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Chapter 482 Fish in the net

Liu Zhenshan, who was on the other side, had just entered the bookstore with one of his men disguised as a book buyer. He vaguely heard the sound of gunshots coming from the direction where Zheng Junshan was going, and he felt bad in his heart.

Liu Zhenshan didn't have time to wait for other team members to arrive, so he could only lead one of his subordinates and quietly went upstairs. When the team members who were not yet in place saw the accident, they all hid on the spot to avoid being discovered by the other party and turning into a force attack.

On the second floor of the shop, there was the shop owner and Li Guangquan. The shop owner was wearing headphones and tinkering in front of a radio station, while Li Guangquan was on guard behind the window. He also heard the gunfire.

Thinking that the two people who had just entered the store had not heard any sound yet, Li Guangquan realized that something was wrong, took out his gun, walked quickly to the store owner, and took off the other party's headphones.

"If there is any situation, withdraw immediately..." After finishing speaking, Li Guangquan grabbed the note and was about to tear it up, but he heard tiny footsteps going upstairs. Knowing that he had no time to process it, Li Guangquan crumpled it into a ball and threw it into his mouth.

The shopkeeper, who had his earphones taken off, did not leave his seat and was still tapping the keys quickly to send information.

Li Guangquan didn't have time to persuade him, so he grabbed the shopkeeper, took out the grenade and threw it at the radio, then immediately ran to the window on the side.

"Bang..." The window was knocked open. Because the bookstore building was higher than the one next to it, Li Guangquan jumped directly to the roof next to it, using his hands and feet to move quickly on the roof.

"Pfft..." The shopkeeper who was following Li Guangquan wanted to make something up, but a dull gunshot sounded. His calf that stepped on the window sill felt pain, and he fell back into the room.

"Boom..." There was a violent explosion in the house, and the shock wave rushed open the door, causing Liu Zhenshan and the two who rushed to the door to take a blow and fall hard.

Fortunately, there were doors and walls that blocked the shrapnel and flying debris. The two were not injured. They reacted quickly, rushed into the house, and controlled the shop owner.

Li Guangquan fled to the roof of the building and successfully avoided the firepower on the street. Only one of Zheng Junshan's guns was aimed at him. Unfortunately, he missed several shots in a row, which allowed Li Guangquan to escape farther and farther away.

Lin Mo, who was hiding in the alley, heard the sound of stepping on tiles getting closer and closer. He gestured to the team members who brought him, and everyone hid quietly.

Li Guangquan climbed down from the roof quickly and nimbly, but he was right in the pockets of Lin Mo and others. Lin Mo flew forward, and Li Guangquan's feet were kicked away as soon as they landed.

The team members hiding around him swarmed forward and controlled Li Guangquan. The moment the light shone on Li Guangquan's face, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Several team members quickly stepped forward, searching the body, cutting off the collar, and checking the teeth. The division of labor was clear and the actions were quick.

After doing all this, the team members were about to tie up Li Guangquan and take him away, but Lin Mo stopped him, and everyone looked over in confusion.

Lin Mo did not explain, but said to Huang Haisheng beside him: "Old Huang, quickly go find some chicken feathers and ask for wing feathers."

"Yes..." Huang Haisheng responded and ran away quickly. After a while, the crow of a chicken came from the side. After a while, Huang Haisheng ran over with a lot of chicken feathers.

"Old Huang, you have plucked so many chicken feathers, right?"

Hearing this, Huang Haisheng smiled sheepishly and said awkwardly: "It is true that it is about to become a hairless chicken, but don't worry, young master, I have compensated the owner, enough for him to buy many new ones."

"Hmm..." Lin Mo nodded without saying anything more. He took the chicken hand, selected a few suitable ones, and asked the team members to open Li Guangquan's mouth and sweep Li Guangquan's throat with chicken feathers.

"Ugh, vomit, vomit..." Li Guangquan held it in for a while, but finally couldn't hold back his vomiting and started vomiting.

Looking at the ball of paper stained with gastric juice on the ground, although it was disgusting, Lin Mo felt that it might be of great value. Just as he was about to take action, another team member rushed to get it, and Lin Mo was so frightened that he quickly stopped him.

"The paper has been soaked. Don't use your hands. Wipe the surrounding area with a handkerchief first, and then use cotton gauze or the like to absorb the water before doing anything."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, the team members had handkerchiefs to contribute. If there was no cotton yarn, they cut open the old cotton-padded jackets they wore to dress up and took out the cotton.

"Old Huang, go find a book or some pieces of paper." After ordering Old Huang, Lin Mo continued to watch the team members clean up, giving guidance from time to time.

When Huang Haisheng found a book and a stack of paper, the team members had almost finished cleaning up. Lin Mo handed over the paper and asked the team members to shovel the things onto the paper.

"Now take the chicken feathers and slowly spread them out on the paper, making them as smooth as possible. Pay attention to using cotton to absorb the water."

After hearing this, the team members took the chicken feathers and handled them carefully bit by bit as Lin Mo said. It took nearly ten minutes to spread the paper ball again on the paper.

Lin Mo looked at it and found that although the paper was damaged and missing some parts, because it was written with pencil, the handwriting was preserved.

Lin Mo soaked up the water with cotton a few more times, then put the note together with the paper in the book and took it with him personally.

"Okay, let's close the team!" After Lin Mo finished speaking, everyone began to clean up and left quickly after a while.

When walking out, the team member who had just processed the note walked beside Lin Mo and asked: "Captain Lin, you are so powerful, you even know what is in the enemy's belly."

This player's name is He Changwen, and he is the player who has been asking Lin Mo questions today. He is in his early twenties, younger than Lin Mo, and can be regarded as the youngest player in the team.

Seeing that he was interested in learning, Lin Mo was not stingy and explained: "Don't think too hard, I can't see what's in his stomach, but when I caught him, he swallowed very quickly, and it didn't look like he was tired.

So I guessed that he might have swallowed something and scratched his throat or subconsciously wanted to digest the thing, speeding up the frequency of swallowing."

"Oh..." He Changwen nodded and bravely asked a few questions. Lin Mo patiently explained them one by one.

The group of people came to the street where the bookstore was located, which had been cordoned off by the police. They entered the bookstore, greeted Liu Zhenshan, and asked about the situation.

"As you might expect, the two men on Lao Zheng's side were indeed combatants, and they were extremely capable in combat. Before Lao Zheng could even touch him, they were discovered and beaten until they couldn't hold their heads up. Both Japanese spies were killed.

Yes, I didn’t go into details on the phone. We’ll talk about it when we get back.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Where Shi Baocun and Lao Zheng were, they had already led people to sneak in when the gunshot was fired. They quickly arrested the person as soon as the gunshot was fired, which went smoothly.

Here, the layout had not been completed when Lao Zheng fired the gun. Only me and another team member were in place. We had no choice but to take action. If Ying Long hadn't injured one person and left him in the room, both of them might have slipped out of my hands.


After speaking, Liu Zhenshan patted Wang Yinglong on the shoulder and said, "Well done!"

Seeing this, Lin Mo also said: "Ying Long, you performed really well this time, especially when you cooperated with me just now and controlled the heat very well!"

"Oh..." Liu Zhenshan was a little surprised when he heard this, and asked: "Yinglong, are you still cooperating with Lao Lin?"

"I can't say I was cooperating. I just saw where the young master was going before we started. I missed a few shots and drove the people towards the young master. Unexpectedly, he jumped directly into the young master's pocket."

Lin Mo listened and said with a smile: "Okay, we are all our own people, there is no need to be humble. There is no need to call me old master or young master. You have also joined the intelligence agency. Just call me the same as everyone else."

It’s a title of young master! It’s okay to call him when you need to hide your identity when you’re out and about, but it’s not appropriate to call him this in a formal setting.”

"I understand... Captain Lin..."

"Okay, okay, I don't care about these nonsense here. I screamed no matter what I did yesterday. Don't listen to Lao Lin. You did a good job this time. I'll give you credit."

"Thank you, Captain..."

Liu Zhenshan nodded, then suddenly turned to Lin Mo and asked, "Old Lin, you came back a little late! Did you encounter something?"

After hearing this, Lin Mo took out the notebook in his hand, opened the note and showed it to Liu Zhenshan.

"Telegram, hey! So this thing was taken to your side. I thought it was blown up by a grenade! But...why does it feel like it has been soaked?"

"It was swallowed..." Lin Mo told Liu Zhenshan the situation just now.

"It's really yours. You got it out of my stomach. If my prediction is true, this thing may be of great use."

After Liu Zhenshan finished speaking, a team member quickly came up from downstairs and said: "Captain, Captain Lin, the team leader is here to order us to take people away quickly."

Lin Mo and Liu Zhenshan looked at each other and knew something must have happened. Lin Mo quickly asked the team members: "What else did the team leader say?"

"The team leader also said that people and things can be taken away, but they must be taken away quickly, and all traces should be wiped out when leaving. Do not go back to the place, do not look for him, and do not use the telephone numbers around the base to contact him in the future.

There is still the remaining finishing work, Corey will send someone to take over, and if there are injured people left behind, Corey will take over and arrange them."

After hearing this, both Lin Mo and Lin Mo realized the seriousness of the problem and made arrangements quickly. Liu Zhenshan contacted the other two teams to evacuate quickly, while Lin Mo found Huang Haisheng and asked him to take the driver and leave quickly.

After doing this, the police were arranged to cordon off the place, and Lin Mo and his party quickly boarded the car and drove out in all directions and walked away separately.

In the car, Lin Mo felt a little uneasy and asked Liu Zhenshan: "Brother Liu, will something happen to my brother?"

"It must have happened, but you don't have to worry too much. It's not as bad as you think. Judging from the team leader's order, they may have been targeted and asked us to hide and coordinate in the dark."

"Yes..." Lin Mo stabilized his mind, responded affirmatively, and said: "There are two teams at my brother's place, and they can force my brother to issue such an order. Even if we go there, it won't have any effect.

In this case, we might as well continue our work and find more Japanese spies, because I don’t believe those guys have the slightest connection with other Japanese spies in Nanjing.”

"Yes! What we can do now is to hide in the dark and start from other directions to investigate the traces of these people.

Anyone whose whereabouts have not been revealed now will be the trump card. If one card is turned over, there will be one less card. We must not reveal our cards at this time."

The two reached an agreement on their ideas, determined the direction to follow, and began to discuss how to do it specifically.

However, after the discussion, the two encountered a problem. Now they have very few clues about Japanese spies, but these clues may not be useful for a while.

"Brother Liu, it seems we still have to meet and talk with my brother and the others, otherwise we won't be able to do this on our own!"

"Well... that's what I said, but the team leader and the others are being targeted after all. Isn't it too dangerous to still meet now?"

"No, the other party can't really keep an eye on my brother and the others all the time. It's not difficult to get rid of the other party for a period of time. But now that they've been targeted and let the other party grasp the situation, they can't do much if they get rid of it for a while, so

I didn’t choose to do this.”

Liu Zhenshan listened, thought carefully for a moment, and nodded.

"By the way, Captain, I was too hasty to evacuate just now and I forgot to ask you something. The bookstore owner was hit by a mine and seemed to be seriously injured! Is there no problem in taking him back?"

"Don't worry! He was on his feet at the time. I checked carefully. It's just some flesh wounds. He can be taken back and treated simply. He won't die."

"Oh..." Lin Mo and the two discussed other situations. The car had already arrived at the small courtyard and drove in.

Two cars have been parked in the courtyard. They were escorted back by Lin Mo and Shi Baocun. The other cars were arranged to be parked in other places so as not to attract too much attention. As for the team members, they came back alone.

"Captain, I think we need to change the license plate of the car. We can't all gather here. We should let some people disperse around. Some of the more than 40 men staying together are too eye-catching."

Hearing this, Liu Zhenshan nodded and said: "There is no problem with the license plate. Each car is equipped with a lot of spare license plates. I asked them to change them every once in a while and repaint them if necessary.

It's easy to disperse people. Just give them room and food expenses and let them team up to find a place to stay in the surrounding area."

After Liu Zhenshan finished speaking, before the two of them could talk in detail, Sha Ruhai came quickly and whispered in Liu Zhenshan's ear for a while.

After hearing this, Liu Zhenshan looked at Lin Mo with a smile and said: "Lin Mo, the team leader has given us an order to have a meeting at the training ground tomorrow evening. We don't need to worry about this matter.

Moreover, this order also shows that the situation on the team leader's side is fine, it's just that the other party is entangled, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Well..." Lin Mo nodded.

"Okay, Lao Lin, you are responsible for handling the suggestions you just made. When Lao Zheng and Shi Baocun come back, we will understand the details and results from them. I will deal with those three people and other matters."

"Okay..." Lin Mo responded, just as Shi Baocun came back with a few people, Lin Mo went up to greet him and stood aside with Shi Baocun.

After asking his men to put the things they brought back aside and leave, Shi Baocun reported on the operation. Indeed, as Liu Zhenshan said, the operation did not encounter any problems.

Because there was only one person in Li's house at the time, Shi Baocun and his men secretly sneaked into Li's house from the firewood pile of Li's house. Zheng Junshan's gunfire rang out, and Shi Baocun had already led his men outside the main hall where Li Xuewen was.

When gunshots were heard, Shi Baocun immediately rushed in with his men. Before Li Xuewen could react to resist, he knocked down the opponent and controlled him.

"By the way, Captain Lin, there is one more thing. There is a study room there, which is full of books. There may be hundreds of them. And I looked at them. Every book has traces of being read frequently. If the code book is hidden in those

In the book, it would be troublesome."

After hearing this, Lin Mo finally understood why Liu Zhenshan said that the note might be of great use. If the code book was really hidden in the pile of books, and there was no content on the note for comparison, he wanted to determine which book was the code book.

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even if Li Guangquan opens his mouth, there is no way to be sure whether it is true or false. If you believe it, you may be misled and take detours. If you don't believe it, you will have nothing to do with a lot of books.

This chapter has been completed!
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