Turn off the lights
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Chapter 99: Signal lights appearing in subway tunnels

 After walking for almost forty minutes, the time has now reached 12:40 in the morning.

The "forest cluster" had disappeared, and they returned to the tunnel again, but the rumble of the subway happened to come from above.

Through his clothes, Li Ze could clearly hear the beating of his heart, which was crisp, loud, and getting faster and faster... There was a cold and stiff finger pinching his collarbone tightly, and the severe pain made him unable to move at all.

He moved. He wanted to open his mouth to call for help, but the hands grabbed his throat and used force to prevent him from making a sound.

"How is this possible?" Cyril shouted.

"It's 12:42 in the morning. This is too abnormal." Huck put the phone back in his pocket.

Of course Li Ze knows what abnormality they are talking about!



The subway tunnel is a single channel and a single layer. There can never be a subway tunnel above the head, and there are subway operations inside, and it has already passed the operating hours. Transportation in most cities has clear time limits.

Putting aside taxis, it is basically from 6:30 in the morning to 11:30 in the evening. It is rare for a city's buses and subways to operate all night long.

But the clear sound keeps pouring into the cochlea, which is really strange.

"Third brother, Huck, did you pay attention when you came in? Although the entire tunnel is no longer dark with the light support of my companions, it is not like a tunnel at all, but more like a necessary passage leading to a certain place.

Road." Cyril suddenly looked back, "I always feel that this area is a bit strange, as if... something has been following us."

If it weren't for the highly tense cerebral cortex that caused him pain all over his body, he would have fainted on the spot.

Li Ze swallowed, and his stomach made an unsatisfactory sound at this moment.

He didn't know if this was a normal reaction for people to encounter terrorist incidents. He only had the same feeling as Cyril. There was no wind, but it seemed as if he was being blown through his body by a gust of wind. When he walked, he always felt that there was always "someone" behind him.

"I followed and looked back several times, but found nothing.

Just in case, he secretly took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the empty number, but got no reply, which made him even more nervous.

But Cyril also feels this way, which means there is a real problem!

Who could it be? Or rather, what could it be!

Cyril ordered the whole team to open the safety, which was to prevent a fire from happening before. Now they had to prepare for a fire and take it seriously.

"If this scene is put on a TV screen, I can award it the best science fiction movie of 2023." Huck aimed the RPG at the dome and one behind him. They formed a circle, and ten people could cover 360

Ten degrees of firepower range, but Huck still felt it was not enough.

The hot man finally said: "I feel more like a horror movie."

"Are zombie movies considered horror movies?"

"The final battle must be sword and magic, so it must be a fantasy film." Cyril said, "Who can help me bring out Gandalf from "The Hobbit"?"

Suddenly, the phone vibrated. Li Ze secretly took out the phone from his trouser pocket and glanced down - "Brother, the sounds you hear now are auditory hallucinations, and the sights you see are hallucinations. You have only gone one-tenth of the way."


Li Ze took a breath and cleared his throat: "Boss, do you think it's an auditory hallucination?"

"Audio hallucination?"

"It might be auditory hallucinations, or it might be the carrier of sounds." Li Ze made up a lie. He couldn't tell all of Chamille's words word for word. "There seem to be trees in the world that can record sounds. As long as they arrive,

At a specific time and environment, the sound recorded a long time ago will be played."

"Oh, I think I've heard of it." Cyril raised his gun and fired a shot above his head.

The ear-splitting sound spread out like a shock wave, similar to a sealed tunnel. In an instant, "the lingering sound lingered for three days." After the gunfire, the sound of the subway disappeared. So everyone was still immersed in surprise, and Cyril ordered the team to continue quickly.

.Can't delay for a moment... This is a marching order. It's like they are in a war. They are a team driving tanks. If they are slack for a moment, the order from the headquarters will be ignored.

If the enemy cracks it, they will be attacked earlier.

Just as he was about to continue walking forward, Cyril suddenly stopped and looked straight ahead: "Wait, look ahead...what is that?"

Li Ze followed his gaze and saw that the empty tunnel was brightly lit because of the fire man, but a few light mist appeared in the tunnel like a ghost.

The first thing was a light mist, which filled the ground of the gloomy tunnel. Suddenly a cold wind blew through the tunnel, and the fog became thick in an instant, as if the cold air brought a new team, so heavy that it almost crushed the entire ground, faintly

Strange moaning sounds can also be heard.

A kind of cold pressure pressed from his feet to his brain, like a sharp thorn that penetrated his whole body. It seemed that his alveoli could not bear it, and his chest was so heavy that he could not breathe.

The fog became thicker and thicker, and Li Ze could only see the backs of the entire team. The moaning became louder and louder, as if there were countless people crying inside, and like countless people roaring inside, they were completely trapped in the fog.
Li Ze thought of a novel he had read. That novel was about a murder case in foggy London, a crime committed by Jack the Ripper, the most famous murderer in history. And the fog described in it was

There is a ghostly mist formed by the resentment of thousands of people who died unexpectedly.

I shivered. There is a superstition in the National University not to go out before and after twelve o'clock at night. There is no scientific explanation. But at this time, thinking about it like this, a chill ran directly up my spine.

Suddenly, the fog cleared!

It was still a tunnel, but there was a crossroads in the tunnel... They entered the crossroads! How is this possible? Everyone suppressed the shock in their hearts, but the expressions on their faces were indifferent.

Four signal lights were erected at the intersection, and their height was the same as that of normal signal lights. But everyone noticed the difference. The top of the tunnel was ruthlessly raised.

Damn it!

This is a signal light used by ground cars, and even the red numbers are counting down on it.

As soon as Li Ze saw the traffic light, he would feel inexplicable fear.

"How is this possible?" Cyril shouted.

All the people flew back, and the collision of muscles with muscles made Li Ze feel that his body bones were broken. Li Ze understood one thing. Although they have experienced so many "wars", they are still "human beings" and are still

Maintaining their own emotions and will, they will also be afraid when facing such strange things.

"Does the subway need signal lights?" Cyril asked.

"It's not a train, nor a high-speed rail. The signal lights you need to see in the subway are not during the journey, but at the starting and ending points." Huck released the revelation, but did not notice any danger, "This is obviously the middle of the subway, but I have never

I’ve seen crisscrossing subway tunnels.”

"I finally understand what you said now." Cyril whispered.

"What?" Huck asked.

"Before taking action, you should go to worship and pray."

This chapter has been completed!
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