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Chapter 834 The battle between the old and the new

Soon, people from the Warsabak Public Security Bureau came in a flying car and took the tough-talking long-haired woman to the headquarters of Suspension Mountain. There was also an inspection team staying at the scene to collect evidence.

After Yu Zhesen and Chu Yuexi were confirmed to be members of the Security Bureau, they were spared from being taken back for investigation. They had just visited the Suspended Mountain, and it would be too funny to revisit the same place so soon.

"The service process here looks similar to that in Qidao City." Chu Yuexi squatted on the roadside and watched the commissioners from Walsabak handle the scene.

"It's almost the same."

At this time, a logistics specialist from the Warsabak Safety Bureau came over and informed them that the car borrowed from the training base was damaged to the point that it could not be driven and needed to be sent to the factory for overhaul.

"Is it so serious?" Chu Yuexi turned to look at Yu Zhesen.

"We were all knocked away at that time. Fortunately, the safety protection function in the car was relatively strong, otherwise you would have suffered more than a slight concussion." Yu Zhesen said in a teasing tone.

"Can you forget about the slight concussion...I was just a little dizzy at the time." Chu Yuexi touched her face awkwardly, "Didn't I catch the badass woman later?"

"Yes, I have been waiting for you for three days. You seem to have become more powerful again." Yu Zhesen praised her with an exaggerated expression.

Chu Yuexi curled her lips: "You have never seriously admired me, and it is difficult for me to catch up with you."

"This is an injustice to me. Of course I have seriously admired you." Yu Zhesen patted her shoulder, "I admired you since the first time we met."


"You are the bravest trainee commissioner I have ever seen." He smiled, "and you are not afraid at all even if you know you can't win."

The corners of Chu Yuexi's mouth twitched, not sure whether he was hurting herself or praising herself.

"Later, after I learned about your family situation, I admired you even more." Yu Zhesen said, "It's a bit offensive to say that. I originally thought that your desperate character was developed in a relatively bad family background, but then I unexpectedly discovered that you

My family is very happy, which even makes me a little envious. It’s hard to imagine that a girl who grew up in such a family can fight against criminals..."

"You make me a little embarrassed..." Chu Yuexi muttered in a low voice.

"Sincerely, that's what I think. And I definitely don't look down on you. Won't it be quite pleasant to cooperate with you in the next few times?"

"Really?" Chu Yuexi was a little distracted.

She was still concerned about Yu Zhesen's envy of his family.

"I don't know if I can get into the car now." Yu Zhesen changed the subject.

Their car will definitely not be able to drive, and the commissioners of the Warsabak Security Bureau don't have any spare cars to take them back. Moreover, it is quite far from the training base.

"Actually, I can..."

Chu Yuexi's words were covered by a sound of car horns. A white car came from the direction of the city and slowly stopped by the roadside.

"It seems there's no need to worry about going back." Yu Zhesen recognized Abraham and Alicia in the car.

Abraham and Alicia, who heard about the case, drove by and picked up Yu Zhesen and Yu Zhesen who were stranded because their vehicle was damaged.

"Really, this happened to Yu Zhesen on his first day here. Our Public Security Bureau is disgraced!" Alicia complained to Abraham in the car.

"We will get to the bottom of it." Abraham said calmly, "Tomorrow I will ask the bishop for leave and return to the bureau to supervise the case."

"It doesn't matter whether you go or not. Can you ask for a leave for me?" Alicia twisted her body slightly and acted coquettishly.

"No, you must complete the training tasks as planned." Abraham said there was no need to discuss.

Alicia rolled her eyes fiercely.

"Are you two okay? Don't you need to go to the hospital?" Abraham asked concernedly to Yu Zhesen and Chu Yuexi in the back seat.

Alicia shook the palm of her left hand disapprovingly: "It can't be anything. They are not newbies who have just joined the Security Bureau."

"But the presence of exoskeleton remains at the scene shows that the attackers were armed and prepared," Abraham said cautiously.

"It was quite easy for me to deal with them." Yu Zhesen smiled slightly, "But the two exoskeleton armors are of a type I have never seen before. They are painted in dark red and have heads like vulture heads. Do you two have any clues?


"Vulture? Are you sure?" Alicia's reaction was a little startled.

"What's wrong?" Yu Zhesen felt that her reaction seemed to indicate that he had found a clue.

Alicia glanced at Abraham hesitantly, and saw that the latter had no objection, so she explained: "The dark red vulture head-shaped exoskeleton armor is a custom-made exoskeleton by the Red Moon Sect of the Order..."

"Why can religious groups customize military-grade exoskeleton armor?" Chu Yuexi found it incredible.

Abraham smiled bitterly: "Because the Istar sect plays the role of the city hall of other regional administrations locally, you may not know this as an outsider."

"Worshabak is a renaissance city with a theocratic system, and the top leaders of the Istar Sect are the authority responsible for local management." Yu Zhesen has already done his homework, "But even so, the administration and city halls of other places are not

Will casually let the staff down there have military-grade exoskeletons.”

"Because the conflicts within our sect have become more and more intensified in recent years, the Blue Star sect, which actively promotes reforms, has gradually taken control of armed institutions such as the Security Bureau and the National Defense Force. The leaders of the Red Moon sect are deeply disturbed by this." Abraham said helplessly.

Introducing the internal situation of the Istar Sect in a tone of voice, "Letting the people of the Red Moon Sect customize private exoskeleton armor is the result of previous meetings and discussions. It can also be regarded as the concession and goodwill released by our Blue Star Sect to them."

Alicia sighed: "The top leaders of the Red Moon Sect are basically old men. Their stubbornness and perseverance are beyond your imagination. If we don't compromise with them in some aspects, the conflicts within the entire sect may have long ago.


Chu Yuexi asked: "So the Red Moon Sect customized the exoskeleton armor for self-protection?"

"At least that's what they think, as if having exoskeleton armor can save their lives." Abraham shook his head.

"Why do you say that?" Yu Zhesen felt that there seemed to be something in his words.

Alicia continued: "Because if we really want to attack them, just the exoskeleton armor can't protect anything. Last month, there were two assassinations against Red Moon faction personnel in the city. The victims in the two cases didn't even have the exoskeleton armor."

He was killed before he even had time to summon him. Even if it is a military-grade weapon, there is still a big difference in whether the user has received professional training."

"Have you caught the murderer?" Yu Zhesen asked.

"We caught him. He is a young man from the Red Moon Sect." Abraham said calmly. "He was dissatisfied with the stubbornness of the old people, but he could not break away from his blood background and switch to the Blue Star Sect. He lost his mind on impulse."

"It seems that the Red Moon Sect itself is also very unpopular."

"Backward and conservative things will always be replaced by new things. This is a natural law." Abraham said firmly, "The decline of the Red Moon Sect is inevitable. This is the trend of the times."

This chapter has been completed!
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