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Chapter 474 Coming

 It's really very reliable, because in the next class, Professor Moody announced that every student would take one of his Imperius Curses. "But - but you said it was illegal, Professor," when Moody

With a wave of her wand, the desks moved aside, leaving a large open space in the center of the classroom. Hermione said uncertainly, "You said - using it on others is -"

"Dumbledore wants to give you a taste," Moody said - turning his magic eye and staring at Hermione eerily, unblinkingly, "if you are willing to learn in a more cruel way -

-Waiting for someone to recite this spell to you and completely controlling you - that's good. I agree. You can go." Bailang laughed.

Of course he could laugh. When he went back that day, Neville went directly to Bailang and wanted Bailang to teach him how to resist the Cruciatus Curse. At that time, Bailang said to him, "Don't worry Neville, you learned the magical martial arts from me."

Being able to resist this kind of curse - when you grow up, you will find that this kind of Cruciatus Curse is about the same as being hit with a fist a few times to you, and you can completely endure it."

As a result, all the students except Bailang went up. So everyone watched with great joy as others made a fool of themselves and watched them make all kinds of shameful actions that normal people would never do. And when it was Harry Potter's turn

, the situation changed - this guy was originally going to jump on the table, but it seemed that Harry was semi-resistant to the spell.

The result was that one of his legs wanted to jump but the other leg refused to obey. Harry hit the corner of the table and fell to his knees - if nothing else, his legs and knees were severely injured... Bailang

When they saw the female classmates covering their faces and letting out giggles, guys like Ron swallowed and took a breath, and some subconsciously clamped their legs.

Moody happily praised Harry, "He almost succeeded! Very good! Potter again!" So the unlucky Harry Potter came three times, and finally he successfully resisted the Imperius Curse and did it.

What Whitecaps did right from the start. "Five points to Gryffindor!"

All the fourth-year students noticed that the homework they had to do this semester increased significantly. When the students complained loudly that Professor McGonagall had assigned too much homework for the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall explained the reason. "You are entering

An important period for magical education!" She told them, her eyes shining majestically behind the square lenses, "Your O.W.L. exam is coming soon——"

Of course, most people were lamenting, "The exam is only for the fifth grade, Professor." However, Professor McGonagall greatly belittled the level of transfiguration of this group of people, claiming that only Miss Hermione Granger was a qualified transfiguration user.

, and the scumbags except Hermione can't even finish the job of turning the hedgehog into a pincushion, while Bai Lang showed a mysterious smile.

"Ah, Professor. I think some of you here may not expect to pass the O.W.E.Ls exam." Bailang said, and at the same time he showed a smile that belonged to a street student and a scum of the world. That kind of nonchalant tone asked Professor McGonagall to look at it.

He couldn't say anything.

Also, the students themselves have given up on their future prospects, and as a professor, there is nothing they can do about it. She waved her hand, "Mr. Lang En, even if you want to waste your life, please don't disturb your classmates." Bailang scratched his hands.

A stubble has grown on his chin, "But Professor, if you complete the Animagus, can you apply to be exempted from the Transfiguration Level Exam?"

Professor McGonagall lowered her head slightly and cast her gaze from the top of her glasses. She adjusted her glasses and said, "Animagus? I think I told you that this is a very dangerous move! You can't even use ordinary transformation skills."

You haven’t learned it well, and experimenting with Animagus transformation is simply suicide—no, it’s worse than suicide.”

"But professor, I'm done." When Bai Lang said it, all the classmates said "Oh...". Of course they would be surprised, because Bai Lang is actually a bad student.

His operational performance is the worst, not even better than Neville, and now this man says he has completed the difficult Animagus?

Hermione even covered her mouth, her eyes shining with disbelief, "Really?" Professor McGonagall also stood up. "I think you need to let me see." Bailang heard her say.

, "Students have learned the Animagus..." The voice was very soft, but she must have affirmed that there were people who learned the Animagus when they were students in the past. She was just sighing.

Bailang stood up. He just rolled on the spot and immediately turned into a huge tiger - in exchange for the screams of his classmates and the falling of tables and chairs as they escaped. "Stop." Professor McGonagall said.

The words were not high, but all the students calmed down - it must be the effect of magic.

"Oh, is it really an Animagus! Or a tiger!" Everyone was whispering, and Bailang rolled on the spot again and returned to his human form. "Did I remember to report to the Ministry of Magic?" He asked Professor McGonagall, Professor

He nodded. "Since you have learned the Animagus, Mr. Lang, I think you can pass the ordinary wizard level exam at least in terms of transformation."

"But!" She said equally seriously, "You still can't relax in your studies! I want to know why your level in other transformation techniques is so poor?"

Not long after class, the students from the four major colleges learned that there was a student in Gryffindor who became an Animagus, and this student was the very fierce oriental Bailang. There were always people running near Bailang to peek at him.

, he could hear these people passing the news, and everyone already knew about his Animagus form - being able to turn into a tiger was amazing.

The most important thing is that this tiger is very big - anyway, Gryffindor students say it is bigger than a buffalo, but Bailang knows very well that he is only about the same size as a buffalo.

This situation even extends to other professors' courses - divination and history of magic are fine, but Professor Freevey in the Charms class is really curious - he even asked Bai Lang to transform into a tiger in his course, "

Very interesting spell. Your wand has always made me worried about your grades, but Animagus... does it have the magic power to act on yourself?" He fell into deep thought for a few seconds, but it didn't last long.

Classes will resume soon.

And Professor Snape? Ah, he was a little bit weird, but he treated Harry much better - "I bet if Harry turned into a deer or something...Snape would definitely try

Peel off his skin." Bailang secretly told Seamus, but Snape only said to Bailang, "It's really amazing - it would be great if your potion could also reach this level. But now I can only think that

You are potions idiots - you two. By the way, Mr. Lang, Mr. Seamus, you two are trying to use potions to rob Gringotts, are you?"

Hagrid is of course the most enthusiastic one. The tiger that Bai Lang transformed into is huge and ferocious. This is exactly the type that Hagrid likes. And the students of Slytherin have also seen Bai Lang's Animagus form.

——The ferocious and gorgeous tiger form makes those people feel envious even after being scared.

When returning to the castle, Bailang found a large group of students crowded around a large notice erected at the foot of the marble staircase. "Triwizard Tournament: Representatives of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will compete on October 30th."

Arrive at six o'clock on Friday evening. The afternoon classes will end half an hour early - at that time, students are asked to return their schoolbags and textbooks to their dormitories, gather in front of the castle, greet our guests, and then attend the welcome banquet."

The notice that appeared in the foyer had an obvious impact on the people living in the castle. Over the next week, people seemed to be talking about only one topic: the Triwizard Tournament. Rumors spread quickly among the students.

Go, like highly contagious bacteria: who will compete to be the Champion of Hogwarts, what events will be included in the Tournament, and how are the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang different from them.

"I think it's more likely that it's a gay school." Bai Lang thought of the scenes in the movie. But almost everyone - including the professors - were very nervous. The entire castle was being cleaned, and the school spirit and appearance were being corrected.

It also became very frequent. Of course, those who were always scolded were those students who did not perform well in their studies - such as Neville and Bai Lang.

On the morning of October 30th, when they went downstairs for breakfast, they found that the Great Hall had been decorated overnight. Huge silk banners hung on the walls, each one representing a house of Hogwarts: red with one head.

The one with a golden lion is Gryffindor, the one with a blue background and a bronze eagle is Ravenclaw, the one with a yellow background and a black badger is Hufflepuff, and the one with a green background and a silver python is Slytherin.

Behind the staff desk hangs the largest banner, with the Hogwarts crest on it: a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake joined together, surrounding a large letter H.

Bailang played with a medal with S.P.E.W written on it - this was the badge of the Elf Rights Protection Association that Hermione promoted to him. Neville and Bailang both spent two Silver Sickles to buy the medal. "I

I agree with you Hermione, there shouldn't be slaves in this world at this time. People should be paid and have days off when they work." His words seemed much better than Ron and Harry - after all, they were talking to

Hermione was also born as a Muggle, but in this regard, Harry was more like a young wizard born in the wizarding world.

Hermione's lobbying had little effect, but no one dared to ridicule her - no one dared to say anything sarcastic when they saw Bailang hanging with this thing on his chest. Even Malfoy didn't dare.

That day, the air was filled with a joyful mood of anticipation. In the class, no one was paying attention to the class. Everyone was thinking that people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were coming tonight. Even the Potions class

It's not as unbearable as usual because class has to end half an hour early.

The students, who had put on uniforms, filed down the steps under the leadership of the professor and stood in line in front of the castle. It was a cold evening with fresh air, night was falling, and a white, translucent moon was already shining.

Hanging over the Forbidden Forest. The waiting time was a little long, and just when Bai Lang began to get impatient, Dumbledore, who was standing in the back row with other teachers, shouted, "Ah! If I'm not mistaken, Booth

Patton’s representative has arrived!”

This chapter has been completed!
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