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Chapter 90 Offensive and defensive transition

In a dark underground warehouse, there is an armored vehicle parked alone.

Fu Zhaohai sniffed as he walked out of the carriage, the air was a little damp.

"Headmaster." More than a dozen superpowers from the Return sect, standing in a row in front of Fu Zhaohai, all bowed and saluted.

"Blessed by the God of Return, children, you have done a good job." Fu Zhaohai nodded to everyone and thanked them.

The sound of the waves lapping against the shore was faintly heard, creating a unique echo in the underground warehouse.

Someone brought a chair for Fu Zhaohai to sit down. After a while, a depressed young man was brought to him.

"Qian Zhimo, cheer up, don't you want to see Su Qiang?" The Adventist who put his pistol against Qian Zhimo's spine whispered in his ear, "As long as you use your ability to destroy the limiter, we will

Your wish can come true."

A glimmer of light appeared in Qian Zhimo's lowered eyes.

He slowly walked towards Fu Zhaohai, stretched out his hand and touched the limiter on the old man's neck.

"Be careful and control your abilities." The Adventist holding a pistol reminded, "Be sure to let the power of steel fire surround the entire limiter at the same time and make it invalid instantly, otherwise..."

"Don't put too much pressure on young people." Fu Zhaohai interrupted the believers.

He smiled kindly at Qian Zhimo: "I completely trust you, child, you are by no means a defective product."

The corners of Qian Zhimo's mouth moved, making an expression that didn't look like a smile, and he closed his eyes the next second.

The flames swept through the limiter on Fu Zhaohai's neck, instantly rendering it ineffective and damaged, turning it into a pile of scrap metal.

Fu Zhaohai's neck was inevitably burned, and blood dripped down his skinny body, but he didn't care at all.

Subsequently, under Fu Zhaohai's instructions, the believers released a SADF soldier who was detained in an armored vehicle.

The moment the SADF soldier saw Fu Zhaohai, he knelt down uncontrollably. Although his high degree of prosthetic transformation made him lose the ability to shed tears, a feeling of sadness and regret completely took over him.

The thought of "wanting to cry" enveloped his mind.

Fu Zhaohai stepped forward, pulled out the soldier's gun, and pulled the trigger to his head.

"Where is Lu Hong? I can't wait to see him." Fu Zhaohai threw the pistol on the dead soldier, turned around and asked the believers.

The leader of the high-ranking cultists replied: "Priest Lei is working to replenish the sect's new blood. He asked us to tell you that the Ark cannot land on the seven islands as originally planned, but Priest Shan will send a small submersible close to the coast to assist in the evacuation.


Fu Zhaohai sighed: "Are you and I forced to leave the land because of my decrepit body?"

"It's just a temporary retreat. The sky is high and the sea is vast, and there is no place for us anywhere."

"Well said, Min Yuan, you have grown up." Fu Zhaohai nodded affirmatively.

Qian Zhimo's deep voice interrupted their conversation: "I want to see Su Qiang, you promised me."

Fu Zhaohai and the cultist named Min Yuan looked at each other. After the latter received permission, he turned to Qian Zhimo and said, "Come with me."

They left the underground warehouse and returned to the still burning ground.

This is the detention center for criminals with superpowers on the sea cliff. After being hit by Ark's missiles, it has been destroyed into ruins and ruins.

The guards at the holding center have been completely eliminated by the Adventist believers, and the criminals who survived the missile attack gathered in the playground where they usually relax, and are being screened and selected.

Military-grade bionic robots loaded with live ammunition have replaced the prison guards who usually supervise them, and a cordon has been set up around them. They will not hesitate to shoot anyone who disobeys the Adventist sect's arrangements.

Qian Zhimo saw Su Qiang in the crowd, wearing the clothes of a female prisoner, with her long hair cut off, and her figure looked thinner than before.

"You can go over and hug her." Min Yuan said, "The stabilizer injected into you will be effective for at least 4 hours. You don't have to worry about being unable to control yourself and burning her."

Qian Zhimo did not step forward, but asked Min Yuan: "Why can you control my illness? Even the administration can't do it..."

"It's not that the Administration can't do it, they just don't care about low-level people like you." Min Yuan said calmly, "But we are different. Our power is very small, so we cherish everyone who may become our companions."

"Small?" Qian Zhimo laughed, looking at the ruins around him and said, "You call this insignificant?"

Min Yuan shrugged: "So what? The destruction of a shelter center does not hurt a behemoth like Iron Dome Paradise at all."

"I don't believe what you said. I just think of what your people did on the roof of the hospital that day." Qian Zhimo left him and walked towards Su Qiang.

Min Yuan said lazily behind him: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not? You have been abandoned by Iron Dome Paradise."

Qian Zhimo walked through the crowd and came to Su Qiang, hugging her tightly.

The criminals around are either reveling or confused, and the noisy world has nothing to do with them for the time being.

"Beep beep", the communication sound came from the earphones.

Min Yuan connected the signal, and it was Lu Hong who personally sent the order: "The submersibles for evacuation have been distributed on the coast near you. Don't delay, take action immediately."

"Yes, Dean, do you need me to pick you up?"

"No, you go to Shangsu District to pick up the 'Siren' and bring her back with the woman she controls." Lu Hong ordered, "Be careful to avoid surveillance facilities. Our electronic warfare advantage will soon be gone.

"I will pay attention to the expected counterattack."

After the communication ended, the light in the space where Min Yuan was located was distorted, and his figure was sucked into a black crack and disappeared.

Almost at the same time, the server of the Nightcrawler Forum experienced a large-scale crash, and the hackers summoned by Armageddon lost contact and went offline.

In the real world where hackers live, their personal computer equipment has suffered varying degrees of hardware damage, and some have even caused circuit fires.

In the virtual space of the Security Bureau's Yiguang system, the battle is coming to an end.

With the cooperation of Lu You, Yu Zhesen and Chu Yuexi quickly defeated the invading hacker army and regained control of the offensive firewall.

Following Yu Zhesen's instructions, Shi Xin took over the offensive firewall and burned down nearly 300 hackers' Internet equipment at one time.

Armageddon's cyber army collapsed, and he himself fled in advance like a thief.

Luyou once tried to track and locate Armageddon, but was cunningly circumvented by the other party. Before going offline, he used the hackers' delay to erase all traces of himself.

"He ran away..." Lu You said regretfully.

"It's not a big problem." Yu Zhesen, who ended the connection and sneaked in, took off the eyepiece on the chair next to him. "The situation is getting better. At least now our commander is no longer deaf or blind."

After expelling the invading hackers, Yi Guang, who regained his own personality, rebuilt the security bureau's system and directed all functions such as communications to resume normal operations.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Yu, we can finally start our counterattack."

Claire, who was on standby at the Hong Kong Island Pier Station, clapped her hands to the commissioners who were sitting on the ground and resting around her: "Everyone gathers! The exoskeleton armor is put into online mode, and we are going to have a brief combat meeting!"

This chapter has been completed!
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