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Chapter 92 The last fifteen minutes

 "The song of the siren."

Yu Zhesen thought of this strange rumor in his mind and couldn't help but tell it.

As an employee of the Lightning Husky Express Company, he has traveled through the streets and alleys of Qidao City in the past two years and has heard many strange urban rumors.

Although he himself is not keen on exploring these strange stories, Wu Dazhi, who takes private orders, likes to collect these bizarre stories.

Among the many stories collected by Wu Dazhi, Yu Zhesen remembered one about a woman named Siren.

He couldn't remember the specific plot, but a very important point was that the woman's singing could make people fall asleep.

"Perhaps the source of the strange urban rumors is this woman from the Adventist sect." Claire said, "It's not groundless."

This kind of power is really rare. I don’t know whether it belongs to the [psychic] group or the [psychic] group...

"Of course it's [Huanhuan]." Shi Xin's voice sounded in his mind.

She said: "The standard for distinguishing [psychic] and [psychic] is very simple. Any ability that takes effect through the senses is [psychic], including Miss Luo's ability to charm the opposite sex, which is also [psychic], because it is

It takes effect through the sense of smell."

It seemed that it was not class time now, so Yu Zhesen scratched his head.

He heard Claire continue: "The commander of the Defense Force planned to cover the entire holding center with long-range artillery fire, but there may be prisoners and hostages inside. At my insistence, he promised to give us fifteen minutes to make a breakthrough attempt."<


"What does the instructor plan to do? Block external hearing? Or cut off the broadcast?"

"A two-pronged approach."

The resistance of the Advent sect has shown signs of exhaustion. The army of the dead is not endless, and the bionic robots are destroyed one by one.

It was obviously a helpless move to release the siren's song, because it put the prisoners on the playground into a coma. The original hope that they could distract the defense force and the security bureau was empty talk now.

There were only two people at the scene who were not affected by the siren's song.

One person is Fu Zhaohai, who has blocked the hearing of the electronic brain. He remains motionless on the boulder.

The other person was Lu Hong, who strode through the formation of the defense forces who had lost their sense of self. He wore sound-isolating headphones in both ears.

He waved to Fu Zhaohai who was standing on the big rock staring at him, with a confident smile on his face.

Fu Zhaohai also smiled back and said to him with his mouth: "Long time no see."

When Lu Hong came to Fu Zhaohai, twisted black hole cracks appeared in the air beside them.

Min Yuan, who was already prepared, opened the jump channel and connected the two preset coordinates of the coast and the containment center.

Lu Hong humbly extended his hand to Fu Zhaohai: "Please go first."

His original intention was to show respect to the elders, but he never expected that this second delay would cause them to lose the opportunity.

A sharp silver line stretched out of thin air. Lu Hong and Fu Zhaohai reacted quickly and jumped to both sides to avoid it. The invisible sharp blade cut through the jump crack, destroyed the coordinates, and closed the black hole.

An He, holding a black technological metal long knife, stood on the back of a two-meter-tall land combat mecha, with his black hair and open black windbreaker blowing in the wind.

She took a deep breath and swung her knife in the air again.

The boulder at Fu Zhaohai's feet split into two halves, and the sharp blade was only a millimeter away from his ankle, so he dodged it again.

This is the edge of the Split Domain, the area where An He's control is weakest. The invisible blade has a certain delay, giving the patriarchs time to react and dodge.

She was afraid of the threat of Peacemaker, so she kept herself at a safe distance to avoid being affected by Fu Zhaohai's powers.

At this time, there was an explosion from the north, thick smoke and fire came from the direction of the underground power distribution station of the detention center, and the woman's singing on the radio stopped abruptly.

"It's done." Lin Jie reported in the communication.

An He also reported: "The jump interception was successful."

"Beautiful." Claire's praise came from the earphone, "Assault team, GO!"

An assault team composed of five A-level specialists including Sun Minghang, wearing a full set of silver flash exoskeleton armor, began to break in following Claire's order.

Their opponents are the remaining legions of the dead and military exoskeletons.

The Adventist code-named "Count" saw his resurrected army of the dead being swept away like fallen leaves by the wind, and felt a deep powerlessness in his heart.

He looked back at Lu Hong and Fu Zhaohai with a tragic look, then stuck a red injection in his arm and injected it quickly.

The assault team's Sword03 assault rifle fired a hail of bullets, which concentrated on the count, leaving his body riddled with holes.

But he did not fall down. The veins all over his body were bulging, the muscles were stretched, and fangs sprouted from his mouth.

A pair of white bones pierced his back and opened the membrane wings wrapped in mucus.

"Alienated person..." An He narrowed his eyes and stared at the newly born monster indifferently.

"You are willing to sacrifice yourself and become a gargoyle, Lu Hong, you have great subordinates." Fu Zhaohai looked at the monster's back and sighed to Lu Hong.

"Please go first." Lu Hong took off his shirt, "Friedheim is still waiting for you. You haven't seen each other in almost five years, right?"

Fu Zhaohai did not move, and reached out to grab the shoulder of Lu Hong, who was about to step forward to fight: "We have been fighting against Tie Qiong for many years, and one of the important principles for our tenacious survival is to not let young people stay to die."

Lu Hong said: "Am I considered a young person? I am 3 months older than An Zhitian."

"You are the only outlier among the patriarchs who refuses prosthetic surgery." Fu Zhaohai said, "The secret to maintaining the vitality of an organization is to allow different voices to exist within. Compared with the older generation of 'Shan', 'Lin' and

To me, your thoughts are precious wealth."

The gargoyle let out a terrifying scream, spread its wings and pounced on the assault team shooting at it.

The high-power ammunition of the anti-prosthetic assault rifle has little effect on his special horny skin. It is not even scraping, it can even be said to be photon rejuvenation.

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Sun Minghang cursed, gave up his rifle and took out his lightsaber.

The two commissioners activated their energy-gathering shields to block the gargoyle's flying attack, and as expected, they were both knocked away.

However, they all have rich combat experience. They rely on the armor's balance meter to quickly adjust their posture in mid-air, avoiding the awkward situation of falling and landing.

Sun Minghang and the other three activated C-level martial arts to instantly accelerate, moving at high speed and leaving afterimages on the spot, and then besieged the gargoyle from three directions.

The gargoyle chose to fly upward to deal with this wave of attacks. It seemed to be afraid of the lightsabers in the hands of the commissioners and was unwilling to confront them head-on.

"There are ten minutes left." Jiang Lianchu glanced at his watch and said to Claire.

"The threat of the Kraken has been eliminated, and the space jump has been blocked. It is only a matter of time to capture the opponent. Is there any reason why we must use firepower to cover it?" Claire suppressed her anger and asked Jiang Lianchu.

Jiang Lianchu was expressionless: "Of course it is to avoid unnecessary casualties. The best way to deal with supernatural terrorists is to avoid close contact with them."

"What about the survivors in the shelter? After using artillery fire to cover them, aren't those considered unnecessary casualties?"

"You and I both know that Fu Zhaohai must be eliminated." Jiang Lianchu said, "otherwise we will not be able to bear the consequences."

"The sniper team is ready." Claire said coldly, "I will end this within ten minutes."

She contacted Meng Dongxia, who was in charge of the first sniper team: "Dongxia, can you lock Fu Zhaohai's location?"

"There is a certain obstacle between the target and the target, and we are adjusting the position."

The second sniper team reported that it was in position and had sufficient shooting conditions.

Claire hesitated in her heart for a moment - it would be great if Yu Zhesen was by her side at this time. With his prediction ability, the success rate of sniper attacks would be greatly improved.

"The second sniper team is allowed to fire and strive to kill the target!"

"The second group received it."

"Wait a moment! Keep locked on the target, hold off firing, and wait for my order!"

Claire suddenly shouted stop.

The sniper of the second sniper team released his index finger on the trigger, and the observers on the side let out an inappropriate sigh. The commander's changing orders made them a little restless.

Claire activated her own powers, blocking the perception of her words by those around her, and then connected to the communication from the Starzhou City Security Bureau headquarters.


"The information about 'Lu Hong' has just been compiled, and I have asked Yi Guang to send it to you." An Zhitian's voice sounded very tired, "I am very sorry, I should have been on the battlefield in person, and now I can only help in this small way.

A little favor."

"We have entered the final stage here. We will never let Fu Zhaohai escape. Please rest assured... I'm sorry to say more, but it sounds like you need a rest."

Claire responded while passing Lu Hong's personal file information to An He and others.

"Asen is with you now?"

"No...I didn't ask him to come to the scene." Claire replied thoughtfully, "He should stay in the command center. You can contact him directly..."

"You are still too soft-hearted, Hathaway." An Zhitian sighed, "We had a conversation the day before you left for Qidao City to take up your post, and at that time I had already given you permission to use his abilities."

"But I interpreted that conversation as your temporary transfer of custody of Yu Zhesen to me, even though he is already an adult."

An Zhitian fell into silence.

Claire continued: "I hope he has a choice, rather than a weapon that can only carry out orders unconditionally."

"In addition, you'd better go to rest first. We will handle the endgame. This is not my pride. After the incident on the Seven Islands is over, there will definitely be problems coming one after another from the Management Bureau that require your help to deal with them. You have to prepare in advance.

Adjust your mental strength to face those questions."

"Yes, you are right... I mean about the attitude towards Asen." An Zhitian gave in in a rare move.

He said reflectively: "I can easily lose my humanity when it comes to Adventist issues. I'm sorry."

"No, we need a strong leader, and you don't need to apologize for that."

This chapter has been completed!
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