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Holding the body in the white blade, wandering in the world of mortals

Holding the body in the white blade, wandering in the world of mortals

author:Bayonet interface

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Last Update:07-20 04:59

Latest chapter:Chapter 970

It’s just a martial arts time travel series, a story about practicing martial arts and seeking transcendence.

If you think《Holding the body in the white blade, wandering in the world of mortals》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《Holding the body in the white blade, wandering in the world of mortals》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 970
Chapter 969
Chapter 968
Chapter 967
Chapter 966
Chapter 965
Chapter 964
Chapter 963
Chapter 962
《Holding the body in the white blade, wandering in the world of mortals》Chapter Contents
Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter 3 (revision)
Chapter Four
Chapter 5 (revision)
Chapter Six
Chapter VII
chapter eight
Chapter nine
chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Revision)
Chapter Thirteen (Revision)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 (Revision)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70: Lazy, no chapter name
Chapter 71
Chapter 72 Still can’t think of a chapter name
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75 Double update
Chapter 76 Today’s first update
Chapter 77 (revision)
Chapter 78 The first update that I can’t think of a name for
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 Still can’t think of an update on the name
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 The editor said that we need to have a name, so let’s start with this chapter.
Chapter 85: Degrassing the Valley
Chapter 86: Putting away weapons
Chapter 87 The End
Chapter 88 Competition
Chapter 89: It turns out that he is the younger brother.
Chapter 90: Brother’s Cultivation
Chapter 91 A new adventure begins (revision)
Chapter 92: Entering the venue
Chapter 93 Mutation (revision)
Chapter 94: Ghost hits the wall
Chapter 95: Come forward
Chapter 96 Changes
Chapter 97 Fighting
Chapter 98 Sunrise in the East
Chapter 99 Healing
Chapter 100 I can’t figure out what’s going on
Chapter 101 Siege
Chapter 102 Fighting Demons
Chapter 103 Fighting
Chapter 104 Healing Again
Chapter 105 Baitiao Pork Bailang
Chapter 106: The so-called common people
Chapter 107 Preparation
Chapter 108 The battle begins
Chapter 109: Fierce Fight
Chapter 110 Internal strife
Chapter 111 Victory is in sight
Chapter 112 Return
Chapter 113: Loyalty
Chapter 114 Loyalty
Chapter 115 Loyalty 2
Chapter 116 Escape in time
Chapter 117 So that’s it
Chapter 117 White licking dog
Chapter 118 Never treat yourself as a licking dog with nothing
Chapter 119 How to make money is a problem
Chapter 120 Joining the Society
Chapter 121 Successfully joined the company without being beaten
Chapter 122 Totally different
Chapter 123 Secrets
Chapter 124 I want it all
Chapter 125 Competition
Chapter 126 Daily Life
Chapter 127 Daily Life 2
Chapter 128: Jealousy (fake)
Chapter 129 Society Society
Chapter 130: Dead
Chapter 131 Competition
Chapter 132 First Victory
Chapter 133 It turns out to be this martial art
Chapter 134 Prelude
Chapter 135: Graveyard Dance
Chapter 136 Trouble
Chapter 137: Fragile Defeat
Chapter 138 Liang Feifan’s mood
Chapter 139 I am already invincible (revision)
Chapter 140 It would be really shameful to die like this
Chapter 141 Do you really want to create the fastest deflated legend?
Chapter 142 Just listen to the truth
Chapter 143 Traveling far away
Chapter 144 I don’t look for trouble, trouble comes to me
Chapter 145: Walking in the Jianghu (Revision)
Chapter 146 Persuasion
Chapter 147 One Day in Jicheng
Chapter 148 One Day in Jicheng 2
Chapter 149 One Day in Jicheng 3
Chapter 150 Golden Sword Transformation
Chapter 151: Something to do
Chapter 152 Changes
Chapter 153 The cesspool
Chapter 154 Mountain Temple
Chapter 155: Becoming an official?
Chapter 156: Good practice within the public sect
Chapter 157 New Adventure
Chapter 158 Unexpected
Chapter 159: Broken Flowers and Willows (Revision)
Chapter 160 Idiot Wave
Chapter 161 It feels so familiar (revision)
Chapter 162: Big brother, I am your little brother Bailang (repair)
Chapter 163: Survival by luck
Chapter 164 New Martial Arts
Chapter 165: Cultivation is not easy
Chapter 166 Martial Arts
Chapter 167 Catching the Thief
Chapter 168 Honey
Chapter 169 Start taking action
Chapter 170 Careless Killing
Chapter 171 Disconnection
Chapter 172 Breaking the situation
Chapter 173: Coming forward
Chapter 174 Rising Tide
Chapter 175: It’s your own fault.
Chapter 176: When it’s over, go away
Chapter 177 I am...
Chapter 178 Walking alone thousands of miles
Chapter 179 Hum hum hum
Chapter 180 Wind
Chapter 181: Killing Officials (Revision)
Chapter 182: Killing Officials
Chapter 183 Rebellion
Chapter 184: Devastated
Chapter 185: Madman
Chapter 186: Go all the way and kill all the way
Chapter 187: Number one in the world
Chapter 188: The Tiger Emerges
Chapter 189 The Road
Chapter 190: Dao of Tribulation
Chapter 191 Crush
Chapter 192 Teasing
Chapter 193: Plunder
Chapter 194: Driving the car
Chapter 195 Gradual Development
Chapter 196: Getting ready to fight
Chapter 197: The General of the Han Family is Trapped (Revision)
Chapter 198: Overthrow the Army and Kill the General
Chapter 199 Cusan
Chapter 200 Vulnerable
Chapter 201 The Waste Tribe
Chapter 202 The official start
Chapter 203 Small progress
Chapter 204: Rampant across the world
Chapter 205: The world is in chaos
Chapter 206: Powerful China
Chapter 207 Breaking Lin'an
Chapter 208: How many years has Qianlong lived? Strange current situation
Chapter 209: Second to Last
Chapter 210 It’s almost over
Chapter 211 The world is in chaos
Chapter 212 The dust has settled (revision)
Chapter 213 Exploded
Chapter 214 Pass
Chapter 215 Healing
Chapter 216 Practice
Chapter 217 A new mission begins
Chapter 218 Abnormality
Chapter 219 Where is this place?
Chapter 220: Like a ghost
Chapter 221 Weird (revision)
Chapter 222 Making Money
Chapter 223: Wilderness (revision)
Chapter 224 A completely different style
Chapter 225 Scavengers
Chapter 226 Mutation
Chapter 227 Distortion
Chapter 228: Trophies
Chapter 229: Becoming Human (Revision)
Chapter 230: Detachment
Chapter 231 Untitled
Chapter 232 Reward
Chapter 233 Thunderstorm
Chapter 234: Bounty Head
Chapter 235 Sudden Fight
Chapter 236: Surrounded
Chapter 237 Fight
Chapter 238 Victory
Chapter 239: Elder, take away your magical powers
Chapter 240: School
Chapter 241 Crow’s Mouth
Chapter 242 Changes
Chapter 243 Escape
Chapter 244 Return
Chapter 245 Good Luck
Chapter 246: Understanding the mind
Chapter 247 Entering the Mansion
Chapter 248 New Martial Arts
Chapter 249: Doing things
Chapter 250: Fellow People
Chapter 251: Ping the Bandits
Chapter 252: Defeating the Bandits 2
Chapter 253 Mutation
Chapter 254 Siege
Chapter 255: Fierce Fight
Chapter 256 Escape
Chapter 257: The Tragedy Brothers
Chapter 258 Robbery 1
Chapter 259 Snatch 2
Chapter 260 Teaching
Chapter 261 Money
Chapter 262 The plot begins
Chapter 263 Watch (repair)
Chapter 264 Preparation
Chapter 265: March to the Army
Chapter 266: Make a profit first
Chapter 267 Breakthrough
Chapter 268: General Skills
Chapter 269 Head
Chapter 270 Reward
Chapter 271 Zhang Xutuo
Chapter 272 Battle
Chapter 273: Trapped
Chapter 274 Wang Bodang
Chapter 275: Both sides suffer losses
Chapter 276 Assassination 1
Chapter 277 Assassination 2
Chapter 278 Assassination 3
Chapter 279 Assassination 4
Chapter 280 Assassination 5
Chapter 281 Assassination
Chapter 282 The future
Chapter 283 Messenger
Chapter 284: Be the enemy of the world
Chapter 285: Trapped in the camp
Chapter 286 Tiger Crazy
Chapter 287 Prey
Chapter 288 Shocking the world
Chapter 289: All parties come to envoy 1
Chapter 290: All parties come to envoy 2
Chapter 291 Teaching
Chapter 292: The Way of Heaven is reincarnation
Chapter 293 Who will God spare?
Chapter 294: Renewal of arrogance
Chapter 295: All power restored
Chapter 296 The war resumes
Chapter 297: Bright as a peach blossom
Chapter 298 Three Axes
Chapter 299 Fighting General
Chapter 300: It’s hard to get over it after all
Chapter 301 Twenty-Five Boys
Chapter 302 Luoyang
Chapter 303 Shang Xiufang
Chapter 304 Qin Chuan. Do you want Delic?
Chapter 305: Arresting people
Chapter 306 How can I know if you don’t tell me?
Chapter 307 Insight
Chapter 308: Zen Temple
Chapter 309 Aren’t these the Four Holy Monks?
Chapter 310: Monk Fight
Chapter 311 Witch
Chapter 312 Where did the monk come from?
Chapter 313 Boss
Chapter 314 Tattoo
Chapter 315 Gods and Buddhas
Chapter 316 Changes
Chapter 317 Kung Fu
Chapter 318: Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway
Chapter 319: After the fight, leave
Chapter 320 Battle
Chapter 321: Siege and Killing
Chapter 322 Breakthrough
Chapter 323 Let’s go
Chapter 324: Will Li Er be reborn?
Chapter 325: Pierce through
Chapter 326: The Flying General of the World
Chapter 327: It is impossible to shoot a halberd at the gate
Chapter 328 Assassination
Chapter 329 Explosion
Chapter 330 Women
Chapter 331 Woman 2
Chapter 332 Conversation
Chapter 333 After the War
Chapter 334: Decisive Battle with Martial Lord
Chapter 335 The decisive battle with Wu Zun 2
Chapter 336: Dismantling the troops
Chapter 337 After the War
Chapter 338: Peace in the world
Chapter 339 To Peace
Chapter 340 Before leaving
Chapter 341 Shattered Void
Chapter 342 The Big Stomach King
Chapter 343 Changes
Chapter 344 The Future
Chapter 345 Daily life
Chapter 346 Assassination
Chapter 347: Both sides suffer losses
Chapter 348: Stealing chicken but losing rice
Chapter 349 Healing
Chapter 350 Untitled
Chapter 351 New World
Chapter 352: Enrolling again after so many years
Chapter 353 The first day of school
Chapter 354 Cold violence
Chapter 355: Heart of Bailang
Chapter 356: This world is too hot
Chapter 357 Peach
Chapter 358 Please be friends with me
Chapter 359 Tokyo is too hot
Chapter 360 I am the King of Tokyo
Chapter 361: The Destruction of the Mediterranean
Chapter 362: So that’s it
Chapter 363 The King of Fighting
Chapter 364: Your wife is pretty good
Chapter 365: Your wife is indeed very good
Chapter 365: You actually have such a wife?
Chapter 366: My Wife’s Final Date—This is the end of the Wife Series
Chapter 367 The King of Fighting
Chapter 368 The start of the match
Chapter 369 The First Battle
Chapter 370 The end of the first scene
Chapter 371: Rich achievement after the first game
Chapter 372: Abnormal Fight
Chapter 373 Qualification is in sight
Chapter 374: It turns out to be the Holy Buddha Hospital
Chapter 375 The Third Battle
Chapter 376: Investigator
Chapter 377 This is not good
Chapter 378 Brazilian guy
Chapter 379 Kausta
Chapter 380 The End of the Jibi
Chapter 381: Wonderful Friendship
Chapter 382 New Competition
Chapter 383: Everyone is evil
Chapter 384 The little brother who has no food to eat
Chapter 385 Habit becomes natural
Chapter 386 After school...
Chapter 387: The Righteous Man
Chapter 388 Bodhisattva Bailang
Chapter 389: Super Power Team
Chapter 390: I can also become drunk with the Eight Immortals
Chapter 391 Top 16
Chapter 392 Dragon and Tiger Team
Chapter 393: Awakening Today
Chapter 394 This is actually the case
Chapter 395: Watching the Battle
Chapter 396: Beat those two bastards to death
Chapter 397 Finals
Chapter 398 Accident
Chapter 399 The fight begins
Chapter 400 The plot develops so fast (revision)
Chapter 401: Development is too fast
Chapter 402 I think something is wrong with this matter
Chapter 403 Coming
Chapter 404: Something happened
Chapter 405: Run away
Chapter 406 Success
Chapter 407 The incident happened
Chapter 408 Desert
Chapter 409 Oasis
Chapter 410 Happy King
Chapter 411 Trouble
Chapter 412 It’s true
Chapter 413 Golden Bell Cover
Chapter 414: Hard Fight
Chapter 415 Breaking the siege
Chapter 416: Killing
Chapter 417 The Weak
Chapter 418 Hero
Chapter 419: Victory, Life and Death
Chapter 420: Ah, a lucky escape
Chapter 421: It turns out to be here
Chapter 422 Deja Vu
Chapter 423 Shopping
Chapter 424: Hitting the Road
Chapter 425 Arrival
Chapter 426 Preparation
Chapter 427 Branching
Chapter 428 Night Tour
Chapter 429 Flying
Chapter 430 Enlightenment
Chapter 431: Establishing Prestige
Chapter 432 I want it too
Chapter 433 Stupid Competition
Chapter 434 Travel
Chapter 435 Tour 1
Chapter 436 Tour 2
Chapter 437: Study is always so heavy
Chapter 438: Breaking the Shell
Chapter 439: Fighting in the Forbidden Forest
Chapter 440: It’s useless to cover up
Chapter 441 Procurement 1
Chapter 442 Procurement 2
Chapter 443 The first day of school
Chapter 444: Conquer
Chapter 445 Still a scumbag
Chapter 446: Lust the Cat
Chapter 447 Lessons
Chapter 448 Principal’s Office
Chapter 449 School Bully Beware
Chapter 450: Understanding King Lockhart
Chapter 451: Private Solution 1
Chapter 452: One step ahead of Harry
Chapter 453 Daily life
Chapter 454 Continue to develop
Chapter 455 Wallet
Chapter 456 The Secret Room
Chapter 457 Criticism of Weapons
Chapter 458 Time flies so fast
Chapter 459: Encounter on the train
Chapter 460 New Semester
Chapter 461 Hagrid’s Lessons
Chapter 462 Sissy
Chapter 463: Hagrid brings the blame upon himself
Chapter 464 The Fearless Man
Chapter 465 Hogsmeade
Chapter 466 Failure
Chapter 467 Training
Chapter 468 Firebolt
Chapter 469: Transformation Animagus
Chapter 470: It’s more interesting to deal with Voldemort
Chapter 471: Ugly Alastor
Chapter 472 Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 473 The Unforgivable Curse
Chapter 474 Coming
Chapter 475 Cal Guy Group
Chapter 476 Goblet of Fire
Chapter 477 The first scene
Chapter 478: The man who defeated the dragon
Chapter 479 Dance
Chapter 480: Don’t do it for now
Chapter 481 Changes
Chapter 482 The crime of weakness
Chapter 483 Escape
Chapter 484 Holiday
Chapter 485 Bar
Chapter 486 Item 2
Chapter 487 Resurrection
Chapter 488 The Hunting Begins
Chapter 489 Killing
Chapter 490: Keep your word
Chapter 491 Stalker
Chapter 492 Assassin
Chapter 493: Escape whole body
Chapter 494 I like to show off
Chapter 495: It’s really cool that Big B has finished pretending
Chapter 496 Gang Powers
Chapter 497: Everlasting Life
Chapter 498 Competition
Chapter 499 Going crazy
Chapter 500 Raid
Chapter 501
Chapter 502: Massacre
Chapter 503 Dropping out of school
Chapter 504: Arrest
Chapter 505 Return
Chapter 506 Achievements
Chapter 507 Healing
Chapter 508 Recuperation
Chapter 509 Finished
Chapter 510 Kuangfu Han Room
Chapter 511: Surrender to the Army
Chapter 512 Battle with the Yellow Turban
Chapter 513: Traitor
Chapter 514: Putting an end to the chaos
Chapter 515 Youzhou
Chapter 516: Eighteen Princes
Chapter 517: Kill Hua Xiong
Chapter 518 Hulao Pass
Chapter 519 Battle with Lu Bu
Chapter 520 Falling apart
Chapter 521: Hold on to the land and wait for the right time
Chapter 522: Abandoned like a piece of shit
Chapter 523: Occupying Xihe
Chapter 524: Defeat the Huns
Chapter 525: Rescue
Chapter 526 Returning
Chapter 527 Battle against Jinyang
Chapter 528: Lost State
Chapter 529 Fighting General
Chapter 530: I like fighting
Chapter 531 Battle in Xuzhou
Chapter 532 Xuzhou Mu
Chapter 533: The Stirring Stick
Chapter 534: Ping Yanzhou
Chapter 535: This is really too cool
Chapter 536: Helping the Han Dynasty
Chapter 537: The Ancestor Who Causes Trouble
Chapter 538: Such a villain deserves death
Chapter 539: Shooting Halberd at the Gate
Chapter 540 Women
Chapter 541 Yuan Shu
Chapter 542: Po Shouchun
Chapter 543: The Emperor's Uncle was defeated
Chapter 544: Death is the only thing missing
Chapter 545: After all, it’s not Baimenlou
Chapter 546 After the War
Chapter 547 Leaving
Chapter 548: Sit back and watch the success or failure
Chapter 549: Stealing people
Chapter 550: Semi-incorporated state
Chapter 551: Zhancang Pavilion
Chapter 552 Wuhu
Chapter 553: Senior Cadres
Chapter 554 Jizhou
Chapter 555 Got it
Chapter 556: Fuck a Thief
Chapter 557 The First Battle
Chapter 558: Staged in advance
Chapter 559: Surrendering to the Army
Chapter 560 Shan Fu
Chapter 561: The first achievement of the fledgling family
Chapter 562 According to Xiangyang
Chapter 563 Chang'an
Chapter 564 Xiliang
Chapter 565: What to do
Chapter 566 Excavation
Chapter 567 Archeology
Chapter 568: Opening the Coffin 1
Chapter 569: Opening the Coffin 2
Chapter 570: Opening the Coffin (End)
Chapter 571 Screaming
Chapter 572 Mutation
Chapter 573: Deserve it
Chapter 574: Massacre
Chapter 575 Research
Chapter 576 Learning
Chapter 577 Untitled
Chapter 578 Re-entry
Chapter 579: The gang eats the gang
Chapter 580 The West
Chapter 581 Appearance
Chapter 582 Malice
Chapter 583 Shooting
Chapter 584 Disclosure
Chapter 585 Excavation
Chapter 586 Making trouble
Chapter 587: Female Devil
Chapter 588: Female Demons
Chapter 589: Killing male lust? (Revision)
Chapter 590: Resurgence
Chapter 591 The second one
Chapter 592 Les Miserables
Chapter 593 Leaving
Chapter 594 Winning over
Chapter 595 Thieves join the army
Chapter 596: Maybe it’s possible
Chapter 597 A new generation of married men
Chapter 598 On the road
Chapter 599 On the road
Chapter 600 Meeting the Immortal
Chapter 601 The boss summons
Chapter 602 The Beginning of the Blood Sacrifice
Chapter 603: Terrifying Retribution
Chapter 604: Killing the Foreign Devils
Chapter 605 Prelude to the Massacre
Chapter 606: All Killed
Chapter 607 Tavern
Chapter 608: Licking a dog will lead to a good death
Chapter 609: A beast inferior to a dog
Chapter 610: No one is rich without windfall
Chapter 611 Appearance
Chapter 612: Practice
Chapter 613: One separation and two forgiveness, everyone is happy
Chapter 614 Court
Chapter 615: Lift the table directly
Chapter 616 Changes
Chapter 617 Murder
Chapter 618 Acting wantonly
Chapter 619: Coercion in the world
Chapter 620 The Beginning of a New Order
Chapter 621 New Order
Chapter 622 Tavern
Chapter 623 Newcomers
Chapter 624 Teaching
Chapter 625: Garden Tour
Chapter 626: Accumulation of Corpse Qi
Chapter 627 Road
Chapter 628 Changes
Chapter 629 Professor
Chapter 630: Fame
Chapter 631: Demon
Chapter 632 Return to Beijing
Chapter 633 Jia Rong
Chapter 634 Tianxiang Tower?
Chapter 635: Doing things
Chapter 636: Rebellion
Chapter 637: Unruly
Chapter 638: Charge into the formation
Chapter 639 Chaos
Chapter 640: Shangluo
Chapter 641: Field Battle
Chapter 642 Breaking the Formation 1
Chapter 643 Breaking the Formation 2
Chapter 644: Who is in favor and who is against?
Chapter 645 Domineering
Chapter 646: Why did Your Majesty rebel?
Chapter 647 Night Battle
Chapter 468 Farce
Chapter 469: Sweep
Chapter 470 Dingding
Chapter 471: The Elegance of the New Dynasty (Revision)
Chapter 472: Governing the World
Chapter 473 Heading South
Chapter 474 Nanjing
Chapter 475: Conquering the South
Chapter 476: Western Expedition
Chapter 477: Western Expedition 2
Chapter 478 Battle of Lower Uralburg
Chapter 479: Western View of Beijing
Chapter 480 Changes
Chapter 481: So that’s it
Chapter 482 Thinking
Chapter 483 Finally escaped
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2 and linkage trailer
Start again, Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Huashan
Chapter 3 Time
Chapter 4 It’s hard to refuse a favor
Chapter 5 Take your time
Chapter 6 Killing at Night
Chapter 7 Sure enough, not
Chapter 7 Xian and the Reform
Chapter 9 is about to begin
Chapter 10 Changes
Chapter 11 Begin to change your destiny
Chapter 12: Figure it out
Chapter Thirteen: Delivering to the Official
Chapter 14 Regret
Chapter 15 Retribution
Chapter 16, Do you want to rebel?
Chapter 17 Seeking Death
Chapter 18 Boya Ziqi
Chapter 19 Smiling Proudly
Chapter 20 Aftermath
Chapter 21 Rushing for the exam
Chapter 22 What to do?
Chapter 23 Blocking the door
Chapter 24 Huashan
Chapter 25 Madman
Chapter 26 Broken
Chapter 27 The courage of the tiger 1
Chapter 28 The Courage of the Tiger 2
Chapter 29 The Courage of the Tiger 3
Chapter 30 The courage of the tiger 4
Chapter 31: I, the King of Heaven
Chapter 32 Ran away
Chapter 34 Preparation for conferment
Chapter 35: Assassin the King and Killing the King
Chapter 36: Pulling people in
Chapter 37 Blackwood Cliff
Chapter 38 Making friends with gangsters
Chapter 39 No one
Chapter 40 Encounter
Chapter 41 Return to Beijing
Chapter 42 Maid
Chapter 43 Yangzhou
Chapter 44 Japanese pirates
Chapter 45: Sitting in charge
Chapter 46 Investigation
Chapter 47 Meeting
Chapter 48 Take it lightly
Chapter 49: Figure it out
Chapter 50 Surprised
Chapter 51 The duo who continue to cause trouble
Chapter 52: Preparing to Send Troops
Chapter 53: Soft Persimmon
Chapter 54 Secret Purpose
Chapter 55 Blockade
Chapter 56 Beyond the Great Wall
Chapter 57: Alchemy
Chapter 58: Degrassing the Valley
Chapter 59 Promotion
Chapter 60 Almost there
Chapter 61 Daily life
Chapter 62 Taking office
Chapter 63 Daily life
Chapter 64 Power
Chapter 65 Hetao
Chapter 66: Trapped
Chapter 67 Breakthrough
Chapter 68 Success
Chapter 69 Returning
Chapter 70 Afterwards
Chapter 71 Yo
Chapter 1 A cool man
Chapter 2 Bastard
Chapter 3 Let’s continue like that
Chapter 4 The Future of Waves
Chapter 5 The source of wealth of Lang
Chapter 6 Langli Grand
Chapter 7 The End of the World
Chapter 8 Lang Zhi makes trouble
Chapter 9 Lang’s Stubbornness
Chapter 10 Breaking the pot
Chapter 11 Nothing to do
Chapter 12 Lang’s Performing Arts 1
Chapter 13 Messing around
Chapter 14: Nonsense
Chapter 15 The shit stirrer
Chapter 16 Ambition
Chapter 19 The night before trouble
Chapter 20 Different ways
Chapter 21: Fake cave house
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23 Appearance
Chapter 25 Login
Chapter 26 Immortal
Chapter 765
Chapter 766
Chapter 767 That Man
Chapter 768
Chapter 769
Chapter 770 Selfish
Chapter 771
Chapter 772
Chapter 773
Chapter 774 Such little thieves
Chapter 775 Banker
Chapter 776 Gun and Stick Coach
Chapter 777 Peaceful Matters
Chapter 778 Fame
Chapter 779 Falling Grass
Chapter 780: Robbery of the Emperor
Chapter 781 A dozen Shi Yi
Chapter 782 Chaijiazhuang
Chapter 783 Da Song Black Shop
Chapter 784 Demon Star?
Chapter 785 Jiangnan
Chapter 786 Two Beats of History
Chapter 787 Jiangzhou
Chapter 788 White Dragon Temple
Chapter 789 Living Sin
Chapter 790 A dozen
Chapter 791 Zhu Family
Chapter 792 Qingzhou
Chapter 793 Taking someone
Chapter 794 Mighty
Chapter 795 Counterattack
Chapter 796 Acting for Heaven
Chapter 797 Counterattack
Chapter 798 Plot
Chapter 799 Leibu
Chapter 800 Kill first
Chapter 801
Chapter 802
Chapter 803
Chapter 804 Two-way attack
Chapter 805
Chapter 806
Chapter 807 Recruitment
Chapter 808 Striker
Chapter 809 Beheading
Chapter 810 Indomitable
Chapter 811 Capture
Chapter 812 Array Slash
Chapter 813 Capture
Chapter 814 Qian Qi Juan Ping Gang
Chapter 815
Chapter 816
Chapter 817
Chapter 818
Chapter 819
Chapter 820
Chapter 821
Chapter 822
Chapter 823
Chapter 824
Chapter 825
Chapter 826
Chapter 827
Chapter 828
Chapter 829
Chapter 830
Chapter 831
Chapter 832
Chapter 833
Chapter 834
Chapter 835
Chapter 836
Chapter 837
Chapter 838
Chapter 839
Chapter 840
Chapter 841
Chapter 842
Chapter 843
Chapter 844
Chapter 845
Chapter 846
Chapter 847
Chapter 848
Chapter 849
Chapter 850
Chapter 851
Chapter 852
Chapter 853
Chapter 854
Chapter 855
Chapter 856
Chapter 857
Chapter 858
Chapter 859
Chapter 860
Chapter 861
Chapter 862
Chapter 863
Chapter 864
Chapter 865
Chapter 866
Chapter 867
Chapter 868
Chapter 869
Chapter 870
Chapter 871
Chapter 872
Chapter 873
Chapter 874
Chapter 875
Chapter 876
Chapter 877
Chapter 878
Chapter 879
Chapter 880
Chapter 881
Chapter 882
Chapter 883
Chapter 884
Chapter 885
Chapter 886
Chapter 887
Chapter 888
Chapter 889
Chapter 890
Chapter 891
Chapter 892
Chapter 893
Chapter 894
Chapter 895
Chapter 896
Chapter 897
Chapter 898
Chapter 899
Chapter 900
Chapter 901
Chapter 902
Chapter 903
Chapter 904
Chapter 905
Chapter 906
Chapter 907
Chapter 908
Chapter 909
Chapter 910
Chapter 911
Chapter 912
Chapter 913
Chapter 914
Chapter 915
Chapter 916
Chapter 917 The Beginning
Chapter 918
Chapter 919
Chapter 920
Chapter 921
Chapter 922
Chapter 923
Chapter 924
Chapter 925
Chapter 926
Chapter 927
Chapter 928
Chapter 929
Chapter 930
Chapter 931
Chapter 932
Chapter 933
Chapter 934
Chapter 935
Chapter 936
Chapter 937
Chapter 938
Chapter 939
Chapter 940
Chapter 941
Chapter 942
Chapter 943
Chapter 944
Chapter 945
Chapter 946
Chapter 947
Chapter 948
Chapter 949
Chapter 950
Chapter 951
Chapter 952
Chapter 953
Chapter 954
Chapter 955
Chapter 956
Chapter 957
Chapter 958
Chapter 959
Chapter 960
Chapter 961
Chapter 962
Chapter 963
Chapter 964
Chapter 965
Chapter 966
Chapter 967
Chapter 968
Chapter 969
Chapter 970