Turn off the lights
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Chapter 840 Night of Torture

At ten o'clock in the evening, the lights-out announcement sounded at the training base, and the students who were free to move outside returned to their dormitories.

Yu Zhesen was led by Tachibana Chaoyang to Warehouse No. 2. They had received permission to use the exercise materials stored here as they pleased.

"Delta Squadron's dormitories are not completely independent. Will using these implicate other squadrons?" Tachibana looked worried at the special explosive bombs stacked in boxes.

"The chief officer agreed, and it will be treated as a drill with everyone participating, and there will be assessment and scoring."

Yu Zhesen's implication is that you don't have to worry about whether it will affect students in other squadrons. The more people you can mobilize, the better.

"But I haven't said hello to the instructors from other squadrons yet." Tachibana scratched his head.

"That's how sudden it is." Yu Zhesen thought it was natural.

They found the protagonist of tonight's drama at the very back of the warehouse - a Walker 3-type land combat mecha that was tightly covered by a rainproof sheet.

Yu Zhesen pressed a button on the wall nearby, and the mechanical lifting arm lifted up the rainproof cloth covering the mecha, allowing the three-meter-tall weapon to be fully displayed in front of them.

"Who will drive it?" Tachibana asked with shock on his face.

"AI will be responsible for controlling it."

"AI? Isis?"

"It's not Isis, don't worry, it's absolutely reliable and it won't fall off." Yu Zhesen reached out and patted the mecha's leg.

Tachibana was still thinking about his words when he suddenly heard the sound of mechanical operation. The silent Walker 3 marine mecha suddenly came to life, and all the lights on its body were turned on in an instant.

"Wow..." Tachibana instinctively raised his hand to cover his eyes. The mecha's searchlight was too dazzling.

"Instructors, please prepare a little bit, you are responsible for the arrangements." Yu Zhesen handed over the subsequent preparation tasks to Tachibana Chaoyang.

"It's obviously your idea but you ask me to arrange everyone, aren't you digging a hole for me?" Tachibana asked jokingly.

"How could it be? Of course it's because you are familiar with other instructors." Yu Zhesen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

He planned to conduct a highly realistic encounter and attack drill for the entire base tonight.

The original intention of this operation was just to "torture" the disobedient trainees of Delta Squadron and let them appreciate the majesty of the new instructor's appointment. However, when Yu Zhesen explained the plan to Chief Officer Asberg, he got the other party's approval.

Eisberg agreed. He believed it was very appropriate to conduct a base-wide attack drill, so he gave Yu Zhesen the maximum power to allocate resources.

In addition to the instructors of Delta Squadron as the main "villains" in this exercise, the defense forces stationed at the base responsible for security were also ordered to participate in the role of attackers. This defense force has a total of more than 200 people. In terms of number,

It is enough to achieve the effect Yu Zhesen wants.

The script prepared by Yu Zhesen was a raid under conditions of unequal information. The assessment content of the exercise included the students' response to emergencies and unity and cooperation. Moreover, he set his own defeat conditions for this exercise script very fairly.

As long as one of the trainees can break through the attacker's blockade, obtain weapons, and regain control of the communications command center, he or she will pass this exercise assessment.

In order to increase the drama of the drill, Yu Zhesen decided to give the students an emergency assembly order at eleven o'clock.

The piercing alarm spread through the radio throughout the entire student dormitory area. In a deep voice, Chief Officer Eisberg announced to the students the order to assemble at the central training ground within three minutes. The dormitory building suddenly became a mess.

Many students had already washed up and gone to bed, and the dirty clothes they had put on during the day's training had been washed and dried. When they were suddenly ordered to assemble, they were all cursing and looking for spare clothes, and rushed out of the dormitory room in a strange and embarrassing manner to rush to the assembly point.

When they arrived at the assembly point, they did not see the chief instructor Eisberg. The only person waiting for them there was the newly arrived instructor Yu Zhesen.

"Entrusted by Bishop Eisberg, I will temporarily lead everyone to complete tonight's emergency assembly training. Now please count the number of people in each squadron!" Yu Zhesen shouted to everyone with a loudspeaker in his hand.

The squadron leaders of the remaining three squadrons began to count the personnel in their respective squadrons, but Delta Squadron was the only one who remained indifferent.

"Delta Squadron, why don't you carry out the order?"

"Report to the instructor, our squadron leader has not returned from leave." Someone in the team raised his hand and shouted.

The student squadron leader of Delta Squadron is Abraham. He is indeed not at the training base at this time. Yu Zhisen points to a Volshabak student in the front row: "You are now the acting squadron leader. Complete the personnel inventory and report immediately."

The student who was appointed by Yu Zhesen as the acting squadron leader was stunned for a moment and looked back with some hesitation.

Yu Zhesen secretly laughed in his heart. He had remembered this guy during training during the day. He was a member of the group of dudes who trained passively. Now there are still many of his companions in the team who did not arrive in time.

Under the gaze of Yu Zhesen, the temporary squadron leader walked around the team perfunctorily, and when he came back, he closed his eyes and reported that everyone was present.

Yu Zhesen did not expose him, deliberately pretending not to know that he was being deceived, and seriously announced to all the students that the night emergency training session was successfully completed, and everyone was allowed to return to the dormitory area within five minutes.

There were curses in the disbanded team, obviously expressing dissatisfaction with this meaningless emergency assembly order. Yu Zhesen pretended not to know, watched the students return and contacted Tachibana Chaoyang, and soon the Delta Squadron instructor team

An open jeep pulled several boxes of gas respirators.

Half an hour later, under Yu Zhesen's instruction, the base once again sounded the emergency assembly alarm. The students hurried from the dormitory area for the second time. This time, the number of people who came to participate in the assembly was larger than the first time.

Visibly less.

"What's going on? Didn't you hear the emergency assembly order? Squadron leaders, I'll give you three more minutes to bring the students who haven't arrived!"

This order was carried out with great reluctance, and the number of people assembled on the scene did not increase much after three minutes, but this was the effect Yu Zhesen wanted.

Then he began to ask the instructors to help distribute gas respirators per head. After everyone received the masks, he informed them that the next night emergency gathering would not use such a gentle method as broadcasting, but would wake them up with ruthless tear gas.


The students were in an uproar. Some people on the spot wanted to help their teammates who did not come take the respirators back, but the instructors had already sealed the boxes and loaded them into the jeep.

"The assessment scores will be recorded in the next assembly. At that time, the instructor team will personally count the number of people. I hope no one will be left behind. Let's disband." Yu Zhesen's expression clearly meant that he was teasing them.

Two consecutive emergency gatherings have caused a crying wolf effect among the students. He threatened the assessment score at this time, which made the students feel unhappy. Many people were suspicious of Yu Zhesen, the newcomer.

Does the assistant instructor really have the right to decide the assessment scores?

They all now believe that the new instructor is taking this opportunity to punish them, and they also believe that there will be another emergency meeting tonight, and it will be difficult to sleep peacefully after returning to the dormitory.

At one o'clock in the morning, the script Yu Zhesen carefully prepared for them opened grandly. With the loud noise of heavy bombs detonated on the training ground, heavily armed and masked attackers played by soldiers of the National Defense Force poured into the student dormitories from all directions.


They threw tear gas from door to door and lurked outside the door with electric batons, secretly targeting the practitioners who fled in a hurry.

The instructors played the role of advanced attackers carrying firearms and using ammunition specially designed for the exercise, which can instantly paralyze the person being hit and leave blood-stained traces on their body.

At the same time, the land combat mecha controlled by AI Shixin broke through the fence of the dormitory area and fired fireworks-like barrages as it advanced. The smoke and fire from the explosion filled the student dormitory area.

This chapter has been completed!
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