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Chapter 542: Po Shouchun

 Everyone went outside the camp to watch Bai Lang and Sun Ce compete in martial arts. It was impossible for both sides not to use weapons. If the fight was in vain, Sun Ce would just admit defeat. But the competition on the ground was between Sun Ce holding a wooden sword and Bai Lang holding a short stick. They couldn't fight.

Sun Ce's wooden sword was shot down after three rounds, and if Ma Zhan used a long pole weapon to hit it, Sun Ce's arms would be too weak to fight after more than ten rounds. Bailang's martial arts on foot combat is indeed the best in the world, and horse war is now only

Only slightly inferior to Lu Bu.

No one else participated in the competition. Bailang knew that Sun Ce's strength would definitely improve a lot after this defeat. Experience points are not gained only by winning. Sometimes, the experience points gained by losing are quite a bit. "There is a future."

You just have to die early, otherwise your martial arts skills will definitely not be inferior to Zhang Fei, maybe second only to Guan Yu." Bai Lang thought, but saving Sun Ce? Impossible, in his opinion, the Sun family is also a rebellious minister, just a little bit away from a thief.

Moreover, Sun Ce was aggressive and aggressive, and was stabbed by an assassin. No one knew how he would die unless he kept protecting him. Bailang had nothing to do with Sun Jian, so he naturally treated his son like that.

Although Cao Cao massacred the city, which made Bai Lang dislike him and gave up the idea of ​​joining him, this person was very compatible with Bai Lang when they were dating. Even if they were like each other, they were both good wives, so Bai Lang was willing to extend his hand in personal relationships.

Liu Xuande is also far cuter than Sun Jian and his ilk. Of course, the emperor's uncle is not yet. This Liu Xuande at least treats others with sincerity. If Bailang finally decides which prince to go to for dinner, he will still choose Liu Xuande.

The princes gathered together and began to attack Shouchun City the next day. "Someone will be the first to get there!" Bai Lang shouted. As the strongest person in foot combat, he was lighter than Dian Wei and would be faster if he climbed the ladder. Dian Wei was the same.

After a while, Cao Cao said, "I would like to follow Mr. Bai!" Cao Cao made his plans, and each went to build siege equipment. What Bailang built here was a four-wheeled ladder that could be pushed. There was a sloping wooden top at the pushing place to prevent arrows.

Arrows and rolling stones injured the soldiers inside.

Once under the city wall, the soldiers inside can shake the wooden wheel to extend the ladder. The iron hook at the front will hook the city wall and Bailang will climb up the ladder from the corridor to climb the city. "This thing is not easy to handle. If

If there is a pothole or something on the ground, it will be over, and this moat..." Bai Lang looked at Shouchun's moat and said, "Should we change it first and build a pontoon bridge?"

The moat needs to be filled in. Cao Cao prepared a pushable archery tower to suppress the archers at the top of the city. Below, he used earthen carts to transport bamboo cages stuffed with stones to fill the river. There were bed crossbows on the defensive side of the city.

You can also shoot the archers on the well railing from a distance. Bailang himself climbed up a well railing, with a strong bow in his hand and an arrow at his side. He was preparing to use the general's strong shot to suppress the soldiers on the wall. "Lu Bu is the best

He is good at shooting, but this person didn't come."

With the power of the general's explosive energy, he can draw a strong bow that is no less powerful than a crossbow, and can shoot powerful long arrows stably. "With the strength of a certain family, even though he can stably shoot two rounds a minute,

I won't be tired or hurt my hand for a whole day, but the bow will definitely be useless like this. This bow is not cheap. It hurts to think about using up a bow in a day." Bailang opened the bow to suppress the crossbow, while the archer suppressed the archer, below

Just try your best to fill the river.

After half a month, the food and grass will be exhausted, but the moat has been filled with a few passages. Bailang pushes the ladder and kills Shouchun City first. Bailang has attracted the attention of almost all the enemy troops in order to get there first. It is impossible not to pay attention. Once Bailang is let

Standing at the top of the city, his bravery would surely be able to clear out the defenders on the entire wall. Bailang burst into flames and fought his way up the city wall against the falling rocks and boiling oil. "It's a blessing that I have a big shield, otherwise I would be afraid today."

I want to become a white tiger on fire."

Although Bailang has practiced the Golden Bell Shield of Thirteen Taibao and has become invulnerable to water and fire, he is still strong in this life, and the hot oil poured down will still burn him. After Bailang climbed into the city, he killed dozens of people with his long spear, even if the opponent was also explosive.

The soldiers were still fighting one by one, and behind him Dian Wei came forward. After a loud shout, he wielded his double iron halberd and struck the head with his head. Then soldiers continued to climb up the city, and then the city was considered broken.

"You are really brave and unparalleled. You can climb the city with one drum." Everyone, led by Cao Cao, watched Bailang climb the city and destroy it, and they all said in admiration. Shouchun City was destroyed, Li Feng, Chen Ji, Lejiu, and Liang Gang were all captured alive. Cao Cao

They ordered them all to be executed in the city. They burned the forged palaces and palaces, which should be illegal, and looted everything in the city of Shouchun. They discussed the idea of ​​marching across the Huaihe River to chase Yuan Shu. However, the army was short of food, so this aggressive move could not be carried out.

Maybe everyone should go back and wait for the food and grass to be gathered first. "Let the road survive for another year." Bai Lang said, Cao Cao didn't say it because he and Yuan Shu were still young at that time.

Cao Cao was really embarrassed to say that we will go and kill Yuan Shu next year. Civilized people cannot say that. Before leaving, Xuande still stationed troops in Xiaopei and became brothers with Lu Bu. They helped each other and never invaded again. Lu Bu led the troops.

After returning to Xuzhou, Cao Mi said to Xuande: "I ordered you to garrison Xiaopei. This is a plan to dig a hole to wait for the tiger. Please discuss with Chen Gui and his son to avoid any mistakes. I will serve as my foreign aid."

Then Cao Cao looked at Bai Lang with a smile and said, "Why don't Yuzhu come back with me? How about the post general? The former general is fine too." Bai Lang laughed and said, "Come back if I have the chance. Anyway, I will definitely come soon." His words

Cao Cao also understood, laughed and left.

"Oh, those two horse thieves were beheaded? It's a pity that they didn't die in my hands." On his way back, Bai Lang heard the news that Li Jue and Guo Fan had their heads chopped off by their subordinates and were sent to Xudu, causing chaos in the world.

The Xiliang warlords are finally almost dead. However, there is another group of Xiliang warlords who are not Dong Zhuo's faction...

Yuan Shao took Bingzhou and finally took action against Gongsun Zan, completely destroying Gongsun Zan. Lu Bu seemed to be unable to hold on anymore and began to attack Cao Cao and Liu Bei. Only Bailang had nothing to do in the past few months, mainly in Qiao County.

A waste of life. What he did was similar to that of Ling Emperor. He mainly played with the Zou family. Fortunately, his martial arts skills did not fall behind. Hearing that Lu Bu used force, Bai Lang laughed loudly and said, "It's time." He ordered his troops and horses and went.

Invest in Liu Xuande.

This should be the last battle with Lu Bu, and Lu Bu has almost come to an end. "If this man doesn't stay well and insists on using force, he will destroy himself." Bai Lang thought that it would be a good idea to give Lu Bu a ride. If he could

Killing Lu Bu in a duel can be regarded as giving the general a decent death. It would be much more honorable than begging for mercy in the Baimen Tower and then being hanged and beheaded. The general should have died on the battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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