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Chapter 98 Attack of the Rat Team

 Li Ze jumped down and followed closely behind the team on the rails.

The tense atmosphere rose to a new level because of the cold wind whistling through the tunnel. In order to maintain air circulation and prevent accidents, underground tunnels will reserve exhaust outlets connected to the ground, which are not only used for ventilation, but also for emergencies.

An escape exit was prepared before the incident occurred. But at this time, the tunnel seemed to be in a vent, and screams like monsters kept passing through my ears.

"Is it cold?" Cyril asked.

Huck braced himself: "Did the previous earthquake collapse the tunnel?"

Cyril shook his head: "Entering the subway tunnel has been coordinated by many parties. If something like that happens, it won't be us here, but the maintenance staff and police."

Li Ze secretly sighed: Cyril and Huck's mental environment is several times stronger than others. If they were ordinary people, then Cyril and Huck would be Super Saiyans, that kind of turtle-style Qigong

A super monkey that can destroy Frieza. But he didn't want to say that he was afraid. Maybe with such a team, his original mental state would also evolve, turning him into a person who is about to fall but has a firm grasp on the roots.

Straw to live in.

Although Li Ze had lumps all over his body, he looked at the team in front and knew that no matter what happened, he would follow.

The further you go in, the more you can smell the smell of decay.

With the help of the fire man's light, Cyril squatted down and wiped the rails under his feet with his hands: "We seem to have entered a certain field."

"Field?" Li Ze stepped forward, turned on the flashlight and illuminated the rails until they turned white, "Boss, what is a field?"

"You can understand it as the monster's residence, or you can understand it as the meaning of the pet dog peeing on various things every day. Monsters also have this habit, especially monsters with IQs, who have a stronger sense of territory and generally enter the territory

, which means we have entered the territory of monsters." Huck asked, "You must be a preppy student, right?"

Li Ze nodded without answering. His eyes followed Cyril's hand and scanned the rails.

The rail on the left side of Cyril's left foot is shiny with oil. Due to the movement of the train, the surface in contact with the train is glowing with a cold white color. But the rail on the right side of Cyril's left foot has begun to rust, with red rust.

Densely like little red spiders climbing on it, chewing holes one after another.

Normally used rails should not be severely corroded, especially rails in underground tunnels. Compared with surface high-speed rail trains, which need to withstand wind and sun, the environment of underground tunnels is more like the safe of a refrigerator. Steel in underground tunnels

It shouldn't be corroded so badly.

"It will be taught in the "Crisis Survival" course in the freshman year. Then you will know why hybrids are extremely afraid of things like the field." Huck unlocked the safety on the gun, and he was already in a state of preparation for battle.<


Li Ze curiously stretched out his hand and touched Hong Xi. A burning sensation made Li Ze instantly withdraw his hand. After looking carefully, Li Ze suddenly collapsed on the ground in fear, kicking his legs as if he saw a ghost.


Cyril grabbed Li Ze's shoulders in surprise and shook him violently before he calmed down: "Third brother, what's wrong? What did you see?"

"That rust has...life..."

Cyril immediately became alert and pulled Li Ze back two steps. Huck became nervous and used the light to imitate Li Ze touching the rust, but nothing happened.

"What did you see?" Veins popped up on Huck's forehead, and he thought of bad things for Li Ze, who was still in confusion.

Li Ze took a deep breath, calmed down and said slowly: "I saw the rust turned into red spiders... As soon as I pinched them, they became smaller and more numerous, and then... they bitten through

My gloves, the whole gloves also started to corrode..."

"Illusion?" Huck wiped a handful of rust on Li Ze's hand.

Cyril saw that Li Ze did not react this time: "Could it be a warning?"

"If it's a warning, then we should all be able to see it." Huck rubbed his clean-shaven chin, "What is his revelation?"

Cyril frowned. He couldn't tell what Li Ze's revelation was. He had investigated Li Ze, but except for his growth history and relationship history from childhood to adulthood, there was no other data in Li Ze's file. He only knew that Li Ze

Ze's bloodline is F, but he has the president's scholarship, vice-president's scholarship, professor's scholarship and underground laboratory permissions advanced by the college.

These scholarships show that Li Ze is extremely outstanding, so outstanding that all teachers in the school have the highest expectations for him. However, his pedigree is F, which is the lowest admission pedigree in the history of the college.

Seeing that Cyril and Li Ze didn't want to answer, Huck wisely closed his mouth.

Since a preparatory student without any training can be allowed to perform tasks, it means that he has first-class strength.

But what he didn't know was that this mission was not reviewed by the Executive Department, but was dispatched directly by the Vice Principal, bypassing the Executive Department.

"Boss, what's the hallucination?" Li Ze came to his senses, but at the same time he secretly complained in his heart. Cyril touched it, Huck also touched it, and something happened to him. If someone else is fine and something happens to him again, he will run away.

I can’t make the trip.

"It's just an illusion, but there are two revelations related to illusions in the serial number. There are also related revelations outside the serial number. I don't know which one it is. If it was in the serial number, you would have died of myocardial infarction and left us." Cyril said.


"What now?"

"Just keep walking, what else can I do?"

They continued to move along the rails, and the fire man illuminated the increasingly dark tunnel. This tunnel adopts a modern architectural structure, which is different from the abandoned subway tunnel. Its structural strength should be able to withstand an 8-magnitude earthquake based on the design principle.

Water leakage problems are even less likely to exist.

But water suddenly appeared on both sides of the tunnel, and droplets of water seeped out from the semicircular dome above the head, splashing on the center of the steel rail, forming water splashes that wet everyone's trousers.

Some kind of aquatic plant hangs from the top, like kelp. The huge leaves hit the face, as if cold ghost hands are touching the skin, causing goosebumps all over the body.

It's like walking into a sewer.

But this is obviously an underground tunnel, and the rails are still underfoot.

There was something with eight legs crawling vaguely in the corner. Under the sudden light, it was so frightened that it climbed up the wall, familiar with the road.

"Tarantula." Cyril raised his eyebrows, "And mice."

"They seem to be living quite well here." Li Ze tried to relieve his nervousness by talking nonsense, but the effect was counterproductive. The length of those mice was more than a foot. He had never seen such big mice before.
Suddenly I understand what a field is.

Li Ze's legs were numb. In this weird atmosphere, he wouldn't be surprised if any strange creatures appeared again, but it was so quiet and peaceful, like entering the entrance of a peach blossom garden, and he didn't want to guess what was inside.

He no longer wanted to stay any longer, so he took the lead and took a few steps forward, always ready to "run away as the best strategy"!

This chapter has been completed!
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