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Chapter 483 Understand the situation

"Old Shi, don't worry about this. We have obtained the content sent by the other party. We will let the people in the telecommunications room compare it by themselves. Although it may take a lot of effort, it should not be a big problem to find out."

"That's good, that's good..." Shi Baocun breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I thought this time, the greatest credit was taken away from me!"

"Okay, let's talk about other harvests! Your arrest went well, you should be able to find a lot of things inside!"

"Well... we did find some things. In terms of money, we found half a box of small yellow croakers, which cost more than 20 yuan. There were also some scattered oceans and golden beans, which totaled about a thousand oceans.

I only have so much money, but I found some good things in the study and other rooms, but I don’t know how much they are worth.”

After saying that, Shi Baocun took a package from the side, opened the rolled scroll inside, and asked Shi Baocun to move it to the table.

"Captain Lin, these are the scrolls hanging all over the Li family. I thought they were quite old, so I asked them to collect them and see if they are worth anything."

When Lin Mo heard this, he opened several paintings in succession. Judging from the age of the painting paper, it was indeed quite old, but not all ancient paintings are valuable, especially in this era.

Seeing that Lin Mo was not very satisfied after flipping through several pictures, Shi Baocun couldn't help but asked: "Captain Lin, are these worthless, or are they fakes?"

"The paintings are real, and they are indeed a few years old, but they are all in Mandarin. They are worth more than a dozen or more oceans. They should be hung for decoration."

"Ah? That's right! I thought it was very valuable!" Shi Baocun shook his head in disappointment.

"I haven't finished reading it yet! Find it in the study or bedroom and show it to me. Generally speaking, good things are usually placed here."

"Okay..." Shi Baocun responded. He did not open the scroll, but looked through the scroll and found four or five paintings in a short time.

Lin Mo opened a few paintings and looked at them. They were indeed much better than the ones just now. He smiled and said: "Yes, these are paintings that belong to the collection. Each one should be worth more than the money you found."

"Captain Lin, can you teach me how to distinguish between high and low value?"

Hearing this, Lin Mo smiled bitterly and said: "I only know a little bit about it. According to my point of view, when you encounter these objects whose value is unclear, you should carefully collect them and bring them back to the knowledgeable people for appraisal. Anyway, there is no one who dares to lie to us.


After saying that, Lin Mo drew another picture and pointed: "But it doesn't hurt to understand it, I will use this picture to explain a few identification points to you.

You see there are many seals on the painting, as many as ten or twenty, which means that there are many people who appreciate and approve of this painting, so its value will not be too low.

Also, you can see that the mounting paper and painting scroll materials are of the highest quality, which means that the paintings inside are not too bad either.

In addition, you can also judge by whether there are inscriptions or poems on the paintings. Of course, these are the most basic and may not be accurate. Many people will use this method to deceive others."

While talking, Lin Mo looked through all the paintings. Except for the few that Shi Baocun picked out, the others were indeed sparse and ordinary.

“If you really want to learn to identify these things, it will take a long time of systematic study and accumulation of sufficient knowledge.

The method I just mentioned, to put it bluntly, is to identify the value of objects through other people’s attitudes towards the objects. The ones you just selected are the ones with the highest value."

"I understand Captain Lin, the more the other party values ​​it, the better and more private it is to keep the collection, the higher the value will be."

Lin Mo nodded and said: "This is the truth. Although it is not necessarily accurate, this operation is definitely not bad."

"Hmm..." Shi Baocun nodded, then brought over another box and opened it, which contained various stationery supplies.

"Captain Lin, I took these from the desk in the other party's study. They were still lying around, so I thought they might be valuable, so I brought them all."

"This is a paperweight, there are five sets..." As he said this, Shi Baocun took out the paperweights and handed them to Lin Mo one by one.

Paperweights are made of different materials, including wood, porcelain, and bamboo, and are engraved with patterns, poems, and other things.

"The three types of wood should be huanghuali, rosewood, and nanmu. They are of high value. The patterns and verses carved on the bamboo town are also very good, and the landscape paintings on the porcelain paper town are also very good.

Judging from the appearance alone, it is worth a lot of money. If it has some provenance or story, or if it was used by a famous person, the value will be even higher."

After saying that, Lin Mo didn't let Shi Baocun take it for him. He squatted down and observed other items. They were all stationery supplies, including inkstones, pen holders, pen washers, pen holders and other items, although Lin Mo didn't study much about them.

, but the value can be seen just from the material and craftsmanship.

"They are all good, and the price is not low. I will keep them well now and wait until I have time to find someone to estimate the value before I can sell them."

"Okay..." Shi Baocun nodded, asked the team members to come over and put the things away, and then asked: "Captain Lin, are you in such a hurry to go back today, did something happen?"

Lin Mo heard this and replied: "Something has indeed happened. The team leader should be watched. We need to hide our whereabouts and provide secret support."

While they were talking, Zheng Junshan also came back, along with Liu Dafu who was carrying a suitcase. He was the sniper who had just cooperated with Zheng Junshan.

Seeing that the person was back, Lin Mo said to Shi Baocun: "Old Shi, please give an order to the team members who are watching the car for me, asking them to change the license plate, and change it every few days.

In addition, some of the team members who have returned will be arranged to find places to eat and live in the surrounding areas to reduce the number of people in the yard. The funds will be paid out from the seizure first, and we cannot return to the place for the time being.

Also, remember to remind them that no one is allowed to go home or return to their own residence during this period, and they must live in seclusion and attract as little attention as possible to others.”

"Yes, I will arrange it right away..." Shi Baocun responded and retreated. Zheng Junshan sat down next to Lin Mo with some frustration and began to tell the story of his actions.

After the process was finished, Zheng Junshan couldn't help complaining: "Old Lin! You are so open-minded. You can say exactly the same thing. Those two guys are not only elite combatants, but I am sure they are from regular troops.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Let’s talk about the choice of residence! It’s a good defensive position, with a wide field of vision and not too many bunkers. As soon as he fired, he suppressed us directly.


He was shooting with a bolt-action rifle, which was fast and accurate, and his firepower was comparable to that of a machine gun. If Lao Liu hadn't killed one of them in advance, and the two of them had cooperated with each other, the losses would have been even greater."

After speaking, Zheng Junshan patted Liu Dafu on the shoulder and solemnly nodded his thanks.

"No, no, no, no..." Zheng Junshan's actions made Liu Dafu a little at a loss, and finally looked at Lin Mo helplessly.

"Okay, Lao Zheng, we are all brothers, so it's not right to be polite."

After saying that, Lin Mo looked at Liu Dafu again and said, "Old Liu, please tell me the situation!"

"Okay, young master..." Liu Dafu responded and said, "Wang Yougui and I followed Captain Zheng to the other side, and we each found sniper points. I was in the front, and Yougui was in the north.

Before Captain Zheng took action, there was nothing going on in the room, but when Captain Zheng and the others were halfway through, I suddenly found small shadows reflected on the window paper on both sides.

However, because the oil lamp lit inside was not very bright, I could only vaguely see the shadow of a person, but I was not sure. Fortunately, there was a long shadow extending to the middle of the window paper. The more I looked at the thing that stretched out,

The more it looks like a gun barrel.

The situation was urgent and I didn't have time to notify Captain Zheng and others, so I fired at a shadow to alert Captain Zheng.

The remaining person was so powerful. It was almost dark at that time, and I even installed a silencer and flame suppressor on my gun, but the other person found my position immediately and fired a bullet accurately. If not

If I pull away first, I will definitely not be able to come back.

After I changed my sniping point, the opponent had extinguished the oil lamp in the room. I could only identify the opponent's position through the gun flames, but the opponent's movements were too fast and there was no pattern, so I never found a chance to shoot. Master, I have embarrassed you..."

"Okay, okay..." Lin Mo waved his hand and said: "Don't belittle yourself. What you can do is enough. If the Japanese weren't so easy to deal with, wouldn't they have been kicked out by us long ago?

Judging from your description, the opponent should be an elite soldier selected from the Japanese Army. Japanese soldiers originally attach great importance to marksmanship training, and they are elite in the army. They have much more actual combat experience than you.

The fact that you can achieve this level is beyond my expectation. What you should do now is not to doubt yourself, but to think carefully about the gains and losses this time, learn lessons, and make up for the shortcomings."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Zheng Junshan also added: "Old Lin, you are right to the point. Seeing that there was no chance of catching anyone alive, I used a submachine pistol to suppress the two windows. I don't know if it was luck or something, but I just killed the two windows.

People are beaten into a sieve.

I went up and checked carefully, and I found that both of them should be over thirty years old. Excluding the time since they arrived in Nanjing, and considering that they joined the army when they were about twenty years old, they have been in the army for a long time, and they are considered veterans.

However, most of the characteristics of these two people have been covered up by the characteristics of doing hard work. Only through mental examination can we barely see the reason."

Lin Mo and Zheng Junshan sang a double act, and you talked to me to persuade Liu Dafu, who was a little depressed.

After Liu Dafu left, Zheng Junshan looked at his back and said to Lin Mo: "Old Lin, the person you found has great potential. He performed so well in the first battle. It's really unexpected.

It’s a pity that compared to the opponents, they are still lacking a lot, and there is no more time for them to grow up, so the effect they can have is limited!”

Hearing this, Lin Mo felt the same way, and replied with a wry smile: "There is no way! Our background is so different from that of the Japanese, we can only grow while fighting.

Forget it, let’s not talk about this, Lao Zheng, let’s talk about the casualties on your side in detail! The situation on your side is not optimistic, right?”

"Alas..." Zheng Junshan sighed and said helplessly: "It's better than before, but this time there are indeed casualties on my side. Fortunately, Lao Liu warned in time and no one died.

Three people were seriously injured this time. One of them was the first shot fired by the opponent, which was the team member who was following me. I pulled him out at that time, and the bullet penetrated the side of the waist. Fortunately, it was not fatal.

The remaining two team members were injured when they rushed forward to face the bullets. One was shot because he didn't hide his butt, and the other raised his body a little higher and was scratched with a long gash on his back by the bullet.

Neither of them injured the fatal part, but the blood flowed too much and they fainted. After the operation, they were sent to the hospital. The doctor said that their lives were not in danger, but they would need to recover for several months.

In addition to the three seriously injured people, three others suffered minor injuries. One had a piece of scalp near his ear wiped off by a bullet while observing with a probe.

There are two people left, one was bitten off a piece of flesh on his calf by a stray bullet, and the other was shot in the shoulder by a small piece of shrapnel. All three of them need to rest for a while."

Seeing that Zheng Junshan was a little depressed, Lin Mo changed the topic and asked: "Old Zheng, have you found any clues here? Especially the guns in the hands of the two of them."

Zheng Junshan listened and replied: "There are indeed discoveries, especially on the gun. Let me tell you about them one by one from the beginning!

The two people were dressed up really alike. Apart from two sets of quilts, a few clothes, a table and a few benches, there was nothing decent in the room. Even money was only found in a bunch of friends, and the valuable ones were just that.

Two guns and ammunition, so I focused on checking these two things.

Both rifles are Mauser rifles. They have been well maintained and are made in Germany. However, all the markings have been filed away and the origin of the batch cannot be traced.

I originally wanted to check the rifling, but after asking a knowledgeable brother to check it, I found that not only had the barrel been replaced, but the rifling of the barrel also had traces of modification, and there were traces of multiple modifications.

Liu Dafu looked at it later and said that the barrel was specially made, the rifling twist was very short, and the shooting could be very accurate. There were some wear marks on the shooting target, which should be left by adjustments for shooting long-distance targets.

As for the ammunition, it should also be specially made. Most of the shells have no markings on them, but there are more than a dozen rounds with several markings. I think there should be some clues in them, and this matter can be handed over to the intelligence people for investigation."

"Hmm..." Lin Mo nodded, and after thinking for a moment, he analyzed: "The purpose of removing the mark must be to prevent others from tracing the source of the gun.

As for changing the barrel, one purpose may be the same as grinding the mark, and the other purpose should be to improve the accuracy of the gun and increase the probability of success in some things.

There shouldn't be much that can be found in these two situations. On the contrary, the rifling modification is worthy of further investigation. First of all, the Japanese cannot just find a place to change the rifling.

Secondly, it is not necessary to send it back for modification. In this case, it is better to send a new gun! So they should have a place in Nanjing to modify the rifling, and the other party is worthy of their trust. If they can find out where it is, there may be other gains.

The unmarked ammunition must be to prevent being traced. As for the marked ammunition, Lao Zheng, are their quantities the same?"

"It's indeed the same..." After saying that, Zheng Junshan reacted and asked: "Isn't this something that hasn't been used yet?"

"There is a high probability that they are either planning to use it later or they have prepared it before but failed to use it. Their purpose of preparing such ammunition is either to frame someone up or to distance themselves from themselves, otherwise it would not be like this.

If they really used it, the remaining ammunition would definitely have to be destroyed, but even if they weren't destroyed, the quantity wouldn't be as neat as this."

"Indeed..." Lin Mo and Zheng Junshan exchanged some of their opinions. After Liu Zhenshan came over to report to Lin Mo, the three of them communicated again and took a rest after seeing that the time was about the same.

This chapter has been completed!
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