaguely, and the light was distorted. This was the effect caused by the movement of Yu Zhesen under the optical camouflage.

The optical camouflage of the Dark Night Fire Armor can last for 15 minutes. The upper left corner of the microcomputer screen displays a countdown. Yu Zhesen rushes out of the warehouse and runs towards the double steel bridge 800 meters away.

Originally, he hoped that Sun Minghang could fire to attract him again so that he could further confirm the location of the sniper team, but now he can only rely on the prediction of the law of cause and effect to find it.

Accurate prediction was activated, and before the dizziness hit, Yu Zhesen gave the armor instructions to inject the super gene activator.

There was a slight tingling sensation on the side of his neck, and a needle pushed the activator into his body, instantly clearing the discomfort from his mind.

Yu Zhesen simply wanted to describe this feeling as refreshing.

"Don't get carried away. This is essentially against your body's laws." Shi Xin poured cold water on him and said, "I hope you won't be obsessed with this feeling."

He knew that activator was addictive, and it was clearly mentioned in the training camp lectures.

Although the description used in the materials at that time was "slightly addictive", students privately knew that this thing was more addictive than smoking.

He said: "I quite believe in my willpower. If I only take one shot, there should be no problem."

"Many anti-narcotics officers thought the same way before they tried drugs themselves. If you are interested, I can find many cases to share with you."

"You are a bit too versatile, but at this time, forget it. Finding the location of the sniper team is the most important thing right now." Yu Zhesen complained.

Shi Xin then no longer struggled with the issue of his use of activator, although it was obvious that she was slightly dissatisfied with it.

"A professional sniper team will never stay in a fixed position for too long," she said.

"So they need a sniper area that has both a wide field of view and room for maneuver." Yu Zhesen understood, "This is why I chose to go to the double steel bridge after observing it."

Looking at the entire abandoned factory area, the only point that is high enough and has room for movement is the double steel bridge built next to the two tall chimneys.

"The opponent has optical camouflage-type abilities, and causality prediction can only help you determine the approximate range. How do you plan to find them out?"

"Are you asking me or testing me?" Yu Zhesen felt that her tone was a bit leisurely, as if she was a teacher giving a class.

"Let's communicate." Shi Xin smiled mischievously.

This guy was indeed testing himself. Yu Zhesen was not angry, but found it very challenging.

Shi Xin obviously already has a plan to deal with the sniper team. Her time stasis ability can no longer be used today, which means that there is no way to fix the opponent's position and then perform a "teleport" raid.

Then the solution to the problem must be to break the optical camouflage.

In fact, optical camouflage is not as easy to use as imagined. The best environment for stealth effect should be indoors with dim light. Outdoors, you are afraid of rain and dust.

It is a sunny day today, and the showers last night also reduced the dust in the air...

"I feel that your train of thought is distorted. I would like to remind you that the opponent's camouflage comes from superpowers and is essentially different from your armor's camouflage." Shi Xin corrected his train of thought in time.

Yu Zhesen had already run under the double steel bridge. Hearing Shi Xin's words in his mind, he suddenly felt enlightened.

"That is to say, they can only hide their figures and cannot block detection." He suddenly realized.

"You're right. I estimate that the ability of one of the sniper team members is the 'hunting camouflage' belonging to the fourth group of 'magic'. Its effect is to cover a small area around itself."

"It's in the same category as Bi Yuansheng's abilities." Yu Zhesen thought of the first Returned Christian he met.

The nine major groups of superpower genes are Creation, Shapeshifting, Blood Pact, Illusion, Nature, Love, Mind, Destruction, and Judgment.

Yu Zhesen's impression seems that so far, except for the second group "Shapeshifting" and the third group "Blood Pact", he has been exposed to or heard about the other seven groups of superpowers.

The armor's camouflage could last for 12 minutes. He activated the thermal imager and life source detection, and moved lightly along the winding stairs to the top of the steel bridge.

When approaching the top of the steel bridge, the thermal imager and life source detection gave feedback at the same time.

Yu Zhesen saw two glowing human bodies lying in the middle of the steel bridge towards the fourth floor in the thermal imaging camera screen. Obviously these were the sniper team.

At a visual distance of 20 meters, he crouched down on the last staircase and raised his gun to aim.

At this distance, he is sure to hit, and the opponent's two-man sniper team will be killed without any notice.

This is the advantage of obtaining one-way transparent information on the battlefield, "discovery and destruction".

Yu Zhesen pulled the trigger and the sword03 assault rifle opened fire.

The sniper team in the distance suddenly lost its optical camouflage, and the observer was hit by more than ten bullets and was unable to maintain his superpower.

But the sniper's "firing needle" miraculously did not get hit. Almost all of Yu Zhesen's shots hit the refractor on the side close to him.

"Refraction... I'm sorry." The firing pin crawled behind Refract's body, using his companion's body to block Yu Zhesen's bullet.

The refractive prosthetic body was riddled with holes, and the laser rangefinder telescope was shattered by bullets, but he still took out the pistol strapped to his leg and fired back at Yu Zhesen.

The pistol has almost no accuracy at a distance of 20 meters, not to mention that Yu Zhesen has optical camouflage cover, so refraction can only roughly determine his position.

"Hurry up..." Shen Guang fired the pistol while urging the firing pin behind her.

A magazine of bullets from the sword03 anti-prosthetic assault rifle was used up, and the refractor was already dead.

In the time Difang bought, the firing pin did not escape. He turned the sniper rifle in a different direction, placed it on Difang's body and aimed towards the end of the steel bridge.

Yu Zhesen shrank down the stairs, replaced the empty magazine, and heard the large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle bullets whistling past his head.

Without the cover of optical camouflage, the location of the firing pin is clear at a glance. The large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle is very heavy, and the opponent has no mobility. The rest of this battle is just cat and mouse.

"Don't relax, it seems that the hunting camouflage is the ability of the dead observer, and the sniper's ability has not been exposed yet." Shi Xin said cautiously.

It would be nice if time could still be paused.

It only takes a five-second pause, which is enough for him to kill the sniper over there.

"Bang!" There was another dull gunshot, this time the sniper rifle was aimed at the support joint of the revolving staircase.

When Yu Zhesen saw the broken steel bars, he immediately understood that the other party wanted to remove the stairs where he was.

He symbolically leaned forward and fired back twice, creating the illusion that he was still in place. Then he put the gun behind his back, jumped up and grabbed the steel horizontal axis under the steel bridge.

With the cover of optical camouflage, he believed that the sniper did not know that he had left the spot.

Next, you only need to rely on the skill of grabbing the horizontal and parallel bars to approach the opponent from the bottom of the steel bridge. You don't even need to completely reach the position under the opponent. You only need a suitable angle to directly penetrate the bridge and hit.

Yu Zhesen is not worried about his physical strength. With the support of the exoskeleton armor, it is not a problem even if he hangs by the steel bars for an hour.

After moving forward five meters by grabbing the steel bars, he suddenly felt that the entire steel bridge was shaking, and the opponent was still persistently attacking the turning stairs.

The bridge vibrated, and the falling dust and rust powder unknowingly stuck to his body, accidentally causing the optical camouflage to fail.

The firing pin lying in tears behind the refracted body suddenly received a communication: "The enemy is approaching you from under the bridge!"

This chapter has been completed!
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