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Chapter 569: Opening the Coffin 2

Bai Lang's coffin was placed in a nitrogen-filled closed laboratory waiting to be opened. Now researchers and archaeologists must quickly deal with the cultural relics unearthed after the two ladies' coffins were opened. As for the bones of these two ladies, most of them will also pass through.

After the autopsy, they should be closed and buried again - this is basically how ancient human bones are disposed of after they are discovered, and they are rarely displayed as they were in the past.

Not many bones of ancient people have been found in the Eastern Han Dynasty or even before. Most of them have been corrupted and decayed. In many cases, the skeletons are incomplete, with at most a few large bones left. Especially the tombs of rich people or officials excavated,

Most of them have been stolen, and most of the bones inside are gone.

Mawangdui is a miracle, and the relatively complete skeletons of the Qin and Han Dynasties are mostly those of ordinary civilians, and very few are of princes and nobles. Archeology has also found that the Han civilians during the Qin and Han Dynasties were quite tall, which was absolutely impossible in the world at that time.

He is the first class, and his body can be proved to be quite strong.

The Cao Xiu tomb discovered before the Bailang Tomb is very close and of the same age. Although there are not many bones left of the Cao Xiu unearthed at that time, it can be estimated that this guy is over 1.7 meters tall and has a very strong physique - it is a pity

However, Cao Xiu's weapons were not unearthed.

The actual combat weapons unearthed from Bailang Tomb can be said to be the only ones so far. Apart from the three mainland countries, Japan is the most enthusiastic about this archeology in the world. Their NHK even offered to pay part of the archaeological expenses.

If you want to make a documentary - that's no problem, just let them film it.

The story of the Three Kingdoms has always been a popular story theme in Japan. Especially what was discovered this time was the unrobbed tomb of the most powerful general of the Three Kingdoms. The most important thing is that there are two famous beauties. Little Japan's heart is pounding.

Jump. The pants-removing demon Ansha also sent members and invited experts to sneak into the excavation site with NHK...

The top two generals in all the Three Kingdoms games are fixed - the first is Bailang and the second is Lu Bu. Bailang's strength is one hundred and Lu Bu is ninety-nine, and the third one will rotate between Guan and Zhang, but

Neither of them has more than ninety-five martial arts. But the number one military commander has always been Guan Yu - whoever puts him in charge has pretty good intelligence.

Lu Bu's command is in the 80s or 90s, but his intelligence is the same as Zhang Fei's, but his internal affairs and charm are not as good as Zhang Fei's. Apart from force, Bailang only has charm which is pretty good, and his command is the lowest in the game...

Who told his joke to be officially recorded?

Therefore, in the game, this person cannot lead many soldiers, nor can he be a good governor or anything like that. He has no intelligence at all in internal affairs and can only serve as a terrifying assaulter on the battlefield. However, this person shines brightly in the Wushuang game and belongs to the

A BUG-level character. More than ten years ago, CCTV also produced the major work Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I don’t know why, whether it was a Japanese boy or a mainland Chinese actor, Bai Lang was described/drawn as a

A heroic young man.

Maybe it's because the Romance of the Three Kingdoms said that he had a heroic appearance? But the official history also clearly mentions that his beard was like an iron wire and his eyebrows were raised like a tiger's.

But in the TV series, he is a handsome military commander. Fortunately, he looks at least older than Zhao Yun of the same type.

After cleaning the coffins of the two ladies, it was now the turn to open Bailang's coffin. The laboratory had also been cleaned - because the coffin was so large, the place had to be rearranged. There was a dense crowd of people crammed in half the room.

The glass-enclosed outside of the sunken laboratory, or in the room staring at the live broadcast screen, waiting with bated breath for the scene of the coffin being opened.

The first layer of stone outer coffin, the thick stone slabs weighed at least a ton and a half. A small crane grabbed the four corners and the center point and began to lift it up. After being lifted up, it was immediately moved to the side and placed on a suspended shelf.

Someone quickly went up to check. The second floor was also a wooden coffin, but the wood used was very strange. There were wood grains but it looked like gold and iron when struck. "Gloomy wood..." All the experts present recognized it.

This is a wooden coffin made of hollow carved wood. There is no doubt that if the tombs of Emperor Zhaolie and the villagers are also excavated, they will definitely not be as luxurious as the guy in front of him.

The space between the stone coffin and the wooden coffin was also filled with burial objects, which seemed to be more gold, silver, copper coins, and porcelain and pottery. The cleanup staff cleared out a complete set of glazed figurines, typical of Eastern Han Dynasty drum and dance music figurines.

"Hey?!" the archaeologist in charge of the cleanup exclaimed. He was holding a shiny glazed pot in his hand - this thing must have come from the Western Regions.

Next, someone cleared out gold coins, which were obviously gold coins from a foreign land - one side had Latin characters and the other side had a profile. It looked like a Roman gold coin, but it was not clear who it belonged to. This was considered an East-West combination.

One of the proofs of the exchange is that everyone is very excited.

The person responsible for inspecting the coffin cover also made a sound, "There are impact marks on the inside." The staff cleaning the stone coffin also shouted, "There are impact marks on the front side of the wooden coffin cover!" He took a photo and archived it. "Hey?!

Was there any bumps during transportation? Impossible! If the gap between the outer and inner coffins vibrates... and with this weight, it is unlikely that it will really bump and vibrate." Everyone is here.

Said, of course, it is also possible that it was hit when it was installed - after further inspection, this mark was found to be not new.

The wooden coffin was also opened, revealing the wooden coffin inside and the second layer of burial objects. Most of the burial objects on this second layer were clothes. Time has made these clothes stick together, and from the first layer, Bailang's coffin lid

Unlike the two ladies, the fabrics that were supposed to cover it had all slipped to the side. The cleaning of the inner coffin also lasted for a while. There were clothes, many bone products, pottery figurines, and

Many jade articles and plaques.

The coffin was also made of nanmu, and no one thought anything unusual about this. However, there were impact marks on the inside of the cover of the dark wooden coffin on the second floor. There were also marks on the cover of the nanmu coffin, and the cover was even damaged.

Damage to the upper part of the paint and carvings.

Everyone was very nervous and almost stopped breathing as they watched the staff below wearing protective clothing dragging air pipes carefully and carefully hanging the crane hooks and suction cups on the coffin lid, and also tested the firmness one by one.

, from time to time someone makes a loud inhaling sound due to excessive breathing.

The iron chains of the crane were tightened little by little, and the coffin lid was gradually removed and hoisted. In less than a minute at most, everyone could see the "appearance" of the most powerful general of the Three Kingdoms in the late Han Dynasty.

This chapter has been completed!
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