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Chapter 48 Preview

 Li Ze covered his face helplessly, "Okay, okay, now all the mixed races around the world know that I have a girlfriend named Lu Lu."

"We shouldn't be boyfriend and girlfriend yet. I always feel like you guys are like the kind of guys who agree to meet again in three years, and then actually go to a restaurant to have a drink and dinner three years later. What do you call that... okay?

Friend? Bestie?"

"Whatever you think." Li Ze scratched his head, "I have a question that I don't quite understand. Large-scale activities of Original Sin are very rare in history, right? Although I have never seen Original Sin, Hart and I

Having said that, in recent years, particle concentration activities around the world have increased compared to before. When I first entered school, I was dragged to participate in various tasks without even covering the bed, and all of them were monsters that had not been recorded in the academy. This

What happened in a few years? Is the end of the world coming?"

"You have to go to England on your own."

"Because I want to save my sister...sister!"

"Okay, okay, she will be very moved." Loeb hugged Li Ze comfortingly, "Do you know Genesis?"

"That fresco created by Michelangelo?"

"Now it is hidden in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, with a floor area of ​​480 square meters. Every day, devout believers and tourists come to visit. "Genesis" consists of "God created the world" and "the fall of the world."

"Undeserved Sacrifice" consists of three parts. Each scene surrounds a huge, seated young man in various forms. On both sides of the mural are vivid witches, prophets and slaves. Among them, "The Creation of Adam" is circulated

All over the world, the opening animation of Nokia candy bar is said to be inspired by this." Loeb said.

"What does this have to do with original sin...?"

"Don't get excited, keep listening." Loeb smiled, "Religious cultures all over the world have some epic stories that are incomprehensible. Among them, the most difficult thing for the world to find out is that there are such stories in the global culture.

God created the world. God felt lonely and lonely and created human beings. God felt that human beings had too many sins and caused a global flood. Taking the Kingdom of China as an example, Nuwa created humans, Pangu created the world, and Dayu controlled the floods. In "Genesis",

It was God who created the world, created Adam and Eve, and sent heavy rain on the world to cause floods. In Nordic mythology, the gods used Ymir's body to arrange the earth and the sky, took ash branches to create men, and used elm branches to create women. The gods

Snow kept falling at dusk, severe frost froze the ground, biting cold wind howled in the dark sky, violent storms, and days without sunshine continued."

"The whole world coexists in one historical culture?" Li Ze was surprised, "Original sin and virtue?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter what you said. If believers all over the world are to believe that this world is ruled by original sin and virtue, that is, the legend of demons and angels, it will probably cause a religious dispute.

.We don’t know if this is the answer. If we want to delve deeper, we can ask about original sin or virtue, and then the truth will be revealed.”

"Wait, wait, wait, according to you, original sin and virtue can be captured? How? Seduction? Or get a pile of gold from the Federal Reserve, put it in front of 'greed', and politely ask him to think about it for us.

The answer you want?" Li Ze swallowed, "Or do you think you have succeeded?"

"We did make it," Loeb said, "but we couldn't wake her up. Do you know what it's like to have a key in your hand and just not be able to find the keyhole? It's like I could find a pile of high-purity uranium ore.

, but I just don’t know how to build an atomic bomb.”

Li Ze stared into his eyes: "That's why you were able to create Dawn, because you caught an archangel who couldn't wake up, so you could unscrupulously extract blood that was impossible to obtain."

"It's underground, under Fountain College." Loeb took a deep breath, "Some guy found it on a small island, but we couldn't wake it up, so we don't know about it either.

What's your name? Which of the seven virtues is it?"

"Holy crap, I'm actually staying with such a dangerous guy."

"Danger? Is the Archangel dangerous?"

Li Ze was stunned, "No, that...just the thought of someone who is similar to the original sin and not in the same camp as us hiding among us, it feels like playing Werewolf, which makes people a little scared."
"You are right to say that. Just like the Three Kingdoms, I always thought that Shu and Wu would always be in alliance. It was not until Guan Yu defeated Maicheng that I realized that there is no absolute alliance. Once there is a threat to each other, the so-called

The alliance will collapse in an instant."

"So you still want to hide it?"

"But it will do the same thing if you give it to others. The research value of archangels is extraordinary. If you put it in the hands of an old gangster, it is estimated that every hair on your body will be scraped off for research." Loeb shrugged, "Why is it a mixed race?

All species covet 'Dawn'? Because we have archangels in our hands, but they don't."

"I feel like we're in danger."

"How to say?"

"You think, many people know about Dawn, but they don't know that the material about Dawn comes from an archangel. If the news leaks out, shouldn't they be attacked to death with saturation?"

"They must dare!"

"So confident?"

"The school board is no joke. It's like bullying a little Japan, but you have to look at the United States behind it! Besides, the college is not a little Japan. If you want to use a metaphor, the Pentagon is more suitable."

"Oh my god! It's so scary... Then, dear Vice Principal, can you just take out the red button in the White House?" Li Ze smiled playfully.

"Can't take it out."

"That's okay."

Loeb was silent for a while, then raised his head and looked at Li Ze, "Back to the original topic. This is just my guess, but it is very close. The activities of original sin have begun to become fierce. It should be that the world's belief in original sin has increased, leading to strength.

Overflow, there will be so many particle concentration reactions around the world."

"After talking for a long time, it's still a human problem." Li Ze muttered. He had heard similar words from Chamier, and he had vaguely guessed it before.

"The first is climate warming and the massive release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which is caused by human abuse of fossil fuels. The second is war, large-scale wars, which have been almost constant since the beginning of written records, especially those under thermal weapon warfare.

War World War II. The third is human nature, the richness of material life, the popularization of Internet technology, and the unprecedented outbreak of the Seven Deadly Sins. Although these existed before the first industrial revolution, in general, the crimes of the Seven Deadly Sins are vividly displayed in modern people.

." Loeb said frankly, "Maybe the days to come will be more difficult."

This chapter has been completed!
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